James Carville: "Young voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves."

"Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle" -Joe Biden

Do you want to guess who Joe thinks lives in that racial jungle? :laugh: :dance:
I don't care how Joe feels about it. You do so you can hide behind him like the coward racist that you and your people are. :laugh:
Some have far more P.T. Barnum in them than others... the Orange Baboon is a grand master in that narrow context.

So are you not entertained? Who said an American President has to be some stuffed-shirt shyster lawyer that walks like he has a stick up his butt and falls down stairs?

I swear, you folks lost what little sense of humor you had when Putin made Hillary lose in 2016. If I find what's left of your funny bone, I'll stick it in the mail to you, ok?
Economist/YouGov poll conducted on March 10-12 2024 reported some encouraging news for the Democrats. It found 55% of voters between 18 and 29 had a favourable opinion of Biden. In contrast 40% of the young had a favourable opinion of Trump.

The same poll on March 24-26 has only 38% favorable in that age group, and 56% unfavorable. Trump has even lower numbers with that group, but what's interesting is RFK's favorable and unfavorable is the lowest of all 3.

Young people might break for RFK as the least undesirable choice...

So are you not entertained? Who said an American President has to be some stuffed-shirt shyster lawyer that walks like he has a stick up his butt and falls down stairs?

I swear, you folks lost what little sense of humor you had when Putin made Hillary lose in 2016. If I find what's left of your funny bone, I'll stick it in the mail to you, ok?
We should vote for Trump because he's funny like a circus clown? That's your standard for President? :dunno: :laugh:
I don't care how Joe feels about it.

Of course you do, you're voting for him.

You do so you can hide behind him like the coward racist that you and your people are. :laugh:

Joe Biden said he doesn't want his white kids in the same room as your dirty ass. I would never vote for someone like that. Yet you think I'm the racist. You're so whipped it's sad.
Were you always a pussy racist or where you ever a proud boy? :dunno:

Oh lookie! There's Joe Biden holding hands with his BFF and Klan member Robert Byrd.

Do you suppose they played footsie with each other after that picture was taken? Or maybe sat around a burning cross, singing old Negro work songs and yukking it up?

I bet Trump is really jealous. He never got to hold hands with a racist Klan member.

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This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed.

Just stating the obvious
Of course you do, you're voting for him.
I'm voting for him for reasons that have nothing to do with his dumb and racist comments but you're such a weak racist that you have to cosplay otherwise just to feel bold enough to express your racism. How hilariously sad. :laugh:
Joe Biden said he doesn't want his white kids in the same room as your dirty ass. I would never vote for someone like that. Yet you think I'm the racist. You're so whipped it's sad.
I think you're racist for things that have nothing to do with Joe Biden's comments but you're too busy hiding behind to notice everyone can see you. :laugh:
Oh lookie! There's Joe Biden holding hands with his BFF and Klan member Robert Byrd.

Do you suppose they played footsie with each other after that picture was taken? Or maybe sat around a burning cross, singing old Negro work songs and yukking it up?

I bet Trump is really jealous. He never got to hold hands with a racist Klan member.

View attachment 926235

Curried Goats gets wet when he sees that picture.
Oh lookie! There's Joe Biden holding hands with his BFF and Klan member Robert Byrd.

Do you suppose they played footsie with each other after that picture was taken? Or maybe sat around a burning cross, singing old Negro work songs and yukking it up?

I bet Trump is really jealous. He never got to hold hands with a racist Klan member.

View attachment 926235
The former Klan member that went on to denounce the KKK? What's wrong with a former racist white being celebrated for allowing himself to be cuckolded? :dunno:
I'm voting for him for reasons that have nothing to do with his dumb and racist comments but you're such a weak racist that you have to cosplay otherwise just to feel bold enough to express your racism. How hilariously sad. :laugh:

I think you're racist for things that have nothing to do with Joe Biden's comments but you're too busy hiding behind to notice everyone can see you. :laugh:

Given that you think the guy wearing the KKK hood "isn't a racist", forgive me if I don't rely on your judgement to determine what is or is not racist.

In the meantime...

"You can't go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent" -Joe Biden :dance:
How big is a "drove"?

Do you think it will make the slightest bit of difference on November 5, 2024?

When the alternatives are a Senile Old Incumbent who still functions or a Going-Senile Old Has-Been who whines and cries?

You're deluding yourself if you think that Young People are going to vote for your Orange Baboon-God in any sizeable numbers.
They dont need to vote for Trump (though many will). All they have to do is not vote Biden this time and it becomes a landslide victory for Trump.
Given that you think the guy wearing the KKK hood "isn't a racist", forgive me if I don't rely on your judgement to determine what is or is not racist.

In the meantime...

"You can't go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent" -Joe Biden :dance:
More cosplay. Here's me saying he's a racist but as long as he's bowing his head and dismantling Confederate iconography he gets a pass for stupid costumes he wore as college kid. Why are you afraid to take on my real comments Marvin? Do I frighten you that much? :dunno: :laugh:

I didn't claim dressing up in a KKK costume and black face wasn't racist Marvin. That's you being too afraid to have real conversations again. :itsok:

I said I don't care about whatever racist attitudes he had in college if as an adult he's going to be a good little white ally and help dismantle the vestiges of Confederate iconography.
More cosplay. Here's me saying he's a racist but as long as he's bowing his head and dismantling Confederate iconography he gets a pass for stupid costumes he wore as college kid. Why are you afraid to take on my real comments Marvin? Do I frighten you that much? :dunno: :laugh:

"We were on the South's side in the Civil War" -Joe Biden :dance:
Which side are you on? From the looks of it, you and Joe are united.

The only '3rd Party' to get candidates on the ballots in all 50 states is the Libertoon Party, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Koch Bros. media conglomerates. The goal now for both Parties is just to lower turnout for the other Party's base of loons and sociopaths.
Another leftard lie. ^^^

The Koch brothers aren't libertarian, dumbass.

They're self interested RINO businessmen

I keep telling you, shut your ears.

You clowns pay way too much attention to what people say, and not enough to what they do.

Libtard border policy SUCKS. You're endangering every single American INCLUDING YOURSELF with that stupid shit.

The kids are smart. They know. You can't fool them
This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed.

I dont know why he is sad. The party that he belonged to doesnt even exist anymore. He is FAR closer politically to conservatives than progressives.
This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed.

Prayers up for
How big is a "drove"?

Do you think it will make the slightest bit of difference on November 5, 2024?

When the alternatives are a Senile Old Incumbent who still functions or a Going-Senile Old Has-Been who whines and cries?

You're deluding yourself if you think that Young People are going to vote for your Orange Baboon-God in any sizeable numbers.
Puerile people may surprise you. They know lying is a bad policy and so is constant harassing a straight shooter like DJT.

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