James Carville: "Young voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves."

Yes, you're the reason they got there. Your votes keep those KKK guys in power.
So now I'm solely responsible for my only viable political choices being Trump and Biden? :dunno:

The problem with cosplay Marvin is you have to play stupid. It's a weird choice you cosplayers make. :laugh:
I dont know why he is sad. The party that he belonged to doesnt even exist anymore. He is FAR closer politically to conservatives than progressives.
Depression is an undeserved disease. Prayers up for Mr. Carville. He' d be a good conservative if he didn't have longtime ties with the Clinton clan he served so well.

Maybe he will become more cheerful when and if he can cut the cord with the past.


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I dont know why he is sad. The party that he belonged to doesnt even exist anymore. He is FAR closer politically to conservatives than progressives.

Carville should have taken a hint from Leiberman and dropped out of the Democrat party years ago. He was just too stubborn or too idealistic, so now he's paying the price by alienating other Democrats.

How sad is that? I actually feel sorry for the guy.
I dont know why he is sad. The party that he belonged to doesnt even exist anymore. He is FAR closer politically to conservatives than progressives.

He's closer to the Sam Rayburns and Wright Patmans that used to dominate the Party; the Watergate Babies pushed them out and sold out to the technocrats. Thee 'super delegate rules' in the early 1980's made it a top down club ever since. It's not even a Party any more, it's a crime syndicate.
Carville should have taken a hint from Leiberman and dropped out of the Democrat party years ago. He was just too stubborn or too idealistic, so now he's paying the price by alienating other Democrats.

How sad is that? I actually feel sorry for the guy.

If he hadn't been such a Clinton fag I would like him a little better.
This whole "threat to democracy" narrative amuses me, Kondor! We had Trump for four years. I'm sorry but he didn't use his Justice Department to go after his political opponents. He didn't use the IRS to go after his political opponents. He didn't use government to censor his political opponents. Those were ALL things that WERE done by the Obama Administration and now by the Biden Administration! THAT is a threat to democracy!
I agree that both the Obama and Biden Administrations went overboard.

But you must realize that the DoJ has been chasing after Rump because of what he did in the past, not what he's doing now.

What was that old line out of that 1970s TV show "Barretta?"...., "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."
The young ones I know vote for Dems because they protect trans rights unlike the Republicans that seek to deny them the right to exist.

Not surprised you only know sexual deviants and perverts into sexual mutilations.
This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed.

Why are we supposed to care about what Clinton's crusty old strategist thinks?
They will likely vote for a lot worse; the GOP dream to force people to work for 5 cents an hour and work 14 hours days 7 days a week and get rich selling each other Apple stock tax free isn't a big draw either.
No one is advocating for what you refer to as the GOP dream. What is idiotic is advocating for working fewer hours for the same pay!
Know this, with no Democrat concocted anomalies you really have no pathway to a victory.
November 5, 2024,is a very long way off, as the collective American political mind-hive measures time. Doubtful.
You supposedly won by 6 million votes last cycle with a Dem/China made virus, a George Floyd incident pushed by the MSM and social media, a national mail-in-ballot scam and without the crypt keepers record fucking you in the ass.
Ahhhhh... there we go... echoing your master's Big Lie AND articulation of the highest order (for a MAGAtt, anyway).
You’re out of bullshit to bail you out…hahaha…you are so fucked.
Get ready for a non-stop bitch-slapping from the Orange Man….hahahaha
Wake me up on the morning of November 6, 2024, boy.
Young voters, blacks, Hispanics, suburban women, and union members are all bailing on your Vegetable Messiah, Simp. Must suck to worship a turnip.
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried... oh, and, get a new buzz-word synonymous with "simp"... it's gone stale.
If Trump is such a "bad" candidate, why do thousands of enthusiastic supporters show up at his rallies? He really was a much better President than the idiot we now have.
Apparently, magaturds have short attention spans and must be entertained 24/7. :rolleyes: That's kinda, pathetic, no?
So are you not entertained?
Oh, absolutely... dinner AND a show...

It's just that some of us outside MAGA are smart enough to watch his actions, not the shiny baubles he dangles before you.

Who said an American President has to be some stuffed-shirt shyster lawyer that walks like he has a stick up his butt and falls down stairs?
Nobody. It's better if he's thoughtful and articulate and funny and civil... which kinda-sorta rules out your Orange Baboon.
I swear, you folks lost what little sense of humor you had when Putin made Hillary lose in 2016. If I find what's left of your funny bone, I'll stick it in the mail to you, ok?
The "funny bone" is still there... alive and kickin'... very publicly visible every time Trump sticks his foot in his mouth... :auiqs.jpg:

The daily White House morning press conferences to clean up his overnight tweet-mess was Breakfast-
AND-a-Show. :cool:
It's not that the democrat party has become to radical, it's the democrat party's radicals have competing interest. Hamas wing vs Jew wing, inner city blacks vs illegal invaders, feminists vs transgenders...IMO the Hamas protesting against Biden has given an opening for young people to openly criticizes the party for other reasons. The Hamas protesting also will make some big celebs think twice about campaigning out of fear of the protesters going after them.
Also dems talking points about TRUMP all fail because the majority of people remember being better off during TRUMP's time in office.
/——/ Ya can’t appease everyone.

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