James Carville: "Young voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves."

Me? I'm not deluding myself at all. I have zero party loyalty. I am looking at either writing-in Haley or voting for RFK.

I voted for Old Joe last time but I'm having a great deal of difficulty with the idea of repeating that mistake.

And I'd rather vote for a fence post than vote for the Orange Baboon... a grifter, autocrat and modern-day Benedict Arnold.

RFK, Jr. just said Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Trump.

He's right.

She correctly called him a racist, too. Then started working for him. You and she have a LOT in common. :dance: LOL!
Yeah. We both are in favor of pushing around weak old whites to our advantage. You soft whites being raised in generations of defeat wouldn't know anything about that. You're pretending a Joe Biden victory is a win for the culture of white supremacy because pretend is all you losers really have left. :laugh:
So you give some blatant racists a pass.

Got it. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
A pass? I deal with political reality and vote for who I think think is the least racist white if those are the only options available to me. You pretend it's something more than that because you're afraid to actually address me. Getting all dressed up to fight strawmen isn't impressive to me cosplayers. :laugh:
I'm not voting for either.
Democrat voter suppression. LOL!!

Democrats spar over registration as worries over young and minority voters grow​

A confidential memo circulated among top Democratic donors has sparked a furious debate in Democratic circles about whether to narrow the focus of voter registration efforts to avoid signing up likely Republicans.
Democrat voter suppression. LOL!!

Democrats spar over registration as worries over young and minority voters grow​

A confidential memo circulated among top Democratic donors has sparked a furious debate in Democratic circles about whether to narrow the focus of voter registration efforts to avoid signing up likely Republicans.
Why are you posting this to me?
Liberals have only one hope for November. This is the card they are playing:

---With abortion on the ballot, Biden and Democrats give Florida another look---

Many youngsters see through the veil and are old enough to see what their Grandfathers have / Had ( Kinda like the Young Neighbor In Gran Torino )
Their grandfather's didn't have anything handed to them like some of this generation expects. If they think Trump & his party are going to do it for them they're in for a rude awakening.
No they're not. They're protesting Bidens support for Israel.

And if you think that's a good thing for your side. Let me repeat that.

Thoe young people aren't joining Republicans. They hate their guts even more now, than they did in 2020.

They now just hate Israel as much.

Let that rattle around in that empty space for awhile.
Too bad they can't see that
The current younger generations are bankrupt before they get their first job. We spent their money and stuck them with the debt.

The younger generation has been totally F'ed over by government. They have no idea. Enslaved to a $35 trillion dollar debt, out of control inflation and multi trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. The party is over, we have reached the end stage where the only way to maintain this house of cards for a while longer is to seriously screw over the current younger generations.

Already they can't afford to buy a house. An education cost what a house used to cost. Government is saying they will have to work until they are 70 and most will die before they collect one cent of a defunct Social Security that steals 16% of their wages.

When I was their age Democrats were robbing me blind, but I still had an opportunity to escape the Dem plantation and become wealthy.
You may be wealthy but you're just as morally bankrupt as Trump is for supporting him.

But go ahead, put the sexual predator back in the W.H. if it makes you feel better.
Carve the Crypt Keeper hasn’t been relevant in two decades
And if they do vote Prog, the decline will continue. Guaranteed.

The decline isn't in R & D voting so much as it's the decline in decent candidates.
The left has gone completely old and stupid. The right has moved so far left that republican voters don't even know what's "right of center" anymore.

It's like voting for a turd sandwich or a shit sandwich.
This is pretty shocking coming from James Carville, one of the Democrat party's most prominent strategist. He sees the handwriting on the wall, and what he sees makes him depressed.

And many young voters are joining the Democrat party. I know several Republicans switching over to the Democrats because they are sick of what the Republicans are doing.

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