James Comey defends Strzok, disputes 'treason' accusation in fiery op-ed: 'Dumb lies

I get the feeling the top of the FBI got too big for its britches.

Really? Seems to me that the FBI has always been this ungainly beast that's been asked to do political stuff... all the way back to when FDR used to gather gossip from J. Edgar Hoover.

Here's the real problem. Our system can't deal with a Mad Emperor...

Everyone knows he's mad and unfit for office, but they can't bring themselves to use the constitutional mechanisms to remove him. They want to just leave it to the voters and hope that he actually leaves when voted out of office.
OMG...leave it to the voters? You just spoke of that like it's an imposition on the nation, Joey! God forbid that we let the voters decide!

Your problem is that the voters HAVE decided...and that's why Trump is sitting in the Oval Office. You don't want the result of the election so you're calling for the ousting of Trump because he's "mad"! Trump isn't mad...he just isn't Hillary and that makes YOU mad!
I get the feeling the top of the FBI got too big for its britches.

Really? Seems to me that the FBI has always been this ungainly beast that's been asked to do political stuff... all the way back to when FDR used to gather gossip from J. Edgar Hoover.

Here's the real problem. Our system can't deal with a Mad Emperor...

Everyone knows he's mad and unfit for office, but they can't bring themselves to use the constitutional mechanisms to remove him. They want to just leave it to the voters and hope that he actually leaves when voted out of office.

No, you had Hoover and now Comey, I don't remember any of them the past 40 or so years
The soft coup failed. Those that were engaged are being investigated. Trump will win reelection if the economy keeps cruising.

1) The economy won't keep cruising. It's already starting to stall out.
2) Trump's increasing insanity is going to be hard for even Republicans to ignore.
3) You can try to have all the phony investigations of the FBI doing its job all you want, but the fact is, any FBI director given the same set of facts would have done the same thing. Are you going to prosecute Rosenstein and Sessions as well?

Lol that would of said Hillary was under investigation, not under investigation, under investigation right before an election? Comey is an egotistical attention whore and he is just a lousy lawyer, At least Hoover held a badge
The white house is investigating the previous admin spying. Doubtful on the economy stalling yet. There will be a correction in a couple of years but not yet. We do know there was no evidence on russia russia collusion with trump but the previous admin has some answering to do. You do want to find out right?

Actually, the economy is slowing down now... By next year, we'll be in full fledged recessions and Trump is done!

And we know everything that we need to know about Trump's criminality. Mueller came out and pretty much said so yesterday.
Lol that would of said Hillary was under investigation, not under investigation, under investigation right before an election? Comey is an egotistical attention whore and he is just a lousy lawyer, At least Hoover held a badge

But here's the problem. If Comey was truly part of a "Deep State" conspiracy, he'd have told us all about Trump's dealings with the Russians and hid the Email stuff until after the election.

Instead, he did exactly the opposite.
OMG...leave it to the voters? You just spoke of that like it's an imposition on the nation, Joey! God forbid that we let the voters decide!

Your problem is that the voters HAVE decided...and that's why Trump is sitting in the Oval Office.

No. the voters wanted Hillary.. by 3 million votes...

The voters were ignored by the Electoral Anachronism.
The white house is investigating the previous admin spying. Doubtful on the economy stalling yet. There will be a correction in a couple of years but not yet. We do know there was no evidence on russia russia collusion with trump but the previous admin has some answering to do. You do want to find out right?

Actually, the economy is slowing down now... By next year, we'll be in full fledged recessions and Trump is done!

And we know everything that we need to know about Trump's criminality. Mueller came out and pretty much said so yesterday.

We actually know that he was guilty of nothing and more than likely he'll be reelected. Libs will have to howl at the sky again. They're already rabid. I expect them to become even more violent after Trump gets reelected.
OMG...leave it to the voters? You just spoke of that like it's an imposition on the nation, Joey! God forbid that we let the voters decide!

Your problem is that the voters HAVE decided...and that's why Trump is sitting in the Oval Office.

No. the voters wanted Hillary.. by 3 million votes...

The voters were ignored by the Electoral Anachronism.
That's 3 million illegal alien and other fraudulent votes combined.
I get the feeling the top of the FBI got too big for its britches.

Really? Seems to me that the FBI has always been this ungainly beast that's been asked to do political stuff... all the way back to when FDR used to gather gossip from J. Edgar Hoover.

Here's the real problem. Our system can't deal with a Mad Emperor...

Everyone knows he's mad and unfit for office, but they can't bring themselves to use the constitutional mechanisms to remove him. They want to just leave it to the voters and hope that he actually leaves when voted out of office.
I don't like Trump-I did not like Reagan-but neither was unfit for office. When Reagan open miked "we are going to bomb the Soviet Union in 5 minutes", did anybody try to remove him? No. Same here. If someone better than Trump is offered, vote for them. I suggest Howard Schultz.
The guy who let's people do Heroin in Starbucks?
I don't think he manages THAT store, but more importantly, they help pay for college and healthcare-so you and I don't have to pay for them.
OMG...leave it to the voters? You just spoke of that like it's an imposition on the nation, Joey! God forbid that we let the voters decide!

Your problem is that the voters HAVE decided...and that's why Trump is sitting in the Oval Office.

No. the voters wanted Hillary.. by 3 million votes...

The voters were ignored by the Electoral Anachronism.
We decide our elections by use of the Electoral College. We have for a LONG...LONG...time! People plan their campaigns knowing this. They don't prepare them to win the popular vote...they prepare them to win electoral votes! Trump ran a far superior campaign to Clinton. He won electoral college votes where he needed to. She didn't. The voters spoke and Trump is our President. You seem to have a problem coping with that.
We actually know that he was guilty of nothing and more than likely he'll be reelected. Libs will have to howl at the sky again. They're already rabid. I expect them to become even more violent after Trump gets reelected.

He wasn't elected to start with... The people said "No". They said "No" a little louder in the midterms.

Oh, Yesterday we found out that we had to put a Tarp over the name of the USS John S. McCain so the name of the ship wouldn't make Trump Nuts if he saw it.... yup, this is the kind of world we are living in.

A whole bunch of Americans who voted for third parties or stayed home in 2016 are going to say, "We can't fuck this up a second time!"
We decide our elections by use of the Electoral College. We have for a LONG...LONG...time! People plan their campaigns knowing this. They don't prepare them to win the popular vote...

Blah, blah, blah... we've only had 4 instances where the EC didn't do what the popular vote said to do... and before 2000, it hadn't happened for such a long time, most people forgot the EC was a thing.

Point was, the people said "No".

Trump ran a far superior campaign to Clinton. He won electoral college votes where he needed to. She didn't.

More along the lines, most people just assumed that she'd win and didn't make an effort. Oh, yeah, and Russian hacking.... let's not forget that.

So the Russians hack an archaic system, the government doesn't really want to fully admit that it had been hacked, but they hope they can correct the mistake in another way. Trump didn't so much win as he was "allowed to happen".

The voters spoke and Trump is our President. You seem to have a problem coping with that.

Yeah, because what the voters said and what happened were two different things. Oh, and Trump likes to cover up names of ships because someone with the same name said bad stuff about him once. Then we are getting into Giaus Caligula territory here.
We decide our elections by use of the Electoral College. We have for a LONG...LONG...time! People plan their campaigns knowing this. They don't prepare them to win the popular vote...

Blah, blah, blah... we've only had 4 instances where the EC didn't do what the popular vote said to do... and before 2000, it hadn't happened for such a long time, most people forgot the EC was a thing.

Point was, the people said "No".

Trump ran a far superior campaign to Clinton. He won electoral college votes where he needed to. She didn't.

More along the lines, most people just assumed that she'd win and didn't make an effort. Oh, yeah, and Russian hacking.... let's not forget that.

So the Russians hack an archaic system, the government doesn't really want to fully admit that it had been hacked, but they hope they can correct the mistake in another way. Trump didn't so much win as he was "allowed to happen".

The voters spoke and Trump is our President. You seem to have a problem coping with that.

Yeah, because what the voters said and what happened were two different things. Oh, and Trump likes to cover up names of ships because someone with the same name said bad stuff about him once. Then we are getting into Giaus Caligula territory here.

Oh, for God's sake! You're STILL trying to claim that the Russians hacked our election? Come on, Joey...wake up and smell the coffee! That train left the station a year ago! The Russians attempted to influence our election through the manipulation of social media...they didn't hack the voting process!
Let a fucking loser like JoeB explain this. He won't. He will obfuscate to bullshit.

He, is a typical fucking loser.
We actually know that he was guilty of nothing and more than likely he'll be reelected. Libs will have to howl at the sky again. They're already rabid. I expect them to become even more violent after Trump gets reelected.

He wasn't elected to start with... The people said "No". They said "No" a little louder in the midterms.

Oh, Yesterday we found out that we had to put a Tarp over the name of the USS John S. McCain so the name of the ship wouldn't make Trump Nuts if he saw it.... yup, this is the kind of world we are living in.

A whole bunch of Americans who voted for third parties or stayed home in 2016 are going to say, "We can't fuck this up a second time!"

No, Trump was reelected. You've outed yourself though with the radical rabid libs. Oh and Trump had nothing to do with the Mccain. It will take a while to remove the stain that occupied the white house before trump. That was the true travesty .
Oh, for God's sake! You're STILL trying to claim that the Russians hacked our election? Come on, Joey...wake up and smell the coffee! That train left the station a year ago! The Russians attempted to influence our election through the manipulation of social media...they didn't hack the voting process!

1) Do you really beleive the government would tell us if they did?
2) They didn't attempt, they succeeded.
3) How do we know they didn't hack the process? PA doesn't even have paper ballots, so there's no way to verify if it was hacked or not.
No, Trump was reelected. You've outed yourself though with the radical rabid libs. Oh and Trump had nothing to do with the Mccain. It will take a while to remove the stain that occupied the white house before trump. That was the true travesty .

Yes, I know the scary black man scared you and all.

So let's review what happened with the McCain. They found out it would still be in port when Trump showed up. They couldn't send it out to sea, they were still fixing it. The last thing they wanted was the Man Child in the White House to see the name and be triggered into a tasteless rant about how that guy totally doesn't need a ship named after him, so they threw a tarp over the name and hid the sailors like red-headed stepchildren.

This is the level of crazy we live with.
"There was no corruption. There was no treason. There was no attempted coup. Those are lies, and dumb lies at that. There were just good people trying to figure out what was true, under unprecedented circumstances,"

You fucking dimwits
Oh, for God's sake! You're STILL trying to claim that the Russians hacked our election? Come on, Joey...wake up and smell the coffee! That train left the station a year ago! The Russians attempted to influence our election through the manipulation of social media...they didn't hack the voting process!

1) Do you really beleive the government would tell us if they did?
2) They didn't attempt, they succeeded.
3) How do we know they didn't hack the process? PA doesn't even have paper ballots, so there's no way to verify if it was hacked or not.

If you have even a little evidence that Russia hacked our election itself...then present it! The reason any intelligent person knows that it doesn't exist is that if it DID...then it would be on CNN and MSNBC on a never ending loop...playing 24/7 while they called for a new election!

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