James Comey defends Strzok, disputes 'treason' accusation in fiery op-ed: 'Dumb lies

Was the FISA court informed that the dossiers were paid for by the Clinton campaign? Yes or no?

The court was informed that it was a political document. You want to bring irrelevancies into the discussion.

You don't think that it would have been "relevant" for the FISA court to know that Hillary Clinton's campaign PAID for those documents? Quite frankly, Busy B...I can't think of much that would be MORE relevant than that fact!
The reason that Steele was pushing so hard to get that narrative released BEFORE the election is that he was paid to smear Trump BEFORE the election!

He was not paid to smear Trump. He was hired to investigate Trump and became concerned over what he was finding out.

Bullshit! He was hired by Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS to put together phony dossiers about Trump and then provide them to select liberal media outlets right before the election.
Let's talk about Loretta Lynch recusing herself, Busy B! Why would the Attorney General of the United States recuse themselves from a decision of that magnitude? Why would she leave whether Clinton should be prosecuted or not up to James Comey? That isn't the way things are done! The FBI investigates and the DOJ decides whether or not to prosecute. Why is it that just days after meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona that Lynch recused herself?

There was no evidence it was anything but a chance meeting. However Lynch decided to accept the FBI decision.

"Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges related to Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, a Justice Department official said."

AG Loretta Lynch recuses herself from Hillary FBI case. - Discussionist
You don't really believe it was a chance meeting and they were discussing the grandkids, but you think you can convince others it was??? How insulting.

I don't see any evidence that it wasn't. It really doesn't matter.

Kindly explain how you have a "chance meeting" when you're flying on one plane and someone else is flying on another? A meeting where your staff departs the plane and it's just you, your husband and Bill Clinton having a private discussion? A meeting where one of Lynch's aides was prevented from going back onto the plane by security? Now why do you think a discussion about "grand kids" needed that kind of privacy, Busy B?

That is innuendo and not fact. I can see how 2 people who know each other might want to talk away from any staff.

Once again...Lynch and Clinton didn't know each other socially! Lynch testified to that under oath. So why would a sitting US Attorney General hold a meeting with the husband of someone she's about to make a ruling on over whether to indict or not? To talk about grandkids and golf? That's such a bad story it's laughable! I don't think Slick Willie could give two shits about his grandkids at that point in the campaign! Hillary was in trouble. She'd been running her little pay for pay scheme at State through her two private servers and now Congress knew about it and that she'd lied to them about turning over all relevant materials related to Benghazi! She'd broken the law and now she'd been exposed! She could literally be charged with a felony just before the election was taking place! Bill was there to make a deal. Anyone who thinks different has their head buried in the sand!
The memo is already discredited.

"The Democrats don’t need classified information to impeach the Nunes memo. The Nunes memo is the best evidence that the DOJ didn’t mislead the FISA court, but rather, that the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee have tried to mislead the American people.

The Nunes memo is significant not for what it said but for what it left out, namely, the identification of any inaccurate facts in the wiretap application about Page’s activities, including his meetings with Russian officials."

Democrats don’t need to discredit Nunes memo — The memo does that itself

Unlike YOU, I do not have to attempt to discredit a source because I can not debunk what that source is reporting.

I have already debunked Politico's false claim by posting links to:

Department of Justice (DOJ) official Bruce Ohr's testimony under oath during which he testified Obama's '4-Horsemen' were informed Steele was discredited / untrustworthy and that the Dossier was proven unverified and unreliable, but they illegally used the information to commit FISA Court Abuses anyway.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec's testimony making it clear how she filed a report making it clear to Obama's '4 Horsemen' that Steel lied to her during an interview.

"Her observations were recorded exactly 10 days before the FBI used Steele and his infamous dossier to justify securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page and the campaign’s contacts with Russia in search of a now debunked collusion theory."
-- FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA

Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe's testimony under oath clearly stating if not for the Dossier they would not have gotten a warrant to spy on Carter page.

...and these are just 3 of the many links / witness testimonies that have been recorded under oath and reported continually debunking the criminals', their defenders', and the faux news' claims...but keep trying, snowflake.

Or better yet, we can wait on the US IG's soon-to-be-released report on his investigation into the FISA Court abuses......

Now, again, back to the thread topic of desperate Comey pleading his already-debunked case and that of his flunky Strzok to anyone / snowflake who will listen....

It is not a false claim. Devin Nunes memo was garbage and was debunked..

The memo itself admits the investigation started in July 2016 which was before anyone had seen the dossier.

Steele passed on information that "A leading Russian diplomat, Mikhail KULAGIN, had been withdrawn from Washington at short notice because Moscow feared his heavy involvement in the US presidential election operation… would be exposed in the media there."

He did misspell the name, "But sources I know and trust have told me the US government identified Kalugin as a spy while he was still at the embassy.

It is not clear if the American intelligence agencies already believed this when they got Steele's report on the "diplomat", as early as May 2016.

But it is a judgment they made using their own methods, outside the dossier.

A retired member of a US intelligence agency told me that Kalugin was being kept under surveillance before he left the US. "

Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified'

It does prove that Steele was a credible source and also that report had already been verified independently by the FBI/CIA.

"Further casting doubt on the reliability of the document, both The Daily Beast and the Wall Street Journal reported that although the memo claims that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testified before the House Intelligence Committee in December 2017 that the dossier was crucial to the FISA warrant application, officials told reporters for both publications this information was false and that McCabe (who stepped down from his FBI post days before the memo was made public) had testified he didn’t know how reliant the warrant application was on the dossier."

There goes McCabe as your source. You use either outright lies or selectively use quotes to paraphrase your beliefs. There are many sources who use the same tactics that you can claim as a source.
The reason that Steele was pushing so hard to get that narrative released BEFORE the election is that he was paid to smear Trump BEFORE the election!

He was not paid to smear Trump. He was hired to investigate Trump and became concerned over what he was finding out.

Bullshit! He was hired by Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS to put together phony dossiers about Trump and then provide them to select liberal media outlets right before the election.

He was not hired to put together a phony dossier. The dossier consists of parts that are verified and unverified. The fact that the Russians have continued to help Trump and the Republicans shows who's side Putin is on.
There was no evidence it was anything but a chance meeting. However Lynch decided to accept the FBI decision.

"Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges related to Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, a Justice Department official said."

AG Loretta Lynch recuses herself from Hillary FBI case. - Discussionist
You don't really believe it was a chance meeting and they were discussing the grandkids, but you think you can convince others it was??? How insulting.

I don't see any evidence that it wasn't. It really doesn't matter.
Yes, it matters. They're corrupt. Corruption in our government matters. Common sense.

Trump is proving that. He is as corrupt as they come.
Oh, for sure. Your mind is what is corrupt.

You wish you corrupt bastard.
You don't really believe it was a chance meeting and they were discussing the grandkids, but you think you can convince others it was??? How insulting.

I don't see any evidence that it wasn't. It really doesn't matter.
Yes, it matters. They're corrupt. Corruption in our government matters. Common sense.

Trump is proving that. He is as corrupt as they come.
Oh, for sure. Your mind is what is corrupt.

You wish you corrupt bastard.
Oh, for sure. People that respect our Constitution and laws are corrupt, huh. You don't understand the definition of the word. Idiot.
So you say. When was he charged?

And OJ was set free, baby killing is legal, Bill and Lynch colluded on the plane, so what is your point again ?


So you say. Again you have no proof of any collusion between Lynch and Clinton.

The only proof you would take is another embarrassing Starr report to shove your nose in it again.


You have your nose and the rest of your face so stuck up Trump's ass that you wouldn't recognize facts if it hit you in the face. You are a partisan hack.

LMFAO, I am supporting a Democrat Tulsi for president, you are so blinded by Bill and Hillary's corruption over the years you don't want to hear the truth.


Sorry I voted for neither. However if it was Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump, I probably would have held my nose and voted for Clinton. You are the one who is not interested in truth.

The same one who is pals with Assad who is backed by Iran and Russia. Figures.
And OJ was set free, baby killing is legal, Bill and Lynch colluded on the plane, so what is your point again ?


So you say. Again you have no proof of any collusion between Lynch and Clinton.

The only proof you would take is another embarrassing Starr report to shove your nose in it again.


You have your nose and the rest of your face so stuck up Trump's ass that you wouldn't recognize facts if it hit you in the face. You are a partisan hack.

LMFAO, I am supporting a Democrat Tulsi for president, you are so blinded by Bill and Hillary's corruption over the years you don't want to hear the truth.


Sorry I voted for neither. However if it was Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump, I probably would have held my nose and voted for Clinton. You are the one who is not interested in truth.

The same one who is pals with Assad who is backed by Iran and Russia. Figures.

What the hell does that have to do with your ignorant post?

There was no evidence it was anything but a chance meeting. However Lynch decided to accept the FBI decision.

"Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges related to Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, a Justice Department official said."

AG Loretta Lynch recuses herself from Hillary FBI case. - Discussionist
You don't really believe it was a chance meeting and they were discussing the grandkids, but you think you can convince others it was??? How insulting.

I don't see any evidence that it wasn't. It really doesn't matter.

Kindly explain how you have a "chance meeting" when you're flying on one plane and someone else is flying on another? A meeting where your staff departs the plane and it's just you, your husband and Bill Clinton having a private discussion? A meeting where one of Lynch's aides was prevented from going back onto the plane by security? Now why do you think a discussion about "grand kids" needed that kind of privacy, Busy B?

That is innuendo and not fact. I can see how 2 people who know each other might want to talk away from any staff.

According to Lynch's testimony, Busy B...she and Clinton didn't know each other socially. So why would two people who don't know each other socially suddenly feel the need to discuss their "grandchildren" with their staff removed from the area? Why would a member of Lynch's staff be prevented from interrupting a discussion about "grandchildren"? Does that even come CLOSE to passing the smell test with you?

It all comes down to proof. You have provided no proof of this. If you want to play "what if" then would it have been done so obviously. There is something called a telephone that they could have used and no one would have been the wiser.
I don't see any evidence that it wasn't. It really doesn't matter.
Yes, it matters. They're corrupt. Corruption in our government matters. Common sense.

Trump is proving that. He is as corrupt as they come.
Oh, for sure. Your mind is what is corrupt.

You wish you corrupt bastard.
Oh, for sure. People that respect our Constitution and laws are corrupt, huh. You don't understand the definition of the word. Idiot.

Trump and his supporters like you do not believe in the Constitution. You are only interested in power and are uninterested in the checks and balances provided in the Constitution.
So you say. Again you have no proof of any collusion between Lynch and Clinton.

The only proof you would take is another embarrassing Starr report to shove your nose in it again.


You have your nose and the rest of your face so stuck up Trump's ass that you wouldn't recognize facts if it hit you in the face. You are a partisan hack.

LMFAO, I am supporting a Democrat Tulsi for president, you are so blinded by Bill and Hillary's corruption over the years you don't want to hear the truth.


Sorry I voted for neither. However if it was Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump, I probably would have held my nose and voted for Clinton. You are the one who is not interested in truth.

The same one who is pals with Assad who is backed by Iran and Russia. Figures.

What the hell does that have to do with your ignorant post?


You are the one who is ignorant. We don't need another pro-Russia President.
Yes, it matters. They're corrupt. Corruption in our government matters. Common sense.

Trump is proving that. He is as corrupt as they come.
Oh, for sure. Your mind is what is corrupt.

You wish you corrupt bastard.
Oh, for sure. People that respect our Constitution and laws are corrupt, huh. You don't understand the definition of the word. Idiot.

Trump and his supporters like you do not believe in the Constitution. You are only interested in power and are uninterested in the checks and balances provided in the Constitution.
Oh, bullshit. You don't have a clue to what the Constitution states. Give us one example of my corruption. Go ahead.
The only proof you would take is another embarrassing Starr report to shove your nose in it again.


You have your nose and the rest of your face so stuck up Trump's ass that you wouldn't recognize facts if it hit you in the face. You are a partisan hack.

LMFAO, I am supporting a Democrat Tulsi for president, you are so blinded by Bill and Hillary's corruption over the years you don't want to hear the truth.


Sorry I voted for neither. However if it was Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump, I probably would have held my nose and voted for Clinton. You are the one who is not interested in truth.

The same one who is pals with Assad who is backed by Iran and Russia. Figures.

What the hell does that have to do with your ignorant post?


You are the one who is ignorant. We don't need another pro-Russia President.
Oh, so you think we should be enemies. What should we do to Russia?
It is not a false claim. Devin Nunes memo was garbage and was debunked..

1. Comey is a fired former Director of the FBI who ADMITTEDLY leaked classified information to a friend with the intent of that friend leaking the information to the news, it getting reported, and an investigation would be opened up on his own President.
-- Comey had neither the evidence or BALLS to take his concerns about Trump to Congress himself.

2. The US IG already released a report specifically stating how Comey, McCabe, and other top FBI members abandoned standard FBI investigation rules / procedures and handled both the Hillary and Trump 'investigations' very differently than they did with other investigations. Sally Yates testified under oath that the initial FISA Warrant Requests on Carter Page did not follow the normal steps, that Comey, McCabe, and the DOJ issued VERBAL authorizations to proceed with the applications / requests. She stated she did not even read the initial Carter Page Warrant request before signing off on it because - unlike normal - the leadership of the FBI had authorized it / signed off on it and gave the verbal approval to go forward. She said she did not want to question them or give the appearance she was doing to, which is why she claims to have signed it without reading it.

3. The testimony under oath by DOJ's Bruce Ohr not only substantiates the FISA Court abuses perpetrated by Comey and Rosenstein/Weinstein but also destroys Comey's lies.

4. Strzok's own text messages destroy Comey's attempt to defend Strzok, WHO HAS ALREADY BEEN IDENTIFIED AS A CRIMINAL LEAKER OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

5. Strzok's lover-fellow FBI Agent Page's testimony under oath before Congress has helped permanently (figuratively) brand a huge scarlet 'L' for 'LIAR' on Comey's forehead.

There is an old saying that goes like this; 'The BIT DOG yelps the loudest'.

Comey is screaming his head off right now, pleading his innocence while lying his ass off and attempting to undermine the on-going investigations because he KNOWS he broke the law (and was NOT too stupid to know he was doing it like he said about Hillary). His co-conspirators - Rosenstein, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, and Baker - have all publicly thrown him under the proverbial bus by claiming HE was the mastermind' behind using the Steele Dossier in the FISA Warrant applications (NOT denying it was ever done).

He's probably on his knees making promises to every deity known to man, engaging in rituals where he has to sacrifice chickens or other livestock, etc.. every night in an effort to somehow get through the US IG's and the US AG's investigations without being indicted / convicted.

Let's talk about Loretta Lynch recusing herself, Busy B! Why would the Attorney General of the United States recuse themselves from a decision of that magnitude? Why would she leave whether Clinton should be prosecuted or not up to James Comey? That isn't the way things are done! The FBI investigates and the DOJ decides whether or not to prosecute. Why is it that just days after meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona that Lynch recused herself?

There was no evidence it was anything but a chance meeting. However Lynch decided to accept the FBI decision.

"Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges related to Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, a Justice Department official said."

AG Loretta Lynch recuses herself from Hillary FBI case. - Discussionist
You don't really believe it was a chance meeting and they were discussing the grandkids, but you think you can convince others it was??? How insulting.

I don't see any evidence that it wasn't. It really doesn't matter.

Kindly explain how you have a "chance meeting" when you're flying on one plane and someone else is flying on another? A meeting where your staff departs the plane and it's just you, your husband and Bill Clinton having a private discussion? A meeting where one of Lynch's aides was prevented from going back onto the plane by security? Now why do you think a discussion about "grand kids" needed that kind of privacy, Busy B?

They were using the same airport because they were both in the city that day. Coincidences do happen.

Oh, you're claiming it was a "coincidence" that Lynch's plane and Bill Clinton's plane were side by side at the airport...that Lynch's aides were removed from the plane and not allowed back on...that no photos were allowed...and that this was taking place just days before the DOJ was to rule on whether or not to charge Hillary with a crime?

All you have to do is read testimony of those involved...testimony given shortly after the incident took place so it should have been crystal clear in their memories...and you quickly realize that the stories given by Loretta Lynch, by Bill Clinton...and by Loretta Lynch's aides...don't match at all...a sure sign of people not telling the truth.
You don't really believe it was a chance meeting and they were discussing the grandkids, but you think you can convince others it was??? How insulting.

I don't see any evidence that it wasn't. It really doesn't matter.

Kindly explain how you have a "chance meeting" when you're flying on one plane and someone else is flying on another? A meeting where your staff departs the plane and it's just you, your husband and Bill Clinton having a private discussion? A meeting where one of Lynch's aides was prevented from going back onto the plane by security? Now why do you think a discussion about "grand kids" needed that kind of privacy, Busy B?

That is innuendo and not fact. I can see how 2 people who know each other might want to talk away from any staff.

According to Lynch's testimony, Busy B...she and Clinton didn't know each other socially. So why would two people who don't know each other socially suddenly feel the need to discuss their "grandchildren" with their staff removed from the area? Why would a member of Lynch's staff be prevented from interrupting a discussion about "grandchildren"? Does that even come CLOSE to passing the smell test with you?

Cite evidence not allegations. That is what she said and there is no proof otherwise.

Once again...ACCORDING TO LYNCH'S TESTIMONY...SHE AND CLINTON DIDN'T KNOW EACH OTHER SOCIALLY! So why would you have a meeting with someone you don't know to talk about your grandchildren and golf? That's bullshit and I think deep down you KNOW it's bullshit! They had that secret meeting to talk about what the DOJ was going to do with Hillary's case! It wasn't about grandkids. It was about making a deal.
You don't really believe it was a chance meeting and they were discussing the grandkids, but you think you can convince others it was??? How insulting.

I don't see any evidence that it wasn't. It really doesn't matter.

Kindly explain how you have a "chance meeting" when you're flying on one plane and someone else is flying on another? A meeting where your staff departs the plane and it's just you, your husband and Bill Clinton having a private discussion? A meeting where one of Lynch's aides was prevented from going back onto the plane by security? Now why do you think a discussion about "grand kids" needed that kind of privacy, Busy B?

That is innuendo and not fact. I can see how 2 people who know each other might want to talk away from any staff.

According to Lynch's testimony, Busy B...she and Clinton didn't know each other socially. So why would two people who don't know each other socially suddenly feel the need to discuss their "grandchildren" with their staff removed from the area? Why would a member of Lynch's staff be prevented from interrupting a discussion about "grandchildren"? Does that even come CLOSE to passing the smell test with you?

It all comes down to proof. You have provided no proof of this. If you want to play "what if" then would it have been done so obviously. There is something called a telephone that they could have used and no one would have been the wiser.

Telephone conversations can be tapped. The only real way to ensure nobody knows what you're speaking about is a face to face meeting. The mafia has known that for years. So does Bill Clinton apparently...

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