James Comey defends Strzok, disputes 'treason' accusation in fiery op-ed: 'Dumb lies

I certainly will not accept anything a Republican says. The truth is the actual truth not what some lying Republican says. That includes crooked AGs like Barr.

The problem is, lil' deranged mentally unstable snowflake, is that you will not accept anything ANYONE says if it is negative against the Democrats, not even what a DEMOCRAT says!

For example:

(DOJ) Ohr is NOT a 'Republican', and he stated under oath before Congress (something Mueller refuses to do) that he, Steele, and MUELLER worked on the Russian-authored Dossier BEFORE an official investigation began and BEFORE MUELLER was appointed Special Counsel.

(DOJ) Ohr is NOT a 'Republican', and he stated under oath before Congress (something Mueller refuses to do) that he notified Obama's Deputy US AG Rosenstein, Obama's NIA Director Clapper, Obama's CIA Director Brennan, and Obama's FBI Director Comey that Steele - the Trump-hating foreign spy who had been working WITH the Russians and FOR the FBI - had a biased agenda against Trump and could not be considered credible and that the Dossier was unverified, unsubstantiated, and it's origin (Russian-authored) was in question and thus was unreliable and could NOT be used...and Ohr testified he told them all of this BEFORE they blew him off and chose to use the Dossier anyway to commit FISA Court abuses (1 initial and 2 in warrant renewals) and perjury before Congress.

FBI Director Comey is a 'Republican', but he has been proven to be at the heart of the exposed crimes / coup attempt, and HE HIMSELF admitted to leaking classified information to his professor pal in a successful attempt to get an OFFICIAL investigation of Trump opened and to get his mentor Mueller appointed Special Counsel.

Former FBI Agent Page, also not a 'Republican', testified under oath to several key admissions / facts:
1) The DOJ made it clear to her and Deputy FBI Director McCabe that they were NOT going to pursue a criminal case against Hillary Clinton.

2) The FBI, under Comey, had already conducted its own internal investigation of Trump before Comey leaked classified to get an official investigation opened with a Special Counsel appointed. She stated the results of that FBI investigation resulted in ZERO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME OF COLLUSION, ZERO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME OF COLLUSION INVOLVING TRUMP OR ANY MEMBER OF HIS TEAM, NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME HAVING BEEN COMMITTED WARRANTING AN INVESTIGATION AT ALL, LET ALONE A SPECIAL COUNSEL BEIG APPOINTED.

Former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice sure as hell was not a Republican yet she wrote an e-mail to herself to save the facts of what happened / what was going on, In that e-mail, Rice stated FBI Director Comey briefed President Obama in AUGUST of 2016 on the 'Russia Collusion Investigation' (The one Page said resulted in ZERO evidence of crime, especially involving Trump or his team).
-- Rice stated that meeting was attended by Obama, Sally Yates, herself, and VP Joe Biden, that in that meeting Obama demanded to be kept update on EVERYTHING that went on during the FBI's illegal investigation...and later Mueller's.
-- Rice stated these meetings were expanded to include Clapper, Brennan, and Secretary of State John Kerry...that when these meetings were held the WH TURNED OFF THE CAMERAS TO THE WH SITUATION ROOM SO THERE WOULD BE NO RECORD OF THE MEETINGS.
*** FBI Agent Strzok - who was just IDed in a US IG report as having illegally leaked classified information - spoke of these 'secret meetings' in his text messages to his FBI lover Page. He called the group the 'Secret Society', confirmed what Rice wrote in her e-mail - that they had already met, and confirmed what Rice said in her e-mail about how Obama demanded to be kept informed of everything going on.

So you have all these NON-Republican co-conspirators' e-mails, texts, and testimony confirming the contents and the statements made by the others, all evidence of collusion, collaboration, conspiracy, etc... that goes all the way to the top back to Obama....BUT YOU DECLARE YOU REFUSE T ACCEPT / ACKNOWLEDGE ANY OF IT BECAUSE 'REPUBLICANS' CAN NOT BE TRUSTED!

Oh, the irony...and the madness of a triggered TDS-suffering snowflake mind...



What triggered the initial investigation was a referral from the Australian government not the Steele dossier. Later McCain wanted the FBI to verify whether the dossier was true. That was after the election. It may have been intended as a campaign document but it was never used as Mother Jones published it a little less than a week before the election. There is no evidence Steele is a Trump hater. Steele is a solid investigator whose investigation found corruption in FIFA. Several sources have said that Steele became concerned about what his sources in Russia were telling him. The fact is that Comey confirmed some of it was verified. Since no one has seen the FISA application, you cannot say the application was the sole document used was the dossier. Mueller did not work on the dossier as he was not working for the FBI at that time. You are just giving us your spin.

Comey has not been proven to have committed any crimes and there was no coup. He did not admit to leaking classified information and there is no evidence that he did. Mueller and Comey were colleagues. Again there is no evidence they were especially close.

Lisa Page was in no position to make that claim. She was not the agent in charge and it was a ongoing investigation.
1) That was not a indefensible action. The espionage act should be used for people who commit espionage. They take classified information and willingly give it to a foreign power. That is espionage. The IG report got several things wrong but found no political bias in Comey's decision not to file charges.

2)Again she could only talk about the state of the investigation at the time. They did not conclude their investigation. THEY DID NOT STATE THEY FOUND NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION OR ANY OTHER CRIME. IT WAS A ONGOING INVESTIGATION.

It was not a illegal investigation. It was based on a referral from the Australian government. Again you take things out of context. Everything you stated was natural. Obama obviously would have wanted to be kept abreast of the investigation. Yates would have wanted a record so Trump could not bury it.

The so-called IG report that supposedly fingers Strzok is only known because a pro-Trump Republican says it is so. There is no independent confirmation. Just because the IG says it does not make it true. A IG accused McCabe of committing a crime but the DOJ has apparently found no evidence to support that.

The fact is that there is nothing to see. They have not provided any damaging information. The one who is providing the damaging information is YOU!! You put your own spin on things to try and make something that is not there. YOU ARE THE ONE SUFFERING FROM TDS!! YOU HAVE TO SPIN AND LIE TO PROTECT TRUMP. YOU SOUND STUPID AND PARANOID DOING IT. YOU ARE THE SNOWFLAKE!! YOU GIVE TRUMP A PASS ON THINGS YOU WOUKD DEMAND OBAMA BE PROSECUTED!!

View attachment 263796

So you say. When was he charged?
I certainly will not accept anything a Republican says. The truth is the actual truth not what some lying Republican says. That includes crooked AGs like Barr.

The problem is, lil' deranged mentally unstable snowflake, is that you will not accept anything ANYONE says if it is negative against the Democrats, not even what a DEMOCRAT says!

For example:

(DOJ) Ohr is NOT a 'Republican', and he stated under oath before Congress (something Mueller refuses to do) that he, Steele, and MUELLER worked on the Russian-authored Dossier BEFORE an official investigation began and BEFORE MUELLER was appointed Special Counsel.

(DOJ) Ohr is NOT a 'Republican', and he stated under oath before Congress (something Mueller refuses to do) that he notified Obama's Deputy US AG Rosenstein, Obama's NIA Director Clapper, Obama's CIA Director Brennan, and Obama's FBI Director Comey that Steele - the Trump-hating foreign spy who had been working WITH the Russians and FOR the FBI - had a biased agenda against Trump and could not be considered credible and that the Dossier was unverified, unsubstantiated, and it's origin (Russian-authored) was in question and thus was unreliable and could NOT be used...and Ohr testified he told them all of this BEFORE they blew him off and chose to use the Dossier anyway to commit FISA Court abuses (1 initial and 2 in warrant renewals) and perjury before Congress.

FBI Director Comey is a 'Republican', but he has been proven to be at the heart of the exposed crimes / coup attempt, and HE HIMSELF admitted to leaking classified information to his professor pal in a successful attempt to get an OFFICIAL investigation of Trump opened and to get his mentor Mueller appointed Special Counsel.

Former FBI Agent Page, also not a 'Republican', testified under oath to several key admissions / facts:
1) The DOJ made it clear to her and Deputy FBI Director McCabe that they were NOT going to pursue a criminal case against Hillary Clinton.

2) The FBI, under Comey, had already conducted its own internal investigation of Trump before Comey leaked classified to get an official investigation opened with a Special Counsel appointed. She stated the results of that FBI investigation resulted in ZERO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME OF COLLUSION, ZERO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME OF COLLUSION INVOLVING TRUMP OR ANY MEMBER OF HIS TEAM, NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME HAVING BEEN COMMITTED WARRANTING AN INVESTIGATION AT ALL, LET ALONE A SPECIAL COUNSEL BEIG APPOINTED.

Former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice sure as hell was not a Republican yet she wrote an e-mail to herself to save the facts of what happened / what was going on, In that e-mail, Rice stated FBI Director Comey briefed President Obama in AUGUST of 2016 on the 'Russia Collusion Investigation' (The one Page said resulted in ZERO evidence of crime, especially involving Trump or his team).
-- Rice stated that meeting was attended by Obama, Sally Yates, herself, and VP Joe Biden, that in that meeting Obama demanded to be kept update on EVERYTHING that went on during the FBI's illegal investigation...and later Mueller's.
-- Rice stated these meetings were expanded to include Clapper, Brennan, and Secretary of State John Kerry...that when these meetings were held the WH TURNED OFF THE CAMERAS TO THE WH SITUATION ROOM SO THERE WOULD BE NO RECORD OF THE MEETINGS.
*** FBI Agent Strzok - who was just IDed in a US IG report as having illegally leaked classified information - spoke of these 'secret meetings' in his text messages to his FBI lover Page. He called the group the 'Secret Society', confirmed what Rice wrote in her e-mail - that they had already met, and confirmed what Rice said in her e-mail about how Obama demanded to be kept informed of everything going on.

So you have all these NON-Republican co-conspirators' e-mails, texts, and testimony confirming the contents and the statements made by the others, all evidence of collusion, collaboration, conspiracy, etc... that goes all the way to the top back to Obama....BUT YOU DECLARE YOU REFUSE T ACCEPT / ACKNOWLEDGE ANY OF IT BECAUSE 'REPUBLICANS' CAN NOT BE TRUSTED!

Oh, the irony...and the madness of a triggered TDS-suffering snowflake mind...



What triggered the initial investigation was a referral from the Australian government not the Steele dossier. Later McCain wanted the FBI to verify whether the dossier was true. That was after the election. It may have been intended as a campaign document but it was never used as Mother Jones published it a little less than a week before the election. There is no evidence Steele is a Trump hater. Steele is a solid investigator whose investigation found corruption in FIFA. Several sources have said that Steele became concerned about what his sources in Russia were telling him. The fact is that Comey confirmed some of it was verified. Since no one has seen the FISA application, you cannot say the application was the sole document used was the dossier. Mueller did not work on the dossier as he was not working for the FBI at that time. You are just giving us your spin.

Comey has not been proven to have committed any crimes and there was no coup. He did not admit to leaking classified information and there is no evidence that he did. Mueller and Comey were colleagues. Again there is no evidence they were especially close.

Lisa Page was in no position to make that claim. She was not the agent in charge and it was a ongoing investigation.
1) That was not a indefensible action. The espionage act should be used for people who commit espionage. They take classified information and willingly give it to a foreign power. That is espionage. The IG report got several things wrong but found no political bias in Comey's decision not to file charges.

2)Again she could only talk about the state of the investigation at the time. They did not conclude their investigation. THEY DID NOT STATE THEY FOUND NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION OR ANY OTHER CRIME. IT WAS A ONGOING INVESTIGATION.

It was not a illegal investigation. It was based on a referral from the Australian government. Again you take things out of context. Everything you stated was natural. Obama obviously would have wanted to be kept abreast of the investigation. Yates would have wanted a record so Trump could not bury it.

The so-called IG report that supposedly fingers Strzok is only known because a pro-Trump Republican says it is so. There is no independent confirmation. Just because the IG says it does not make it true. A IG accused McCabe of committing a crime but the DOJ has apparently found no evidence to support that.

The fact is that there is nothing to see. They have not provided any damaging information. The one who is providing the damaging information is YOU!! You put your own spin on things to try and make something that is not there. YOU ARE THE ONE SUFFERING FROM TDS!! YOU HAVE TO SPIN AND LIE TO PROTECT TRUMP. YOU SOUND STUPID AND PARANOID DOING IT. YOU ARE THE SNOWFLAKE!! YOU GIVE TRUMP A PASS ON THINGS YOU WOUKD DEMAND OBAMA BE PROSECUTED!!

View attachment 263796

So you say. When was he charged?

And OJ was set free, baby killing is legal, Bill and Lynch colluded on the plane, so what is your point again ?

The reason that Steele was pushing so hard to get that narrative released BEFORE the election is that he was paid to smear Trump BEFORE the election!

He was not paid to smear Trump. He was hired to investigate Trump and became concerned over what he was finding out.
I certainly will not accept anything a Republican says. The truth is the actual truth not what some lying Republican says. That includes crooked AGs like Barr.

The problem is, lil' deranged mentally unstable snowflake, is that you will not accept anything ANYONE says if it is negative against the Democrats, not even what a DEMOCRAT says!

For example:

(DOJ) Ohr is NOT a 'Republican', and he stated under oath before Congress (something Mueller refuses to do) that he, Steele, and MUELLER worked on the Russian-authored Dossier BEFORE an official investigation began and BEFORE MUELLER was appointed Special Counsel.

(DOJ) Ohr is NOT a 'Republican', and he stated under oath before Congress (something Mueller refuses to do) that he notified Obama's Deputy US AG Rosenstein, Obama's NIA Director Clapper, Obama's CIA Director Brennan, and Obama's FBI Director Comey that Steele - the Trump-hating foreign spy who had been working WITH the Russians and FOR the FBI - had a biased agenda against Trump and could not be considered credible and that the Dossier was unverified, unsubstantiated, and it's origin (Russian-authored) was in question and thus was unreliable and could NOT be used...and Ohr testified he told them all of this BEFORE they blew him off and chose to use the Dossier anyway to commit FISA Court abuses (1 initial and 2 in warrant renewals) and perjury before Congress.

FBI Director Comey is a 'Republican', but he has been proven to be at the heart of the exposed crimes / coup attempt, and HE HIMSELF admitted to leaking classified information to his professor pal in a successful attempt to get an OFFICIAL investigation of Trump opened and to get his mentor Mueller appointed Special Counsel.

Former FBI Agent Page, also not a 'Republican', testified under oath to several key admissions / facts:
1) The DOJ made it clear to her and Deputy FBI Director McCabe that they were NOT going to pursue a criminal case against Hillary Clinton.

2) The FBI, under Comey, had already conducted its own internal investigation of Trump before Comey leaked classified to get an official investigation opened with a Special Counsel appointed. She stated the results of that FBI investigation resulted in ZERO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME OF COLLUSION, ZERO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME OF COLLUSION INVOLVING TRUMP OR ANY MEMBER OF HIS TEAM, NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME HAVING BEEN COMMITTED WARRANTING AN INVESTIGATION AT ALL, LET ALONE A SPECIAL COUNSEL BEIG APPOINTED.

Former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice sure as hell was not a Republican yet she wrote an e-mail to herself to save the facts of what happened / what was going on, In that e-mail, Rice stated FBI Director Comey briefed President Obama in AUGUST of 2016 on the 'Russia Collusion Investigation' (The one Page said resulted in ZERO evidence of crime, especially involving Trump or his team).
-- Rice stated that meeting was attended by Obama, Sally Yates, herself, and VP Joe Biden, that in that meeting Obama demanded to be kept update on EVERYTHING that went on during the FBI's illegal investigation...and later Mueller's.
-- Rice stated these meetings were expanded to include Clapper, Brennan, and Secretary of State John Kerry...that when these meetings were held the WH TURNED OFF THE CAMERAS TO THE WH SITUATION ROOM SO THERE WOULD BE NO RECORD OF THE MEETINGS.
*** FBI Agent Strzok - who was just IDed in a US IG report as having illegally leaked classified information - spoke of these 'secret meetings' in his text messages to his FBI lover Page. He called the group the 'Secret Society', confirmed what Rice wrote in her e-mail - that they had already met, and confirmed what Rice said in her e-mail about how Obama demanded to be kept informed of everything going on.

So you have all these NON-Republican co-conspirators' e-mails, texts, and testimony confirming the contents and the statements made by the others, all evidence of collusion, collaboration, conspiracy, etc... that goes all the way to the top back to Obama....BUT YOU DECLARE YOU REFUSE T ACCEPT / ACKNOWLEDGE ANY OF IT BECAUSE 'REPUBLICANS' CAN NOT BE TRUSTED!

Oh, the irony...and the madness of a triggered TDS-suffering snowflake mind...



What triggered the initial investigation was a referral from the Australian government not the Steele dossier. Later McCain wanted the FBI to verify whether the dossier was true. That was after the election. It may have been intended as a campaign document but it was never used as Mother Jones published it a little less than a week before the election. There is no evidence Steele is a Trump hater. Steele is a solid investigator whose investigation found corruption in FIFA. Several sources have said that Steele became concerned about what his sources in Russia were telling him. The fact is that Comey confirmed some of it was verified. Since no one has seen the FISA application, you cannot say the application was the sole document used was the dossier. Mueller did not work on the dossier as he was not working for the FBI at that time. You are just giving us your spin.

Comey has not been proven to have committed any crimes and there was no coup. He did not admit to leaking classified information and there is no evidence that he did. Mueller and Comey were colleagues. Again there is no evidence they were especially close.

Lisa Page was in no position to make that claim. She was not the agent in charge and it was a ongoing investigation.
1) That was not a indefensible action. The espionage act should be used for people who commit espionage. They take classified information and willingly give it to a foreign power. That is espionage. The IG report got several things wrong but found no political bias in Comey's decision not to file charges.

2)Again she could only talk about the state of the investigation at the time. They did not conclude their investigation. THEY DID NOT STATE THEY FOUND NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION OR ANY OTHER CRIME. IT WAS A ONGOING INVESTIGATION.

It was not a illegal investigation. It was based on a referral from the Australian government. Again you take things out of context. Everything you stated was natural. Obama obviously would have wanted to be kept abreast of the investigation. Yates would have wanted a record so Trump could not bury it.

The so-called IG report that supposedly fingers Strzok is only known because a pro-Trump Republican says it is so. There is no independent confirmation. Just because the IG says it does not make it true. A IG accused McCabe of committing a crime but the DOJ has apparently found no evidence to support that.

The fact is that there is nothing to see. They have not provided any damaging information. The one who is providing the damaging information is YOU!! You put your own spin on things to try and make something that is not there. YOU ARE THE ONE SUFFERING FROM TDS!! YOU HAVE TO SPIN AND LIE TO PROTECT TRUMP. YOU SOUND STUPID AND PARANOID DOING IT. YOU ARE THE SNOWFLAKE!! YOU GIVE TRUMP A PASS ON THINGS YOU WOUKD DEMAND OBAMA BE PROSECUTED!!

View attachment 263796

So you say. When was he charged?

And OJ was set free, baby killing is legal, Bill and Lynch colluded on the plane, so what is your point again ?


So you say. Again you have no proof of any collusion between Lynch and Clinton.
The problem is, lil' deranged mentally unstable snowflake, is that you will not accept anything ANYONE says if it is negative against the Democrats, not even what a DEMOCRAT says!

For example:

(DOJ) Ohr is NOT a 'Republican', and he stated under oath before Congress (something Mueller refuses to do) that he, Steele, and MUELLER worked on the Russian-authored Dossier BEFORE an official investigation began and BEFORE MUELLER was appointed Special Counsel.

(DOJ) Ohr is NOT a 'Republican', and he stated under oath before Congress (something Mueller refuses to do) that he notified Obama's Deputy US AG Rosenstein, Obama's NIA Director Clapper, Obama's CIA Director Brennan, and Obama's FBI Director Comey that Steele - the Trump-hating foreign spy who had been working WITH the Russians and FOR the FBI - had a biased agenda against Trump and could not be considered credible and that the Dossier was unverified, unsubstantiated, and it's origin (Russian-authored) was in question and thus was unreliable and could NOT be used...and Ohr testified he told them all of this BEFORE they blew him off and chose to use the Dossier anyway to commit FISA Court abuses (1 initial and 2 in warrant renewals) and perjury before Congress.

FBI Director Comey is a 'Republican', but he has been proven to be at the heart of the exposed crimes / coup attempt, and HE HIMSELF admitted to leaking classified information to his professor pal in a successful attempt to get an OFFICIAL investigation of Trump opened and to get his mentor Mueller appointed Special Counsel.

Former FBI Agent Page, also not a 'Republican', testified under oath to several key admissions / facts:
1) The DOJ made it clear to her and Deputy FBI Director McCabe that they were NOT going to pursue a criminal case against Hillary Clinton.

2) The FBI, under Comey, had already conducted its own internal investigation of Trump before Comey leaked classified to get an official investigation opened with a Special Counsel appointed. She stated the results of that FBI investigation resulted in ZERO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME OF COLLUSION, ZERO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME OF COLLUSION INVOLVING TRUMP OR ANY MEMBER OF HIS TEAM, NO EVIDENCE OF A CRIME HAVING BEEN COMMITTED WARRANTING AN INVESTIGATION AT ALL, LET ALONE A SPECIAL COUNSEL BEIG APPOINTED.

Former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice sure as hell was not a Republican yet she wrote an e-mail to herself to save the facts of what happened / what was going on, In that e-mail, Rice stated FBI Director Comey briefed President Obama in AUGUST of 2016 on the 'Russia Collusion Investigation' (The one Page said resulted in ZERO evidence of crime, especially involving Trump or his team).
-- Rice stated that meeting was attended by Obama, Sally Yates, herself, and VP Joe Biden, that in that meeting Obama demanded to be kept update on EVERYTHING that went on during the FBI's illegal investigation...and later Mueller's.
-- Rice stated these meetings were expanded to include Clapper, Brennan, and Secretary of State John Kerry...that when these meetings were held the WH TURNED OFF THE CAMERAS TO THE WH SITUATION ROOM SO THERE WOULD BE NO RECORD OF THE MEETINGS.
*** FBI Agent Strzok - who was just IDed in a US IG report as having illegally leaked classified information - spoke of these 'secret meetings' in his text messages to his FBI lover Page. He called the group the 'Secret Society', confirmed what Rice wrote in her e-mail - that they had already met, and confirmed what Rice said in her e-mail about how Obama demanded to be kept informed of everything going on.

So you have all these NON-Republican co-conspirators' e-mails, texts, and testimony confirming the contents and the statements made by the others, all evidence of collusion, collaboration, conspiracy, etc... that goes all the way to the top back to Obama....BUT YOU DECLARE YOU REFUSE T ACCEPT / ACKNOWLEDGE ANY OF IT BECAUSE 'REPUBLICANS' CAN NOT BE TRUSTED!

Oh, the irony...and the madness of a triggered TDS-suffering snowflake mind...



What triggered the initial investigation was a referral from the Australian government not the Steele dossier. Later McCain wanted the FBI to verify whether the dossier was true. That was after the election. It may have been intended as a campaign document but it was never used as Mother Jones published it a little less than a week before the election. There is no evidence Steele is a Trump hater. Steele is a solid investigator whose investigation found corruption in FIFA. Several sources have said that Steele became concerned about what his sources in Russia were telling him. The fact is that Comey confirmed some of it was verified. Since no one has seen the FISA application, you cannot say the application was the sole document used was the dossier. Mueller did not work on the dossier as he was not working for the FBI at that time. You are just giving us your spin.

Comey has not been proven to have committed any crimes and there was no coup. He did not admit to leaking classified information and there is no evidence that he did. Mueller and Comey were colleagues. Again there is no evidence they were especially close.

Lisa Page was in no position to make that claim. She was not the agent in charge and it was a ongoing investigation.
1) That was not a indefensible action. The espionage act should be used for people who commit espionage. They take classified information and willingly give it to a foreign power. That is espionage. The IG report got several things wrong but found no political bias in Comey's decision not to file charges.

2)Again she could only talk about the state of the investigation at the time. They did not conclude their investigation. THEY DID NOT STATE THEY FOUND NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION OR ANY OTHER CRIME. IT WAS A ONGOING INVESTIGATION.

It was not a illegal investigation. It was based on a referral from the Australian government. Again you take things out of context. Everything you stated was natural. Obama obviously would have wanted to be kept abreast of the investigation. Yates would have wanted a record so Trump could not bury it.

The so-called IG report that supposedly fingers Strzok is only known because a pro-Trump Republican says it is so. There is no independent confirmation. Just because the IG says it does not make it true. A IG accused McCabe of committing a crime but the DOJ has apparently found no evidence to support that.

The fact is that there is nothing to see. They have not provided any damaging information. The one who is providing the damaging information is YOU!! You put your own spin on things to try and make something that is not there. YOU ARE THE ONE SUFFERING FROM TDS!! YOU HAVE TO SPIN AND LIE TO PROTECT TRUMP. YOU SOUND STUPID AND PARANOID DOING IT. YOU ARE THE SNOWFLAKE!! YOU GIVE TRUMP A PASS ON THINGS YOU WOUKD DEMAND OBAMA BE PROSECUTED!!

View attachment 263796

So you say. When was he charged?

And OJ was set free, baby killing is legal, Bill and Lynch colluded on the plane, so what is your point again ?


So you say. Again you have no proof of any collusion between Lynch and Clinton.

The only proof you would take is another embarrassing Starr report to shove your nose in it again.

There was no evidence it was anything but a chance meeting.

Prove it - provide a link!

You poor indoctrinated snowflake......

You actually believe that the former President, whose wife was under investigation for the crimes by the FBI / DOJ, just happened to be flying out west on a trip, 'heard' the US AG - in whose hands his wife's political and judicial fate rested and the decision upon which was only several days away - was several states away and suddenly thought, "You know, I sure have a sudden urge to talk to the US AG about GRANDCHILDREN'?!

(You know those planes have TELEPHONES on them, right. They even have the ability to VIDEO-TELE-CONFERENCE.)

At THIS point, having a sudden urge to meet with the US AG to talk about GRANDKIDS, you believe that:

- Bill notified the pilot of his intentions, at which point the pilot had to contact FAA to file a flight plan modification...

- The Secret Service Team waiting at his original destination had to be notified of the change of plans / schedule

- The airport they were now heading to had to be notified that Clinton was coming to prepare...and to coordinate a secluded spot off of the main airport for the US AG's and former President's Plane to park to accommodate the meeting

- The US AG had to be contacted, asked to agree to the meeting, her itinerary & flight plans needed to be changed to accommodate the meeting...

- Clinton's Secret Service team had to contact the US AG's security team to coordinate who/what/where/how the 'spontaneous grandchildren chat' was going to go down...

Once the two aircraft were parked close to each other Clinton and Lynch reportedly met ALONE ... to discuss the GRANDKIDS ... FOR 20 MINUTES.

That's a helluva lot of coordination, changes, effort, and hoops to go through just to accommodate Bill's sudden urge to talk to Lynch about GRANDKIDS.... don't you think?!

Oh, did I forget to mention that Lynch's staff had PRE-PREPARED 'talking points' / answers for Lynch to give if the media caught wind of her and Bill's 'spontaneous' 'grandchild chat'?

New details emerge after infamous Lynch meeting

Bullshit! The FISA court was not informed that the dossiers were paid for by the Clinton campaign!
Bullshit. The court was informed of the political nature of the document. Nobody knew Trump's campaign was under investigation. You are a congenital liar.

Actually, what Oldstyle stated is widely known proven / documented FACT...and as usual you throw one of your infamous reality-denying, fact-denying tantrums...

"With the release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo, it is manifestly clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil Carter Page, a U.S. citizen. The FBI and the DOJ deliberately and intentionally advanced unverified opposition research paid for by one political party (the Democratic National Committee) designed to harm the opposing party by creating a fictional Russian collusion story as reliable fact. All this took place in the midst of a U.S. presidential election.

Failure to submit all material evidence to the FISA court constitutes a fraud on the court. Even more outrageous, the source of the relevant FISA order targeting Carter Page was created by a foreign national. This means that the FBI and DOJ outsourced their research and arguably violated their solemn duty to the American people. By doing so, these two government departments fueled the narrative that the Russian interfered in."

FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice

Again another right wing source. Not impressed. Their estimation is based on a partisan political document produced by Devin Nunes. He has proven to be a corrupt partisan.
THIS is where I call you on your constant fact-less, unsupported, unsubstantiated triggered, TDS-suffering, delusional lies / rants , which is all you ever post.

Produce the undisputable EVIDENCE that the DOJ found no evidence of the IS's finding against McCabe(especially since the DOJ is STILL investigating Strzok).

Produce the undisputable EVIDENCE that the US IG 'got material facts wrong'.

(** Your own opinionated rants do NOT count as 'evidence'.)

By being UNABLE to do these 2 things, which I have ZEROI doubt that you will NOT be able to do so, everyone will know you are a LIAR with NO credibility( not that they don't know this already... :p ).

Have any charges been filed against McCabe? It has been several years now. Surely if the IG recommended prosecution they would have found that evidence. Now that we have a dishonest AG, we should talk about whether any fake charges will be filed.

Both Rosenstein and the IG got it wrong. Comey was accused of insubordination because he stated that Clinton would not be prosecuted. They both said that was the DOJ's decision. However they failed to note that Lynch recused herself and said she would follow Comey's recommendation. Both the IG and Rosenstein failed to note that. They were both wrong on that.

You are the one who uses opinionated rants. That is all this talk about coups and treason are.You are the LIAR with NO CREDIBILITY.

Let's talk about Loretta Lynch recusing herself, Busy B! Why would the Attorney General of the United States recuse themselves from a decision of that magnitude? Why would she leave whether Clinton should be prosecuted or not up to James Comey? That isn't the way things are done! The FBI investigates and the DOJ decides whether or not to prosecute. Why is it that just days after meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Arizona that Lynch recused herself?

There was no evidence it was anything but a chance meeting. However Lynch decided to accept the FBI decision.

"Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges related to Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, a Justice Department official said."

AG Loretta Lynch recuses herself from Hillary FBI case. - Discussionist
You don't really believe it was a chance meeting and they were discussing the grandkids, but you think you can convince others it was??? How insulting.

I don't see any evidence that it wasn't. It really doesn't matter.
Yes, it matters. They're corrupt. Corruption in our government matters. Common sense.
Again another right wing source.
Again, you attempt to discredit the source because you can not disprove / discredit the information reported.


...but enough of the snowflake distraction from the thread topic, which is Comey's continued attempt to undermine the on-going investigations of the Russian Investigation source / investigators by giving an emotional, opinionated rant that is contradicted by the text messages of the very man he is trying to defend.....

'...were in a position to...' means 'COULD' have...but DID NOT....


Evidence shows Obama,his administration Cabinet members and Intel and Law Enforcement Agency Directors, Hillary, and a Trump-hating foreign spy who was working WITH the Russians and FOR the FBI had more of an impact on and made more of an effort to affect the outcome of the 2016 elections than the Russians did.

...and, of course, if Obama and the democrats truly cared about Russian interference Barry would have done more to stop in when he 1st learned about it in 2014.

Evidence does not show. The Russians were working to elect Trump. They were not helping Clinton. That is what may have been the deciding factor. The fact is that what gave Trump the election was he was not Clinton. Voters hated both Clinton and Trump.

"Monaco says that’s because the Obama administration was at the time focused on seeking cooperation for a last-ditch effort by the Department of Homeland Security to avoid Russian tampering in the actual voting process. But the administration, she said, faced a backlash from state and local governments who viewed the DHS cybersecurity election push as “a big federal takeover” and were reluctant to cooperate. That was the case that she, FBI Director James Comey and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson made in a secret briefing of top members of Congress in the fall, during a session at which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) reportedly balked at their characterization of the evidence of Russian involvement in the hack."

Essentially Republicans were more concerned about politics than Russians interfering in our elections. Would that have been the case if Russians were helping Clinton rather than Trump.

Did Obama Blow It on the Russian Hacking?
Again another right wing source.
Again, you attempt to discredit the source because you can not disprove / discredit the information reported.


...but enough of the snowflake distraction from the thread topic, which is Comey's continued attempt to undermine the on-going investigations of the Russian Investigation source / investigators by giving an emotional, opinionated rant that is contradicted by the text messages of the very man he is trying to defend.....

The memo is already discredited.

"The Democrats don’t need classified information to impeach the Nunes memo. The Nunes memo is the best evidence that the DOJ didn’t mislead the FISA court, but rather, that the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee have tried to mislead the American people.

The Nunes memo is significant not for what it said but for what it left out, namely, the identification of any inaccurate facts in the wiretap application about Page’s activities, including his meetings with Russian officials."

Democrats don’t need to discredit Nunes memo — The memo does that itself
And if you DO think that, Busy B...would you care to take a crack at explaining why we would want the naïve, bumbler that James Comey describes Hillary Clinton to be...sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office?

We already have a stupid bumbler in the White House.
Actually, the economy is slowing down now... By next year, we'll be in full fledged recessions and Trump is done!

And we know everything that we need to know about Trump's criminality. Mueller came out and pretty much said so yesterday.

We actually know that he was guilty of nothing and more than likely he'll be reelected. Libs will have to howl at the sky again. They're already rabid. I expect them to become even more violent after Trump gets reelected.

We know he was guilty. The fact is that he will be defeated as woman voters bury Trump and the Republicans as they did in 2018.

He's guilty of nothing. I'll not join you in Alice in wonderland.

The Trump campaign gave a Russian associate campaign documents including internal polling data and gave the campaign's strategy. He didn't do that out of the goodness of his heart. That associate has ties to the Russians who were supporting Trump. Trump asked others to obstruct justice as well as likely doing it himself.

Your brain is in wonderland.

And yet there was no collusion or obstruction. Again, I'll not go down into your alice in wonderland freak show.

You are a part of the Trump freak show. There was collusion and obstruction.
Do you even have the faintest idea what you're talking about, Busy B?

We know you don't.

I know that the dossier story was made public BEFORE the election! That seems to be news to you!

Around a week before the election. David Corn and Mother Jones.

How many OTHER news outlets had the story given to them by Steele prior to Mother Jones going public with the story, Busy B? Steele was putting it out there. The problem was, they couldn't get any of the other outlets to run the story until it was verified. Remarkably...those liberal media outlets still had a few shreds of journalistic integrity left! However as soon as Mother Jones went public with the story...the rest of those liberal media outlets immediately reported on the Mother Jones story. They patted themselves on the back saying that they were only reporting something some OTHER media source had gone with...therefore they weren't complicit in the smear campaign. So much for journalistic integrity!!!
There was no evidence it was anything but a chance meeting.

Prove it - provide a link!

You poor indoctrinated snowflake......

You actually believe that the former President, whose wife was under investigation for the crimes by the FBI / DOJ, just happened to be flying out west on a trip, 'heard' the US AG - in whose hands his wife's political and judicial fate rested and the decision upon which was only several days away - was several states away and suddenly thought, "You know, I sure have a sudden urge to talk to the US AG about GRANDCHILDREN'?!

(You know those planes have TELEPHONES on them, right. They even have the ability to VIDEO-TELE-CONFERENCE.)

At THIS point, having a sudden urge to meet with the US AG to talk about GRANDKIDS, you believe that:

- Bill notified the pilot of his intentions, at which point the pilot had to contact FAA to file a flight plan modification...

- The Secret Service Team waiting at his original destination had to be notified of the change of plans / schedule

- The airport they were now heading to had to be notified that Clinton was coming to prepare...and to coordinate a secluded spot off of the main airport for the US AG's and former President's Plane to park to accommodate the meeting

- The US AG had to be contacted, asked to agree to the meeting, her itinerary & flight plans needed to be changed to accommodate the meeting...

- Clinton's Secret Service team had to contact the US AG's security team to coordinate who/what/where/how the 'spontaneous grandchildren chat' was going to go down...

Once the two aircraft were parked close to each other Clinton and Lynch reportedly met ALONE ... to discuss the GRANDKIDS ... FOR 20 MINUTES.

That's a helluva lot of coordination, changes, effort, and hoops to go through just to accommodate Bill's sudden urge to talk to Lynch about GRANDKIDS.... don't you think?!

Oh, did I forget to mention that Lynch's staff had PRE-PREPARED 'talking points' / answers for Lynch to give if the media caught wind of her and Bill's 'spontaneous' 'grandchild chat'?

New details emerge after infamous Lynch meeting


You are a member of the cult of Trump. All cult members are weak minded.

I can see what you are doing. You are trying to deflect from the main point. That Comey did not overstep his authority as Rosenstein and the IG claim. The article you linked is not damning. All it shows is that Lynch was briefed on how to handle reporters.

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