James Comey defends Strzok, disputes 'treason' accusation in fiery op-ed: 'Dumb lies

Meh, pro writer my ass. Just a grown up who lives at his moms. Really can’t even tell the truth about that. It switches from a posh house in Michigan to Chicago. No telling with you as you tend to lie allot.

No, you keep mixing me up with other guys who spanked you on this board, Special Ed. Given your lack of maturity, poor spelling and grammar, and lack of a coherent philosophy, you probably get spanked a lot.

Sure Joe, I beat your ass every time we mix. You're reduced to trying to explain what YOU think they meant when faced with statements that bitch slap you. The latest exchange was sanger, you plainly agree with eugenics you CLEARLY would have been one of her targets. Yes, you are mentally deficient.
Yeah after I looked up what he did to whitey and his friends,I heard stories Mueller was dirty but didn't realize how much so that he is going straight to hell

Wow, you are upset he put Whitey Bulger in jail?

Opinion | Smearing Robert Mueller

There is no evidence that the assertion is true. I was the federal judge who presided over a successful lawsuit brought against the government by two of those men and the families of the other two, who had died in prison. Based on the voluminous evidence submitted in the trial, and having written a 105-page decision awarding them $101.8 million, I can say without equivocation that Mr. Mueller, who worked in the United States attorney’s office in Boston from 1982 to 1988, including a brief stint as the acting head of the office, had no involvement in that case. He was never even mentioned.

Mr. Mueller is mentioned nowhere in my opinion; nor in the submissions of the plaintiffs’ lead trial counsel, Juliane Balliro; nor in “Black Mass,” the book about Mr. Bulger and the F.B.I. written by former reporters for The Boston Globe.

Mr. Barboza, like Mr. Bulger and one of Mr. Deegan’s killers, Vincent Flemmi, was in the Top Echelon Criminal Informant Program started in 1961 by J. Edgar Hoover. The program, as I noted in my opinion, “was strictly confidential, which not only meant that its existence would be kept secret from the general public and other divisions within the federal government, but also from state law enforcement agencies.” Mr. Barboza’s F.B.I. handlers, Dennis Condon and H. Paul Rico, and their superiors, knew that Mr. Barboza had perjured himself and that he was protecting Mr. Flemmi, but they withheld that information from state prosecutors because of his importance as an informant and to protect the informant program.

Your posting an opinion as factual?

5 guys are suing over false imprisonment

Yeah after I looked up what he did to whitey and his friends,I heard stories Mueller was dirty but didn't realize how much so that he is going straight to hell

Wow, you are upset he put Whitey Bulger in jail?

Opinion | Smearing Robert Mueller

There is no evidence that the assertion is true. I was the federal judge who presided over a successful lawsuit brought against the government by two of those men and the families of the other two, who had died in prison. Based on the voluminous evidence submitted in the trial, and having written a 105-page decision awarding them $101.8 million, I can say without equivocation that Mr. Mueller, who worked in the United States attorney’s office in Boston from 1982 to 1988, including a brief stint as the acting head of the office, had no involvement in that case. He was never even mentioned.

Mr. Mueller is mentioned nowhere in my opinion; nor in the submissions of the plaintiffs’ lead trial counsel, Juliane Balliro; nor in “Black Mass,” the book about Mr. Bulger and the F.B.I. written by former reporters for The Boston Globe.

Mr. Barboza, like Mr. Bulger and one of Mr. Deegan’s killers, Vincent Flemmi, was in the Top Echelon Criminal Informant Program started in 1961 by J. Edgar Hoover. The program, as I noted in my opinion, “was strictly confidential, which not only meant that its existence would be kept secret from the general public and other divisions within the federal government, but also from state law enforcement agencies.” Mr. Barboza’s F.B.I. handlers, Dennis Condon and H. Paul Rico, and their superiors, knew that Mr. Barboza had perjured himself and that he was protecting Mr. Flemmi, but they withheld that information from state prosecutors because of his importance as an informant and to protect the informant program.

No, we are upset that he KNOWINGLY railroaded innocent people for the crimes that he knew his buddy whitey, had committed. How is it possible that you are that stupid?
DOJ had to pay a man $6 million because Mueller is a corrupt piece of shit,

When Comey and Mueller Bungled the Anthrax Case | RealClearPolitics!

The third and most important factor tempering my enthusiasm for the new special prosecutor is that Comey and Mueller badly bungled the biggest case they ever handled. They botched the investigation of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks that took five lives and infected 17 other people, shut down the U.S. Capitol and Washington’s mail system, solidified the Bush administration’s antipathy for Iraq, and eventually, when the facts finally came out, made the FBI look feckless, incompetent, and easily manipulated by outside political pressure.

This, too, was an enormously complex case. But here are some facts: Despite the jihadist slogans accompanying the mailed anthrax, it had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein or any foreign element; the FBI ignored a 2002 tip from a scientific colleague of the actual anthrax killer, who turned out to be a Fort Detrick scientist named Bruce Edwards Ivins; the reason is that they had quickly obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill; the bureau was bullied into focusing on the government scientist by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy (whose office, along with that of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, was targeted by an anthrax-laced letter) and was duped into focusing on Hatfill by two sources – a conspiracy-minded college professor with a political agenda who’d never met Hatfill and by Nicholas Kristof, who put his conspiracy theories in the paper while mocking the FBI for not arresting Hatfill.

In truth, Hatfill was an implausible suspect from the outset. He was a virologist who never handled anthrax, which is a bacterium. (Ivins, by contrast, shared ownership of anthrax patents, was diagnosed as having paranoid personality disorder, and had a habit of stalking and threatening people with anonymous letters – including the woman who provided the long-ignored tip to the FBI). So what evidence did the FBI have against Hatfill? There was none, so the agency did a Hail Mary, importing two bloodhounds from California whose handlers claimed could sniff the scent of the killer on the anthrax-tainted letters. These dogs were shown to Hatfill, who promptly petted them. When the dogs responded favorably, their handlers told the FBI that they’d “alerted” on Hatfill and that he must be the killer.

You’d think that any good FBI agent would have kicked these quacks in the fanny and found their dogs a good home. Or at least checked news accounts of criminal cases in California where these same dogs had been used against defendants who’d been convicted -- and later exonerated. As Pulitzer Prize-winning Los Angeles Times investigative reporter David Willman detailed in his authoritative book on the case, a California judge who’d tossed out a murder conviction based on these sketchy canines called the prosecution’s dog handler “as biased as any witness that this court has ever seen.”

Instead, Mueller, who micromanaged the anthrax case and fell in love with the dubious dog evidence, personally assured Ashcroft and presumably George W. Bush that in Steven Hatfill the bureau had its man. Comey, in turn, was asked by a skeptical Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz if Hatfill was another Richard Jewell – the security guard wrongly accused of the Atlanta Olympics bombing. Comey repliedthat he was “absolutely certain” they weren’t making a mistake.

Such certitude seems to be Comey’s default position in his professional life. Mueller didn’t exactly distinguish himself with contrition, either. In 2008, after Ivins committed suicide as he was about to be apprehended for his crimes, and the Justice Department had formally exonerated Hatfill – and paid him $5.82 million in a legal settlement – Mueller could not be bothered to walk across the street to attend the press conference announcing the case’s resolution. When reporters did ask him about it, Mueller was graceless. “I do not apologize for any aspect of the investigation,” he said, adding that it would be erroneous “to say there were mistakes.”
If you substitute the word "desperate" for "fiery" you get an idea of where Comey is. I hope he likes the color orange.
Meh, pro writer my ass. Just a grown up who lives at his moms. Really can’t even tell the truth about that. It switches from a posh house in Michigan to Chicago. No telling with you as you tend to lie allot.

No, you keep mixing me up with other guys who spanked you on this board, Special Ed. Given your lack of maturity, poor spelling and grammar, and lack of a coherent philosophy, you probably get spanked a lot.

Sure Joe, I beat your ass every time we mix. You're reduced to trying to explain what YOU think they meant when faced with statements that bitch slap you. The latest exchange was sanger, you plainly agree with eugenics you CLEARLY would have been one of her targets. Yes, you are mentally deficient.

I missed a Sanger thread? Damn. That Jose supports Eugene is obvious. I could respect him a little if he would just admit it.
Sure, the dirty Mueller had no involvement. Just those letters he wrote to the parole boards there declaring those innocent men a danger to,society who needed to be kept locked up.

Do you actually have one of these letters? Not that these guys were ever going to be considered for parole, given what they were convicted of.

Or that over $100 million settlement the two survivors and the other families got based on MUELLER'S wrongdoings.

Except Mueller had no role in the case...

Or just ask Steven Hatfill, you know, the guy the idiot Mueller chased for years. Who got over $5 million based again on MUELLER'S illegal acts against him. History isn't kind to little Bobby.

You mean the guy who was framed by the real culprit? Seems his beef should have been with that guy, not Mueller, who again, only got involved in the case in 2006, and because of his change in direction, they identified the right guy.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III changed leadership of the investigation in late 2006, and at that time another suspect, USAMRIID bacteriologist Bruce Ivins, became the main focus of the investigation

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

Maybe he should send Mueller a nice thank you note..

Of course, Hatfill was a white supremacist POS from Rhodesia who lied about having a Ph.D. on his resume.

Sure Joe, I beat your ass every time we mix. You're reduced to trying to explain what YOU think they meant when faced with statements that bitch slap you. The latest exchange was sanger, you plainly agree with eugenics you CLEARLY would have been one of her targets. Yes, you are mentally deficient.

I totally spanked you on the Sanger argument, where you took quotes completely out of context and then claimed she supported abortion, which she didn't.

I missed a Sanger thread? Damn. That Jose supports Eugene is obvious. I could respect him a little if he would just admit it.

I don't support anyone named "Eugene".

Well except myself... Eugene is my middle name.
DOJ had to pay a man $6 million because Mueller is a corrupt piece of shit,

No, the DOJ had to pay 5 Million because agents talked to the press when they shouldn't have.

Nothing to do with Mueller, who wasn't personally running that case.

You know, the case where the White Supremacist from Rhodesia faked his Ph.D. and started taking anti-Anthrax meds before the attacks began, looking all manner of suspicious.
Your posting an opinion as factual?

5 guys are suing over false imprisonment

Awesome... these five guys were all Organized Crime associates... so it wasn't like they were innocent.

Innocent were the Central Park Five, who were beaten into confessions, and then Trump called for the execution and continued to do so even after they were exonerated.
Wow, does this asshole need to be more of an attention whore?

He cost Hillary the election and now he is in full panic mode.

James Comey defends Strzok, disputes 'treason' accusation in fiery op-ed: 'Dumb lies'

There was no corruption. There was no treason. There was no attempted coup. Those are lies, and dumb lies at that. There were just good people trying to figure out what was true, under unprecedented circumstances," Comey wrote in The Washington Post on Tuesday.

His fiery words came as the administration ramped up its investigation into the Russia probe's origins. Attorney General William Barr, during a Fox News interview in May, pledged to get to the bottom of the probe's origins and the president, for his part, authorized the DOJ to declassify intelligence documents related to the investigation.

In before his sentence is handed down.

There's no way to "malign" Strzok, his actions say he's a super-scumbag.

Of course, Comey would stand by that a-hole Strzok. Comey doesn't have many friends. So his closest "Allie" would be other than Peter "Smirk" Strzok. I am sure Peter would never throw his own boss under the boss, right? Lol


Barr: Peter, we'll take the needle off the table if you agree to testify against Comey and McCabe
Strzok: I have details down to what they had for breakfast
Wow, does this asshole need to be more of an attention whore?

He cost Hillary the election and now he is in full panic mode.

James Comey defends Strzok, disputes 'treason' accusation in fiery op-ed: 'Dumb lies'

There was no corruption. There was no treason. There was no attempted coup. Those are lies, and dumb lies at that. There were just good people trying to figure out what was true, under unprecedented circumstances," Comey wrote in The Washington Post on Tuesday.

His fiery words came as the administration ramped up its investigation into the Russia probe's origins. Attorney General William Barr, during a Fox News interview in May, pledged to get to the bottom of the probe's origins and the president, for his part, authorized the DOJ to declassify intelligence documents related to the investigation.


Strzok:. Hey James you better fucken do something they're closing in on me.
If I go down you go down with me asshole!

Comey: Don't worry I got this!

Strzok: you're not making me feel any better dude!

Comey: Calm down I'm going to write an op-ed that will fix everything!

Comey is in trouble and he knows it!

No, he really isn't.

Yeah, please, please, please try to indict him in DC where 96% of them voted for Hillary and left the Mall mostly empty when Trump was inaugurated.

Should be fun to watch.

Comey tried to blackmail the President of the United States with a "pee tape" that Brennan had made up. Comey was stupid enough to think it was real. The act of extorting a sitting president is treason.

You counter that DC is so corrupt that the law would never applied to a party operative. Many of us fear that is true.

What is remarkable is that you think a lack of justice for the ruling class is a good thing, you praise corruption.

No wonder you love potentate Obamugabe.
He's lashing out for his final act.

You have far more faith in our laws than I do. Kudos to Barr for acknowledging that the Obamugabe Regime engage in treason to rig the election.

I am HIGHLY skeptical that he or anyone else will actually take action.

The country CANNOT survive without equal justice under the law, if Barr thwarts or refuses to apply the law to our ruling class, then the country will descend into a civil war that will make the first one look like a childs birthday party. And China will emerge the victor.
He's lashing out for his final act.

You have far more faith in our laws than I do. Kudos to Barr for acknowledging that the Obamugabe Regime engage in treason to rig the election.

I am HIGHLY skeptical that he or anyone else will actually take action.

The country CANNOT survive without equal justice under the law, if Barr thwarts or refuses to apply the law to our ruling class, then the country will descend into a civil war that will make the first one look like a childs birthday party. And China will emerge the victor.

Oh I agree with you, we're a nation of laws. If we don't abide, we fall. Unfortunately, we're falling and this was one of the dangers the founders warned about. Corruption, dishonesty, deceit, and immorality end nations.
We actually know that he was guilty of nothing and more than likely he'll be reelected. Libs will have to howl at the sky again. They're already rabid. I expect them to become even more violent after Trump gets reelected.

He wasn't elected to start with... The people said "No". They said "No" a little louder in the midterms.

Oh, Yesterday we found out that we had to put a Tarp over the name of the USS John S. McCain so the name of the ship wouldn't make Trump Nuts if he saw it.... yup, this is the kind of world we are living in.

A whole bunch of Americans who voted for third parties or stayed home in 2016 are going to say, "We can't fuck this up a second time!"

I've identified your problem. You believe lies. Trump WAS elected, fair and square. The fact that you invent criteria that were never part of the election speaks volumes about your ability to deal with reality.
Oh, for God's sake! You're STILL trying to claim that the Russians hacked our election? Come on, Joey...wake up and smell the coffee! That train left the station a year ago! The Russians attempted to influence our election through the manipulation of social media...they didn't hack the voting process!

1) Do you really beleive the government would tell us if they did?
2) They didn't attempt, they succeeded.
3) How do we know they didn't hack the process? PA doesn't even have paper ballots, so there's no way to verify if it was hacked or not.

So you DON'T know, but just want to claim it anyway.

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