James Comey defends Strzok, disputes 'treason' accusation in fiery op-ed: 'Dumb lies

Sure, the dirty Mueller had no involvement. Just those letters he wrote to the parole boards there declaring those innocent men a danger to,society who needed to be kept locked up.

Do you actually have one of these letters? Not that these guys were ever going to be considered for parole, given what they were convicted of.

Or that over $100 million settlement the two survivors and the other families got based on MUELLER'S wrongdoings.

Except Mueller had no role in the case...

Or just ask Steven Hatfill, you know, the guy the idiot Mueller chased for years. Who got over $5 million based again on MUELLER'S illegal acts against him. History isn't kind to little Bobby.

You mean the guy who was framed by the real culprit? Seems his beef should have been with that guy, not Mueller, who again, only got involved in the case in 2006, and because of his change in direction, they identified the right guy.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III changed leadership of the investigation in late 2006, and at that time another suspect, USAMRIID bacteriologist Bruce Ivins, became the main focus of the investigation

Robert Mueller - Wikipedia

Maybe he should send Mueller a nice thank you note..

Of course, Hatfill was a white supremacist POS from Rhodesia who lied about having a Ph.D. on his resume.

Wrong again liar. The judge in the Hatfill case blamed Mueller himself, as did EVERY agent on that case. You know, the ones who told the Mule repeatedly that he was after the WRONG guy. So you're saying Mueller was so stupid he couldn't see the a "framing" right in front of his face? Mueller was involved in Hatfill's case and the judge rightly slapped him hard. Leaving US taxpayers with a $5 million bill because of his incompetence.mof course you're just a liar trying to cover for incompetent Bob. Maybe try actually reading about cases before looking like a fool. Oh, too late for that.
've identified your problem. You believe lies. Trump WAS elected, fair and square. The fact that you invent criteria that were never part of the election speaks volumes about your ability to deal with reality.

Sorry, man, for all the backpeddling, the fact is the McCain story turned out to be true. They were so terrified that the Man-Baby would see the name and flip out they tried to hide it.
You run to the mods because you are a thin skinned little nazi. Go fuck your self joe.

Nope, if I have to follow the rules here, so do you.

I mean, what I like about USMB is that it gives you a lot more latitude than a lot of boards do, but, um, yeah, when you break clearly defined rules, there should be consequences.
96% of them voted for Hillary and left the Mall mostly empty when Trump was inaugurated.

Yep, mostly empty. :lol:

You're "that guy", Joey?

The one that loves to dish it out but doesn't handle getting some back very well?

No, I'm the guy who trounces you wingnuts in debates until you lose your composure and do something that breaks the rules.

I don't like reporting people... but frankly, I also don't like seeing people ruin other people's enjoyment.
You're "that guy", Joey?

The one that loves to dish it out but doesn't handle getting some back very well?

No, I'm the guy who trounces you wingnuts in debates until you lose your composure and do something that breaks the rules.

I don't like reporting people... but frankly, I also don't like seeing people ruin other people's enjoyment.

Not true at all Joe. For years you have had your nose rubbed in shit here. Used to be you ran the from them crying. You even tried to go to the FZ, but got ran off by a girl. Your still nothing but a thin skinned little liar. Only difference now is you got a pal who is a mod. Only one mod sticks up for you. You always have been nothing but a thin skinned little nazi with mommy issues who steals all his post from other message boards.
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Several posts deleted.

Stop the personal attacks, and get back on topic
Comey is in trouble and he knows it!

No, he really isn't.

Yeah, please, please, please try to indict him in DC where 96% of them voted for Hillary and left the Mall mostly empty when Trump was inaugurated.

Should be fun to watch.
DC didn't want an outsider. not much of a "WIN" there now is it? it anything it could well prove the point of we DON'T need more "established" people in office ANYWHERE.

as for "mostly empty" - well that's about as big a load of bullshit as trump saying he got more than obama.
And when we finally get the transparency we were promised, Comey, Brennen, Mueller, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clapper, Clinton, Holder, Lynch and Obama better not end up in one of those country club prisons. They need to spend their pre execution time in a super max.
You're "that guy", Joey?

The one that loves to dish it out but doesn't handle getting some back very well?

No, I'm the guy who trounces you wingnuts in debates until you lose your composure and do something that breaks the rules.

I don't like reporting people... but frankly, I also don't like seeing people ruin other people's enjoyment.

Ever report me, Joey? You can't because I don't break the rules. You've tried to goad me into doing so but to be quite honest with you...you're generally losing debates here so badly...and embarrassing yourself so much...that I end up chuckling at your nonsense. This string is no different. It's getting to be the time when you play the race card...isn't it? You know...your GO TO when you've been handed your ass again? :boohoo:
Comey attempts to defend Strzok... The funny thing is Comey is trying to defend Strzok from Strzok's own text messages.
Not true at all Joe. For years you have had your nose rubbed in shit here. Used to be you ran the from them crying. You even tried to go to the FZ, but got ran off by a girl.

Uh, I think you are confusing me with other posters who've spanked you. I almost never visit the FZ because, frankly, the discussions there are puerile and not on topic.

Do carry on...

Only difference now is you got a pal who is a mod. Only one mod sticks up for you.

News to me.

Okay, back on topic, this is about Comey...

The thing was, they had evidence that the Russians were interfering with the election, and that Trump's people were working with them. What were they supposed to do?
Not true at all Joe. For years you have had your nose rubbed in shit here. Used to be you ran the from them crying. You even tried to go to the FZ, but got ran off by a girl.

Uh, I think you are confusing me with other posters who've spanked you. I almost never visit the FZ because, frankly, the discussions there are puerile and not on topic.

Do carry on...

Only difference now is you got a pal who is a mod. Only one mod sticks up for you.

News to me.

Okay, back on topic, this is about Comey...

The thing was, they had evidence that the Russians were interfering with the election, and that Trump's people were working with them. What were they supposed to do?

You're lying again Joe.....
Comey attempts to defend Strzok... The funny thing is Comey is trying to defend Strzok from Strzok's own text messages.

Hey, here's a neat idea. Let's get the text messages from EVERY last Republican member of Congress between 2015 and 2017, and see how many of them said things about Trump that were a lot worse than anything Strzok had to say.

The reality is, Strzok reflects what both parties are thinking.. THEY KNOW Trump is unfit for the presidency.

But when you have a Mad Emperor, everyone is supposed to smile and pretend this is normal.

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