James Comey defends Strzok, disputes 'treason' accusation in fiery op-ed: 'Dumb lies

Comey attempts to defend Strzok... The funny thing is Comey is trying to defend Strzok from Strzok's own text messages.

Hey, here's a neat idea. Let's get the text messages from EVERY last Republican member of Congress between 2015 and 2017, and see how many of them said things about Trump that were a lot worse than anything Strzok had to say.

The reality is, Strzok reflects what both parties are thinking.. THEY KNOW Trump is unfit for the presidency.

But when you have a Mad Emperor, everyone is supposed to smile and pretend this is normal.

You really are a stupid sick fuck son. You support treason Joe Bob?
Comey attempts to defend Strzok... The funny thing is Comey is trying to defend Strzok from Strzok's own text messages.

Hey, here's a neat idea. Let's get the text messages from EVERY last Republican member of Congress between 2015 and 2017, and see how many of them said things about Trump that were a lot worse than anything Strzok had to say.

The reality is, Strzok reflects what both parties are thinking.. THEY KNOW Trump is unfit for the presidency.

But when you have a Mad Emperor, everyone is supposed to smile and pretend this is normal.
Here's a better idea:

Why don't snowflakes actually stop trying to ignore actual evidence and stop trying to distract from Strzok's texts that expose the Obama administration's crimes ?

Get the texts of every Republican? Why? Because you don't want people to focus on what Strzok actually says, which even Comey won't do in his attempted defense of Strzok.
Actually, by the Democrats' own dedefinition of 'obstruction', comey is guilty of continued 'obstruction' by attempting to undermine both the US IG's and US AG's investigations of FISA Warrant Abuses and other crimes committed by him and fellow Democrats.
You really are a stupid sick fuck son. You support treason Joe Bob?

Treason is the guy who tells us that Putin is more believable than the dedicated Intelligence officers who have made a career of protecting this country.

Sorry you are confused on this point, but it seems a lot of you on the right are drinking the koolaid.

I'm not confused about anything little boy. You are no more American than little Bammy the gay half negro.
Actually, by the Democrats' own dedefinition of 'obstruction', comey is guilty of continued 'obstruction' by attempting to undermine both the US IG's and US AG's investigations of FISA Warrant Abuses and other crimes committed by him and fellow Democrats.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that.. and then tell yourself that you can take this shit to a DC Grand Jury and get them to take you seriously.

I'm not confused about anything little boy. You are no more American than little Bammy the gay half negro.

Wow... homophobic AND racist... how efficient of you.
Actually, by the Democrats' own dedefinition of 'obstruction', comey is guilty of continued 'obstruction' by attempting to undermine both the US IG's and US AG's investigations of FISA Warrant Abuses and other crimes committed by him and fellow Democrats.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that.. and then tell yourself that you can take this shit to a DC Grand Jury and get them to take you seriously.

I'm not confused about anything little boy. You are no more American than little Bammy the gay half negro.

Wow... homophobic AND racist... how efficient of you.

Run Joey run.
Strzok has no defense. His own words convict him of sedition.

Hey dumbass, maybe you can list for us the charges against the "no defense" Strzok or anyone else in the justice system you rightwing fools keep accusing.
Actually, by the Democrats' own dedefinition of 'obstruction', comey is guilty of continued 'obstruction' by attempting to undermine both the US IG's and US AG's investigations of FISA Warrant Abuses and other crimes committed by him and fellow Democrats.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that.. and then tell yourself that you can take this shit to a DC Grand Jury and get them to take you seriously.

I'm not confused about anything little boy. You are no more American than little Bammy the gay half negro.

Wow... homophobic AND racist... how efficient of you.
Snowflakes continue to claim that Trump's constant complaints and public statements against the exposed Obama administration coup attempt amounted to 'obstruction' ... except Mueller's investigation resulted in no indictment or finding of guilt of collusion or obstruction.

Comey is using any left wing platform he can to spew proven lies in an attempt to sway the public to save his ass from proven FISA Court abuses and other crimes...as his fellow conspirators continue to poi t go gets at him and pile on in an attempt to save their own asses.

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Strzok has no defense. His own words convict him of sedition.

Hey dumbass, maybe you can list for us the charges against the "no defense" Strzok or anyone else in the justice system you rightwing fools keep accusing.
Strzok has already been identified in a US IG report as having criminally leaked classified information.

Just curious....exactly how much evidence, how many findings, how many rulings against the criminal Democrats are you snowflakes going to attempt to lie / deny / justify before you will finally accept the truth?

I am actually betting the answer is 'as Manny as necessary to NEVER aklcknowledge the truth / reality'....

Wow, does this asshole need to be more of an attention whore?

He cost Hillary the election and now he is in full panic mode.

James Comey defends Strzok, disputes 'treason' accusation in fiery op-ed: 'Dumb lies'

There was no corruption. There was no treason. There was no attempted coup. Those are lies, and dumb lies at that. There were just good people trying to figure out what was true, under unprecedented circumstances," Comey wrote in The Washington Post on Tuesday.

His fiery words came as the administration ramped up its investigation into the Russia probe's origins. Attorney General William Barr, during a Fox News interview in May, pledged to get to the bottom of the probe's origins and the president, for his part, authorized the DOJ to declassify intelligence documents related to the investigation.

Trump asskissers like you are throwing around words like "coup" and "treason" and you accuse Comey of being in panic mode? You crazies are the ones throwing around crazy accusations. Comey is very rational and on spot.

Barr is the one who is attempting to corrupt the DOJ by launching a fake investigation. He has decided to become Trump's personal security man and forsake his duty as the chief law enforcement officer of the US.
The white house is investigating the previous admin spying. Doubtful on the economy stalling yet. There will be a correction in a couple of years but not yet. We do know there was no evidence on russia russia collusion with trump but the previous admin has some answering to do. You do want to find out right?

Actually, the economy is slowing down now... By next year, we'll be in full fledged recessions and Trump is done!

And we know everything that we need to know about Trump's criminality. Mueller came out and pretty much said so yesterday.

We actually know that he was guilty of nothing and more than likely he'll be reelected. Libs will have to howl at the sky again. They're already rabid. I expect them to become even more violent after Trump gets reelected.

We know he was guilty. The fact is that he will be defeated as woman voters bury Trump and the Republicans as they did in 2018.
Lol that would of said Hillary was under investigation, not under investigation, under investigation right before an election? Comey is an egotistical attention whore and he is just a lousy lawyer, At least Hoover held a badge

But here's the problem. If Comey was truly part of a "Deep State" conspiracy, he'd have told us all about Trump's dealings with the Russians and hid the Email stuff until after the election.

Instead, he did exactly the opposite.

Using logic on Trump supporters is useless. You are dealing with people who have no brains and are stupid enough to buy Trump's act.
OMG...leave it to the voters? You just spoke of that like it's an imposition on the nation, Joey! God forbid that we let the voters decide!

Your problem is that the voters HAVE decided...and that's why Trump is sitting in the Oval Office.

No. the voters wanted Hillary.. by 3 million votes...

The voters were ignored by the Electoral Anachronism.
That's 3 million illegal alien and other fraudulent votes combined.

You haven't proven 100 voters voted illegally much less 3 million.
We decide our elections by use of the Electoral College. We have for a LONG...LONG...time! People plan their campaigns knowing this. They don't prepare them to win the popular vote...

Blah, blah, blah... we've only had 4 instances where the EC didn't do what the popular vote said to do... and before 2000, it hadn't happened for such a long time, most people forgot the EC was a thing.

Point was, the people said "No".

Trump ran a far superior campaign to Clinton. He won electoral college votes where he needed to. She didn't.

More along the lines, most people just assumed that she'd win and didn't make an effort. Oh, yeah, and Russian hacking.... let's not forget that.

So the Russians hack an archaic system, the government doesn't really want to fully admit that it had been hacked, but they hope they can correct the mistake in another way. Trump didn't so much win as he was "allowed to happen".

The voters spoke and Trump is our President. You seem to have a problem coping with that.

Yeah, because what the voters said and what happened were two different things. Oh, and Trump likes to cover up names of ships because someone with the same name said bad stuff about him once. Then we are getting into Giaus Caligula territory here.

Oh, for God's sake! You're STILL trying to claim that the Russians hacked our election? Come on, Joey...wake up and smell the coffee! That train left the station a year ago! The Russians attempted to influence our election through the manipulation of social media...they didn't hack the voting process!

That may not be true. Apparently in 2016 at least 1 Florida county may have suffered a Russian intrusion into their voting systems. Marco Rubio was informed by the FBI of this.
Strzok has no defense. His own words convict him of sedition.

Hey dumbass, maybe you can list for us the charges against the "no defense" Strzok or anyone else in the justice system you rightwing fools keep accusing.
Strzok has already been identified in a US IG report as having criminally leaked classified information.

Just curious....exactly how much evidence, how many findings, how many rulings against the criminal Democrats are you snowflakes going to attempt to lie / deny / justify before you will finally accept the truth?

I am actually betting the answer is 'as Manny as necessary to NEVER aklcknowledge the truth / reality'....

Says who. A weaselly Republican. The Republicans are totally dishonest. The IG report found no evidence of any bias in the Clinton e-mail investigation. Strzok knew about the initial Trump investigation before the election and did not leak it. He also apparently supported the decision to re-open the investigation the weekend before the election.

I certainly will not accept anything a Republican says. The truth is the actual truth not what some lying Republican says. That includes crooked AGs like Barr.
"There was no corruption. There was no treason. There was no attempted coup. Those are lies, and dumb lies at that. There were just good people trying to figure out what was true, under unprecedented circumstances,"

You fucking dimwits

A "good person" would mislead a FISA Court with the Steele "dossiers"? These were not "good" people...they were people who perverted the power of their office to attempt to spy on another political party's candidate and smear that candidate in a national election! Comey...Brennan...Clapper...McCabe...Page...Strozk...Lynch...Clinton...and Obama...those were all corrupt people trying to figure out how to steal an election.

More lying Republicans. There is no evidence the FISA court was misled. We know that the court was informed of the political nature of the document and Comey also verified that parts of the document was verified. No one spied on any political party's candidate and they did not smear anyone. The investigation into Trump was not leaked prior to the election and the investigation was re-opened into CLINTON'S e-mails the weekend before the election..
Wow, does this asshole need to be more of an attention whore?

He cost Hillary the election and now he is in full panic mode.

James Comey defends Strzok, disputes 'treason' accusation in fiery op-ed: 'Dumb lies'

There was no corruption. There was no treason. There was no attempted coup. Those are lies, and dumb lies at that. There were just good people trying to figure out what was true, under unprecedented circumstances," Comey wrote in The Washington Post on Tuesday.

His fiery words came as the administration ramped up its investigation into the Russia probe's origins. Attorney General William Barr, during a Fox News interview in May, pledged to get to the bottom of the probe's origins and the president, for his part, authorized the DOJ to declassify intelligence documents related to the investigation.

The rats are feeding on each other openly now. Man I do hope they smear shit all over Muller. Knock him off that high horse of his.

Yeah after I looked up what he did to whitey and his friends,I heard stories Mueller was dirty but didn't realize how much so that he is going straight to hell


The trial judge who presided has essentially called that horseshit.

"“There is no evidence that the assertion is true. I was the federal judge who presided over a successful lawsuit brought against the government by two of those men and the families of the other two, who had died in prison. Based on the voluminous evidence submitted in the trial, and having written a 105-page decision awarding them $101.8 million, I can say without equivocation that Mr. Mueller, who worked in the United States attorney’s office in Boston from 1982 to 1988, including a brief stint as the acting head of the office, had no involvement in that case. He was never even mentioned.”

In TV Interview Mr. Dershowitz Lies About FBI Counsel Mueller/ Richard Painter Bravely Defends FBI

I know facts don't matter to smear merchants like yourself. You are a lying little snake who crawls on your belly to falsely attack people.
Yeah after I looked up what he did to whitey and his friends,I heard stories Mueller was dirty but didn't realize how much so that he is going straight to hell

Wow, you are upset he put Whitey Bulger in jail?

Opinion | Smearing Robert Mueller

There is no evidence that the assertion is true. I was the federal judge who presided over a successful lawsuit brought against the government by two of those men and the families of the other two, who had died in prison. Based on the voluminous evidence submitted in the trial, and having written a 105-page decision awarding them $101.8 million, I can say without equivocation that Mr. Mueller, who worked in the United States attorney’s office in Boston from 1982 to 1988, including a brief stint as the acting head of the office, had no involvement in that case. He was never even mentioned.

Mr. Mueller is mentioned nowhere in my opinion; nor in the submissions of the plaintiffs’ lead trial counsel, Juliane Balliro; nor in “Black Mass,” the book about Mr. Bulger and the F.B.I. written by former reporters for The Boston Globe.

Mr. Barboza, like Mr. Bulger and one of Mr. Deegan’s killers, Vincent Flemmi, was in the Top Echelon Criminal Informant Program started in 1961 by J. Edgar Hoover. The program, as I noted in my opinion, “was strictly confidential, which not only meant that its existence would be kept secret from the general public and other divisions within the federal government, but also from state law enforcement agencies.” Mr. Barboza’s F.B.I. handlers, Dennis Condon and H. Paul Rico, and their superiors, knew that Mr. Barboza had perjured himself and that he was protecting Mr. Flemmi, but they withheld that information from state prosecutors because of his importance as an informant and to protect the informant program.

Sure, the dirty Mueller had no involvement. Just those letters he wrote to the parole boards there declaring those innocent men a danger to,society who needed to be kept locked up. Or that over $100 million settlement the two survivors and the other families got based on MUELLER'S wrongdoings. Or just ask Steven Hatfill, you know, the guy the idiot Mueller chased for years. Who got over $5 million based again on MUELLER'S illegal acts against him. History isn't kind to little Bobby.

You know more than the trial judge who sat in that courtroom every day. Typical Trump snake. Make false accusations to protect Trump.
Yeah after I looked up what he did to whitey and his friends,I heard stories Mueller was dirty but didn't realize how much so that he is going straight to hell

Wow, you are upset he put Whitey Bulger in jail?

Opinion | Smearing Robert Mueller

There is no evidence that the assertion is true. I was the federal judge who presided over a successful lawsuit brought against the government by two of those men and the families of the other two, who had died in prison. Based on the voluminous evidence submitted in the trial, and having written a 105-page decision awarding them $101.8 million, I can say without equivocation that Mr. Mueller, who worked in the United States attorney’s office in Boston from 1982 to 1988, including a brief stint as the acting head of the office, had no involvement in that case. He was never even mentioned.

Mr. Mueller is mentioned nowhere in my opinion; nor in the submissions of the plaintiffs’ lead trial counsel, Juliane Balliro; nor in “Black Mass,” the book about Mr. Bulger and the F.B.I. written by former reporters for The Boston Globe.

Mr. Barboza, like Mr. Bulger and one of Mr. Deegan’s killers, Vincent Flemmi, was in the Top Echelon Criminal Informant Program started in 1961 by J. Edgar Hoover. The program, as I noted in my opinion, “was strictly confidential, which not only meant that its existence would be kept secret from the general public and other divisions within the federal government, but also from state law enforcement agencies.” Mr. Barboza’s F.B.I. handlers, Dennis Condon and H. Paul Rico, and their superiors, knew that Mr. Barboza had perjured himself and that he was protecting Mr. Flemmi, but they withheld that information from state prosecutors because of his importance as an informant and to protect the informant program.

Your posting an opinion as factual?

5 guys are suing over false imprisonment


A judge who sat there every day of the trial. You weren't there and you are saying what is factual and what is not.

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