James Comey Fighting to Stay Out of Jail

comey has done nothing wrong, psycho hack..


now Devin Nunes... he's going to do a perp walk. count on it.

These idiots talk like Erdogan, Putin & Duterte who Trump becomes more like every day.
Just kill or lock up anyone that isn't a autocratic nutcase such as themselves!

No one wants to do that. All everyone wants, and you should want too, is to see The Rule of Law observed, and Justice served to those that break that rule.

You don't care much for Justice though, or the Rule of Law, do you?
comey has done nothing wrong, psycho hack..


now Devin Nunes... he's going to do a perp walk. count on it.

These idiots talk like Erdogan, Putin & Duterte who Trump becomes more like every day.
Just kill or lock up anyone that isn't a autocratic nutcase such as themselves!
Yeah, because those 3 eradicated illegal, Un-Constitutional edicts, mandates, and crimes when they took over and completely turned their countries around, making them highly successful, like Trump has done.

:p Bwuhahahaha.....
You do know what self description is. :D
Easy on shrooms, btw.

No, 'self-destruction' is coming at me with a complete lack of common sense, a denial of reality, proven lies, debunked BS, butt-hurt opinion, personal attacks, etc...like you just did.

It is a signal that you have just run out of 'ammo' in the 'intellectual war'.

I accept your surrender! :p

Who's talking to you?
comey has done nothing wrong, psycho hack..


now Devin Nunes... he's going to do a perp walk. count on it.

These idiots talk like Erdogan, Putin & Duterte who Trump becomes more like every day.
Just kill or lock up anyone that isn't a autocratic nutcase such as themselves!
Yeah, because those 3 eradicated illegal, Un-Constitutional edicts, mandates, and crimes when they took over and completely turned their countries around, making them highly successful, like Trump has done.

:p Bwuhahahaha.....

Your orange boy is hearing that Tell Tale Heart pound about now :)
No one wants to do that. All everyone wants, and you should want too, is to see The Rule of Law observed, and Justice served to those that break that rule.

You don't care much for Justice though, or the Rule of Law, do you?

"Justice" will occur when Mueller hits Trump hard with Obstruction of Justice ...

Why do you hate democracy Sergei?
Those have not been forgotten.

They will pay, along with all the thugs from the past Administration.

Beleive me.....those thugs have not been forgotten.

We are going to turn this country into Nazi Germany and get our political enemies. Try it and Trump and his followers like you will face a Nuremberg style trial.

The use of IRS against conservative groups and the memo release are suggesting that Democrats already turned the country into Nazi state. What's going on today is correcting the wrong.
stupid and delusional is a really bad combination.

That's so far the best self description you posted.

and I did that without even meeting you.

but then again, I can see the level of stupid in your posts. it's not that hard.

nice, huh? I bet you even thought you were being funny. :rofl:

like I said, stupid and delusional LIKE YOU is a bad combination. (see, I made it more specific that time so you wouldn't be all confused)

now tell us again how the FBI doing it's JOB is Nazi.


Lessee if I got this right. Typical Jillian post: level of stupid thought you were being funny like I said, stupid and delusional wouldn't be all confused doing it's JOB is Nazi. idiot.

Just where do you ever actually address the TOPIC of the OP instead of just your perpetual ad hominem personal attacks and puerile name calling?
No one wants to do that. All everyone wants, and you should want too, is to see The Rule of Law observed, and Justice served to those that break that rule.

You don't care much for Justice though, or the Rule of Law, do you?

"Justice" will occur when Mueller hits Trump hard with Obstruction of Justice ...

Why do you hate democracy Sergei?

because he's being paid to for 200, alex?
No one wants to do that. All everyone wants, and you should want too, is to see The Rule of Law observed, and Justice served to those that break that rule.

You don't care much for Justice though, or the Rule of Law, do you?

"Justice" will occur when Mueller hits Trump hard with Obstruction of Justice ...

Why do you hate democracy Sergei?

because he's being paid to for 200, alex....

We've totally got a few Russian trolls around these parts :)
is anyone surprised by The Fear in James Comey’s Eyes and Adam Schiff’s Lying Body Language?

And the two Biggest Blowhards and big mouths on The Left have gone in to hiding!

Where is Obama Bin Lying & Hillary Rotten Clinton?

PANIC AT THE FBI! Comey Loyalist and Suspected 'Leaker' Just Fired

Devin Nunes’ Anti-FBI Memo Names James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, and Andrew McCabe

comey has done nothing wrong, psycho hack..


now Devin Nunes... he's going to do a perp walk. count on it.

Neither did Lois Lerner. So she said before she pleaded fifth.

Now when all her emails were recovered, I'm wondering why is she still getting government pension.

Speaking of Comey, you think he did nothing wrong, however the evidence prove otherwise.
We don’t know what the full memo says because it has not been released to the public. But, the memo reportedly includes allegations that the FBI abused its surveillance power over Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and displayed bias in its handling of the Russia investigation.

In particular, the Nunes memo reportedly argues the FBI abused the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by using claims in an unsubstantiated dossier about Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. The so-called Steele Dossier was compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. And the New York Times reports it was used as part of the evidence to obtain surveillance warrant for Carter Page, who was a foreign policy adviser for Trump’s campaign.

“It’s clear that top officials used unverified information in a court document to fuel a counter-intelligence investigation during an American political campaign,” Nunes said in a statement on Wednesday.

President Trump Just Decided to Release the Nunes Memo
We don’t know what the full memo says because it has not been released to the public. But, the memo reportedly includes allegations that the FBI abused its surveillance power over Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and displayed bias in its handling of the Russia investigation.

In particular, the Nunes memo reportedly argues the FBI abused the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by using claims in an unsubstantiated dossier about Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. The so-called Steele Dossier was compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. And the New York Times reports it was used as part of the evidence to obtain surveillance warrant for Carter Page, who was a foreign policy adviser for Trump’s campaign.

“It’s clear that top officials used unverified information in a court document to fuel a counter-intelligence investigation during an American political campaign,” Nunes said in a statement on Wednesday.

President Trump Just Decided to Release the Nunes Memo

You people will fall for literally ANYTHING :D
We don’t know what the full memo says because it has not been released to the public. But, the memo reportedly includes allegations that the FBI abused its surveillance power over Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and displayed bias in its handling of the Russia investigation.

In particular, the Nunes memo reportedly argues the FBI abused the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by using claims in an unsubstantiated dossier about Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. The so-called Steele Dossier was compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. And the New York Times reports it was used as part of the evidence to obtain surveillance warrant for Carter Page, who was a foreign policy adviser for Trump’s campaign.

“It’s clear that top officials used unverified information in a court document to fuel a counter-intelligence investigation during an American political campaign,” Nunes said in a statement on Wednesday.

President Trump Just Decided to Release the Nunes Memo

You people will fall for literally ANYTHING :D

You fell for the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA LIE. Most of "us people" didn't believe it, because we know how Clinton and Obama operate.

And now the people that sold you that lie are going to FALL UNDER THE GAVEL, and FALL FROM GRACE, and FALL FROM PUBLIC LIFE!
You fell for the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA LIE. Most of "us people" didn't believe it, because we know how Clinton and Obama operate.

And now the people that sold you that lie are going to FALL UNDER THE GAVEL, and FALL FROM GRACE, and FALL FROM PUBLIC LIFE!


Poll shows Americans taking the Trump-Russia scandal seriously
Half of voters believe Trump campaign colluded with Russia

So when is your Orange God going to testify?
Poll: 82 percent think Trump should testify under oath to Mueller

Tick Tock :)

All in on the Knowingly Fraudulent FISA Warrant Application.

Also Ohr, and Paige, Strozk knew too it was Russian Sourced and was fiction.

I don't think people realize that what these people did is commit felonies, and a number of them.

The FBI even PAID a Foreign Agent, Steele $160,000 for his dirty deed, for The Dossier they knew was financed by THE DNC, Clinton and Barak Obama, and KNEW was Russian Propaganda!

Now do you see why The Left did not want this to get out?


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