James Harrison returns sons' "participation" trophies

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
If we start handing out trophies for being a good person, that's fine.

Meanwhile, in RL, trophies are for winners.
Not whiners

We aren't talking about the Super Bowl here silly. Competition is not the main purpose of Peewee sports. You really don't get that, do you?

Uh...yes it is.
Teaching kids they win when they lose is a bad idea and sets a precedent at a young age that failure is just fine.

Damn you are dumb. They know who won the game.
I hear from parents with younger kids these days when some b-ball, soccer, etc. league does away with keeping score in games, supposedly so the losers don't "feel" bad afterwards, the kids playing always know what the final score was, winner or loser.
I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it tu
Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

That's not true, in gymnastics the kids start at 3-4 years old, some start in tumbling, some in gymnastics itself, they practice long hours
You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it turned out that way.

I doubt it that you even play any kind of competition. If you did you will not be talking like that. This is sports not politics.

I don't really care what you doubt. How's that dumb ass? Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than you, eh? You raise your kids the way you want and don't worry about how we raise ours, it's really none of your damn business....even though you think otherwise
I never mentioned anything in my post about raising a kid. I'm talking sports awards here where you don't know a shit. I really don't care how you raised your kids either.
You tried pretend that you know something but know nothing. You are a hypocrite.
^^^^ coming from someone who claims to own multiple businesses but doesn't know how a business operates. You also don't know shit about sports because real athletes treat it as a competition. Is there anything about your life that's real?

From a truck driver? I challenge you last week. Send me an email here and I will prove it to you idiot.
So I will challenge both you assholes Sassy and Truck driver. Send me an email here and I will prove it to both of you. I don't want to see your faces but you will meet anyone of my executive assistant depending what states you are located. I'M WAITING....
Truck driving is honest work, nothing like pretending to be a business owner while displaying rank ignorance about how a business operates.

And I'm not sending you an email. Whatever you have to say, you can say right here in front of God and everyone.
Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.

Not in sports you weren't.

Little kids don't need a trophy to figure out who was good or not so good at sports. That isn't what the trophy is about for little ones anyway. A kid is not the same as a college athlete. You can't understand that?
When I was a kid, if a trophy wasn't about winning then it better transform into something cool. Otherwise it was worthless to me. I think you underestimate the ability of kids to grasp they're being lied to.
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it tu
These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

That's not true, in gymnastics the kids start at 3-4 years old, some start in tumbling, some in gymnastics itself, they practice long hours
I doubt it that you even play any kind of competition. If you did you will not be talking like that. This is sports not politics.

I don't really care what you doubt. How's that dumb ass? Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than you, eh? You raise your kids the way you want and don't worry about how we raise ours, it's really none of your damn business....even though you think otherwise
I never mentioned anything in my post about raising a kid. I'm talking sports awards here where you don't know a shit. I really don't care how you raised your kids either.
You tried pretend that you know something but know nothing. You are a hypocrite.
^^^^ coming from someone who claims to own multiple businesses but doesn't know how a business operates. You also don't know shit about sports because real athletes treat it as a competition. Is there anything about your life that's real?

From a truck driver? I challenge you last week. Send me an email here and I will prove it to you idiot.
So I will challenge both you assholes Sassy and Truck driver. Send me an email here and I will prove it to both of you. I don't want to see your faces but you will meet anyone of my executive assistant depending what states you are located. I'M WAITING....
Truck driving is honest work, nothing like pretending to be a business owner while displaying rank ignorance about how a business operates.

And I'm not sending you an email. Whatever you have to say, you can say right here in front of God and everyone.

Blah blah blah blah. Instead of keep babling. Why don't you take the challenge. Give it a shot asshole. I'm sending you here right in front of GOD.
You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it tu
That's not true, in gymnastics the kids start at 3-4 years old, some start in tumbling, some in gymnastics itself, they practice long hours
I don't really care what you doubt. How's that dumb ass? Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than you, eh? You raise your kids the way you want and don't worry about how we raise ours, it's really none of your damn business....even though you think otherwise
I never mentioned anything in my post about raising a kid. I'm talking sports awards here where you don't know a shit. I really don't care how you raised your kids either.
You tried pretend that you know something but know nothing. You are a hypocrite.
^^^^ coming from someone who claims to own multiple businesses but doesn't know how a business operates. You also don't know shit about sports because real athletes treat it as a competition. Is there anything about your life that's real?

From a truck driver? I challenge you last week. Send me an email here and I will prove it to you idiot.
So I will challenge both you assholes Sassy and Truck driver. Send me an email here and I will prove it to both of you. I don't want to see your faces but you will meet anyone of my executive assistant depending what states you are located. I'M WAITING....
Truck driving is honest work, nothing like pretending to be a business owner while displaying rank ignorance about how a business operates.

And I'm not sending you an email. Whatever you have to say, you can say right here in front of God and everyone.

Blah blah blah blah. Instead of keep babling. Why don't you take the challenge. Give it a shot asshole. I'm sending you here right in front of GOD.

It's "babbling", not "babling"...LMAO
It's certainly his right to take his sons trophies away from them but I really don't see the point of doing that. He must have known when they signed up that everyone gets credit for trying. What a doofus.
I just read the article. He said. I'm not going to raise 2 boys( 6 & 8) by making them believe that they are entitled to something just because they tried their best.
What a jerk.
I never mentioned anything in my post about raising a kid. I'm talking sports awards here where you don't know a shit. I really don't care how you raised your kids either.
You tried pretend that you know something but know nothing. You are a hypocrite.
^^^^ coming from someone who claims to own multiple businesses but doesn't know how a business operates. You also don't know shit about sports because real athletes treat it as a competition. Is there anything about your life that's real?

From a truck driver? I challenge you last week. Send me an email here and I will prove it to you idiot.
So I will challenge both you assholes Sassy and Truck driver. Send me an email here and I will prove it to both of you. I don't want to see your faces but you will meet anyone of my executive assistant depending what states you are located. I'M WAITING....
Truck driving is honest work, nothing like pretending to be a business owner while displaying rank ignorance about how a business operates.

And I'm not sending you an email. Whatever you have to say, you can say right here in front of God and everyone.

Blah blah blah blah. Instead of keep babling. Why don't you take the challenge. Give it a shot asshole. I'm sending you here right in front of GOD.

It's "babbling", not "babling"...LMAO
So?? That all you got? Keep BABLING you might impressed me.
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it tu
These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

That's not true, in gymnastics the kids start at 3-4 years old, some start in tumbling, some in gymnastics itself, they practice long hours
I doubt it that you even play any kind of competition. If you did you will not be talking like that. This is sports not politics.

I don't really care what you doubt. How's that dumb ass? Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than you, eh? You raise your kids the way you want and don't worry about how we raise ours, it's really none of your damn business....even though you think otherwise
I never mentioned anything in my post about raising a kid. I'm talking sports awards here where you don't know a shit. I really don't care how you raised your kids either.
You tried pretend that you know something but know nothing. You are a hypocrite.
^^^^ coming from someone who claims to own multiple businesses but doesn't know how a business operates. You also don't know shit about sports because real athletes treat it as a competition. Is there anything about your life that's real?

From a truck driver? I challenge you last week. Send me an email here and I will prove it to you idiot.
So I will challenge both you assholes Sassy and Truck driver. Send me an email here and I will prove it to both of you. I don't want to see your faces but you will meet anyone of my executive assistant depending what states you are located. I'M WAITING....
Truck driving is honest work, nothing like pretending to be a business owner while displaying rank ignorance about how a business operates.

And I'm not sending you an email. Whatever you have to say, you can say right here in front of God and everyone.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.

Not in sports you weren't.

Little kids don't need a trophy to figure out who was good or not so good at sports. That isn't what the trophy is about for little ones anyway. A kid is not the same as a college athlete. You can't understand that?

You cant understand that children are very impressionable at that age.
Teach em losing is winning at that age and you get what we got here...a bunch of confident punks that dont know shit.

Three Huge Mistakes We Make Leading Kids and How to Correct Them

Confidence or Stupidity Fastspot


I can keep going if you'd like....
You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
If we start handing out trophies for being a good person, that's fine.

Meanwhile, in RL, trophies are for winners.
Not whiners

We aren't talking about the Super Bowl here silly. Competition is not the main purpose of Peewee sports. You really don't get that, do you?

Uh...yes it is.
Teaching kids they win when they lose is a bad idea and sets a precedent at a young age that failure is just fine.

Damn you are dumb. They know who won the game.

Than why are you giving them trophies?
Rewarding children for failure is about the stupidest shit l've ever heard.
And by judging kids these days it's pretty obvious it's a losing strategy.
My 5 year old got a participation trophy for playing tee-ball this year. I think it was a nice gesture by the league. All the kids were pretty excited to get the trophy. At that age I think the goal is to just get your kid interested in sports and hopefully watch them have fun while learning the game. The trophy was just the icing on the cake. As they grow up they do need to learn you earn you way. (disclosure - I have no idea how old James Harrison's kids are)

They are 6 and 8 years old. I think (not sure) he did that as a protest because his kids did not get to play during the finals or whatever. I've seen different kind of drastic protest many times. Some pulled their kids out of the school.
People at the level of Harrison or other parents push their kids hard to excel and they expect too much.
I think he was using his football brain.

Sort of person who ends up making his kids nervous.

Bad parent.
Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.

Not in sports you weren't.

Little kids don't need a trophy to figure out who was good or not so good at sports. That isn't what the trophy is about for little ones anyway. A kid is not the same as a college athlete. You can't understand that?

You cant understand that children are very impressionable at that age.
Teach em losing is winning at that age and you get what we got here...a bunch of confident punks that dont know shit.

Three Huge Mistakes We Make Leading Kids and How to Correct Them

Confidence or Stupidity Fastspot


I can keep going if you'd like....

Yes giving trophies for participation is not a good idea. However taking away those trophies is even worse.
You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.

Not in sports you weren't.

Little kids don't need a trophy to figure out who was good or not so good at sports. That isn't what the trophy is about for little ones anyway. A kid is not the same as a college athlete. You can't understand that?

You cant understand that children are very impressionable at that age.
Teach em losing is winning at that age and you get what we got here...a bunch of confident punks that dont know shit.

Three Huge Mistakes We Make Leading Kids and How to Correct Them

Confidence or Stupidity Fastspot


I can keep going if you'd like....

Yes giving trophies for participation is not a good idea. However taking away those trophies is even worse.

I disagree. Taking them away opens up a teaching moment that can't be beat.
The kid will remember,that you dont win when you're a loser.
Call it harsh but it does more for a kids future than feeding em lies.
I have to ask..why are liberals throwing away the idea that there is such a thing as the informative years?
Child rearing experts all agree that children learn life lessons at an early age.
Why are liberals anti science?
Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.

Not in sports you weren't.

Little kids don't need a trophy to figure out who was good or not so good at sports. That isn't what the trophy is about for little ones anyway. A kid is not the same as a college athlete. You can't understand that?

You cant understand that children are very impressionable at that age.
Teach em losing is winning at that age and you get what we got here...a bunch of confident punks that dont know shit.

Three Huge Mistakes We Make Leading Kids and How to Correct Them

Confidence or Stupidity Fastspot


I can keep going if you'd like....

Yes giving trophies for participation is not a good idea. However taking away those trophies is even worse.

I disagree. Taking them away opens up a teaching moment that can't be beat.
The kid will remember,that you dont win when you're a loser.
Call it harsh but it does more for a kids future than feeding em lies.

Yeah, they might remember, they might remember that their dad's an A-h*le.

I don't believe everything a kid does should be competitive.

I work with kids and I do competitive stuff. I have scoring systems and there are consequences to their actions. However I don't make it uber competitive because some kids don't like that. It makes them uncomfortable. Some kids get too competitive and they then start acting like A-h*les because they won, or they cry because they lost and then you've lost the kids.

I'm one of those not so competitive people. I never got participation trophies, I did sport that was competitive. The worst was running the 200 metres at a new school. This was a trial event where the winners went through to a higher level. I won, they then said "this event doesn't count" and I was like "fuck you".
I like to play cards, I like the competition, but there are only certain types of games I like. Those games which require reflexes and being alert all the time I won't play because I simply get turned off. No matter how competitive I just won't care. So then it looks bad for me.

I also deal with adults in my line of working, if we're doing training or whatever I try and make it interesting. I had one guy who was so competitive. I did an activity which gave points. Then I read out the answers and saw how many points. This guy was getting irate because he he wasn't winning and he didn't really understand the answers so he thought he was right when he wasn't.
So he went to my boss and complained. I just laughed. Then he left, thank whichever god you like.

Competitive spirit can be good. It can also be bad. It's how you use it. This guy is using it in a negative way. He's taking something away from the kids. He's suggesting that they didn't win AND also that they needed to lose something. That's wrong. Not getting something is different to losing something.

This guy's "competitive spirit" is liable to harm his kids.
I have to ask..why are liberals throwing away the idea that there is such a thing as the informative years?
Child rearing experts all agree that children learn life lessons at an early age.
Why are liberals anti science?

Who has said that there aren't informative years? I agree totally.

However I've seen both sides of this. I've seen kids grow up into useless adults because their brain is so messed up that they can't hold down a job.

Just because you're teaching a lesson, doesn't mean the lesson is a good one.
Not in sports you weren't.

Little kids don't need a trophy to figure out who was good or not so good at sports. That isn't what the trophy is about for little ones anyway. A kid is not the same as a college athlete. You can't understand that?

You cant understand that children are very impressionable at that age.
Teach em losing is winning at that age and you get what we got here...a bunch of confident punks that dont know shit.

Three Huge Mistakes We Make Leading Kids and How to Correct Them

Confidence or Stupidity Fastspot


I can keep going if you'd like....

Yes giving trophies for participation is not a good idea. However taking away those trophies is even worse.

I disagree. Taking them away opens up a teaching moment that can't be beat.
The kid will remember,that you dont win when you're a loser.
Call it harsh but it does more for a kids future than feeding em lies.

Yeah, they might remember, they might remember that their dad's an A-h*le.

I don't believe everything a kid does should be competitive.

I work with kids and I do competitive stuff. I have scoring systems and there are consequences to their actions. However I don't make it uber competitive because some kids don't like that. It makes them uncomfortable. Some kids get too competitive and they then start acting like A-h*les because they won, or they cry because they lost and then you've lost the kids.

I'm one of those not so competitive people. I never got participation trophies, I did sport that was competitive. The worst was running the 200 metres at a new school. This was a trial event where the winners went through to a higher level. I won, they then said "this event doesn't count" and I was like "fuck you".
I like to play cards, I like the competition, but there are only certain types of games I like. Those games which require reflexes and being alert all the time I won't play because I simply get turned off. No matter how competitive I just won't care. So then it looks bad for me.

I also deal with adults in my line of working, if we're doing training or whatever I try and make it interesting. I had one guy who was so competitive. I did an activity which gave points. Then I read out the answers and saw how many points. This guy was getting irate because he he wasn't winning and he didn't really understand the answers so he thought he was right when he wasn't.
So he went to my boss and complained. I just laughed. Then he left, thank whichever god you like.

Competitive spirit can be good. It can also be bad. It's how you use it. This guy is using it in a negative way. He's taking something away from the kids. He's suggesting that they didn't win AND also that they needed to lose something. That's wrong. Not getting something is different to losing something.

This guy's "competitive spirit" is liable to harm his kids.

You typed a whole bunch of shit for nothing and I stopped reading after the first few sentences because your shit sounded like a article from womens weakly.
I grew up around sports(The NBA)and I learned a lot about competition from my father and the players.
Never be satisfied with second place in sports...and it'll carry on in your quest for cash and success in the real world.
Little kids don't need a trophy to figure out who was good or not so good at sports. That isn't what the trophy is about for little ones anyway. A kid is not the same as a college athlete. You can't understand that?

You cant understand that children are very impressionable at that age.
Teach em losing is winning at that age and you get what we got here...a bunch of confident punks that dont know shit.

Three Huge Mistakes We Make Leading Kids and How to Correct Them

Confidence or Stupidity Fastspot


I can keep going if you'd like....

Yes giving trophies for participation is not a good idea. However taking away those trophies is even worse.

I disagree. Taking them away opens up a teaching moment that can't be beat.
The kid will remember,that you dont win when you're a loser.
Call it harsh but it does more for a kids future than feeding em lies.

Yeah, they might remember, they might remember that their dad's an A-h*le.

I don't believe everything a kid does should be competitive.

I work with kids and I do competitive stuff. I have scoring systems and there are consequences to their actions. However I don't make it uber competitive because some kids don't like that. It makes them uncomfortable. Some kids get too competitive and they then start acting like A-h*les because they won, or they cry because they lost and then you've lost the kids.

I'm one of those not so competitive people. I never got participation trophies, I did sport that was competitive. The worst was running the 200 metres at a new school. This was a trial event where the winners went through to a higher level. I won, they then said "this event doesn't count" and I was like "fuck you".
I like to play cards, I like the competition, but there are only certain types of games I like. Those games which require reflexes and being alert all the time I won't play because I simply get turned off. No matter how competitive I just won't care. So then it looks bad for me.

I also deal with adults in my line of working, if we're doing training or whatever I try and make it interesting. I had one guy who was so competitive. I did an activity which gave points. Then I read out the answers and saw how many points. This guy was getting irate because he he wasn't winning and he didn't really understand the answers so he thought he was right when he wasn't.
So he went to my boss and complained. I just laughed. Then he left, thank whichever god you like.

Competitive spirit can be good. It can also be bad. It's how you use it. This guy is using it in a negative way. He's taking something away from the kids. He's suggesting that they didn't win AND also that they needed to lose something. That's wrong. Not getting something is different to losing something.

This guy's "competitive spirit" is liable to harm his kids.

You typed a whole bunch of shit for nothing and I stopped reading after the first few sentences because your shit sounded like a article from womens weakly.
I grew up around sports(The NBA)and I learned a lot about competition from my father and the players.
Never be satisfied with second place in sports...and it'll carry on in your quest for cash and success in the real world.

Well, I'm not surprised. There are too many people on this board and others that simply have their own views and don't care what anyone else says. It no longer surprises me that people like you come onto forums like this with people of other views other than your own.

All I can say is, it wasn't nice talking to you, but, bye!

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