James Harrison returns sons' "participation" trophies

Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it turned out that way.
Water skied in competition....:lol:

Go away, sock puppet. Your stalking and stupid middle school insults are annoying. Now go shave your back
Good man!!!

Not everybody deserves a trophy

James Harrison rejects sons participation trophies

“I came home to find out that my boys received two trophies for nothing, participation trophies! While I am very proud of my boys for everything they do and will encourage them till the day I die, these trophies will be given back until they EARN a real trophy. I’m sorry I’m not sorry for believing that everything in life should be earned and I’m not about to raise to boys to be men by making them believe that they are entitled to something just because they tried their best…cause sometimes your best is not enough, and that should drive you to want to do better…not cry and whine until somebody gives you something to shut u up and keep you happy. #harrisonfamilyvalues

I agree. No kid should bet a trophy or a ribbon for just being there and participating.

The only ones who get those are those who won.

Talk about bullshit. Giving everyone a trophy for participating. What a load of shit.

Define what The only ones who get trophy are those who won??
I'm waiting.
Are you saying that only winners compete?

I'm saying WINNING, not just competing, is what we should be rewarding.

Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it tu
These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

That's not true, in gymnastics the kids start at 3-4 years old, some start in tumbling, some in gymnastics itself, they practice long hours
I doubt it that you even play any kind of competition. If you did you will not be talking like that. This is sports not politics.

I don't really care what you doubt. How's that dumb ass? Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than you, eh? You raise your kids the way you want and don't worry about how we raise ours, it's really none of your damn business....even though you think otherwise
I never mentioned anything in my post about raising a kid. I'm talking sports awards here where you don't know a shit. I really don't care how you raised your kids either.
You tried pretend that you know something but know nothing. You are a hypocrite.

I know participation trophies do nothing for a child...except prepare them for a life of failure. Get past I think you're anything but a moron, moron
You don't anything about trophy or anykind of award or any sport. Hypocrite.

Stop being a know it all asshole. You're failing miserably.

Failing miserably coming from a hypocrite.? Yeah right. I bet you were crying all night.
You don't even play sports let alone understand sports. Go play ping pong you might learn something.
You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it tu
That's not true, in gymnastics the kids start at 3-4 years old, some start in tumbling, some in gymnastics itself, they practice long hours
I don't really care what you doubt. How's that dumb ass? Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than you, eh? You raise your kids the way you want and don't worry about how we raise ours, it's really none of your damn business....even though you think otherwise
I never mentioned anything in my post about raising a kid. I'm talking sports awards here where you don't know a shit. I really don't care how you raised your kids either.
You tried pretend that you know something but know nothing. You are a hypocrite.

I know participation trophies do nothing for a child...except prepare them for a life of failure. Get past I think you're anything but a moron, moron
You don't anything about trophy or anykind of award or any sport. Hypocrite.

Stop being a know it all asshole. You're failing miserably.

Failing miserably coming from a hypocrite.? Yeah right. I bet you were crying all night.
You don't even play sports let alone understand sports. Go play ping pong you might learn something.

GFY, fraud. You claim a lot off shit but just reading your stupid comments it's obvious you're a troll. You can't back up anything you post, you just blabber away thinking everyone takes your BS serious. Business owner my Irish ass. Pfffft, you'd go belly up in a month
Our three sons were good athletes. Had their share of individual and team successes, and also failed to accomplish such lots of times. You win some and lose some, just like in life.

I recall one of them as a young little leaguer shedding a few tears with his buddies after their team failed to win the Big Game. And five minutes later they were laughing and running/screwing around in the park being the kids they were. Life goes on.
All levels of play should be competitive. Anything else teaches that games can be focused on things other than winning which is a loser mentality.
All of this may be true, but sometimes there are things that are more important than winning. I once heard a coach in a movie say after seeing his team tie with their competitor that he would have preferred that his team lose if they couldn't win because you learn more when you have lost.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. The movie was the D3 Mighty Ducks film. :) :) :)

Yes. This applies to all kinds of sports. Losing is a great motivation for the next season.
I used to coach basketball from elementary to high school for 6 years. Then coach city summer league. We traveled from San Diego to Los Angeles county to compete against NBA wannabe are located. We did that for at least 4 years and every year we lost but 3 of those we were able to reach the finals. Second place.
We did not get any trophy. Just a hand shakes and a hug.
The team that won the championship get the trophy. Although all players did not play. All 12 players received a trophy.
I think this is where people are confused or just playing politics.
It's a team effort how they got into that level. Whole team won. Why would you give trophy to 8 players that played and 4 did not? They are part of the team.
First you need to teach kids that winning isn't everything. But also that you should try your best.

Getting a participation trophy is a little weird. However if you get one, you keep it. If you don't, well you don't.
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it tu
I'm saying WINNING, not just competing, is what we should be rewarding.

Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

That's not true, in gymnastics the kids start at 3-4 years old, some start in tumbling, some in gymnastics itself, they practice long hours
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it turned out that way.

I doubt it that you even play any kind of competition. If you did you will not be talking like that. This is sports not politics.

I don't really care what you doubt. How's that dumb ass? Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than you, eh? You raise your kids the way you want and don't worry about how we raise ours, it's really none of your damn business....even though you think otherwise
I never mentioned anything in my post about raising a kid. I'm talking sports awards here where you don't know a shit. I really don't care how you raised your kids either.
You tried pretend that you know something but know nothing. You are a hypocrite.
^^^^ coming from someone who claims to own multiple businesses but doesn't know how a business operates. You also don't know shit about sports because real athletes treat it as a competition. Is there anything about your life that's real?

From a truck driver? I challenge you last week. Send me an email here and I will prove it to you idiot.
So I will challenge both you assholes Sassy and Truck driver. Send me an email here and I will prove it to both of you. I don't want to see your faces but you will meet anyone of my executive assistant depending what states you are located. I'M WAITING....
My 5 year old got a participation trophy for playing tee-ball this year. I think it was a nice gesture by the league. All the kids were pretty excited to get the trophy. At that age I think the goal is to just get your kid interested in sports and hopefully watch them have fun while learning the game. The trophy was just the icing on the cake. As they grow up they do need to learn you earn you way. (disclosure - I have no idea how old James Harrison's kids are)

They are 6 and 8 years old. I think (not sure) he did that as a protest because his kids did not get to play during the finals or whatever. I've seen different kind of drastic protest many times. Some pulled their kids out of the school.
People at the level of Harrison or other parents push their kids hard to excel and they expect too much.
I think he was using his football brain.
I'm saying WINNING, not just competing, is what we should be rewarding.

Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
If we start handing out trophies for being a good person, that's fine.

Meanwhile, in RL, trophies are for winners.
Not whiners
These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
If we start handing out trophies for being a good person, that's fine.

Meanwhile, in RL, trophies are for winners.
Not whiners

We aren't talking about the Super Bowl here silly. Competition is not the main purpose of Peewee sports. You really don't get that, do you?
Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
If we start handing out trophies for being a good person, that's fine.

Meanwhile, in RL, trophies are for winners.
Not whiners

We aren't talking about the Super Bowl here silly. Competition is not the main purpose of Peewee sports. You really don't get that, do you?
I tried hard and I'm a good person.
Where's my trophy
Where's my A
Where's my diploma
Where's my degree
Why didn't they hire me
Where's my raise
Where's my promotion
It stays with you your entire life
It's certainly his right to take his sons trophies away from them but I really don't see the point of doing that. He must have known when they signed up that everyone gets credit for trying. What a doofus.
The question remains unanswered. When did we begin coddling young athletes?
You're obviously sitting on some kinda answer, so spill?

If it wasn't W, Bush, or Reagan, it HAS to be Nixon

It was sometime in the 70's. Won't you agree?

By the way....stop whining. I'm not talking politics here. You fucking professional victim.

I never got a participation trophy and that was into the late 70's.

Not like it mattered, my goal was to win, not just play.
Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
If we start handing out trophies for being a good person, that's fine.

Meanwhile, in RL, trophies are for winners.
Not whiners

We aren't talking about the Super Bowl here silly. Competition is not the main purpose of Peewee sports. You really don't get that, do you?
I tried hard and I'm a good person.
Where's my trophy
Where's my A
Where's my diploma
Where's my degree
Why didn't they hire me
Where's my raise
Where's my promotion
It stays with you your entire life

Diploma? Degree? What are you talking about idiot. I'm talking about little kids who still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Let them be happy little kids. They can learn about competition after they learn to read.
Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.

Not in sports you weren't.
Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.
If we start handing out trophies for being a good person, that's fine.

Meanwhile, in RL, trophies are for winners.
Not whiners

We aren't talking about the Super Bowl here silly. Competition is not the main purpose of Peewee sports. You really don't get that, do you?

Uh...yes it is.
Teaching kids they win when they lose is a bad idea and sets a precedent at a young age that failure is just fine.
These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

Nothing is wrong with that at all, other than I think a small plastic trophy for each kid might be cheaper, and take up less room on the kids shelf in his room. It's not like it will be something they put on their resume as an adult. They're kids. Give them a trophy and then take them for ice cream. Quit trying to make some life changing event out of it. Plenty of time for that when they are older.

You must not have played sports as a kid.

Sure I did, I also understood that striking out was disappointing, but I was still just as good a person as anybody else.

Not in sports you weren't.

Little kids don't need a trophy to figure out who was good or not so good at sports. That isn't what the trophy is about for little ones anyway. A kid is not the same as a college athlete. You can't understand that?

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