James Harrison returns sons' "participation" trophies

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

If they can't pay attention then they shouldn't be involved in a sport.
I think it's okay to coddle 5 year olds, but as the children get older the participation trophies need to go away. For a 5 year old playing T-ball it's a victory if an outfielder doesn't forget about playing the game and start looking for bugs in the dirt.

Then that child is not prepared to be involved in sports and the parents should be asked not to bring him back.
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.
Unless you can show that these modern-day athletes received Participation Trophies, your argument falls flat
In talking sports here not politics.
Do you people watch any professional sports at all? Something like basketball, football or baseball like that?
Are you all telling me that when Golden State Wariors won the NBA 2015 that only 8 players played. Only 8 should get the C-trophy? Because the other 4 did play should not get a trophy?
And I suppose you're going to tell me that the Seahawks got Super Bowl Losers Rings?

Peewee league teams don't normally get to the Super Bowl. You are talking about two completely different things.
Not in relation to what I was replying to.
I think college is a bit more advanced than peewee too. Don't you?
But continue with the bias. You're doing great.
I might even give you a trophy
Good man!!!

Not everybody deserves a trophy

James Harrison rejects sons participation trophies

“I came home to find out that my boys received two trophies for nothing, participation trophies! While I am very proud of my boys for everything they do and will encourage them till the day I die, these trophies will be given back until they EARN a real trophy. I’m sorry I’m not sorry for believing that everything in life should be earned and I’m not about to raise to boys to be men by making them believe that they are entitled to something just because they tried their best…cause sometimes your best is not enough, and that should drive you to want to do better…not cry and whine until somebody gives you something to shut u up and keep you happy. #harrisonfamilyvalues
That is very wrong using a football brain. It's not because your kids got bench on the championship game doesn't mean they do not deserve a trophy. Any elementary or high school sports is not based on a one game season. When kids participate in a school sports its voluntary and that's all you got.
As a coach you set the rules, restrictions and expectations for the whole season. Those that do not comply are out.
Everyone practice hard and everyone play the game fair and square for the whole season.
During championship game you have to play your best players. Some will not have a chance to play. At championship celebration only players that play should celebrate? Set them aside? That's dumb. At trophy award only players that play should get trophy? Tell them to go away? That's stupid.
What made you think they will play again the next season? Think what kind of damage you've done to this kid fighting spirit.
Do not use the mom or dad or any kind of awards comparing to kids awards. There are big differences.
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.
Unless you can show that these modern-day athletes received Participation Trophies, your argument falls flat
In talking sports here not politics.
Do you people watch any professional sports at all? Something like basketball, football or baseball like that?
Are you all telling me that when Golden State Wariors won the NBA 2015 that only 8 players played. Only 8 should get the C-trophy? Because the other 4 did play should not get a trophy?
And I suppose you're going to tell me that the Seahawks got Super Bowl Losers Rings?

This just tell me you don't know anything about sports and award. Good lord are you talking about WWE wrestling?
I think it's okay to coddle 5 year olds, but as the children get older the participation trophies need to go away. For a 5 year old playing T-ball it's a victory if an outfielder doesn't forget about playing the game and start looking for bugs in the dirt.

Then that child is not prepared to be involved in sports and the parents should be asked not to bring him back.
People are prepared by experience and practice.
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it turned out that way.

I doubt it that you even play any kind of competition. If you did you will not be talking like that. This is sports not politics.
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it tu
Are you saying that only winners compete?

I'm saying WINNING, not just competing, is what we should be rewarding.

Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

That's not true, in gymnastics the kids start at 3-4 years old, some start in tumbling, some in gymnastics itself, they practice long hours
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it turned out that way.

I doubt it that you even play any kind of competition. If you did you will not be talking like that. This is sports not politics.

I don't really care what you doubt. How's that dumb ass? Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than you, eh? You raise your kids the way you want and don't worry about how we raise ours, it's really none of your damn business....even though you think otherwise
I think it's okay to coddle 5 year olds, but as the children get older the participation trophies need to go away. For a 5 year old playing T-ball it's a victory if an outfielder doesn't forget about playing the game and start looking for bugs in the dirt.

Then that child is not prepared to be involved in sports and the parents should be asked not to bring him back.
That should be determine at the start of the season or before the mid season.
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.
Unless you can show that these modern-day athletes received Participation Trophies, your argument falls flat
In talking sports here not politics.
Do you people watch any professional sports at all? Something like basketball, football or baseball like that?
Are you all telling me that when Golden State Wariors won the NBA 2015 that only 8 players played. Only 8 should get the C-trophy? Because the other 4 did play should not get a trophy?
And I suppose you're going to tell me that the Seahawks got Super Bowl Losers Rings?

This just tell me you don't know anything about sports and award. Good lord are you talking about WWE wrestling?

Nope. Don't know nuffin about sports.
You're right

I'll give you Bulldog's award

People are prepared by experience and practice.

Experience and Practice at home with family and friends. Organized Sports are for people who can and will play to the best of their ability 100% of the time.

I say that as someone who sat on the bench for 2 years of little league, 2 years,of youth soccer and a year and a half of junior high school before realizing there was no point in wasting my time because I didnt gave the skills becessary to play.
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.
Unless you can show that these modern-day athletes received Participation Trophies, your argument falls flat
In talking sports here not politics.
Do you people watch any professional sports at all? Something like basketball, football or baseball like that?
Are you all telling me that when Golden State Wariors won the NBA 2015 that only 8 players played. Only 8 should get the C-trophy? Because the other 4 did play should not get a trophy?
And I suppose you're going to tell me that the Seahawks got Super Bowl Losers Rings?

Peewee league teams don't normally get to the Super Bowl. You are talking about two completely different things.
Not in relation to what I was replying to.
I think college is a bit more advanced than peewee too. Don't you?
But continue with the bias. You're doing great.
I might even give you a trophy
So what in the world you are relying then? Is that cooking how fast you cook a hamburger?
Unless you can show that these modern-day athletes received Participation Trophies, your argument falls flat
In talking sports here not politics.
Do you people watch any professional sports at all? Something like basketball, football or baseball like that?
Are you all telling me that when Golden State Wariors won the NBA 2015 that only 8 players played. Only 8 should get the C-trophy? Because the other 4 did play should not get a trophy?
And I suppose you're going to tell me that the Seahawks got Super Bowl Losers Rings?

Peewee league teams don't normally get to the Super Bowl. You are talking about two completely different things.
Not in relation to what I was replying to.
I think college is a bit more advanced than peewee too. Don't you?
But continue with the bias. You're doing great.
I might even give you a trophy
So what in the world you are relying then? Is that cooking how fast you cook a hamburger?
I'm currently relying on you being incapable of correctly quoting the reply you are responding to.

But, if you absolutely MUST know (since you think that only people with a sports background can have an opinion on the matter), I played first base from age 9 until high school, raised a MLB that helped his team make it to State (no championship), and a grandson that's playing center field and FS for his HS team.
We all understand that second place doesn't get a trophy. Much less so for "participation"
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it tu
Are you saying that only winners compete?

I'm saying WINNING, not just competing, is what we should be rewarding.

Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

That's not true, in gymnastics the kids start at 3-4 years old, some start in tumbling, some in gymnastics itself, they practice long hours
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it turned out that way.

I doubt it that you even play any kind of competition. If you did you will not be talking like that. This is sports not politics.

I don't really care what you doubt. How's that dumb ass? Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than you, eh? You raise your kids the way you want and don't worry about how we raise ours, it's really none of your damn business....even though you think otherwise
I never mentioned anything in my post about raising a kid. I'm talking sports awards here where you don't know a shit. I really don't care how you raised your kids either.
You tried pretend that you know something but know nothing. You are a hypocrite.
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it tu
Are you saying that only winners compete?

I'm saying WINNING, not just competing, is what we should be rewarding.

Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

That's not true, in gymnastics the kids start at 3-4 years old, some start in tumbling, some in gymnastics itself, they practice long hours
I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it turned out that way.

I doubt it that you even play any kind of competition. If you did you will not be talking like that. This is sports not politics.

I don't really care what you doubt. How's that dumb ass? Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than you, eh? You raise your kids the way you want and don't worry about how we raise ours, it's really none of your damn business....even though you think otherwise
I never mentioned anything in my post about raising a kid. I'm talking sports awards here where you don't know a shit. I really don't care how you raised your kids either.
You tried pretend that you know something but know nothing. You are a hypocrite.

I know participation trophies do nothing for a child...except prepare them for a life of failure. Get past I think you're anything but a moron, moron
Are you saying that only winners compete?

I'm saying WINNING, not just competing, is what we should be rewarding.

Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.

Whats wrong with a banner with the team name,your name,date and record for the year?
Thats what I got as a kid when you didnt place in the top three.
And I realized we didnt place well enough for a trophy and I'd have to try harder next year.
Why cheapen the victors accomplishments? Seems petty to me.

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