James Harrison returns sons' "participation" trophies

Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.
We don't have affirmative action in major sports. Unearned trophies are just like affirmative action. There's your proof.
Participation Trophies may not promote achievement in youth athletics.

From the piece (my bolds):

Participation trophies may do more harm than good. This is not news. I’ve read no less than 20 articles in the last year about how our efforts to boost our children’s self-confidence by rewarding them for just showing up have actually hindered their development. Stanford University professor Carol Dweck, PhD., a prominent researcher in the field of developmental psychology, has completed numerous studies on motivation and performance in children. She suggests that our constant praising of kids over decades has led to less resilient children.

Her research has found that while kids respond positively to praise, overpraising their innate abilities — for example, their natural talent in the pool –can result in collapse the first time they encounter obstacles. She reports that many will choose to cheat rather than risk failing again. Instead, kids may develop better coping skills if we commend their approach to difficult tasks (willingness to master a stroke with which they have struggled) and/or their abilities to strategize (choose events at a meet that maximize recovery and emphasize strengths) and focus (blocking out noise and other distractions).

One of the most valuable things about competitive sports is that it teaches kids how to deal with success and failure. When everyone receives a reward for simply showing up, youth athletics are stripped of this instructive component. In a September 2013 Op-Ed piece in the New York Times Losing Is Good For You, Ashley Merryman points out that trophies, once a rarity, have become practically expected in youth sports. Participation trophies are a given in almost any recreational youth athletic program and even in many schools. Those of us who have been in the world of competitive swimming for a while are familiar with this.

Opposing the cult of self-esteem is why I rip into the conservatives here.

Nobody apparently ever told the conservatives that they constantly babble nonsense. Quite the opposite, their leaders always tell their conservative followers how they're such special and unique little snowflakes, and that all opinions are equally valid, even opinions as stupid as theirs are.

Hence, that necessary task now falls to me and the other realists here. Conservatives, think of it as tough love. We endure your cries of how meeeeeeaaaaaan we are only because we care so much.
Either pass that shit this way or STFU and GTFOH

The question remains unanswered. When did we begin coddling young athletes?
You're obviously sitting on some kinda answer, so spill?

If it wasn't W, Bush, or Reagan, it HAS to be Nixon

It was sometime in the 70's. Won't you agree?

By the way....stop whining. I'm not talking politics here. You fucking professional victim.
You say 70's (and I haven't skipped ahead), so I'll throw an educated guess and say that the practice probably started with the Special Olympics.
Sorta irrelevant.
And I don't mean this as a slight to the handicapped, but that's not exactly the level of play that most competitive sports expects.
It's not a race to the middle (or bottom).
If a kid sees someone get a trophy for winning and they get a trophy for trying, where's the incentive?
Don't give the whiner a trophy and let them try harder to be the one to win it next time.

BTW, if you wouldn't blame Booosh for everything else, my brain wouldn't jump there on autopilot

I've never blamed Bush for anything on these forums. Nutters bring him up way more than libs do.

The trophies we are talking about are called participation trophies. They are not given out for any purpose other than to memorialize the players experience. Nobody is under the illusion that they are being recognized for any special talent or accomplishment.

Where is the evidence that this practice of handing out participation rewards has resulted in our becoming less competitive.

There is none.
How, exactly, would that study be carried out?

You can't see where giving everyone a trophy or ribbon lessens the prize of winning?
I'm sorry.

It's just like the Citizenship ribbon schools hand out to kids for just sitting still and quiet because they couldn't get Honor Roll or excellence in math or ______
"Shucks, Mom. I got a ribbon at our awards ceremony last year for not doing anything special. Why should I do anything different this year?"
There are inflated academic credentials in school all over the place. That is why colleges put more emphasis on the more subjective GPA than SAT's because it allows them to accept more of the less qualified minorities.
You're obviously sitting on some kinda answer, so spill?

If it wasn't W, Bush, or Reagan, it HAS to be Nixon

It was sometime in the 70's. Won't you agree?

By the way....stop whining. I'm not talking politics here. You fucking professional victim.
You say 70's (and I haven't skipped ahead), so I'll throw an educated guess and say that the practice probably started with the Special Olympics.
Sorta irrelevant.
And I don't mean this as a slight to the handicapped, but that's not exactly the level of play that most competitive sports expects.
It's not a race to the middle (or bottom).
If a kid sees someone get a trophy for winning and they get a trophy for trying, where's the incentive?
Don't give the whiner a trophy and let them try harder to be the one to win it next time.

BTW, if you wouldn't blame Booosh for everything else, my brain wouldn't jump there on autopilot

I've never blamed Bush for anything on these forums. Nutters bring him up way more than libs do.

The trophies we are talking about are called participation trophies. They are not given out for any purpose other than to memorialize the players experience. Nobody is under the illusion that they are being recognized for any special talent or accomplishment.

Where is the evidence that this practice of handing out participation rewards has resulted in our becoming less competitive.

There is none.
How, exactly, would that study be carried out?

You can't see where giving everyone a trophy or ribbon lessens the prize of winning?
I'm sorry.

It's just like the Citizenship ribbon schools hand out to kids for just sitting still and quiet because they couldn't get Honor Roll or excellence in math or ______
"Shucks, Mom. I got a ribbon at our awards ceremony last year for not doing anything special. Why should I do anything different this year?"
There are inflated academic credentials in school all over the place. That is why colleges put more emphasis on the more subjective GPA than SAT's because it allows them to accept more of the less qualified minorities.

This, and your previous post, does better at explaining your point. And I get it now

I apologize.
We endure your cries of how meeeeeeaaaaaan we are only because we care so much.

How silly. Like the Left's penchant for fighting bullies by making both parties equally at fault and prescribing conflict management classes.

I don't think you people are mean. I think you're insane in the most literal sense.
Billy, that's a fine example of a stupid opinion that has no factual basis.

While your leaders and fellow conservatives will keep telling you how special that opinion is, I'm here to tell you that it's dumber than dogshit.
I'm still looking for evidence that young people are less competitive as a result of our handing out participation awards.

What sport.....or what field of study is this supposed lack of competitiveness rearing it's ugly head?

It's a false meme.
What a bunch of idiots.

My son ( baseball, basketball ) and my daughter ( fastpitch, volleyball, soccer ) each received participation trophies when young. They got them as a memento of good times with their teams.

As they grew....they moved into competitive levels of play. They both ended up being team leaders and earned the respect of teammates, coaches and opponents for their fierce competitive spirit.

This entire meme is a failure.

For parents like you ( or me ) with kids and participate in sports this is the reality. For those that don't is just plain inexperience using political brain.
All you're doing when you give participation trophies is encouraging a kid to be lazy, creating a sense of entitlement and
Side question, SassyDummy......when your kids get a 2nd or third place "trophy" do you refuse to accept it? They didn't win.

They did their best, clown. They are not going to win every time, on any given day one gymnast can beat another but at least they walk away knowing they gave 100% and didn't get some meaningless hunk of junk for showing up. They laugh at the notion everyone gets a trophy and will be the first ones to tell you if you can't run with the big dogs stay on the porch. There is nothing wrong with a second or third place finish when the field is usually made up of 30 or more gymnasts. All you are doing by handing participation trophies out is creating a sense of entitlement, promoting laziness and you do nothing for a child's self esteem. They know when they look at the medals and trophies they have won they did it with hard work, practice, dedication and they earned them. Nobody gave them a damn thing , that pays off later in life

You don't know anything about this subject.

Answer the question please. When did we begin giving out participation trophies and ribbons to all young participants in youth sports?

What difference does it make when it started? The fact is it does nothing for a child. My guess is it started when you left loons realized your loser kids couldn't compete with ours and decided that wasn't "fair". Take "fair" and shove it, we raise champions, kids that will rise to the top while the ones who show up and get rewarded will go nowhere in life

It's not just kids. A few years ago, I was in a management training program at a large company. There were 5 teams in the program. The finale was a business simulation contest. We were given a situation and then had to make decisions to deal with economic, competitive, resource and other variables.

My team creamed the competition (I was the CEO!). The leader of the program decided to not have a winner, and just congratulated everyone for participating. I realized that company was doomed (it was) and quit a few months later.
There is a very big differences between a kid competition to an adult competition. I do the same kind of competition in my company. And I used to coach basketball team when my kids are in high school. Your experience does fit in my team.
I'm still looking for evidence that young people are less competitive as a result of our handing out participation awards.

What sport.....or what field of study is this supposed lack of competitiveness rearing it's ugly head?

It's a false meme.
Do you have Mac on ignore?
That's a good contribution
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.
Are you saying that only winners compete?

I'm saying WINNING, not just competing, is what we should be rewarding.

Exactly, anyone can compete but not everyone can be the winner. It's not fair to the child that practices 15-25 hours a week for some slacker to get a trophy just for showing up. That's not what builds champions

These participation trophies are for little kids who are so young till they are lucky to make it through the entire inning without wetting their pants, or chasing a butterfly off the field. They are just learning the game and the idea of playing on a team and having fun is really the best that can be expected of them. None of them are practicing 15-20 hours a week, and if they are their parents are idiots. Older kids should earn their trophies, but let the little kids just have some fun and give them a trophy to remember that fun.
What a bunch of idiots.

My son ( baseball, basketball ) and my daughter ( fastpitch, volleyball, soccer ) each received participation trophies when young. They got them as a memento of good times with their teams.

As they grew....they moved into competitive levels of play. They both ended up being team leaders and earned the respect of teammates, coaches and opponents for their fierce competitive spirit.

This entire meme is a failure.

LOL what a load

What's a load, dummy?

Your BS stories are always a load.....dummy. No kid gets coddled and gets a "feel good" trophy then becomes a leader. Doesn't happen

Stay with this thread....I'm about to make you feel stupid.

Making me look stupid is beyond your capabilities, clown

True. You took care of that long ago,
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.
Unless you can show that these modern-day athletes received Participation Trophies, your argument falls flat
In talking sports here not politics.
Do you people watch any professional sports at all? Something like basketball, football or baseball like that?
Are you all telling me that when Golden State Wariors won the NBA 2015 that only 8 players played. Only 8 should get the C-trophy? Because the other 4 did play should not get a trophy?
The question remains unanswered. When did we begin coddling young athletes?
I think it's okay to coddle 5 year olds, but as the children get older the participation trophies need to go away. For a 5 year old playing T-ball it's a victory if an outfielder doesn't forget about playing the game and start looking for bugs in the dirt.
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
Sassy you probably never played sports or even watch sports. Life doesn't work the way you portrayed.

You would be wrong, I water skied in competition. Life doesn't work the way you left tards portray it. The playing field isn't level and you can't make it level. While you coddle kids we will raise competitors and champions...and down the road you will scratch your heads why it turned out that way.
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.
Unless you can show that these modern-day athletes received Participation Trophies, your argument falls flat
In talking sports here not politics.
Do you people watch any professional sports at all? Something like basketball, football or baseball like that?
Are you all telling me that when Golden State Wariors won the NBA 2015 that only 8 players played. Only 8 should get the C-trophy? Because the other 4 did play should not get a trophy?
And I suppose you're going to tell me that the Seahawks got Super Bowl Losers Rings?
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.
Unless you can show that these modern-day athletes received Participation Trophies, your argument falls flat
In talking sports here not politics.
Do you people watch any professional sports at all? Something like basketball, football or baseball like that?
Are you all telling me that when Golden State Wariors won the NBA 2015 that only 8 players played. Only 8 should get the C-trophy? Because the other 4 did play should not get a trophy?
And I suppose you're going to tell me that the Seahawks got Super Bowl Losers Rings?

Peewee league teams don't normally get to the Super Bowl. You are talking about two completely different things.

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