James Harrison returns sons' "participation" trophies

Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.
The very idea of a participation trophy is rather idiotic.

If you give them to everyone then it retains no value. That is simply a fact.
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

I see evidence every day. The kids who are competitive are the leaders in school, their test scores rank among the best, they are more disciplined. They know it's not going to be given to them and they have to work for it. When these kids hit life, the job market, etc they will destroy their competition (the ones who got trophies for simply showing up and Daddy and Mommy beamed over).
The question remains unanswered. When did we begin coddling young athletes?
You're obviously sitting on some kinda answer, so spill?

If it wasn't W, Bush, or Reagan, it HAS to be Nixon

It was sometime in the 70's. Won't you agree?

By the way....stop whining. I'm not talking politics here. You fucking professional victim.
You say 70's (and I haven't skipped ahead), so I'll throw an educated guess and say that the practice probably started with the Special Olympics.
Sorta irrelevant.
And I don't mean this as a slight to the handicapped, but that's not exactly the level of play that most competitive sports expects.
It's not a race to the middle (or bottom).
If a kid sees someone get a trophy for winning and they get a trophy for trying, where's the incentive?
Don't give the whiner a trophy and let them try harder to be the one to win it next time.

BTW, if you wouldn't blame Booosh for everything else, my brain wouldn't jump there on autopilot
Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.
Unless you can show that these modern-day athletes received Participation Trophies, your argument falls flat
How Participation Trophies Are Making Our Kids Soft - MensJournal.com

From the piece:

Science Says Our Kids Are Getting Soft
C. Robert Cloninger, a doctor at Washington University in St. Louis, told HBO that awarding trophies to all kids can have negative biological impacts, too.

The technical term partial-reinforcement extinction effect: "All that means is that if you constantly reward a kid, you spoil them, and you don't build a capacity for them to be resilient to frustration," Cloninger said. In short, protecting kids from the agony of defeat blunts their competitive edge and never teaches them to properly deal with adversity.

"We have to get over the notion that everyone has to be a winner in the United States," Cloninger said. "It just isn't true."

Universities are more competitive than ever.

Our athletes are better than ever....and compete harder than ever. Skills needed to compete are greater.

What you fools are failing to do is prove that this practice has had any negative impact at all on our competitiveness in sports or anything else.

Take your FEELINGS about what is happening and set them aside. Find some evidence.

You are sorely misinformed.

College is treated as a consumer product. The curriculum has been watered down, and is now being cleansed of the classic knowledge of Western Civilization. Students demand high grades because they or their parents are paying a small fortune for an army of administrators to design and enforce speech codes to protect them from hearing anything that challenges their insulated worldview.
Fucking Sassy is the fucking queen of anecdotal evidence.

Refute what I am saying. Your other gibberish is just that, gibberish. In your quest to make all kids feel special and have a sense of belonging you are creating a nation of losers. That's just a fact
The question remains unanswered. When did we begin coddling young athletes?
You're obviously sitting on some kinda answer, so spill?

If it wasn't W, Bush, or Reagan, it HAS to be Nixon

It was sometime in the 70's. Won't you agree?

By the way....stop whining. I'm not talking politics here. You fucking professional victim.
You say 70's (and I haven't skipped ahead), so I'll throw an educated guess and say that the practice probably started with the Special Olympics.
Sorta irrelevant.
And I don't mean this as a slight to the handicapped, but that's not exactly the level of play that most competitive sports expects.
It's not a race to the middle (or bottom).
If a kid sees someone get a trophy for winning and they get a trophy for trying, where's the incentive?
Don't give the whiner a trophy and let them try harder to be the one to win it next time.

BTW, if you wouldn't blame Booosh for everything else, my brain wouldn't jump there on autopilot

I've never blamed Bush for anything on these forums. Nutters bring him up way more than libs do.

The trophies we are talking about are called participation trophies. They are not given out for any purpose other than to memorialize the players experience. Nobody is under the illusion that they are being recognized for any special talent or accomplishment.

Where is the evidence that this practice of handing out participation rewards has resulted in our becoming less competitive.

There is none.
Opposing the cult of self-esteem is why I rip into the conservatives here.

Nobody apparently ever told the conservatives that they constantly babble nonsense. Quite the opposite, their leaders always tell their conservative followers how they're such special and unique little snowflakes, and that all opinions are equally valid, even opinions as stupid as theirs are.

Hence, that necessary task now falls to me and the other realists here. Conservatives, think of it as tough love. We endure your cries of how meeeeeeaaaaaan we are only because we care so much.
If only he would be so outspoken against affirmative action.
Go away troll
Totally legit post. You're the troll for the gutter comment.
"Gutter comment", my dick Racist Troll.
You only mention AA because he's black.

Now stay the fuck outta my thread
Like it would make sense to mention affirmative action if he was white? I bet his kids get preferential treatment in school because they're black and he doesn't do anything about that.
I think what he did by returning his kids's unearned trophies was noble. Now if he took a stand on something more relevant I'd be impressed.
How Participation Trophies Are Making Our Kids Soft - MensJournal.com

From the piece:

Science Says Our Kids Are Getting Soft
C. Robert Cloninger, a doctor at Washington University in St. Louis, told HBO that awarding trophies to all kids can have negative biological impacts, too.

The technical term partial-reinforcement extinction effect: "All that means is that if you constantly reward a kid, you spoil them, and you don't build a capacity for them to be resilient to frustration," Cloninger said. In short, protecting kids from the agony of defeat blunts their competitive edge and never teaches them to properly deal with adversity.

"We have to get over the notion that everyone has to be a winner in the United States," Cloninger said. "It just isn't true."


It's not only not true, it's impossible. Some kids are never going to compete in certain arenas and they need to find something they can compete in instead of watering down the field
Fucking Sassy is the fucking queen of anecdotal evidence.

Refute what I am saying. Your other gibberish is just that, gibberish. In your quest to make all kids feel special and have a sense of belonging you are creating a nation of losers. That's just a fact

I've already explained it to you.

We are a nation of winners, by the way. You aren't paying attention.
Opposing the cult of self-esteem is why I rip into the conservatives here.

Nobody apparently ever told the conservatives that they constantly babble nonsense. Quite the opposite, their leaders always tell their conservative followers how they're such special and unique little snowflakes, and that all opinions are equally valid, even opinions as stupid as theirs are.

Hence, that necessary task now falls to me and the other realists here. Conservatives, think of it as tough love. We endure your cries of how meeeeeeaaaaaan we are only because we care so much.

What a load of tripe
The question remains unanswered. When did we begin coddling young athletes?
You're obviously sitting on some kinda answer, so spill?

If it wasn't W, Bush, or Reagan, it HAS to be Nixon

It was sometime in the 70's. Won't you agree?

By the way....stop whining. I'm not talking politics here. You fucking professional victim.
You say 70's (and I haven't skipped ahead), so I'll throw an educated guess and say that the practice probably started with the Special Olympics.
Sorta irrelevant.
And I don't mean this as a slight to the handicapped, but that's not exactly the level of play that most competitive sports expects.
It's not a race to the middle (or bottom).
If a kid sees someone get a trophy for winning and they get a trophy for trying, where's the incentive?
Don't give the whiner a trophy and let them try harder to be the one to win it next time.

BTW, if you wouldn't blame Booosh for everything else, my brain wouldn't jump there on autopilot

I've never blamed Bush for anything on these forums. Nutters bring him up way more than libs do.

The trophies we are talking about are called participation trophies. They are not given out for any purpose other than to memorialize the players experience. Nobody is under the illusion that they are being recognized for any special talent or accomplishment.

Where is the evidence that this practice of handing out participation rewards has resulted in our becoming less competitive.

There is none.
How, exactly, would that study be carried out?

You can't see where giving everyone a trophy or ribbon lessens the prize of winning?
I'm sorry.

It's just like the Citizenship ribbon schools hand out to kids for just sitting still and quiet because they couldn't get Honor Roll or excellence in math or ______
"Shucks, Mom. I got a ribbon at our awards ceremony last year for not doing anything special. Why should I do anything different this year?"

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