James O'Keefe's Latest Failure To Demonstrate "Widespread Voter Fraud"


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
James O'Keefe's Latest Failure To Demonstrate "Widespread Voter Fraud"

Discredited conservative filmmaker James O'Keefe released heavily edited videos Wednesday claiming to prove that members of President Obama's campaign team are helping voters engage in voter fraud. In fact, neither of the highly edited videos O'Keefe released shows a single vote being cast, completely undermining his campaign to demonstrate widespread voter fraud.

In the heavily doctored videos, so-called undercover reporters are shown approaching individuals identified as staffers for Organizing for America, Obama's grassroots campaign organization, and other Obama supporters handing out voter registration forms in Texas and New York. The reporters claim they want registration forms because they intend to vote in two states.

No votes were cast, and no voter fraud occurred in either video, yet both doctored films are falsely blasted out under headlines promising a voter fraud expose.

In the first doctored video O'Keefe released in his latest campaign, a woman identified as Houston OFA Regional Field Director Stephanie Caballero is shown talking to a so-called undercover reporter who asks for help requesting an absentee ballot to vote in Florida, where the "reporter" claims to be registered to vote. The "reporter" is heard saying she intends to vote in both Florida and in Texas. The woman identified as Caballero at various times laughs, urges the "reporter" to only vote in Florida, and at one point says, "Come up with like, if anyone checks, say, 'I don't know.' "

Without the full, unedited video, it is impossible to know what any of this is actually in response to. As of publication, O'Keefe has not released the unedited video.

The woman identified as Caballero offers to print off an absentee ballot request form and explains the absentee ballot process, at one point acknowledging that she is not an expert in whether canvassing boards cross check absentee ballots to make sure voters don't vote twice. During what O'Keefe said is a second visit, the so-called reporter allegedly received an absentee ballot request form.
Blog ››› October 10, 2012 7:33 PM EDT ››› JUSTIN BERRIER & JEREMY HOLDEN:badgrin:

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Nobody but the media and some Dem's has ever said, widespread voter fraud.
No Conservative has ever said that there was widespread voter fraud.
Conservatives have always maintained that there is anywhere from 2 to 3 % of voter fraud. Most Americans would not know this, because the media always says widespread, when it never has been.
Voter fraud yes, but not widespread.
Blog ››› October 10, 2012 7:33 PM EDT ››› JUSTIN BERRIER & JEREMY HOLDEN:badgrin:


Suck on the facts, baby.

You may learn something.

We have a douchebag who PMs people then blocks then from responding. :clap2::clap2:

Go report that I outted you, cowardly asshole.

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Nobody but the media and some Dem's has ever said, widespread voter fraud.
No Conservative has ever said that there was widespread voter fraud.
Conservatives have always maintained that there is anywhere from 2 to 3 % of voter fraud. Most Americans would not know this, because the media always says widespread, when it never has been.
Voter fraud yes, but not widespread.

Yes, conservatives on this very board have said exactly that.
Okeefe aside, it seems anyone without too much difficulty can uncover the illiteracy, graft, criminality and ignorance of community organizations..........
Nobody but the media and some Dem's has ever said, widespread voter fraud.
No Conservative has ever said that there was widespread voter fraud.
Conservatives have always maintained that there is anywhere from 2 to 3 % of voter fraud. Most Americans would not know this, because the media always says widespread, when it never has been.
Voter fraud yes, but not widespread.

Yes, conservatives on this very board have said exactly that.

What part of the bold area did you not get?

Nobody but the media and some Dem's has ever said, widespread voter fraud.
No Conservative has ever said that there was widespread voter fraud.
Conservatives have always maintained that there is anywhere from 2 to 3 % of voter fraud. Most Americans would not know this, because the media always says widespread, when it never has been.
Voter fraud yes, but not widespread.

Yes, conservatives on this very board have said exactly that.

What part of the bold area did you not get?

What part of your own quote did you already forget?

"No Conservative has ever said that there was widespread voter fraud."
The Big List of Voter Fraud Reports

The outcome of the Nov. 6 presidential election shocked almost everyone, with very few analysts expecting Barack Obama to win so decisively and to take so many of the "battleground" states that seemed to be pulling toward Romney.

But then the reports of voting irregularities started leaking out, then gushing out -- like the 59 different Philadelphia voting divisions in which Mitt Romney received zero votes compared o Obama's 19,605. And the Cleveland precinct in which Obama beat Romney 542 to 0. (In fact, Romney received zero votes in nine Cleveland precincts.) And that's just the beginning.


Ever notice how fearful democrats get when people talk about ensuring integrity in the most important right people have in deciding their government? Instead they want to thrown around a myth called voter suppression, yet where ARE these cases of actual voter suppression tied into new election regulations? Especially since the left love and support so much government intrusion and regulations to begin with? I myself, have been a witness to voter fraud during Clinton's re-election, when a poll watcher in Florida approached me an said she could "fix things" to allow for me to vote twice ...... if I would vote for Clinton. With the lack of "honest" oversight ensuring people are doing their jobs, and individuals looking for any chance to see their "choice" win, where is the guarantee of an honest and fair election?

Voter fraud is an impossibility? Well neither is the notion of counterfeit currency floating around the country, but you will still find articles about it today (obviously reporting of those occurances the government and the FBI are actually "aware" of, that is)
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One would think that Heritage would have offered breitbart jr. a job by now.

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