James "The Sweeper" Comey To Be Investigated

No, it is not in the process of being filed. It will not be in the process until it is physically filed. At the present time it is nothing more than a proposal from a lawyer. Once it is filed the recipients will schedule a hearing for cause and legitimacy. Then it will be in process.
And the process amounts to practically nothing. The information disseminated by Comey was unclassified information and is not considered leaking. The President did not assert executive privilege over Comey's testimony. The fact is the Justice Dept has very limited jurisdiction over former employees. They can investigate but the remedy in the event of finding wrongdoing would be to make a note in Comey's file should he ever seek to be employed by the Justice Department again. Unlike Trump, Comey thinks these things through before he speaks.

The White House has been trying to discredit Comey by calling him a "leaker" because of the way he disseminated the information about Trump. The president calls him a nutjob, a liar, leaker, and weak, who has lost the respect of his people, and their commitment to him. Regardless of what the White House throws at Comey, his testimony cast serious doubts on the ethical as well as legal position of the president. The very fact that Comey refrains from interviews and comments other than sworn testimony makes the Trump White House look even less creditable.

I'd have to agree with Comey being weak, he didn't have the balls to tell Lynch no when he was told to use terminology designed by the Clinton campaign and he didn't have the balls to tell Trump he was out of bounds. So yeah, he's a 6'8" wimp.

Most people that are concerned about losing their job would not tell their boss's boss that he's out of bounds in making such a request. Such a statement would probably have just got him fired immediately. However, I believe Comey when he said he was stunned that the president would make such a request. Keeping his mouth shut and documenting the incident is exactly what he should have done as an agent for the FBI. However, I'm sure Trump would consider that weak even thou it was the right thing to do.

So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.

Last edited:
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!

Comey leaked his own notes.

The Lying Low Life, Sexist, Misogynistic Draft Dodging Fascist Ass Hole boasted about firing Comey to two high ranking Russian Officials. He tweeted about firing Comey. He told Lester Holt he intended to fire Comey.

As for fox...yeah right.
The claim of the White House filing a criminal complaint is a lie. The OP is a lie. The whole thread is based on fake news. The lawyer mouthing off is not even a WH lawyer.

Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey over memos - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's legal team, in the wake of damning testimony from James Comey, plans to file a complaint against the former FBI director with the Justice Department Inspector General and the Senate judiciary committee early next week, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

Giggity, giggity.
The President's personal legal team doesn't represent the White House, the Executive Branch, the Presidency or the US Government. Trump has the power to instigate all kinds of investigation. He is doing it through a private lawyer because he is a coward.
Fact is, the White House lawyers have nothing to do with the threat to demand an investigation.
Actually they are his legal representation... but then, you have demonstrated you don't know much.
Comey's career was based on bull shit and he thought he had the support of the MSM but it seems that he might be facing an indictment rather than being celebrated as a "whistleblower".
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!

Comey leaked his own notes.

The Lying Low Life, Sexist, Misogynistic Draft Dodging Fascist Ass Hole boasted about firing Comey to two high ranking Russian Officials. He tweeted about firing Comey. He told Lester Holt he intended to fire Comey.

As for fox...yeah right.
The claim of the White House filing a criminal complaint is a lie. The OP is a lie. The whole thread is based on fake news. The lawyer mouthing off is not even a WH lawyer.

Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey over memos - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's legal team, in the wake of damning testimony from James Comey, plans to file a complaint against the former FBI director with the Justice Department Inspector General and the Senate judiciary committee early next week, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

Giggity, giggity.
The President's personal legal team doesn't represent the White House, the Executive Branch, the Presidency or the US Government. Trump has the power to instigate all kinds of investigation. He is doing it through a private lawyer because he is a coward.
Fact is, the White House lawyers have nothing to do with the threat to demand an investigation.
Actually they are his legal representation... but then, you have demonstrated you don't know much.
No, that is what you are doing, showing you don't much or comprehend things. The White House legal team represents the executive branch, including the Presidency as government entities. The President's personal lawyer represents the President as an individual citizen. The "White House" legal team and lawyers are representing the executive branch of the U. S. government. The President's personal lawyer is representing the President as an individual citizen with no special privileges or standing.

Now, show a link that claims the White House legal team or anyone representing the US Gov't has filed a claim to investigate Comey.
Comey leaked his own notes.

The Lying Low Life, Sexist, Misogynistic Draft Dodging Fascist Ass Hole boasted about firing Comey to two high ranking Russian Officials. He tweeted about firing Comey. He told Lester Holt he intended to fire Comey.

As for fox...yeah right.
The claim of the White House filing a criminal complaint is a lie. The OP is a lie. The whole thread is based on fake news. The lawyer mouthing off is not even a WH lawyer.

Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey over memos - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's legal team, in the wake of damning testimony from James Comey, plans to file a complaint against the former FBI director with the Justice Department Inspector General and the Senate judiciary committee early next week, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

Giggity, giggity.
The President's personal legal team doesn't represent the White House, the Executive Branch, the Presidency or the US Government. Trump has the power to instigate all kinds of investigation. He is doing it through a private lawyer because he is a coward.
Fact is, the White House lawyers have nothing to do with the threat to demand an investigation.
Actually they are his legal representation... but then, you have demonstrated you don't know much.
No, that is what you are doing, showing you don't much or comprehend things. The White House legal team represents the executive branch, including the Presidency as government entities. The President's personal lawyer represents the President as an individual citizen. The "White House" legal team and lawyers are representing the executive branch of the U. S. government. The President's personal lawyer is representing the President as an individual citizen with no special privileges or standing.

Now, show a link that claims the White House legal team or anyone representing the US Gov't has filed a claim to investigate Comey.

You are a moron. Its been clearly posted a few times, even the fact that they will be noting FBI leaks that go back too March. Face it Jr, trump not only fired your hero like he was nothing more then a burger flipper, but he rubbed his nose in it. you just refuse to see it because when you think 8 years of Trump. Now run along Jr. Grab a Juice box and go color the adults are talking now.
And the process amounts to practically nothing. The information disseminated by Comey was unclassified information and is not considered leaking. The President did not assert executive privilege over Comey's testimony. The fact is the Justice Dept has very limited jurisdiction over former employees. They can investigate but the remedy in the event of finding wrongdoing would be to make a note in Comey's file should he ever seek to be employed by the Justice Department again. Unlike Trump, Comey thinks these things through before he speaks.

The White House has been trying to discredit Comey by calling him a "leaker" because of the way he disseminated the information about Trump. The president calls him a nutjob, a liar, leaker, and weak, who has lost the respect of his people, and their commitment to him. Regardless of what the White House throws at Comey, his testimony cast serious doubts on the ethical as well as legal position of the president. The very fact that Comey refrains from interviews and comments other than sworn testimony makes the Trump White House look even less creditable.

I'd have to agree with Comey being weak, he didn't have the balls to tell Lynch no when he was told to use terminology designed by the Clinton campaign and he didn't have the balls to tell Trump he was out of bounds. So yeah, he's a 6'8" wimp.

Most people that are concerned about losing their job would not tell their boss's boss that he's out of bounds in making such a request. Such a statement would probably have just got him fired immediately. However, I believe Comey when he said he was stunned that the president would make such a request. Keeping his mouth shut and documenting the incident is exactly what he should have done as an agent for the FBI. However, I'm sure Trump would consider that weak even thou it was the right thing to do.

So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.


Turns out, he died on a stupider hill after all.
Comey's career was based on bull shit and he thought he had the support of the MSM but it seems that he might be facing an indictment rather than being celebrated as a "whistleblower".

Yup. Along with the complaint Trumps lawyer is sending in they will also be detailing FBI leaks back into march. No one even liked Comey it seems.
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!

Comey leaked his own notes.

The Lying Low Life, Sexist, Misogynistic Draft Dodging Fascist Ass Hole boasted about firing Comey to two high ranking Russian Officials. He tweeted about firing Comey. He told Lester Holt he intended to fire Comey.

As for fox...yeah right.
The claim of the White House filing a criminal complaint is a lie. The OP is a lie. The whole thread is based on fake news. The lawyer mouthing off is not even a WH lawyer.

Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey over memos - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's legal team, in the wake of damning testimony from James Comey, plans to file a complaint against the former FBI director with the Justice Department Inspector General and the Senate judiciary committee early next week, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

Giggity, giggity.
The President's personal legal team doesn't represent the White House, the Executive Branch, the Presidency or the US Government. Trump has the power to instigate all kinds of investigation. He is doing it through a private lawyer because he is a coward.
Fact is, the White House lawyers have nothing to do with the threat to demand an investigation.
Actually they are his legal representation... but then, you have demonstrated you don't know much.

Notice the retard can not point too one law, rule or anything that says Presidents can only use white house lawyers?
Trump Cult Defense Stratagy=Memes and Misinformation

Rough translation, Yes Crixus you are correct.
No, dumb ass, it translate to mean you do not have the ability to discuss or debate an issue without photoshopped images and misinformation (polite way to say lies).

Rough translation, "yes crixus you are mainly beyond anything I have ever seen. Your hands are WAY to big so I admit I cant produce anything to back my opinion that trump can't have any legal counsel he wants".

Again, calm down Jr.
Whether trump can have a personal lawyer is not the topic. Of course, he can have a personal lawyer, but that lawyer can not call himself, and you can not call him the White House lawyer. There already is a White House lawyer, several of them. Mark Kasowitz is not one of them. He does not receive a paycheck from the White House or US Government. He is not accountable to US Government standards, rules, regulations, etc. He does not speak officially for the executive branch or even the President in the Presidents roll. He has no more standing than your local DUI attorney.
The White House lawyer(s), offers legal advice to the president on presidential matters and the government. The president's personal lawyer is the guy that takes care of the president's personal legal matters such as being charged with a crime, named in a lawsuit, subject of a complain, or maybe just changing his will.

How about if the case involves really top secret stuff, same thing ?


Not seeing anything about this on FOX.

I heard it on Hannity, but can't find a link.


If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.

They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.
I heard it on Hannity, but can't find a link.


If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.

They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

This should cover it.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
No, it is not in the process of being filed. It will not be in the process until it is physically filed. At the present time it is nothing more than a proposal from a lawyer. Once it is filed the recipients will schedule a hearing for cause and legitimacy. Then it will be in process.
And the process amounts to practically nothing. The information disseminated by Comey was unclassified information and is not considered leaking. The President did not assert executive privilege over Comey's testimony. The fact is the Justice Dept has very limited jurisdiction over former employees. They can investigate but the remedy in the event of finding wrongdoing would be to make a note in Comey's file should he ever seek to be employed by the Justice Department again. Unlike Trump, Comey thinks these things through before he speaks.

The White House has been trying to discredit Comey by calling him a "leaker" because of the way he disseminated the information about Trump. The president calls him a nutjob, a liar, leaker, and weak, who has lost the respect of his people, and their commitment to him. Regardless of what the White House throws at Comey, his testimony cast serious doubts on the ethical as well as legal position of the president. The very fact that Comey refrains from interviews and comments other than sworn testimony makes the Trump White House look even less creditable.

I'd have to agree with Comey being weak, he didn't have the balls to tell Lynch no when he was told to use terminology designed by the Clinton campaign and he didn't have the balls to tell Trump he was out of bounds. So yeah, he's a 6'8" wimp.

Most people that are concerned about losing their job would not tell their boss's boss that he's out of bounds in making such a request. Such a statement would probably have just got him fired immediately. However, I believe Comey when he said he was stunned that the president would make such a request. Keeping his mouth shut and documenting the incident is exactly what he should have done as an agent for the FBI. However, I'm sure Trump would consider that weak even thou it was the right thing to do.

So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.
I hade a different take on this. First of all, Trump didn't want him to ease up on the Russian investigation, he said he wanted to know if any of his associates were involved. He was looking forward to the conclusion of the investigation. However the Flynn matter is different. Trump definitely was not happy that the FBI was investigation the General. He did not tell him to end the investigation, the most damning part of his assertion was that he HOPED it ended soon because the General was a good guy. That is not a crime or even a questionable inappropriate comment.

However, the Lynch matter is quite different. It is a matter of optics in a difficullt campaign when Hillary was under investigation for a possible crime. After the inappropriate meeting with Bill on the tarmac, Lynch told Comey to call it a "matter" rather than a investigation. It was clearly an investigation but Comey acquiesced and called it a matter as if a phone call would make rhe "matter" go away.
If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.

They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

This should cover it.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
I don't think that is it.
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

That indicates that if someone moves documents to another for personal profit. The Information Disclosure I saw today on tv was calling it, I believe, any work product disclosed to another is an offense. Although IIRC, it could be punisable by a harsher penalty other than disbarrment, the opinion is that if a complaint is actually filed, Comey will likely be disbarred. But that likely will not affect his employment in the future except the inability to handle confidential government records.
They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

This should cover it.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
I don't think that is it.
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

That indicates that if someone moves documents to another for personal profit. The Information Disclosure I saw today on tv was calling it, I believe, any work product disclosed to another is an offense. Although IIRC, it could be punisable by a harsher penalty other than disbarrment, the opinion is that if a complaint is actually filed, Comey will likely be disbarred. But that likely will not affect his employment in the future except the inability to handle confidential government records.

Only the first part. Hit the link and read down. Talk about a rabbit hole! Others are another bunch of links below. Every ther way, this isn't going to end in a good spot for Comey.
They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

This should cover it.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
I don't think that is it.
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

That indicates that if someone moves documents to another for personal profit. The Information Disclosure I saw today on tv was calling it, I believe, any work product disclosed to another is an offense. Although IIRC, it could be punisable by a harsher penalty other than disbarrment, the opinion is that if a complaint is actually filed, Comey will likely be disbarred. But that likely will not affect his employment in the future except the inability to handle confidential government records.
Comey profited by creating a fire storm and sitting a Special Counselor. Political gain.. This statue fits perfectly.
I heard it on Hannity, but can't find a link.


If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.

They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

It called a nondisclosure agreement and according to reports, there could be civil and criminal penalties, I guess it depends on what is disclosed.

Last edited:
Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

This should cover it.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
I don't think that is it.
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

That indicates that if someone moves documents to another for personal profit. The Information Disclosure I saw today on tv was calling it, I believe, any work product disclosed to another is an offense. Although IIRC, it could be punisable by a harsher penalty other than disbarrment, the opinion is that if a complaint is actually filed, Comey will likely be disbarred. But that likely will not affect his employment in the future except the inability to handle confidential government records.

Only the first part. Hit the link and read down. Talk about a rabbit hole! Others are another bunch of links below. Every ther way, this isn't going to end in a good spot for Comey.
I saw more, but they had headings like banking, foreign matters and land. I'll see what I can find. Thank you.
If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.

They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

It called a nondisclosure agreement and according to reports, there could civil and criminal penalties, I guess it depends on what is disclosed.


Where I work it would have been theft. We sign an agreement that we have been informed of that fact.
They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

This should cover it.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
I don't think that is it.
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

That indicates that if someone moves documents to another for personal profit. The Information Disclosure I saw today on tv was calling it, I believe, any work product disclosed to another is an offense. Although IIRC, it could be punisable by a harsher penalty other than disbarrment, the opinion is that if a complaint is actually filed, Comey will likely be disbarred. But that likely will not affect his employment in the future except the inability to handle confidential government records.

He removed FBI work product and gave it to another, for the personal purpose of getting a special prosecutor appointed. Which actually happened.


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