James "The Sweeper" Comey To Be Investigated

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

This should cover it.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
I don't think that is it.
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

That indicates that if someone moves documents to another for personal profit. The Information Disclosure I saw today on tv was calling it, I believe, any work product disclosed to another is an offense. Although IIRC, it could be punisable by a harsher penalty other than disbarrment, the opinion is that if a complaint is actually filed, Comey will likely be disbarred. But that likely will not affect his employment in the future except the inability to handle confidential government records.

Only the first part. Hit the link and read down. Talk about a rabbit hole! Others are another bunch of links below. Every ther way, this isn't going to end in a good spot for Comey.
I saw more, but they had headings like banking, foreign matters and land. I'll see what I can find. Thank you.

No probs. Folks who know what they are looking at and speculate better.
They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

It called a nondisclosure agreement and according to reports, there could civil and criminal penalties, I guess it depends on what is disclosed.


Where I work it would have been theft. We sign an agreement that we have been informed of that fact.

That's why 18 USC 641 could apply.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

It called a nondisclosure agreement and according to reports, there could civil and criminal penalties, I guess it depends on what is disclosed.


Where I work it would have been theft. We sign an agreement that we have been informed of that fact.

That's why 18 USC 641 could apply.


Well if you hit the link and scroll down there are about ten more links I think are related. I don't do leagleze so I gave up after I got enough. But there is a shot ton more.
Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

This should cover it.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
I don't think that is it.
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

That indicates that if someone moves documents to another for personal profit. The Information Disclosure I saw today on tv was calling it, I believe, any work product disclosed to another is an offense. Although IIRC, it could be punisable by a harsher penalty other than disbarrment, the opinion is that if a complaint is actually filed, Comey will likely be disbarred. But that likely will not affect his employment in the future except the inability to handle confidential government records.

Only the first part. Hit the link and read down. Talk about a rabbit hole! Others are another bunch of links below. Every ther way, this isn't going to end in a good spot for Comey.
I saw more, but they had headings like banking, foreign matters and land. I'll see what I can find. Thank you.
The best I can find is a reference to in in regard to Hillary Clinton's investigation.

Last month, FBI Director James Comey refuted those claims, stating his agency "only conducts investigations," as its name implies. The recent reports that agents involved in the investigation were required to sign non-disclosure agreements only adds to the seriousness of the situation, which even now the Clinton campaign continues to downplay.

According to former agents who have spoken out about the non-disclosure documents, they are used only in the most serious investigations to control the number of people who have access to the evidence in the case. But, once again, this calls into question Comey's later statements to the House Oversight Committee that his recommendation not to charge Clinton was based on a perceived lack of intent.

And the process amounts to practically nothing. The information disseminated by Comey was unclassified information and is not considered leaking. The President did not assert executive privilege over Comey's testimony. The fact is the Justice Dept has very limited jurisdiction over former employees. They can investigate but the remedy in the event of finding wrongdoing would be to make a note in Comey's file should he ever seek to be employed by the Justice Department again. Unlike Trump, Comey thinks these things through before he speaks.

The White House has been trying to discredit Comey by calling him a "leaker" because of the way he disseminated the information about Trump. The president calls him a nutjob, a liar, leaker, and weak, who has lost the respect of his people, and their commitment to him. Regardless of what the White House throws at Comey, his testimony cast serious doubts on the ethical as well as legal position of the president. The very fact that Comey refrains from interviews and comments other than sworn testimony makes the Trump White House look even less creditable.

I'd have to agree with Comey being weak, he didn't have the balls to tell Lynch no when he was told to use terminology designed by the Clinton campaign and he didn't have the balls to tell Trump he was out of bounds. So yeah, he's a 6'8" wimp.

Most people that are concerned about losing their job would not tell their boss's boss that he's out of bounds in making such a request. Such a statement would probably have just got him fired immediately. However, I believe Comey when he said he was stunned that the president would make such a request. Keeping his mouth shut and documenting the incident is exactly what he should have done as an agent for the FBI. However, I'm sure Trump would consider that weak even thou it was the right thing to do.

So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.
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I'd have to agree with Comey being weak, he didn't have the balls to tell Lynch no when he was told to use terminology designed by the Clinton campaign and he didn't have the balls to tell Trump he was out of bounds. So yeah, he's a 6'8" wimp.

Most people that are concerned about losing their job would not tell their boss's boss that he's out of bounds in making such a request. Such a statement would probably have just got him fired immediately. However, I believe Comey when he said he was stunned that the president would make such a request. Keeping his mouth shut and documenting the incident is exactly what he should have done as an agent for the FBI. However, I'm sure Trump would consider that weak even thou it was the right thing to do.

So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. No sooner than the FBI started investigating Clinton but she announced here run for president. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of other security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going come after him. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Well he isn't dumb, so maybe he was working an angle.
Most people that are concerned about losing their job would not tell their boss's boss that he's out of bounds in making such a request. Such a statement would probably have just got him fired immediately. However, I believe Comey when he said he was stunned that the president would make such a request. Keeping his mouth shut and documenting the incident is exactly what he should have done as an agent for the FBI. However, I'm sure Trump would consider that weak even thou it was the right thing to do.

So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. No sooner than the FBI started investigating Clinton but she announced here run for president. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of other security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going come after him. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Well he isn't dumb, so maybe he was working an angle.
I think he sheltered a rather naive belief that the Director of the FBI could be above politics. However, if he had paid any attention to Trump he should have known that Trump would require his loyalty that superseded any investigation. Clearly he had no place in the Trump administration. Being fired may be a blessing in disguise.
There's plenty of evidence right now to hang Trump & Company.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

This 8 minute Fox News video--Shep Smith states that Trump surrogates where not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that DNC databases were getting hacked into.

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

McCain wants to know why "we will not arm Ukranians against pro Russian Separatists" was put in the Republican platform". See above link--More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russian Ambassador.

Adam Schiff co-chair of the House Intelligence commitee had this to say.

Michael Flynn--currently under criminal investigation for committing a Felony by lying to the FBI. We find out he was acting as an undisclosed foreign agent while attending National Security briefings, being a paid lobbyist for Turkey and receiving payments from Russia. Who then asked for immunity against prosecution--stating "he has a story to tell."
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony - CNNPolitics.com
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Trump adviser Flynn paid by multiple Russia-related entities, new records show

Michael Flynn will invoke 5th Amendment, won't comply with Senate's subpoena due to 'escalating public frenzy against him'

Jeff Sessions:
who recently offered up his resignation. Also accused of lying under oath to congress, for not disclosing that he had met with the Russian ambassador twice during the campaign season Now there is allegedly a 3rd time he did not disclose that he met with the Russian Ambassador.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com
Sources: Congress investigating another possible Sessions-Kislyak meeting - CNNPolitics.com

Jeff Sessions offered to quit during exchange with Trump - CNNPolitics.com

Jared Kushner: Trump's son-in-law who asked the Russian Ambassador for a direct private secure line to the Kremlin.
Washington Post: Kushner proposed secret communication channel with Kremlin - CNNPolitics.com

Trump fires Comey:

Trump fires FBI director James Comey - CNNPolitics.com

Trump admits OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE in an NBC T.V interview:
Recounting his decision to dismiss Comey, Trump told NBC News, “In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won. Trump’s account flatly contradicts the White House’s initial account of how the president arrived at his decision, undercutting public denials by his aides that the move was influenced in any way by his growing fury with the ongoing Russia probe.
Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

Trump meets with the Russians in the Oval Office while he blocks out American media and lets Russian media in. In the process he gives the Russians highly sensitive classified information.
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News


White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos - CNNPolitics.com

The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber. He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

This is 10,000 times worse than Watergate, and they had enough evidence to end this a month ago. In the coming months you'll hear more names mentioned: Jerad Kushner, Roger Stone, Paul Managort, Carter Page & J.D. Gordon.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

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Could never have seen this one coming.....:blowup:

Leaking Classified information...:bye1: Comey is F-ked.. Its a matter of congressional record.

But did he intend to cause harm? I thought that had to be proven these days. Or is that one of those special Clinton-only laws?
I'd have to agree with Comey being weak, he didn't have the balls to tell Lynch no when he was told to use terminology designed by the Clinton campaign and he didn't have the balls to tell Trump he was out of bounds. So yeah, he's a 6'8" wimp.

Most people that are concerned about losing their job would not tell their boss's boss that he's out of bounds in making such a request. Such a statement would probably have just got him fired immediately. However, I believe Comey when he said he was stunned that the president would make such a request. Keeping his mouth shut and documenting the incident is exactly what he should have done as an agent for the FBI. However, I'm sure Trump would consider that weak even thou it was the right thing to do.

So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Personal notes are not considered Classified information. Furthermore if Trump wouldn't have publicy attacked Comey via T.V. and on his Tweeter account, he could have used Executive Privilege. But since he did--it was GAME OVER. At that point Comey had every right to defend himself.

Comey broke no confidentiality agreement.
There is some agreement the FBI employees sign the is called Information Disclosure (or something similar). They are not allowed to disseminate any information from their computers, journals, information is called work product. It is considered that Comey probably would not be charged with a crime, however being disbarred for the leak is more likely. Comey was an employees when he wrote those notes.

This should cover it.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
I don't think that is it.
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

That indicates that if someone moves documents to another for personal profit. The Information Disclosure I saw today on tv was calling it, I believe, any work product disclosed to another is an offense. Although IIRC, it could be punisable by a harsher penalty other than disbarrment, the opinion is that if a complaint is actually filed, Comey will likely be disbarred. But that likely will not affect his employment in the future except the inability to handle confidential government records.

He removed FBI work product and gave it to another, for the personal purpose of getting a special prosecutor appointed. Which actually happened.

You missed that the work product was classified by FBI policies and US classification laws.
Most people that are concerned about losing their job would not tell their boss's boss that he's out of bounds in making such a request. Such a statement would probably have just got him fired immediately. However, I believe Comey when he said he was stunned that the president would make such a request. Keeping his mouth shut and documenting the incident is exactly what he should have done as an agent for the FBI. However, I'm sure Trump would consider that weak even thou it was the right thing to do.

So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.


Look--Benghazi and all the emails you can drum up do not hold a match stick to Treason, Obstruction and Lies. Go back to post # 208 on this thread and spend some time reading & watching video''s as to what has been going on with this. They had them nailed (prior to Comey's testimony)--Comey was just more icing on the disaster cake.

I know that most of you are still listening to Right wing talk show hosts at this point that are in full panic spin mode right now. It was FOX News that gave Trump an unprecedented 2 BILLION in free news coverage during the primaries while ignorning all other GOP candidates. While Sean Hannity's ratings exploded during this time--FOX News as a whole were plummeting. People were turning them off and turned on CNN.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

So when the impeachment proceeding's start you may want to point the blame to those right wing talk show hosts that promoted and SOLD Trump to you. It started with Rush Limbaugh and others 6 years ago by attacking what he refers to as Establishment Republicans--who continually violated Reagan's 11th commandment "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." They all did it for nothing more than ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

Rush Limbaugh admitted something shocking--when a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

Here is a funny -- but soooo true aricle. Make sure to read it all the way to the bottom.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

And here are the others that are very informative.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump


To be a truly informed voter --you cannot depend on the above to give you accurate information. They are there for political entertainment, (ratings & obscene profit breaks.) They regurgiate information--typically leaving out a lot of critical information via half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. They are also known as the soap box opera's of politics.

To escape the Right wing media bubble you have to start watching other news and read other sources that are not designed to specifically "give you the news you want to hear."
All of the above discuss topics that are already out there
Liberal news sources either make it up or present feelings and suppositions as facts
So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.


Look--Benghazi and all the emails you can drum up do not hold a match stick to Treason, Obstruction and Lies. Go back to post # 208 on this thread and spend some time reading & watching video''s as to what has been going on with this. They had them nailed (prior to Comey's testimony)--Comey was just more icing on the disaster cake.

I know that most of you are still listening to Right wing talk show hosts at this point that are in full panic spin mode right now. It was FOX News that gave Trump an unprecedented 2 BILLION in free news coverage during the primaries while ignorning all other GOP candidates. While Sean Hannity's ratings exploded during this time--FOX News as a whole were plummeting. People were turning them off and turned on CNN.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

So when the impeachment proceeding's start you may want to point the blame to those right wing talk show hosts that promoted and SOLD Trump to you. It started with Rush Limbaugh and others 6 years ago by attacking what he refers to as Establishment Republicans--who continually violated Reagan's 11th commandment "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." They all did it for nothing more than ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

Rush Limbaugh admitted something shocking--when a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

Here is a funny -- but soooo true aricle. Make sure to read it all the way to the bottom.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

And here are the others that are very informative.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump


To be a truly informed voter --you cannot depend on the above to give you accurate information. They are there for political entertainment, (ratings & obscene profit breaks.) They regurgiate information--typically leaving out a lot of critical information via half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. They are also known as the soap box opera's of politics.

To escape the Right wing media bubble you have to start watching other news and read other sources that are not designed to specifically "give you the news you want to hear."

Child you might want to review my posts, I've already gotten everything I ever wanted form Trump. He kept the bitch out of the WH, appointed a good judge to SCOTUS and is reducing very costly regulations. Add to that he's still working on other campaign promises and has reduced illegal border crossings by 70%. So you can talk all the shit you want, IT DOESN"T MATTER. Just relax and order some more butthurt cream.

Most people that are concerned about losing their job would not tell their boss's boss that he's out of bounds in making such a request. Such a statement would probably have just got him fired immediately. However, I believe Comey when he said he was stunned that the president would make such a request. Keeping his mouth shut and documenting the incident is exactly what he should have done as an agent for the FBI. However, I'm sure Trump would consider that weak even thou it was the right thing to do.

So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.

The inaccuracy of Clinton's testimony before Congress could be construed to be intent to cover up her mishandling of email but it can't be considered evidence of gross negligence. I think there is a fine line between carelessness and gross negligence. Comey made a judgement call based on his years of experience as a US prosecutor and the evidence uncovered in the investigation as to whether that line was crossed. IMHO, without strong evidence of an intent to do harm or gross negligence, getting a conviction would be very unlikely. The government does not prosecute cases they believe they will lose just to satisfy the public.
So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.

The inaccuracy of Clinton's testimony before Congress could be construed to be intent to cover up her mishandling of email but it can't be considered evidence of gross negligence. I think there is a fine line between carelessness and gross negligence. Comey made a judgement call based on his years of experience as a US prosecutor and the evidence uncovered in the investigation as to whether that line was crossed. IMHO, without strong evidence of an intent to do harm or gross negligence, getting a conviction would be very unlikely. The government does not prosecute cases they believe they will lose just to satisfy the public.

Feel free to keep playing the semantics games if you chose. Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence and topped it of saying, "no reasonable person would have the conversations she did on an insecure system". False exculpatory statements goes directly to consciousness of guilt and intent.

Comey's defense of Clinton amounted to she did everything wrong but he guesses it wasn't on purpose
Slime ball who really really looks like one

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