James "The Sweeper" Comey To Be Investigated

The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!

Comey leaked his own notes.

The Lying Low Life, Sexist, Misogynistic Draft Dodging Fascist Ass Hole boasted about firing Comey to two high ranking Russian Officials. He tweeted about firing Comey. He told Lester Holt he intended to fire Comey.

As for fox...yeah right.
The claim of the White House filing a criminal complaint is a lie. The OP is a lie. The whole thread is based on fake news. The lawyer mouthing off is not even a WH lawyer.

Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey over memos - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's legal team, in the wake of damning testimony from James Comey, plans to file a complaint against the former FBI director with the Justice Department Inspector General and the Senate judiciary committee early next week, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

Giggity, giggity.
The President's personal legal team doesn't represent the White House, the Executive Branch, the Presidency or the US Government. Trump has the power to instigate all kinds of investigation. He is doing it through a private lawyer because he is a coward.
Fact is, the White House lawyers have nothing to do with the threat to demand an investigation.

You are stupid. Who represented Bill Clinton when he had his issues? Cant say for sure, but in THIS country, you are entitled to the legal counsel that YOU see fit. You can not produce ONE written rule, law or anything else that will back your 5th grade BS. If you had a clue, you would know that the complaint means dick, and wouldn't have even brought it up.
I didn't bring it up, you idiot. It is the topic and bases for the OP, the original post for this thread. Unlike the dopey graphics and misinformation spewed throughout this thread, it is spot on the topic of the thread.
Comey leaked his own notes.

The Lying Low Life, Sexist, Misogynistic Draft Dodging Fascist Ass Hole boasted about firing Comey to two high ranking Russian Officials. He tweeted about firing Comey. He told Lester Holt he intended to fire Comey.

As for fox...yeah right.
The claim of the White House filing a criminal complaint is a lie. The OP is a lie. The whole thread is based on fake news. The lawyer mouthing off is not even a WH lawyer.

Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey over memos - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's legal team, in the wake of damning testimony from James Comey, plans to file a complaint against the former FBI director with the Justice Department Inspector General and the Senate judiciary committee early next week, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

Giggity, giggity.
The President's personal legal team doesn't represent the White House, the Executive Branch, the Presidency or the US Government. Trump has the power to instigate all kinds of investigation. He is doing it through a private lawyer because he is a coward.
Fact is, the White House lawyers have nothing to do with the threat to demand an investigation.

You are stupid. Who represented Bill Clinton when he had his issues? Cant say for sure, but in THIS country, you are entitled to the legal counsel that YOU see fit. You can not produce ONE written rule, law or anything else that will back your 5th grade BS. If you had a clue, you would know that the complaint means dick, and wouldn't have even brought it up.
I didn't bring it up, you idiot. It is the topic and bases for the OP, the original post for this thread. Unlike the dopey graphics and misinformation spewed throughout this thread, it is spot on the topic of the thread.

You are Dumb. Specifically, what was misinformation and what graphics did I post that were misleading? I asked you to back your assertion that a president is not allowed the league council of their choice. You melted down proving you speak out your ass. Now go have a juice box and fruit snack and chill the hell out.
Trump Cult Defense Stratagy=Memes and Misinformation

Rough translation, Yes Crixus you are correct.
No, dumb ass, it translate to mean you do not have the ability to discuss or debate an issue without photoshopped images and misinformation (polite way to say lies).

Rough translation, "yes crixus you are mainly beyond anything I have ever seen. Your hands are WAY to big so I admit I cant produce anything to back my opinion that trump can't have any legal counsel he wants".

Again, calm down Jr.
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!

Comey leaked his own notes.

The Lying Low Life, Sexist, Misogynistic Draft Dodging Fascist Ass Hole boasted about firing Comey to two high ranking Russian Officials. He tweeted about firing Comey. He told Lester Holt he intended to fire Comey.

As for fox...yeah right.
The claim of the White House filing a criminal complaint is a lie. The OP is a lie. The whole thread is based on fake news. The lawyer mouthing off is not even a WH lawyer.

Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey over memos - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's legal team, in the wake of damning testimony from James Comey, plans to file a complaint against the former FBI director with the Justice Department Inspector General and the Senate judiciary committee early next week, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

Giggity, giggity.
The President's personal legal team doesn't represent the White House, the Executive Branch, the Presidency or the US Government. Trump has the power to instigate all kinds of investigation. He is doing it through a private lawyer because he is a coward.
Fact is, the White House lawyers have nothing to do with the threat to demand an investigation.
he's smart. for you that sucks.
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!
Here is the original post that started this thread. Request for a link has gone unanswered. Nothing in the news or google searches confirm the accusation in the post.
The OP and thread are fake news, ie, misinformation.
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!
Here is the original post that started this thread. Request for a link has gone unanswered. Nothing in the news or google searches confirm the accusation in the post.
The OP and thread are fake news, ie, misinformation.

There is one to CNN dumbass. It's the one that got you all worked up.
Trump Cult Defense Stratagy=Memes and Misinformation

Rough translation, Yes Crixus you are correct.
No, dumb ass, it translate to mean you do not have the ability to discuss or debate an issue without photoshopped images and misinformation (polite way to say lies).

Rough translation, "yes crixus you are mainly beyond anything I have ever seen. Your hands are WAY to big so I admit I cant produce anything to back my opinion that trump can't have any legal counsel he wants".

Again, calm down Jr.
Whether trump can have a personal lawyer is not the topic. Of course, he can have a personal lawyer, but that lawyer can not call himself, and you can not call him the White House lawyer. There already is a White House lawyer, several of them. Mark Kasowitz is not one of them. He does not receive a paycheck from the White House or US Government. He is not accountable to US Government standards, rules, regulations, etc. He does not speak officially for the executive branch or even the President in the Presidents roll. He has no more standing than your local DUI attorney.
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!
Here is the original post that started this thread. Request for a link has gone unanswered. Nothing in the news or google searches confirm the accusation in the post.
The OP and thread are fake news, ie, misinformation.

There is one to CNN dumbass. It's the one that got you all worked up.
No there is not. If there was you would post it. All the media reports are reporting trump's personal lawyer making the threat or claim to be preparing a complaint, not an investigation being started. As of this time, no complaint has been submitted, hence, no investigation is even being considered.
Post something if you think you have it.
Do it now. Bitch slapping you is getting boring.
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!
Here is the original post that started this thread. Request for a link has gone unanswered. Nothing in the news or google searches confirm the accusation in the post.
The OP and thread are fake news, ie, misinformation.

There is one to CNN dumbass. It's the one that got you all worked up.
No there is not. If there was you would post it. All the media reports are reporting trump's personal lawyer making the threat or claim to be preparing a complaint, not an investigation being started. As of this time, no complaint has been submitted, hence, no investigation is even being considered.
Post something if you think you have it.

It's in the link a few posts back just after half black jesus got done reporting to his KGB handler. But if I must here is the link AGain.

Trump's lawyer to file complaint against Comey over memos - CNNPolitics.com
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!
Here is the original post that started this thread. Request for a link has gone unanswered. Nothing in the news or google searches confirm the accusation in the post.
The OP and thread are fake news, ie, misinformation.

There is one to CNN dumbass. It's the one that got you all worked up.
No there is not. If there was you would post it. All the media reports are reporting trump's personal lawyer making the threat or claim to be preparing a complaint, not an investigation being started. As of this time, no complaint has been submitted, hence, no investigation is even being considered.
Post something if you think you have it.
Do it now. Bitch slapping you is getting boring.

You mean masterbating? That's your business. All you managed to do is live ok like this kid that you tube of the kid melting down because his mom took away his world of warcraft like this kid here. It's pretty good representation of how your avrage lib acts when they don't get their way.

And the complaints don't stop with just memos but other leaks going back to march. Comey ain't getting out a hero. Comey is in the process of getting his character assassinated. Justice IMO.
The OP said as much. It couldn't be filed yet, this all happened this afternoon and is in the process of being filed.
No, it is not in the process of being filed. It will not be in the process until it is physically filed. At the present time it is nothing more than a proposal from a lawyer. Once it is filed the recipients will schedule a hearing for cause and legitimacy. Then it will be in process.
And the process amounts to practically nothing. The information disseminated by Comey was unclassified information and is not considered leaking. The President did not assert executive privilege over Comey's testimony. The fact is the Justice Dept has very limited jurisdiction over former employees. They can investigate but the remedy in the event of finding wrongdoing would be to make a note in Comey's file should he ever seek to be employed by the Justice Department again. Unlike Trump, Comey thinks these things through before he speaks.

The White House has been trying to discredit Comey by calling him a "leaker" because of the way he disseminated the information about Trump. The president calls him a nutjob, a liar, leaker, and weak, who has lost the respect of his people, and their commitment to him. Regardless of what the White House throws at Comey, his testimony cast serious doubts on the ethical as well as legal position of the president. The very fact that Comey refrains from interviews and comments other than sworn testimony makes the Trump White House look even less creditable.

I'd have to agree with Comey being weak, he didn't have the balls to tell Lynch no when he was told to use terminology designed by the Clinton campaign and he didn't have the balls to tell Trump he was out of bounds. So yeah, he's a 6'8" wimp.

Most people that are concerned about losing their job would not tell their boss's boss that he's out of bounds in making such a request. Such a statement would probably have just got him fired immediately. However, I believe Comey when he said he was stunned that the president would make such a request. Keeping his mouth shut and documenting the incident is exactly what he should have done as an agent for the FBI. However, I'm sure Trump would consider that weak even thou it was the right thing to do.

So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.
Last edited:
Trump Cult Defense Stratagy=Memes and Misinformation

Rough translation, Yes Crixus you are correct.
No, dumb ass, it translate to mean you do not have the ability to discuss or debate an issue without photoshopped images and misinformation (polite way to say lies).

Rough translation, "yes crixus you are mainly beyond anything I have ever seen. Your hands are WAY to big so I admit I cant produce anything to back my opinion that trump can't have any legal counsel he wants".

Again, calm down Jr.
Whether trump can have a personal lawyer is not the topic. Of course, he can have a personal lawyer, but that lawyer can not call himself, and you can not call him the White House lawyer. There already is a White House lawyer, several of them. Mark Kasowitz is not one of them. He does not receive a paycheck from the White House or US Government. He is not accountable to US Government standards, rules, regulations, etc. He does not speak officially for the executive branch or even the President in the Presidents roll. He has no more standing than your local DUI attorney.
The White House lawyer(s), offers legal advice to the president on presidential matters and the government. The president's personal lawyer is the guy that takes care of the president's personal legal matters such as being charged with a crime, named in a lawsuit, subject of a complain, or maybe just changing his will.

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