James "The Sweeper" Comey To Be Investigated

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.

The inaccuracy of Clinton's testimony before Congress could be construed to be intent to cover up her mishandling of email but it can't be considered evidence of gross negligence. I think there is a fine line between carelessness and gross negligence. Comey made a judgement call based on his years of experience as a US prosecutor and the evidence uncovered in the investigation as to whether that line was crossed. IMHO, without strong evidence of an intent to do harm or gross negligence, getting a conviction would be very unlikely. The government does not prosecute cases they believe they will lose just to satisfy the public.

Feel free to keep playing the semantics games if you chose. Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence and topped it of saying, "no reasonable person would have the conversations she did on an insecure system". False exculpatory statements goes directly to consciousness of guilt and intent.

No, her false statements may show her intent to cover up her careless handling of her email. It does not show in any way that her handling of here email was grossly negligent. That evidence would have to come from the investigation and Comey says it's not there.
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What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.


Look--Benghazi and all the emails you can drum up do not hold a match stick to Treason, Obstruction and Lies. Go back to post # 208 on this thread and spend some time reading & watching video''s as to what has been going on with this. They had them nailed (prior to Comey's testimony)--Comey was just more icing on the disaster cake.

I know that most of you are still listening to Right wing talk show hosts at this point that are in full panic spin mode right now. It was FOX News that gave Trump an unprecedented 2 BILLION in free news coverage during the primaries while ignorning all other GOP candidates. While Sean Hannity's ratings exploded during this time--FOX News as a whole were plummeting. People were turning them off and turned on CNN.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

So when the impeachment proceeding's start you may want to point the blame to those right wing talk show hosts that promoted and SOLD Trump to you. It started with Rush Limbaugh and others 6 years ago by attacking what he refers to as Establishment Republicans--who continually violated Reagan's 11th commandment "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." They all did it for nothing more than ratings and those obscene profit breaks.

Rush Limbaugh admitted something shocking--when a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

Here is a funny -- but soooo true aricle. Make sure to read it all the way to the bottom.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

And here are the others that are very informative.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump


To be a truly informed voter --you cannot depend on the above to give you accurate information. They are there for political entertainment, (ratings & obscene profit breaks.) They regurgiate information--typically leaving out a lot of critical information via half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. They are also known as the soap box opera's of politics.

To escape the Right wing media bubble you have to start watching other news and read other sources that are not designed to specifically "give you the news you want to hear."

Child you might want to review my posts, I've already gotten everything I ever wanted form Trump. He kept the bitch out of the WH, appointed a good judge to SCOTUS and is reducing very costly regulations. Add to that he's still working on other campaign promises and has reduced illegal border crossings by 70%. So you can talk all the shit you want, IT DOESN"T MATTER. Just relax and order some more butthurt cream.


You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. A weapon that they're going to use for decades to come. If Republicans can do 8 investigatiions into Benghazi--it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. Donald Trump will be responsible for the destruction of the Republican party.

NIEL GORSUCH--(Trump's pick for U.S. Supreme Court Judge)--was a nominee that Hillary Clinton voted for in 2006. Gorsuch was appointed under G.W. Bush as a District Court judge, at a time when Democrats owned the Senate and could have easily rejected him.
The Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in '06


The only reason Democrats wanted to block Niel Gorsuch is because they were pissed that Obama's last nominee--(Merrick Garland) wasn't given a vote on the Republican Senate floor. In fact Merrick Garland was a nominee that Republicans liked. They just blocked him to use the Supreme Court nomination to campaign on during the 2016 election cycle.

Niel Gorsuch--is the only nominee to my memory--that finally put Roe v Wade away forever, by stating that Roe v Wade is precedent in the Constitution--meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

You in no way got another Anthony Scalia--something else you were roped a doped on, by right wing talk show hosts.

As far as your other claim that illegal crossings have dropped by 70%--you have not provided a link to that--so it goes into the :bsflag:column until you do.
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Not seeing anything about this on FOX.

I heard it on Hannity, but can't find a link.


If it was actually true, I imagine that it would be carried by every news source on the planet.

They weren't talking about criminal charges as the OP indicated, just asking the DOJ IG to look at Comeys leak and asked the Senate Judiciary committee to look into the same. Evidently it's a nono for anyone in the FBI to release government documents, regardless of classification without clearance form the DOJ. I guess it will turn on whether Comeys memos for record were in fact government documents.

Any one who signs a pre-employment agreement with the FBI knows that all information gleaned from ones employment or official duties can not be shared because it is confidential or classified.. Contemporaneous notes are work product..

Comey is F-Ked

Are you under the impression that the Director of the FBI signs the same employment agreement that Joe G-Man signs when he graduates from Quantico?

I am under the impression that if he is not held to an even higher standard than the regular Joe....then some really looney people like you must have infested the Federal Government Process.

So you're saying he screwed up when he didn't document the conversation with Lynch?

What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.

The inaccuracy of Clinton's testimony before Congress could be construed to be intent to cover up her mishandling of email but it can't be considered evidence of gross negligence. I think there is a fine line between carelessness and gross negligence. Comey made a judgement call based on his years of experience as a US prosecutor and the evidence uncovered in the investigation as to whether that line was crossed. IMHO, without strong evidence of an intent to do harm or gross negligence, getting a conviction would be very unlikely. The government does not prosecute cases they believe they will lose just to satisfy the public.

They really couldn't have prosecuted Hillary Clinton--without adding Colin Powell & Condi Rice to that prosecution list--as they had the same email issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

"The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.

So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."

The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

To show how unimportant TRUMP thought Hillary Clinton's emails were--here is who he was actually considering for Secretary of State. A 4-star General & former CIA chief, David Petraous that actually was charged. Comey went to great links to discuss the difference as to why David Petraous was charged and Hillary Clinton wasn't. This article will definitely clear up what you haven't been told.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com
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What you're describing is a very different situation.

Trump asked Comey to meet with him and at that meeting Trump wanted Comey to ease up on his investigation which involved Trump associates, the campaign, and possibly a Russian involvement, an issue that was causing Trump a lot of problems.

Comey said he sought Lynch's guidance on discussing the Clinton email investigation. Comey said, “I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, ‘Yes, but don't call it that. Call it a matter.'” Unlike the conversation with Trump, Lynch was not asking Comey to conduct the investigation any differently or go easy on anyone but just refer to it as the "email matter". Lynch was upholding a Justice Dept. policy of not confirming an ongoing investigation.

LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.

The inaccuracy of Clinton's testimony before Congress could be construed to be intent to cover up her mishandling of email but it can't be considered evidence of gross negligence. I think there is a fine line between carelessness and gross negligence. Comey made a judgement call based on his years of experience as a US prosecutor and the evidence uncovered in the investigation as to whether that line was crossed. IMHO, without strong evidence of an intent to do harm or gross negligence, getting a conviction would be very unlikely. The government does not prosecute cases they believe they will lose just to satisfy the public.

They really couldn't have prosecuted Hillary Clinton--without adding Colin Powell & Condi Rice to that prosecution list--as they had the same email issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

"The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.

So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."

The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

To show how unimportant TRUMP thought Hillary Clinton's emails were--here is who he was actually considering for Secretary of State. A 4-star General & former CIA chief, David Petraous that actually was charged. Comey went to great links to discuss the difference as to why David Petraous was charged and Hillary Clinton wasn't. This article will definitely clear up what you haven't been told.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com
Being a Republican and hating the Clintons are synonymous. What is it about Hillary Clinton that really pisses off Republicans, more than her husband, more than Obama, and probably more than any politician since FDR? This can be hard to understand when you consider Clinton's notably successful efforts at bipartisanship as a Senator, as well as her history of center-right policy that has put her further to the right than either her husband or Obama. Yet both are revered by Republicans compared to Hillary.

Even today Republicans don't just complain about Hillary, they literally become red in face as their blood pressure rises. I think to a large degree, this is the result of Republicans having spent years sitting around campfires telling stories to each other about the Clinton's, seeing who can spin the most scary tale. She has come to embody the Blair Witch, a succubus, and every frightening villain that Republicans can conjure.

The Hillary hatred goes back over 25 years to her earliest days in the White House. Since then either Hillary or Bill have been the subject of almost constant investigations by Republicans. In all that time, Hillary was able to come out with little damage. Then after the Benghazi investigation finally began to die, Republicans discovered her email server. Wow, finally a real Gotcha. With Comey leading the investigation, a republican with 3 failed Clinton investigations under his belt and a ton of evidence, there was just no way Clinton was going get out of this. Dreams of Hillary disgraced, charge with felonies, and rotting away in jail danced through Republican heads but once again, Hillary manages to survive. Worse yet, her lost to Trump, her age, and her health may end Republican dreams of revenge forever.
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LOL, Comey in relation to Lynch, said that he didn't want to die on that hill. In both cases he didn't have the balls to speak truth to power. I guess he was stunned for months on end.
He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.

The inaccuracy of Clinton's testimony before Congress could be construed to be intent to cover up her mishandling of email but it can't be considered evidence of gross negligence. I think there is a fine line between carelessness and gross negligence. Comey made a judgement call based on his years of experience as a US prosecutor and the evidence uncovered in the investigation as to whether that line was crossed. IMHO, without strong evidence of an intent to do harm or gross negligence, getting a conviction would be very unlikely. The government does not prosecute cases they believe they will lose just to satisfy the public.

They really couldn't have prosecuted Hillary Clinton--without adding Colin Powell & Condi Rice to that prosecution list--as they had the same email issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

"The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.

So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."

The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

To show how unimportant TRUMP thought Hillary Clinton's emails were--here is who he was actually considering for Secretary of State. A 4-star General & former CIA chief, David Petraous that actually was charged. Comey went to great links to discuss the difference as to why David Petraous was charged and Hillary Clinton wasn't. This article will definitely clear up what you haven't been told.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com
Being a Republican and hating the Clintons are synonymous. What is it about Hillary Clinton that really pisses off Republicans, more than her husband, more than Obama, and probably more than any politician since FDR? This can be hard to understand when you consider Clinton's notably successful efforts at bipartisanship as a Senator, as well as her history of center-right policy that has put her further to the right than either her husband or Obama. Yet both are revered by Republicans compared to Hillary.

Even today Republicans don't just complain about Hillary, they literally become red in face as their blood pressure rises. I think to a large degree, this is the result of Republicans having spent years sitting around campfires telling stories to each other about the Clinton's, seeing who can spin the most scary tale. She has come to embody the Blair Witch, a succubus, and every frightening villain that Republicans can conjure.

The Hillary hatred goes back over 25 years to her earliest days in the White House. Since then either Hillary or Bill have been the subject of almost constant investigations by Republicans. In all that time, Hillary was able to come out with little damage. Then after the Benghazi investigation finally began to die, Republicans discovered her email server. Wow, finally a real Gotcha. With Comey leading the investigation, a republican with 3 failed Clinton investigations under his belt and a ton of evidence, there was just no way Clinton was going get out of this. Dreams of Hillary disgraced, charge with felonies, and rotting away in jail danced through Republican heads but once again, Hillary manages to survive. Worse yet, her lost to Trump, her age, and her health may end Republican dreams of revenge forever.

Very true: I had to turn on Rush Limbaugh the other day after Comey testified- (just to see how he was spinning Comey's testimony.) Within 15 seconds of his opening statement regarding this testimony he inserted the name of Hillary Clinton---even though she has nothing to do with this Russian investigation. It's a buzz word bell for them. (It's like a teacher in the classroom that hits a bell on her desk to get her students to listen up.) At that point I laughed and turned him off. You'll see it on this board--in about every thread--they'll do everything they can to spin completely off topic-&-onto her. In fact, it's all over this thread right now--LOL

But to be honest--I don't think there would have been 8 investigations into Benghazi--and endless email talk if her name was Henry Clinton. I think the deep rooted hate toward Hillary Clinton has more to do with her being a powerful--successful woman than anything else. I think there are people in this country that just believe no matter how competent and qualified a woman is to be POTUS--they believe that no woman should ever be POTUS. Some are very good at hiding this attitude toward women, others are more frank and open about it. And this has a lot to do with us getting the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval office today. This attitude is also reflected in the way Carly Fiorina was treated during the GOP primary.

It's no secret that the GOP put on a raining men platform this year. An unprecedented 16 GOP males running against one woman. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much, many had worked with her in the past, many had praised her and even liked her. What they feared most was the 1st woman POTUS. And as we know the Republican party is stuffed full of Misogynists.

Here is a great article on this.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost


Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost

And man o man do they have their list of conspiracy theories regarding the Clintons.

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He was simply trying to do his job despite all the political bullshit. I doubt there has ever been an FBI director that faced the problems he has. The Clinton investigation was dumped on the FBI in 2016 because the JD determined that some of the Clinton emails may have contained classified information. The FBI started investigating Clinton while she was campaigning for the primaries. This was probably the first time in history that the FBI was actively investigating a potential nominee for president.

In 2016 only days after Trump is nominated, Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC emails with the specific intent to influence the election. The FBI under pressure from from the JD and a number of security agencies that tracked hacking to Russia announced an investigation into Russia hacking. In the coming months various leaks linked a number of Trump campaign associates and supporters to the Russia.

Thus in the fall of 2016, the FBI was investigating both the Clinton and the Trump campaign, a new first in American politics. Both the Trump campaign and Clinton campaign were both attacking and praising Comey, a sure sign that Comey should have reigned because both sides were going to come after him regardless of who got elected. I really don't understand why he didn't resign. There is no way he could have survived no matter who was elected.

Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.

The inaccuracy of Clinton's testimony before Congress could be construed to be intent to cover up her mishandling of email but it can't be considered evidence of gross negligence. I think there is a fine line between carelessness and gross negligence. Comey made a judgement call based on his years of experience as a US prosecutor and the evidence uncovered in the investigation as to whether that line was crossed. IMHO, without strong evidence of an intent to do harm or gross negligence, getting a conviction would be very unlikely. The government does not prosecute cases they believe they will lose just to satisfy the public.

They really couldn't have prosecuted Hillary Clinton--without adding Colin Powell & Condi Rice to that prosecution list--as they had the same email issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

"The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.

So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."

The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

To show how unimportant TRUMP thought Hillary Clinton's emails were--here is who he was actually considering for Secretary of State. A 4-star General & former CIA chief, David Petraous that actually was charged. Comey went to great links to discuss the difference as to why David Petraous was charged and Hillary Clinton wasn't. This article will definitely clear up what you haven't been told.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com
Being a Republican and hating the Clintons are synonymous. What is it about Hillary Clinton that really pisses off Republicans, more than her husband, more than Obama, and probably more than any politician since FDR? This can be hard to understand when you consider Clinton's notably successful efforts at bipartisanship as a Senator, as well as her history of center-right policy that has put her further to the right than either her husband or Obama. Yet both are revered by Republicans compared to Hillary.

Even today Republicans don't just complain about Hillary, they literally become red in face as their blood pressure rises. I think to a large degree, this is the result of Republicans having spent years sitting around campfires telling stories to each other about the Clinton's, seeing who can spin the most scary tale. She has come to embody the Blair Witch, a succubus, and every frightening villain that Republicans can conjure.

The Hillary hatred goes back over 25 years to her earliest days in the White House. Since then either Hillary or Bill have been the subject of almost constant investigations by Republicans. In all that time, Hillary was able to come out with little damage. Then after the Benghazi investigation finally began to die, Republicans discovered her email server. Wow, finally a real Gotcha. With Comey leading the investigation, a republican with 3 failed Clinton investigations under his belt and a ton of evidence, there was just no way Clinton was going get out of this. Dreams of Hillary disgraced, charge with felonies, and rotting away in jail danced through Republican heads but once again, Hillary manages to survive. Worse yet, her lost to Trump, her age, and her health may end Republican dreams of revenge forever.

Very true: I had to turn on Rush Limbaugh the other day after Comey testified- (just to see how he was spinning Comey's testimony.) Within 15 seconds of his opening statement regarding this testimony he inserted the name of Hillary Clinton---even though she has nothing to do with this Russian investigation. It's a buzz word for them. At that point I laughed and turned him off. You'll see it on this board--in about every thread--they'll do everything they can to spin completely off topic-&-onto her. In fact, it's all over this thread right now--LOL

But to be honest--I don't think there would have been 8 investigations into Benghazi--and endless email talk if her name was Henry Clinton. I think the deep rooted hate toward Hillary Clinton has more to do with her being a powerful--successful woman than anything else. I think there are people in this country that just believe no matter how competent and qualified a woman is- to be POTUS they believe that no woman should ever be POTUS--and that has a lot to do with us getting the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval office today. This attitude is also reflected in the way Carly Fiorina was treated during the GOP primary. The Republican party is stuffed full of Misogynists.

Here is a great article on this.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost


Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost
The major reason Hillary fought so hard against storing her emails on a government server is she believed every email, business or personal would end up in the hands of her adversaries to be scrutinized to formulate political attacks. That sounds a bit paranoid but I think she has good reason to feel that way.

However, I do believe Hillary is flawed but of course every politician in Washington is also. The difference is she is a target and always will be.
Comey brought a lot of crap on himself. After he announced they weren't recommending charges, for lack of intent, he testified that he had not considered false exculpatory statements, made by the bitch before congress, in his determination of intent. Any first year prosecutor knows false statements can be used for the purpose of proving intent, as Gowdy pointed out. That case should have gone to a grand jury, anything short of that was malpractice. Of course the maobama DOJ wasn't about to let that happen. With any luck Muler will review it.

As for wikileaks, they were going to release the DNC emails regardless of who her opponent was. Putin doesn't like the bitch anymore than half of the US. And as far as Trump associates having contacts with Russians, so what? There was no collusion on the hacking. The hackers got access to the DNC servers before Trump announced and were in them for a year. This whole collusion fantasy will soon collapse on itself. Then the regressives and the media will have to find a new bone.

The inaccuracy of Clinton's testimony before Congress could be construed to be intent to cover up her mishandling of email but it can't be considered evidence of gross negligence. I think there is a fine line between carelessness and gross negligence. Comey made a judgement call based on his years of experience as a US prosecutor and the evidence uncovered in the investigation as to whether that line was crossed. IMHO, without strong evidence of an intent to do harm or gross negligence, getting a conviction would be very unlikely. The government does not prosecute cases they believe they will lose just to satisfy the public.

They really couldn't have prosecuted Hillary Clinton--without adding Colin Powell & Condi Rice to that prosecution list--as they had the same email issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics.com

"The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.

So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."

The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

To show how unimportant TRUMP thought Hillary Clinton's emails were--here is who he was actually considering for Secretary of State. A 4-star General & former CIA chief, David Petraous that actually was charged. Comey went to great links to discuss the difference as to why David Petraous was charged and Hillary Clinton wasn't. This article will definitely clear up what you haven't been told.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com
Being a Republican and hating the Clintons are synonymous. What is it about Hillary Clinton that really pisses off Republicans, more than her husband, more than Obama, and probably more than any politician since FDR? This can be hard to understand when you consider Clinton's notably successful efforts at bipartisanship as a Senator, as well as her history of center-right policy that has put her further to the right than either her husband or Obama. Yet both are revered by Republicans compared to Hillary.

Even today Republicans don't just complain about Hillary, they literally become red in face as their blood pressure rises. I think to a large degree, this is the result of Republicans having spent years sitting around campfires telling stories to each other about the Clinton's, seeing who can spin the most scary tale. She has come to embody the Blair Witch, a succubus, and every frightening villain that Republicans can conjure.

The Hillary hatred goes back over 25 years to her earliest days in the White House. Since then either Hillary or Bill have been the subject of almost constant investigations by Republicans. In all that time, Hillary was able to come out with little damage. Then after the Benghazi investigation finally began to die, Republicans discovered her email server. Wow, finally a real Gotcha. With Comey leading the investigation, a republican with 3 failed Clinton investigations under his belt and a ton of evidence, there was just no way Clinton was going get out of this. Dreams of Hillary disgraced, charge with felonies, and rotting away in jail danced through Republican heads but once again, Hillary manages to survive. Worse yet, her lost to Trump, her age, and her health may end Republican dreams of revenge forever.

Very true: I had to turn on Rush Limbaugh the other day after Comey testified- (just to see how he was spinning Comey's testimony.) Within 15 seconds of his opening statement regarding this testimony he inserted the name of Hillary Clinton---even though she has nothing to do with this Russian investigation. It's a buzz word for them. At that point I laughed and turned him off. You'll see it on this board--in about every thread--they'll do everything they can to spin completely off topic-&-onto her. In fact, it's all over this thread right now--LOL

But to be honest--I don't think there would have been 8 investigations into Benghazi--and endless email talk if her name was Henry Clinton. I think the deep rooted hate toward Hillary Clinton has more to do with her being a powerful--successful woman than anything else. I think there are people in this country that just believe no matter how competent and qualified a woman is- to be POTUS they believe that no woman should ever be POTUS--and that has a lot to do with us getting the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval office today. This attitude is also reflected in the way Carly Fiorina was treated during the GOP primary. The Republican party is stuffed full of Misogynists.

Here is a great article on this.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost


Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost
The major reason Hillary fought so hard against storing her emails on a government server is she believed every email, business or personal would end up in the hands of her adversaries to be scrutinized to formulate political attacks. That sounds a bit paranoid but I think she has good reason to feel that way.

However, I do believe Hillary is flawed but of course every politician in Washington is also. The difference is she is a target and always will be.

I can't think of any politician that didn't screw up something at one point in their career. But you're right she is the right wing's favorite target. I just have to keep reminding them that Hillary Clinton is out of the picture, and all eyeballs are squarely focused on Donald Trump. You can't continually beat a dead horse without people getting bored so I don't believe she will be their target for that much longer. They'll eventually have to find someone else to beat up on.
The Whitehouse is filing Criminal Complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee as reported by Fox News.

Yah done Phucked Up Son!

this definitely falls under the scope of the special investigation

the leftards asked for


comey is "leaker" in at least nine leaks alone

this guy is in capital T -r-o-u-b-l-e

as the leftard narrative is down the drain

Forgets to record the Clinton interview, but all of a sudden is studious note taker. Sure...
Proves he was always a left wing hack... No evidence when it involves democrats... The man out himself as unethical..

nice to hear Feinstein calling for in investigation into

the clinton/lynch scandal

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