James Yoo, Proud Democrat

Nice try.

The whacko bleeved in every right wing conspiracy out there.

In one post this October, Yoo promoted the Jan. 6 “Fedsurrection” conspiracy, which claims the Capitol riot was an inside job. “THEY do not want an actual ‘coup’ against THEM so THEY rig, orchestrate and control a FAKE ‘Jan 6th’ ‘event,’ ‘riot’ and then RIG trials to set FAKE precedence in attempts to scare and control the People’s minds,” Yoo wrote.


The extent of Yoo’s conspiracies and paranoia was laid bare in a 163-page federal lawsuit he filed in 2018 against Rochester General Hospital in New York, the local sheriff's office, his sister and his ex-wife, in addition to others, alleging a conspiracy against him and medical malpractice stemming from his mother’s death a decade earlier.

In the suit, Yoo claimed that his sister and now ex-wife conspired to hospitalize him against his will in 2015—and that 9/11 and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 election were somehow related to that conspiracy. Yoo also claimed that New York Times reporter Glenn Thrush disguised himself as an FBI agent by “wearing a wig without facial hair” and came to interview him at his home in 2017. He details his extensive efforts to contact the DOJ and FBI about the “conspiracy.”

I do not know too many conservatives who repeatedly quote Noam Chomsky. Besides, the left is all about the conspiracy narrative. They get away with it too because leftist voters are emotional cripples with low IQs.

This Dem was truly a loony tune that got way too caught up in leftist narratives and conspiracy theories, to the point where they became his own life narratives. When police arrived to serve a warrant, the whole house exploded. There is video. Enjoy!!

It really makes me wonder how many more of you Dems are ready to snap like this dope.

I love his line in a Tweet, "Florida look like penis". LOL!!
Why do you make shit up like this? You have zero credibility.
So you can't do it? That's a rhetorical question. I already knew you couldn't. Everything is just a 0 or a 1 with you people.
“You people”. Sadly, criticism from a mediocre lad such as yourself means nothing to me.

BTW, some of my best friends are “you people”.
“You people”. Sadly, criticism from a mediocre lad such as yourself means nothing to me.

BTW, some of my best friends are “you people”.

So you're confirming you're unable to prove his party affiliation, assuming he has one?
Go Google “editorializing”, you dullard.

You specifically called him a "proud Democrat." Nothing indicates that. "Proud Leftists" or even "Crazy Leftist" would be a lot closer to accurate, but like I said before, you can only think in zeroes and ones.
You specifically called him a "proud Democrat." Nothing indicates that. "Proud Leftists" or even "Crazy Leftist" would be a lot closer to accurate, but like I said before, you can only think in zeroes and ones.
You did not Google the term, did you?
Your concession has been accepted. Have a nice day.
Moreover, a man can be a Democrat without being “registered” as one. We do not have “registered” party affiliation in my state. Second, “Democrat” is pretty generic. It could be someone who once voted as one, or someone who holds himself out as one.

Me thinks you are being way too anal and humorless about this. You also have not effectively defined what a Democrat is. Many states do not require you to declare party affiliation in order to vote. Did you know that, Spazz? Hmmmmm?? I guess you did not.
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)

Out of idle curiosity, did this Yoo toon really have a job with our Federal Government?
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