Jamie Foxx Is Back. Recovering From Climate Change

Google it. 5 anti vax radio host so far died of Covid. Google your friend.
B.S. I was diagnosed with Covid in 2021. I ended up in the hospital for three days. Oh, by the way, the reason I was in the hospital was because of double pneumonia. The media would love to report that I almost died of Covid, but that would be a complete lie. To this day, I still don't even know what the symptoms of Covid are. But I damn sure know what the symptoms of pneumonia are.
B.S. I was diagnosed with Covid in 2021. I ended up in the hospital for three days. Oh, by the way, the reason I was in the hospital was because of double pneumonia. The media would love to report that I almost died of Covid, but that would be a complete lie. To this day, I still don't even know what the symptoms of Covid are. But I damn sure know what the symptoms of pneumonia are.

Science says if you were vaccinated, it saved your life. And if you weren't, it's why you ended up in the hospital for 3 days.

The last booster I got kicked my ass. Don't think I'll be getting another one. I never got covid symptoms so it's insane I let them inject me with covid. I feel stupid.
Science says if you were vaccinated, it saved your life. And if you weren't, it's why you ended up in the hospital for 3 days.

The last booster I got kicked my ass. Don't think I'll be getting another one. I never got covid symptoms so it's insane I let them inject me with covid. I feel stupid.
Science says that I'm alive today without taking the Vaxx. It also says that many who've taken the Vaxx are dead as a result of the Vaxx.

Don't feel bad, millions were duped by the powerful forces of Big Pharma, Mainstream Media, WHO, the CDC, the AMA, and our "trustworthy" government (both sides of the aisle). I'm naturally suspicious, so I said NO to all the unanimous suggestions.
Science says that I'm alive today without taking the Vaxx. It also says that many who've taken the Vaxx are dead as a result of the Vaxx.

Don't feel bad, millions were duped by the powerful forces of Big Pharma, Mainstream Media, WHO, the CDC, the AMA, and our "trustworthy" government (both sides of the aisle). I'm naturally suspicious, so I said NO to all the unanimous suggestions.
Science never said the majority of unvaxxed would die. Just a higher percentage of you would die than us. I believe if 1% of us died, 10% of you died. So you really took a chance.

And that was your argument for not getting vaccinated. You said the number of deaths is small enough that you aren't worried about it.

So you can't point to the number of deaths of people who were vaccinated without noticing a lot fewer of us died.

5 anti vax right wing hosts died.

Hell, make it 6. They say Rush died of lung cancer but when did he die?

February 17, 2021

Dude, he would never let it out that he died of covid. But he did.
Science never said the majority of unvaxxed would die. Just a higher percentage of you would die than us. I believe if 1% of us died, 10% of you died. So you really took a chance.

And that was your argument for not getting vaccinated. You said the number of deaths is small enough that you aren't worried about it.

So you can't point to the number of deaths of people who were vaccinated without noticing a lot fewer of us died.

5 anti vax right wing hosts died.

Hell, make it 6. They say Rush died of lung cancer but when did he die?

February 17, 2021

Dude, he would never let it out that he died of covid. But he did.
Many deaths were blamed on being "un-Vaxxed" that were false flags. Just like the people dying today FROM the Vaxx without the media or government acknowledging that fact. "It's just a mysterious phenomenon." "He/she just died suddenly for no apparent reason." "But we know for a certainty that it wasn't due to the Vaxx, though." See how denial works?

"Un-Vaxxed" have been dying since the existence of mankind. Adam and Eve died and they were un-Vaxxed. Would they have lived forever if they had been Vaxxed? Nope. So blaming a person's death on not being Vaxxed is a complete, unscientific, misnomer.

The bottom line is this: The Vaxx was totally and completely untested. The American people and others across the globe were and are guinea pigs. It's no coincidence that young, vibrant, athletic people are dropping over dead from heart attacks or getting Bells Palsy and all the other horrible side effects (skin conditions, blindness, etc.). The American people were literally told time and again that taking that Vaxx would keep them from getting Covid, and yet just as many people with the Vaxx got Covid as people who didn't.

We need to face the fact that we were duped. Well ... not me, but almost everyone else.
Many deaths were blamed on being "un-Vaxxed" that were false flags. Just like the people dying today FROM the Vaxx without the media or government acknowledging that fact. "It's just a mysterious phenomenon." "He/she just died suddenly for no apparent reason." "But we know for a certainty that it wasn't due to the Vaxx, though." See how denial works?

"Un-Vaxxed" have been dying since the existence of mankind. Adam and Eve died and they were un-Vaxxed. Would they have lived forever if they had been Vaxxed? Nope. So blaming a person's death on not being Vaxxed is a complete, unscientific, misnomer.

The bottom line is this: The Vaxx was totally and completely untested. The American people and others across the globe were and are guinea pigs. It's no coincidence that young, vibrant, athletic people are dropping over dead from heart attacks or getting Bells Palsy and all the other horrible side effects (skin conditions, blindness, etc.). The American people were literally told time and again that taking that Vaxx would keep them from getting Covid, and yet just as many people with the Vaxx got Covid as people who didn't.

We need to face the fact that we were duped. Well ... not me, but almost everyone else.

It's no coincidence? Yes it is.
Well, yeah ... if you're in complete denial.
Now every death I see I think, "did they get the vaccine?" LOL You asshole.

Sinéad O'Connor Dead at 56​

The "Nothing Compares 2 U" singer had struggled for years with her mental health, and had recently announced plans for new music and a tour

A cause of death was not disclosed.

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