Jan 2013: Prioritize President Palin and Speaker Pence's To Do List


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
It's Jan 2013 and for the first time in American history real Conservatives, not phony "Compassionate" Conservatives have the Presidency and a veto-proof majority in the Senate.

What should be the executive and legislative priorities for the WH and Congress? I offer the following:

First Domestic priority: Return of power to the States and to the People. Accordingly we call for the immediate elimination of Federal Agencies and Cabinet positions that either no longer serve a purpose or have usurped State control (ObamaCare, Tennessee Valley Authority, Rural Electrification, Department of Education, HUD, all Czars, et. al.). We also call for repeal of the 16th Amendment and return to the States funding their share of the Federal government and elimination of the IRS.

Second Domestic Priority: Pass the Ron Paul Amendment. Audit and eliminate the Federal Reserve. We are no longer a free people when a quasi governmental agency can sign our names to trillions in off balance sheet loans in the first place, and then have the audacity not to disclose those transactions to us. Congress is in charge of currency and there is no better way to hold them responsible than being able to remove them after 2 years if we are unsatisfied

Third Domestic Priority: Reform of Entitlement Programs. Medicare Fraud and waste are so massive that it would rank as the 6th largest state on an annual expenditure basis and neither political party seems to care. We must reform these programs in a way that empowers the customer to shop for alternatives and put pressure on the providers to lower their prices
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It's Jan 2013 and for the first time in American history real Conservatives, not phony "Compassionate" Conservatives have the Presidency and a veto-proof majority in the Senate.

What should be the executive and legislative priorities for the WH and Congress? I offer the following:

First Domestic priority: Return of power to the States and to the People. Accordingly we call for the immediate elimination of Federal Agencies and Cabinet positions that either no longer serve a purpose or have usurped State control (ObamaCare, Tennessee Valley Authority, Rural Electrification, Department of Education, HUD, all Czars, et. al.). We also call for repeal of the 16th Amendment and return to the States funding their share of the Federal government and elimination of the IRS.

Second Domestic Priority: Pass the Ron Paul Amendment. Audit and eliminate the Federal Reserve. We are no longer a free people when a quasi governmental agency can sign our names to trillions in off balance sheet loans in the first place, and then have the audacity not to disclose those transactions to us. Congress is in charge of currency and there is no better way to hold them responsible than being able to remove them after 2 years if we are unsatisfied

Third Domestic Priority: Reform of Entitlement Programs. Medicare Fraud and waste are so massive that it would rank as the 6th largest state on an annual expenditure basis and neither political party seems to care. We must reform these programs in a way that empowers the customer to shop for alternatives and put pressure on the providers to lower their prices

You're mistaking Pain for a libertarian....She ain't.

That looks much more like President Rand Paul's to do list.
It's Jan 2013 and for the first time in American history real Conservatives, not phony "Compassionate" Conservatives have the Presidency and a veto-proof majority in the Senate.

It's 01 January 2010 and this guy just realized he had way too much "spirits of the season." He realizes he's said a lot of really stupid stuff and is really sorry.
It's Jan 2013 and for the first time in American history real Conservatives, not phony "Compassionate" Conservatives have the Presidency and a veto-proof majority in the Senate.

It's 01 January 2010 and this guy just realized he had way too much "spirits of the season." He realizes he's said a lot of really stupid stuff and is really sorry.

Son, Librul, stupid and posting is no way to go through life.
if I didn't read the title I would think this is a ron paul todo list. palin would never do most of these and doesn't understand economics enough to convince people (unless she teleprompters it) that the federal reserve needs to be audited and/or dissolved. I also don't think she has it in her to fight for elimination of the dept of education and all the job losses and other short term fallout that will come with it. also don't see her killing the irs.
CF honest question... would you vote for ron paul for president if someone else (his vp or something) made all foreign policy decisions? I am asking b/c everything you listed in the OP is what he campaigned on regarding domestic ideas/policy/reform. palin & other gop people never joined in almost all of those ideas.
That is all crap Frank. There will be no 2013, the world is ending in 2012. When Palin the antichrist battles Jesus in the final conflict.
CF honest question... would you vote for ron paul for president if someone else (his vp or something) made all foreign policy decisions? I am asking b/c everything you listed in the OP is what he campaigned on regarding domestic ideas/policy/reform. palin & other gop people never joined in almost all of those ideas.

Sorry Blu, I missed the question because this thread feel into the Laurentian Abyss.

I didn't give Ron Paul a serious look in 2008, I wanted Rudy to run a better campaign and was really disappointed in him. Rudy won't ever run for office again becuase he'll be tattooed with Bernie Kerick

But having had the time to truly understand how far we have gone toward Statism, I would vote for Ron Paul were he to be the Candidate.

I wanted to see the Yankees and Mets play a World Series, I want to see a Supernova and I want to have a real Conservative President and Congress. I got the Subway Series, and I think the Supernova is way more likely than Conservative rise, mainly because a Supernova doesn't have the RNC trying to fuck it over ever step of the way
CF honest question... would you vote for ron paul for president if someone else (his vp or something) made all foreign policy decisions? I am asking b/c everything you listed in the OP is what he campaigned on regarding domestic ideas/policy/reform. palin & other gop people never joined in almost all of those ideas.

Sorry Blu, I missed the question because this thread feel into the Laurentian Abyss.

I didn't give Ron Paul a serious look in 2008, I wanted Rudy to run a better campaign and was really disappointed in him. Rudy won't ever run for office again becuase he'll be tattooed with Bernie Kerick

But having had the time to truly understand how far we have gone toward Statism, I would vote for Ron Paul were he to be the Candidate.

I wanted to see the Yankees and Mets play a World Series, I want to see a Supernova and I want to have a real Conservative President and Congress. I got the Subway Series, and I think the Supernova is way more likely than Conservative rise, mainly because a Supernova doesn't have the RNC trying to fuck it over ever step of the way

nice! I think many people feel the same and that is why other people like paul, such as gary johnson, rand paul, etc are getting serious looks from people because they have the same domestic ideas but are much less radical on the FP side. I know how you feel about foreign policy so you may want to look into those other people too when you start looking at the 2012 election.
President Palin: Would make for a nice political fiction book.

Other than that, I'd give my left arm to have that kind of a policy list.
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Palin will NEVER be elected President she's lucky she is even in the news anymore. Her 15 seconds are over.
That is all crap Frank. There will be no 2013, the world is ending in 2012. When Palin the antichrist battles Jesus in the final conflict.

Is that what Sets the Earth Off?...

I Thought that was 1984?...



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