Jan 6 committee eviscerated

Huh? It’s a political committee that republicans opted out of. Of course partisan stripes will be shown but it is also a review and analysis of the facts and those are also being revealed.
There is that mistruth again... who told you libs that McCarthy opted out of selecting his party members for the committee?....
He gave Pelosi he picks and she denied each one of them and selected Liz and Adam... that is when McCarthy stopped cooperating....
There is that mistruth again... who told you libs that McCarthy opted out of selecting his party members for the committee?....
He gave Pelosi he picks and she denied each one of them and selected Liz and Adam... that is when McCarthy stopped cooperating....
McCarthy stopped cooperating. There you go. I wasn’t lying. You just backed my claim
I mean it is like the perfect storm, PJ media, Fox News, Mario Bartiromo, and Jim Jordan.


Look Mr. Jordan, you have complete access to all the documentation, all the paperwork, everything. And you can't complain about not placing members of the board when your minority leader pulled the plug on the deal that would have made that happen. Of course, you couldn't be on the board, BECAUSE ARE ONE OF THE PEOPLE BEING INVESTIGATED. Nope, best thing for you to do is lawyer up.
Did your parents drop you on your head?
There is that mistruth again... who told you libs that McCarthy opted out of selecting his party members for the committee?....
He gave Pelosi he picks and she denied each one of them and selected Liz and Adam... that is when McCarthy stopped cooperating....
Obviously you have not bothered to read the bipartisan agreement that was hammered out in committee. The investigation commission was not supposed to be comprised of sitting members of Congress. It was to be like the 9/11 commission. Kind of like picking players for a pick-up game of basketball. Democrats pick one, Republicans pick one, and so forth. The committee was to be comprised of a chair, appointed by Democrats, and a vice chair, appointed by Republicans. No subpoena could be issued without the mutual consent of both chairs. McCarthy nixed it, mostly because Donald didn't want any investigation. For good reason.
Obviously you have not bothered to read the bipartisan agreement that was hammered out in committee. The investigation commission was not supposed to be comprised of sitting members of Congress. It was to be like the 9/11 commission. Kind of like picking players for a pick-up game of basketball. Democrats pick one, Republicans pick one, and so forth. The committee was to be comprised of a chair, appointed by Democrats, and a vice chair, appointed by Republicans. No subpoena could be issued without the mutual consent of both chairs. McCarthy nixed it, mostly because Donald didn't want any investigation. For good reason.
I'm sorry but your facts are just wrong... McCarthy wanted to select his own republicans and was blocked from doing so by Pelosi... He warned the dems and Nancy that by blocking him from selecting his side they are turning the committee into a partisan witch hunt....
Where do you people get your news from?... My God.....
After he was blocked from appointing his member selections... I thought you were wiser than this....
He was blocked from appointing the wingnut turds who were pushing lies about the election. He had plenty of other options but guess what. He plays politics too!
Today saw trump totally destroyed and his cultists are trying to defend him without actually watching the hearing.

Its a perfect metaphor for trumpism. #teamnormal
He was blocked from appointing the wingnut turds who were pushing lies about the election. He had plenty of other options but guess what. He plays politics too!
No No No... that's an opinion... I think the wingnuts are all on your side.... never before for any bipartisan committee has the speaker made rules like this... What was she afraid of?... maybe questions on why she didn't call out the guard?.... dude 1-6 worked out just like Pelosi orchestrated it to....
a year earlier she muscled her way through an impeachment and banned any cross examination by Trump's lawyers and republican house members... she is a slime ball and her committee is also slimy as hell....
Did your parents drop you on your head?
Nope, they gave me an education, and raised me with the desire to think for myself, both of which you Trump supporters are severely lacking.

I am going to tell you how this is all going to go down. Or at least how it would if I were running the show. I have read the transcripts, or listened live, to most of these hearings.

It is becoming quite clear that Trump was told, very early on in the election process, about something called the right mirage. It has also been shown that Trump was told he was going to lose. Like I have said before, the Trump administration where close to Gods when it came to reading polls. It has also been shown that numerous members of his administration, and even his family, told him there was nothing to his claims of fraud. Like Bill Barr. Trump complained to Barr about late night ballot drops in Detroit. Barr told him two things. First, that he actually took more votes in Detroit than he did in 2016. But second, that there were 400 precincts in Detroit and unlike in other places, all ballots were counted at a central location. Of course there was going to be multiple ballot drops throughout the evening and into the early morning hours. It was part of the process.

But the very next day there was Trump, caterwalling about ballot dumps in Detroit on FOX news. It is as if what Barr had told him had gone in one ear and out the other. Now that is just one case, there have been multiple others. Ivanka, Jared, Miller, all of them told him the same thing. Even McCarthy and Meadows initially confirmed there was nothing to the fraud claims. McCarthy even talked about removing him from office, he should have stuck to his guns. It would have been the best thing he could have done for Trump. Because here is how this is going down.

I mean you have two choices here. Either Trump is a total ass idiot that listens to no one that tells him something he doesn't want to hear, and instead depends on a drunk ass Rudy. Or he is smart, like a fox. It appears you Trump supporters believe is a total ass idiot. Ironic, because I think he is smart like a fox. But I also know he has always been little more than a confidence man, con man for short and for you people who know nothing about the confidence game.

These hearings are going to come to the conclusion that Trump knew that he lost. Trump knew there was absolutely nothing to his claims of fraud. But he used the fury those fraud claims instilled in his blind "believers" to initiate nothing less than a coup d'etat. Just like he knew the meat for his Trump steaks was shit, or the water for his Trump bottled water came from the New York city water system, that his charity was a sham used to perpetuate his continued fraud against the public, or even that his real estate school was total horseshit. Nope, he knew it. He knew the fraud claims were "bullshit", to quote Barr. He knew he was going to lose, as Miller told him early on. And he knew all about the right mirage that has been around for half a century. He leveraged that mirage by encouraging his supporters to only vote in person, and he used the myth that mirage perpetuated to initiate his ultimate "confidence game", that coup d'etat. An overt attempt at overthrowing the world's greatest democracy.

You guys continue to hold on. You guys continue to believe. You guys continue to be the good "marks" that you are. Trump's day of reckoning will never come, because although he will be indicted, he will be charged with sedition, he will take the coward's way out, like Hitler. Bookmark it folks. And those of you still falling for his "con" at the end will forever be the laughing stock of American history.
Nope, they gave me an education, and raised me with the desire to think for myself, both of which you Trump supporters are severely lacking.

I am going to tell you how this is all going to go down. Or at least how it would if I were running the show. I have read the transcripts, or listened live, to most of these hearings.

It is becoming quite clear that Trump was told, very early on in the election process, about something called the right mirage. It has also been shown that Trump was told he was going to lose. Like I have said before, the Trump administration where close to Gods when it came to reading polls. It has also been shown that numerous members of his administration, and even his family, told him there was nothing to his claims of fraud. Like Bill Barr. Trump complained to Barr about late night ballot drops in Detroit. Barr told him two things. First, that he actually took more votes in Detroit than he did in 2016. But second, that there were 400 precincts in Detroit and unlike in other places, all ballots were counted at a central location. Of course there was going to be multiple ballot drops throughout the evening and into the early morning hours. It was part of the process.

But the very next day there was Trump, caterwalling about ballot dumps in Detroit on FOX news. It is as if what Barr had told him had gone in one ear and out the other. Now that is just one case, there have been multiple others. Ivanka, Jared, Miller, all of them told him the same thing. Even McCarthy and Meadows initially confirmed there was nothing to the fraud claims. McCarthy even talked about removing him from office, he should have stuck to his guns. It would have been the best thing he could have done for Trump. Because here is how this is going down.

I mean you have two choices here. Either Trump is a total ass idiot that listens to no one that tells him something he doesn't want to hear, and instead depends on a drunk ass Rudy. Or he is smart, like a fox. It appears you Trump supporters believe is a total ass idiot. Ironic, because I think he is smart like a fox. But I also know he has always been little more than a confidence man, con man for short and for you people who know nothing about the confidence game.

These hearings are going to come to the conclusion that Trump knew that he lost. Trump knew there was absolutely nothing to his claims of fraud. But he used the fury those fraud claims instilled in his blind "believers" to initiate nothing less than a coup d'etat. Just like he knew the meat for his Trump steaks was shit, or the water for his Trump bottled water came from the New York city water system, that his charity was a sham used to perpetuate his continued fraud against the public, or even that his real estate school was total horseshit. Nope, he knew it. He knew the fraud claims were "bullshit", to quote Barr. He knew he was going to lose, as Miller told him early on. And he knew all about the right mirage that has been around for half a century. He leveraged that mirage by encouraging his supporters to only vote in person, and he used the myth that mirage perpetuated to initiate his ultimate "confidence game", that coup d'etat. An overt attempt at overthrowing the world's greatest democracy.

You guys continue to hold on. You guys continue to believe. You guys continue to be the good "marks" that you are. Trump's day of reckoning will never come, because although he will be indicted, he will be charged with sedition, he will take the coward's way out, like Hitler. Bookmark it folks. And those of you still falling for his "con" at the end will forever be the laughing stock of American history.
I am well aware of the Post-Reagan destruction of the middle class and you can take all of your ad hominems and stick them where the sun doesn't shine.
Trump had our economy roaring like a mighty freight train and all you have is insults.
No No No... that's an opinion... I think the wingnuts are all on your side.... never before for any bipartisan committee has the speaker made rules like this... What was she afraid of?... maybe questions on why she didn't call out the guard?.... dude 1-6 worked out just like Pelosi orchestrated it to....
a year earlier she muscled her way through an impeachment and banned any cross examination by Trump's lawyers and republican house members... she is a slime ball and her committee is also slimy as hell....
You dont think jordan and Gates are wingnuts?!?! HAha. You’ve consumed way too much koolaid
You dont think jordan and Gates are wingnuts?!?! HAha. You’ve consumed way too much koolaid
The entire panel is made up of leftwing extremists and a dumbshit named Adam and a woman scorned by not getting the VP nod with Jeb and they are all bent on taking Trump out and have been trying to do so for 6 years now... They have failed at every try and this attempt will fail too...
And listen dummy... we in America provide and allow for a defense for dirtbags that we all know are guilty... we should be able to do the same for a former president... the dems are making their opposition illegal just like Mao....
The vengeful round 5 of Get Trump continues on while Nation goes into shitter . When did all of us become hostages to liberal whim?

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