Jan 6 committee may hold "prime time" hearings

Trump's responsibility for the violence of January 6th warrants criminal prosecution. Whether that will happen or not depends on how much money Trump has donated to Democrats over his lifetime and how much "dirt" he has on prominent Democratic politicians.

"Former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said on Thursday that former President Trump was 'gleeful' as he watched as his supporters descend on the Capitol last Jan. 6.

"'He was in the dining room gleefully watching on his TV as he often did. "Look at all those people fighting for me." Hitting rewind. Watching it again. That’s what I know,'" she told CNN’s New Day"

'Look at All Those People Fighting for Me': Trump 'Gleefully' Watched Jan. 6 Riot, Says Former Press Secretary
Trump's responsibility for the violence of January 6th warrants criminal prosecution.

Well, regardless of what you believe, or agree with from your favorite media outlets, you have to have a mountain of evidence, credible evidence before you can just prosecute a former President of the United States...

Whether that will happen or not depends on how much money Trump has donated to Democrats over his lifetime and how much "dirt" he has on prominent Democratic politicians.

I don't think it has anything at all to do with that. What it has more to do with is what type of country we are going to be going forward....Are we going to be a country that truly wants a peaceful transition of power and leadership, or are we going to go down the road of looking to jail our former Presidents?

"Former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said on Thursday that former President Trump was 'gleeful' as he watched as his supporters descend on the Capitol last Jan. 6.

"'He was in the dining room gleefully watching on his TV as he often did. "Look at all those people fighting for me." Hitting rewind. Watching it again. That’s what I know,'" she told CNN’s New Day"

'Look at All Those People Fighting for Me': Trump 'Gleefully' Watched Jan. 6 Riot, Says Former Press Secretary

I question Grisham's take on things...She seems to be someone that for whatever reason feels disgruntled, and is lashing out, which gains here prominence in certain media outlets that drool over someone like her they can exploit in favor of their narratives....She seems to be setting up for either a job, or selling a book.....
I don't think it has anything at all to do with that. What it has more to do with is what type of country we are going to be going forward....Are we going to be a country that truly wants a peaceful transition of power and leadership, or are we going to go down the road of looking to jail our former Presidents?
Did you get the feeling Trump was looking for a "peaceful transition of power" of January 6th? If you're planning to parrot his Big Lie about Biden stealing the election, explain why no judge who's heard the evidence agrees with you.
Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?

not surprised by this. The entire committee has been a sham, met only for demafascist political gain…they’ve already been caught resorting to Adam Shifty parody.
Well, regardless of what you believe, or agree with from your favorite media outlets, you have to have a mountain of evidence, credible evidence before you can just prosecute a former President of the United States...
Trump's been a life-long fraud, grifter, and con man who "earned" 1.6 billion dollars from his "public service." The evidence you want would be coming to light much faster if Don the Con wasn't trying to run out the clock in court.

David Cay Johnston on 'The Big Cheat: How Donald Trump Fleeced America'

"Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist DAVID CAY JOHNSTON has been reporting on Donald Trump’s business dealings since the 1980s, when he covered Atlantic City’s casino industry.

"In his new book, The Big Cheat: How Donald Trump Fleeced America and Enriched Himself and His Family, Johnston details precisely how the former president turned the Oval Office into a money-making enterprise for the Trump Organization, accumulating $1.7 billion for his businesses while in the White House."
To mods:
Any chance we could get a Jan 6th board, where you could place all of these damn Jan 6th threads that continually clutter up Current News and the Politics boards?
It's really getting old seeing this topic in thread after thread after thread!
You can't see the truth when only one party has any power. Its a partisan JOKE, a SHAM, fake news, a lie fest, etc.

What do you say about?
Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in-charge of security for the Capital Building on 1/6.
Trump offered her the National Guard for added security, she refused it.
The FBI warned her, she ignored their warning.
Homeland Security warned her of potential violence, she ignored them too.
The left added a twist that it wasn’t Pelosi’s negligence but her Senate sergeant at arms underling who later resigned. Was he the fall guy?
“Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told The Washington Post in an interview last January that he had made a request prior to the Jan. 6 riot to be allowed to ask to have D.C. National Guard on standby in the event that they may be needed, but he alleged that House and Senate security officials either rejected or offered a different alternative to his request.
During testimony last March, House sergeant-at-arms Maj. Gen. William Walker, who during the Jan. 6 riot was the commander of D.C.’s National Guard, said that the Pentagon approved a Guard deployment more than three hours after a “frantic call” had been placed by the Capitol Police chief requesting help.”

Check out Pelosi‘s “words of innocence” to better evaluate the level of truthfulness or coverup:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi(D-Calif.) said on Thursday it was “inexplicable” why it took the National Guard so long to be activated during the insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Pelosi — who made her comments during a CNN special,“Live from the Capitol: January 6th, One Year Later” — said that she, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) had made calls to officials, including governors, while the attack was taking place.
“We were fighting to get the National Guard and it was very hard,” Pelosi said.”

CNN’s Cooper, wanting to appear neutral asked, “
You were on the phone making calls?” CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked the House Speaker.

“Yes, making calls. Chuck Schumer and I, Steny Hoyer, on the phone making calls about this, calling governors to make sure that they — we understood the readiness of their folks to come,” Pelosi answered.

“One of the under assistants, whatever you call them, secretaries of defense, McCarthy kept saying, ‘Well, it's hard and it takes time and I want to talk to my boss, and I haven’t [had] chance to go see him,’” Pelosi later added. “There was really a delay.”

Could we even have more ineptness? Are we really to believe that these 3 high ranking officials, were frantically requesting military assistance and denied, put off, and were told somebody couldn’t get a hold of their boss about doing it, really? What is this, let’s expose our total ineptness and weakness hour?

So it pans out to be one of two things- they either lied to cover up their own failure to act knowing that Sund had asked them prior the event about NG or, they accepted the reply that “I can’t get a hold of my boss right now” and stopped there? I’m sorry, but I have to repeat that last thought again… I can’t get a hold of my boss right now” so you have to wait 3 hours…seriously? LOL

One more lie and Pelosi‘s bottom dentures are going to pop out!
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Pelosi and McConnell hold equal power over day to day operations of the CP....and that is essentially zero.
To mods:
Any chance we could get a Jan 6th board, where you could place all of these damn Jan 6th threads that continually clutter up Current News and the Politics boards?
It's really getting old seeing this topic in thread after thread after thread!
Of course you could just not read these threads. But then what would you have to whine about?
Trump's responsibility for the violence of January 6th warrants criminal prosecution. Whether that will happen or not depends on how much money Trump has donated to Democrats over his lifetime and how much "dirt" he has on prominent Democratic politicians.

"Former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said on Thursday that former President Trump was 'gleeful' as he watched as his supporters descend on the Capitol last Jan. 6.

"'He was in the dining room gleefully watching on his TV as he often did. "Look at all those people fighting for me." Hitting rewind. Watching it again. That’s what I know,'" she told CNN’s New Day"

'Look at All Those People Fighting for Me': Trump 'Gleefully' Watched Jan. 6 Riot, Says Former Press Secretary
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Yeah, I don't know if this is a great idea.

On one hand, the committee must think, based on the evidence it has gathered to date, that it can effectively put the screws to key Jan 6 players, and it wants to do so in front of as many American eyes (in "prime time", like a reality show) as possible. I can see that. Maybe.

But on the other hand, we've all seen a zillion times how politicians use this opportunity for endless tedious grandstanding, preening and posing. That will turn people off and they'll go straight to "Dancing with the Stars". And wouldn't this effect the testimony of the witnesses in some way?

I dunno. What would this look like?

Stalin would have had his "show trials" prime time too. Brandon Has a Ministry of Truth now, making the whole thing a bit of a resurrection of what socialists see as the good old days.
A "prime time" show trial? No thanks.

If anyone gets well deserved prison time, that's enough for me.

I know that they won't get to the part where Nancy refused Trump's offer of the National Guard to prevent trouble.

Nor will we get transcripts of Pelosi's phone calls and messages in the days before and the day of the mostly peaceful protest.

Nor those of Liz Cheney or McConnell.
Nor will we get transcripts of Pelosi's phone calls and messages in the days before and the day of the mostly peaceful protest.

Nor those of Liz Cheney or McConnell.
Because they are investigating the January 6 insurrection, not the desperate fantasies of the Trump cult.

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