Jan. 6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

So you have no point but to whine about something that really isn't applicable to the thread.
the thread is about the jan 6 kangaroo court made up solely of trump hating libtardians and rinos who were voted out of congress. what they did is waste our money, nothing more.
the thread is about the jan 6 kangaroo court made up solely of trump hating libtardians and rinos who were voted out of congress. what they did is waste our money, nothing more.
Double down on the whining. Sorry you support crooks and insurrectionists.
the thread is about the jan 6 kangaroo court made up solely of trump hating libtardians and rinos who were voted out of congress. what they did is waste our money, nothing more.
No no no!!
They made a CRIMINAL REFERRAL to the DOJ.
Don't you understand how powerful that is????

I mean, when a group of Democrats reach the conclusion a Republican committed a crime, you better listen.
Fact: Trump called for peace multiple times


Leftists later: “why don’t you take us seriously?”
liar, that is not even close to what happened.
What do you pretend the Loser did during the hours he reportedly watched his goons attack outnumbered police defending democracy at the Capitol while he ignored pleas to call them off?

Please provide your account of those 3+ hours, and substantiate your version.
Get Mueller out of retirement, you've nailed Trump again :rolleyes:
Mueller was a Special Counsel appointed by the Trump Justice Department. He uncovered what he uncovered.

The revelations by the United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol are far more extensive and insightful, thanks largely to so many patriotic Republicans and Trump regime insiders who provided sworn testimony.

The Committee's report is based upon extensive investigation, and will continue to facilitate even more revelations in the future.

The Loser's weird worshipers are hysterical, but the truth is no longer being hidden.
Then they have to show ALL THE EVIDENCE!

Videos inside and outside the Capitol building. Documents regarding Epps and any other FBI stooges.

Everything! I watched the hearings and the things they were saying trump was responsible for were totally ludicrous.

It was true in September when at least a few Democrats admitted they have not used due process or any other fairness or honesty required by the Constitution to prosecute somebody. And it is just as true now.
For years, there has been a peaceful transition of power between Presidents in the US. January 6 was the first time this tradition ended. Make no mistake, Jan 6 was a coup attempt, or more specifically, an autogolpe attempt. While power was ultimately transferred peacefully on Jan 20, Jan 6 was a coordinated effort to keep Trump in power, lead by Trump himself. If you don't believe this, then go back and watch all the Jan 6 Committee testimony and judge for yourself.

The fact that Jan 6 failed is of no consequence. Most coup attempts fail, and in the last 100 years, there have been hundreds of coup attempts, with only a few successes. But who gets things right the first time? In history, there are also examples of leaders who failed the first time in a coup attempt, but later assumed power. For example, Hitler, who failed in the Beer Hall Putsch, and Mussolini, who failed in the March on Rome. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And those that understand this know Trump cannot be allowed to attempt a second coup attempt.

Since Jan 6, there have been over 960 people charged with a crime. The ringleaders should not be allowed to get off scot free. And Trump was in the middle of it all.
The revelations by the United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol are far more extensive and insightful,...
The only insight gleaned from testimony not subject to meaningful cross-examination is the investigators' disinterest at actually determining the truth of the matter in question.
Why did Pelosi refuse Trump's offer of troops to protect the capital?
That fake claim in a desperate attempt to transfer responsibility for Trump's goons was thoroughly discredited long ago.

PolitiFact | No, Capitol security is not only Pelosi’s responsibility

why has Ray Epps not been charged and arrested?
Republican can contrive no credible evidence against Whispering Ray, the Legend who can control weak minds. Not one of the thousand Trump goons identified, apprehended, and prosecuted claimed to have been influenced by Mr Epps.

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why did the capital cops encourage the crowd to enter the building?
Why did the Trump goons savage and injure hunreds if they were being cordially welcomed?

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what does peacefully and patriotically mean?
Chrry-picked nothings, when you bray at goons to go to the Capitol, fight like hell, and then pleasure yourself by watching them do so for hours.

and for the record Biden did not get 81 million votes.
Actually, based upon the certified totals of Republican as well as Democratic state administrations, the official total was 81,283,501, plus a few more that Trump audits subsequently found in Arizona and Wisconsin.
Mueller was a Special Counsel appointed by the Trump Justice Department. He uncovered what he uncovered.

The revelations by the United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol are far more extensive and insightful, thanks largely to so many patriotic Republicans and Trump regime insiders who provided sworn testimony.

The Committee's report is based upon extensive investigation, and will continue to facilitate even more revelations in the future.

The Loser's weird worshipers are hysterical, but the truth is no longer being hidden.
That was the same rhetoric with Russia, but as long as you are happy in the present
It certainly is. I suppose we have to assume that since he never said he did, he didn't
Assumptions don't fare to well in a legal environment. Presidents do not need to notify anyone of any material they classify or declassify.

This is why the fed needs to stop all FOIA requests.
Then they have to show ALL THE EVIDENCE!

Videos inside and outside the Capitol building. Documents regarding Epps and any other FBI stooges.

Everything! I watched the hearings and the things they were saying trump was responsible for were totally ludicrous.

Assumptions don't fare to well in a legal environment. Presidents do not need to notify anyone of any material they classify or declassify.

This is why the fed needs to stop all FOIA requests.
oh assumptions are often used in the legal enviroment....we ask juries to draw inferences all the time. In this case. it's safe to draw the inference he didn't, since he never defended Clinton by claiming he did. This is the opposite of what we saw with Trump, who made clear there was an Order

Clinton attempted to stop all FOIA request, that was the point of her illegal server.

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