Jan 6 tapes you were forbidden to see by Pelosi. Mar. 6 & 7 Tucker Carlson, Fox News 9:00 pm Est.

Wrong as usual. Sassy has you pegged as a fat idiot. The racists are YOU and your party idiot. Now put up your funny face and run away.

Nope, candycorn's not wrong just because you're ignorant.

You said, and I quote:

The5thHorseman said:
"Name the person denied the opportunity to speak."

As you know, and shamefully are trying to cover the Democrat's behinds, many were not heard and many questions were not asked. Did you really expect anything else?
With what part of

Jordan was invited to speak, but refused

are you struggling?

The same goes for Meadows and Grifty.
No, I want the tapes released to all of us. Put them on a public server and let anyone that wants watch them.
I would have no problem with that. I could watch them when I was having a hard time going to sleep.
Of course they all do.

The difference is that Tucker's employer agued in a court of law that no reasonable person would take what Tucker says seriously, and won a law suit since the judge agreed.

It was the same defense that Maddow used and won with.

So, tell me if Maddow had the tapes and showed just the parts she wanted to, would you trust them as blindly as you are the ones Tucker is showing?
So put the tapes on a server for everybody to watch.
I'll take word soup for $200 Alex!

The goal was to remove the VP and have him replaced with a VP who would not certify the election.
That's just goofy! But given your degree of TDS, it sadly seems normal for you.
I would have no problem with that. I could watch them when I was having a hard time going to sleep.
For nearly five years, 24/7/365. Thousands of hours of empty hallways. Go get em chief! :D
The SS agents that wanted to refute the "star witness" that claimed someone told her, that someone told them, that Trump assaulted a agent
Dufus! The SS agent refused to testify, then lawyered up, and then resigned....
For nearly five years, 24/7/365. Thousands of hours of empty hallways. Go get em chief! :D
Watching those boring videos will likely work better for me than the sleeping pills Governor Huckabee is pushing.
You poor thing. Reality is just so harsh on you.

It really is amazing to watch. They have tape of something not happening, and so their claim is that nothing happened, period.

The question is: Do they really believe this, or are they just lying?

I hope they're just lying. Because if they really believe nothing happened, we're all in real trouble.

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