Jan 6th and this is chilling

Pelisi and cohorts could not afford to let this occur peacefully
Why was a Federal Investigative Bureau Already There when nothing had happened yet to investigate????
They are not traffic cops.
There were there to assure things got out of hand
Pretty sure “Stop the Steal” wasn’t a neighborhood watch program

Strawman. It not being a neighborhood watch program still does not mean that "Stop the steal" means "Break into the capital".
What the fuck do you think Stop the Steal means.
Break in, Stop them from certifying the election. With Force.

Assumption. It was nothing more than fiery rhetoric to get people angry about what they saw as a fraudulent election.

Besides, Trump had told the crowd in his speech just minutes prior to the break in to go to the Capital and demonstrate "peacefully and patriotically".

So, why are you ignoring the fact that he specifically told the crowd to be peaceful and instead latch onto rhetoric that could be interpreted in other ways to try to hang him?
Ray Epps, whatever he said and did is..........

in no way related or excusing the actions of.........

inciting Armed Americans with LIES of the Stolen Election and Inviting them to the Capitol to "Stop the Steal."

Ray Epps, whoever he is, has nothing to do with trumps Big Lie.

In the Opost -- the FBI REFUSED to answer about 20 questions about Ray Epps and WHY he was on the FBI Most Wanted List and now is walking free after being caught ON SEVERAL CAMERAS -- at SEVERAL LOCATIONS CLEARLY INCITING FOLKS TO ATTACK THE CAPITOL BLDG in a 36 hour period prior to the riot.

I'm gonna ask ONCE nicely, and I need an answer without the name Trump in it ---

Why was he NOT PURSUED AND INDICTED? AND -- DIdya even WATCH the video in the OPost? If not -- WHY not?

If ya can't answer those -- you'll be 3rd useless, blathering leftist I've hung up on tonight..
In the Opost -- the FBI REFUSED to answer about 20 questions about Ray Epps and WHY he was on the FBI Most Wanted List and now is walking free after being caught ON SEVERAL CAMERAS -- at SEVERAL LOCATIONS CLEARLY INCITING FOLKS TO ATTACK THE CAPITOL BLDG in a 36 hour period prior to the riot.

I'm gonna ask ONCE nicely, and I need an answer without the name Trump in it ---

Why was he NOT PURSUED AND INDICTED? AND -- DIdya even WATCH the video in the OPost? If not -- WHY not?

If ya can't answer those -- you'll be 3rd useless, blathering leftist I've hung up on tonight..
Why can’t she answer if the FBI incited violence on January 6th? Simple question
Why can’t she answer if the FBI incited violence on January 6th? Simple question

You asking me? I DONT KNOW. Only guilty people act like she did. That's all I know. Or it's CLASSIFIED because the FBI DID have informers and instigators ALL OVER that campaign rally.

She can't SAY 'they didn't instigate violence" because it's probably on a camera SOMEWHERE that they did. That's my best guess given all the crimes committed on citizens by the FBI in the past 6 or 7 years.
You asking me? I DONT KNOW. Only guilty people act like she did. That's all I know. Or it's CLASSIFIED because the FBI DID have informers and instigators ALL OVER that campaign rally.

She can't SAY 'they didn't instigate violence" because it's probably on a camera SOMEWHERE that they did. That's my best guess given all the crimes committed on citizens by the FBI in the past 6 or 7 years.
Precisely. Only guilty people act the way she did. Winco a failed retired teacher doesn't understand that.
Epps was inciting. The video evidence is clear.
BFD, tell me or SHOW me that EPPs had an influence and actually changed their minds.
These insurrectionists were there to "Stop the Steal" on orders by trump.

Please explain why you believe an unknown like EPPs had more influence than trump.

These knew what they were going to do, you can't pin this on Epps.
The cult leader is clearly trump.
Precisely. Only guilty people act the way she did. Winco a failed retired teacher doesn't understand that.
As a very successful current teacher, not retired yet, I can tell that reading comprehension has never been your strength.
You exhibit all the signs of a slow learner.
Do you wish to keep attacking me, cuz I'll play this game with you all day?
the FBI REFUSED to answer about 20 questions about Ray Epps
Who the fuck is Ray Epps and what influence could he possibly have?
Oh, the guy on the video that apparently has MORE influence than POTUS.
BS, those hard headed cult members weren't going to let some unknown incite them.
What a ignorant claim.
Why can’t she answer if the FBI incited violence on January 6th? Simple question
Because they were ALREADY incited.
DUH, how fucking hard is it for a failed father to understand.
If Epps came to your yard and starting inciting your children, would Epps have had success?
Or are you are better father or not?
Epps didn't influence or incite anyone.
Who the fuck is Ray Epps and what influence could he possibly have?
Oh, the guy on the video that apparently has MORE influence than POTUS.
BS, those hard headed cult members weren't going to let some unknown incite them.
What a ignorant claim.

Because they were ALREADY incited.
DUH, how fucking hard is it for a failed father to understand.
If Epps came to your yard and starting inciting your children, would Epps have had success?
Or are you are better father or not?
Epps didn't influence or incite anyone.
Why not say “no” then? You idiot failed teacher?
I find it interesting that the MAGA folks think it is better than their fellow MAGAs got tricked into attacking the capital building and erecting gallows and all the other things they did than to just say they were following their hearts and felt they were doing the right thing

You avoided talking about Epps completely thus you are just babbling.

Watch the video.
Who the fuck is Ray Epps and what influence could he possibly have?
Oh, the guy on the video that apparently has MORE influence than POTUS.
BS, those hard headed cult members weren't going to let some unknown incite them.
What a ignorant claim.

U lose. Read my post. No mentions of Don Trump. AND you didn't even consider that this guy WAS on the FBI Most Wanted list and NOW he's not. He drew crowds shouting to attack the Capitol Bldg and YOU DONT FUCKING CARE that he was caught on various cameras doing this for 36 hours BEFORE the speech on the mall and also at the steps of the Capitol.

You're a dishonest, useless, political HACK -- that doesn't care about truth. You just consume shit for news and relish Inquisitions headed by the SAME MENTAL midgets that caused Russia Russia Russia for 5 FUCKING years. BYE NOW... I'm gonna focus on saving this country from the likes of YOU !!!!

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