Jan 6th and this is chilling

Ray Epps, whatever he said and did is..........

in no way related or excusing the actions of.........

inciting Armed Americans with LIES of the Stolen Election and Inviting them to the Capitol to "Stop the Steal."

Ray Epps, whoever he is, has nothing to do with trumps Big Lie.

You are avoiding the evidence of what Epps stated which the focus of the thread from POST ONE!
You are avoiding the evidence of what Epps stated which the focus of the thread from POST ONE!
So this Epps guy has more influence than pos trump.
Trump "Stop the Steal"
Since November 2020.

Epps isn't going to influence the traitors that have already made up their decision to join the CULT.

Oh the CULT.......how very powerful.
So this Epps guy has more influence than pos trump.
Trump "Stop the Steal"
Since November 2020.

Epps isn't going to influence the traitors that have already made up their decision to join the CULT.

Oh the CULT.......how very powerful.

It is clear you struggle to stick with the topic Trump was NEVER in the post one video it is about Epps and the FBI spokesman who gives evasive answers.

I have stated for two years that Trump should have stopped contesting the vote after SCOTUS dropped the multi states lawsuit in December 2019 and have supported Pence as well who did his duty with the Certified ballots.

Why the refusal to answer questions?
These people also forget that Garland got outsmarted and was asked under oath HOW MANY FBI agents were present and acted as agitators on Jan. 6. He refused to answer. He didn’t deny they were there. A damning answer. Epps is in this up to his ears. Funny how he disappeared from the most wanted list so suddenly too.
The proven criminal FBI
- Had agents at the Capitol
- Encouraged violence
- Encouraged breaching the Capitol
- Participated in violence
* And Americans, not as stupid as Democrats think they are, figured out this guy was a fed & started chanting 'Fed, Fed, Fed....'

...Another example how the FBI & federal govt have become threats to our Democracy, threats to the American people .....

Of course, the fact that Hillary Clinton initiated the Russian Collusion Scandal, that Obama/Biden administration .. out the scandal, and the US' criminal, seditious, traitorous NSA, CIA, & FBI were co-conspirators proves Drmocrats ate enemies of the state & leadership in these agencies should be purged.
Add this to the fiasco that was the “Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot”. Where agents now are trying to get out of testifying because they would then be subject to state and federal charges for coming up with the plan in the first place. The FBI is just one agency that needs to be razed and rebuilt from the ground up.
In the Opost -- the FBI REFUSED to answer about 20 questions about Ray Epps and WHY he was on the FBI Most Wanted List and now is walking free after being caught ON SEVERAL CAMERAS -- at SEVERAL LOCATIONS CLEARLY INCITING FOLKS TO ATTACK THE CAPITOL BLDG in a 36 hour period prior to the riot.

I'm gonna ask ONCE nicely, and I need an answer without the name Trump in it ---

Why was he NOT PURSUED AND INDICTED? AND -- DIdya even WATCH the video in the OPost? If not -- WHY not?

If ya can't answer those -- you'll be 3rd useless, blathering leftist I've hung up on tonight..
Because he isn’t guilty of committing any crimes.

The video you guys keep referencing clearly shows him saying that they need to march into the Capitol, peacefully. If you think he’s guilty of something, then post the statute.
U lose. Read my post. No mentions of Don Trump. AND you didn't even consider that this guy WAS on the FBI Most Wanted list and NOW he's not. He drew crowds shouting to attack the Capitol Bldg and YOU DONT FUCKING CARE that he was caught on various cameras doing this for 36 hours BEFORE the speech on the mall and also at the steps of the Capitol.

You're a dishonest, useless, political HACK -- that doesn't care about truth. You just consume shit for news and relish Inquisitions headed by the SAME MENTAL midgets that caused Russia Russia Russia for 5 FUCKING years. BYE NOW... I'm gonna focus on saving this country from the likes of YOU !!!!
“He drew crowds shouting to attack the Capitol Bldg…”

How do you figure that he was telling people to attack the Capitol?
Who the fuck is Ray Epps and what influence could he possibly have?
Oh, the guy on the video that apparently has MORE influence than POTUS.
BS, those hard headed cult members weren't going to let some unknown incite them.
What a ignorant claim.

Because they were ALREADY incited.
DUH, how fucking hard is it for a failed father to understand.
If Epps came to your yard and starting inciting your children, would Epps have had success?
Or are you are better father or not?
Epps didn't influence or incite anyone.
I feel sorry for any kid you “taught”. Trump wasn’t at the Capitol buildings. Ray Epps was, inciting violence. On video. Undeniable. I’d also bet Azog is a much better father than you. Your pathetic denials and constant whining about Trump makes you sound pretty stupid.
I made the point because this is a conspiracy theory. It's already been addressed.
Even Ray Epps said it was bullshit. LOL. So Ted Cruz here looks like even more of a moron than he is.

Oh, Epps said it was BS? Well, why didn't you say so.....

And all the convicted felons in prison say they're innocent too....
There is a wrinkle in the Democrat/Liberal narrative regarding an alleged planned attack on the Capital and whether or not Trump and/or Epps incited people to do so.

I've been told and seen numerous times from posters here that Trump had been inciting his followers for some time already when he made his speech on January 6. This is the typical response when I ask what Trump said specifically to incite them to break into the Capital building.

At the same time there is debate on whether Epps also helped to incite them to attack the Capital and there is also the question as to why he was taken off the F.B.I.'s most wanted list. We do know that he was there on January 5 exhorting people to enter the Capital the next day. This may or may not be a criminal offense but we do know he did this.

Here is where the threads of the narrative start to unravel. If the "insurrection" was planned and the intention was to break into the Capital building all along, as per Trump's wishes, then why did the crowd start chanting "Fed! Fed!" when Epps was calling to enter the building? Why did they not agree with him and chant along with him? Why were they suspicious of him?

The narrative here against the so called "insurrectionists" and Trump is not consistent with the way things actually played out over the course of the two or three days leading up to the Capital riot.
Watch 20 seconds in and stop at 35 seconds in. Why didn’t she just answer “no”?
She started to explain in the beginning that she can't go into the specifics of this.

The most obvious answer is that she's simply not allowed to confirm or deny whether anyone is a confidential informant. Pretty simple. It doesn't need to be an elaborate conspiracy.
She started to explain in the beginning that she can't go into the specifics of this.

The most obvious answer is that she's simply not allowed to confirm or deny whether anyone is a confidential informant. Pretty simple. It doesn't need to be an elaborate conspiracy.
Problem is, Cruz did not ask about confidential informants, he asked if there were any agents there that day.
BFD, tell me or SHOW me that EPPs had an influence and actually changed their minds.
These insurrectionists were there to "Stop the Steal" on orders by trump.

Please explain why you believe an unknown like EPPs had more influence than trump.

These knew what they were going to do, you can't pin this on Epps.
The cult leader is clearly trump.
Ignore the crime leftists commit... you dont see nufin.... Moron
Problem is, Cruz did not ask about confidential informants...
Well that's easily disproven.

Cruz: "How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of January 6th?"

Sanborn: "Sir, I'm sure you can appreciate that I can't go into the specifics of sources and methods..."

Cruz: "Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of January 6th? Yes or no."

Sanborn: "Sir, I can't answer that."

Cruz: "Did any FBI agents of confidential informants commit crimes of violence on January 6th."

Sanborn: "I can't answer that, sir."

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