Jan 6th and this is chilling

it was very simple, she could have dispelled criminal culpability but did not.. That door is now open and fair game to ask very serious questions.
Okay. That's nothing. She's an FBI agent, and law enforcement often refuses to answer for a gazillion legit reasons. If nothing else, she wouldn't want to tell every Bad Guy out there what their procedures are, or who was where when and why.

It's not "chilling." It's people looking for outrage reading their own bad dreams into perfectly normal stuff. Moving on.
Revealing what wasn’t done is still revealing information. Revealing who isn’t an FBI agent is still revealing information.

They were quick enough to say that Epps was not a CI but now revealing who is not a CI is revealing information?
The simply don’t want to reveal any information when it comes to undercover agents and undercover informants. Simple. I just provided a perfectly reasonable explanation for these actions. It doesn’t need to be the elaborate conspiracy theory you guys are pushing for it to be.

If it is just a conspiracy theory, it is no more elaborate or ridiculous than the one Democrats are pushing.

I don't believe for one second that any of those people went to the Capital for the purpose of breaking in. I think it was just a crowd that got out of hand.
The FBI is notorious for attempting to instigate criminal acts.
The 1993 WTC bombing for example, was not only planned by the FBI, but they provided the truck and bomb.

Yet I saw nothing illegal about Jan 6th.
The protestors were within their rights of political expression, and never got beyond the public areas.
For example, the images of protestors in Pelosi's office were in her PUBLIC office, which is open to the public all the time.
Her private office is across the street, and was never entered by any protestor.
Here is the interesting part, beyond denouncing his own daughter and his attorney general, Trump is not offering any defense for his actions. He is silent. No Republican has come forward to defend Trump. They are silent.

That says a lot.

Which explains why the forum's Republicans will continue their silence.
No other responses from Republicans to posts 155 and 156, proving they know Trump is guilty and they don't care. In fact, they probably cheered him on in his attempt to overthrow the government.

The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

Putin is enormously pleased with Trump.
The FBI is notorious for attempting to instigate criminal acts.
The 1993 WTC bombing for example, was not only planned by the FBI, but they provided the truck and bomb.
No source for this outrageous accusation. Why? Poster made it up, something Republicans do a lot because reality is painful.

The only defense Trump Republicans can offer is to lie!
No source for this outrageous accusation. Why? Poster made it up, something Republicans do a lot because reality is painful.

The only defense Trump Republicans can offer is to lie!
I guess the Whitmer entrapment was a fake? So easily debunked... While i do not think 9-11 was a conspiracy in our government, it was from our enemies... Whitmer's so called attempted kidnapping, was an FBI plot... The main actors were FBI or FBI informants.
No source for this outrageous accusation. Why? Poster made it up, something Republicans do a lot because reality is painful.

The only defense Trump Republicans can offer is to lie!

I did not bother because everyone should all know all about this by now.
But the FBI had hired an Egyptian government agent to infiltrate.
He is Emad Salem.
And we have his testimony on record because he did not trust the FBI, so he recorded his conversations with them.
It is all on record.

Emad A. Salem is an FBI informant, who was a key witness in the trial of Ramzi Yousef, Abdul Hakim Murad, and Wali Khan Amin Shah, convicted in the World Trade Center bombing of February 26, 1993. He testified that the bomb was built under supervision from the FBI.[1]

An Egyptian army officer, Salem claimed to have fought as a sniper in the Yom Kippur War of 1973. He held 17 Israeli soldiers as prisoners of War respecting their rights under international law. All POWs were ultimately returned unharmed to Israel.[2] At the request of the FBI, Salem had befriended the group of plotters in 1991, meeting them at El Sayyid Nosair's trial. He had recently worked as a security guard at the Bergdorf Goodman department store, and an engineer at a Best Western hotel in New York.[2]

During his time as an FBI informant, Salem recorded hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers, and reports submitted in court. In tapes made after the bombings, Salem alleged that an unnamed FBI supervisor declined to move forward on a plan that would have used a "phony powder" to fool the conspirators into believing that they were working with genuine explosives. Federal authorities denied Salem's view of events and the New York Times concluded that the tapes "do not make clear the extent to which Federal authorities knew that there was a plan to bomb the World Trade Center, merely that they knew that a bombing of some sort was being discussed. But for the recordings, Emad would have been charged as a co-conspirator. It was recordings that were never provided to the New York Times that prevented the FBI from charging Emad.[3]
Already explained. She said she couldn’t go into the specific details. I’m not sure why you think it’s reasonable to expect the FBI to share everything they know and do with someone like you. That’s not what they do.
Like me? How about a sitting US Senator. There need to be checks and balances. You have lost your mind, leftist.
Okay. That's nothing. She's an FBI agent, and law enforcement often refuses to answer for a gazillion legit reasons. If nothing else, she wouldn't want to tell every Bad Guy out there what their procedures are, or who was where when and why.

It's not "chilling." It's people looking for outrage reading their own bad dreams into perfectly normal stuff. Moving on.
Saying "yes" is an issue. What does she expose? Because for all intents and purposes the answer is YES
No other responses from Republicans to posts 155 and 156, proving they know Trump is guilty and they don't care. In fact, they probably cheered him on in his attempt to overthrow the government.

The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

Putin is enormously pleased with Trump.
What did I make up? I posted a video. You leftist loon.
Forgive me for just stepping into this thread.

Is there anything to this besides an FBI agent not wanting to disclose their tactics or manpower into a live mic?
Saying yes or no, exposes tactics and manpower? On what planet. I forgive you for being a dunce.
What theory? Post #220.

They‘re not going to confirm or deny who an undercover agent is for someone like us.
At second 20 Cruz asks a general question. And refusal means YES to me and to most logical people. You aren't logical so it's beyond your understanding, leftist.
Yes, like you. That was being televised for the American public which is why you got to see it and post a clip of it.
So why not say, I cannot disclose in a public forum but will happily discuss in private? If she can't answer the questions then why ask them?
At second 20 Cruz asks a general question. And refusal means YES to me and to most logical people. You aren't logical so it's beyond your understanding, leftist.
How is that a general question? That’s asking the FBI to reveal their hand to people like you. And when they don’t, the tinfoil-hat conservatives with their wild imaginations assume that it must be some conspiracy theory.

Grow up.

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