Jan 6th Commission About To Issue Invitations To Get Down!

Fluffy - why don't you stop yapping?
Prove your blather, or get back to your pudding.

Unless you can prove the crap you dribble, there's no reason to pay it any mind.
Fluffy....pay attention.

You aren't qualified to determine what constitutes evidence, and you have refused to consider it.

If you choose to stay stupid, it's not my job to fix you.
I just did.
McConnell witnessed the events first hand, saw the evidence presented during impeachment, is an attorney and a Ranking Republican.
I see you are an uninformed hysterical twit, Fluffy
As already stated, McConnell's OPINION does not PROVE anything,, especially not YOUR claims.
Your response fails as a fallacious appeal to authority.

Unless you can prove the crap you dribble, there's no reason to pay it any mind.
I just did.

McConnell witnessed the events first hand, saw the evidence presented during impeachment, is an attorney and a Ranking Republican.

And has displayed his anti-Trump stance on more than one occasion.

Impeachment is for high crimes, misdemeanors. and treason, none of which Trump was part of. He held a rally, the people at the Capitol (not the rally itself) charged the Capitol, and Trump was not in any way responsible for the actions of other people.
I see you are an uninformed hysterical twit, Fluffy
As already stated, McConnell's OPINION does not PROVE anything,, especially not YOUR claims.
Your response fails as a fallacious appeal to authority.

Unless you can prove the crap you dribble, there's no reason to pay it any mind.
Are you an attorney.

He is.

Do you know anything about what occurred?

He does.

Whose opinion has more value?

And has displayed his anti-Trump stance on more than one occasion.

Impeachment is for high crimes, misdemeanors. and treason, none of which Trump was part of. He held a rally, the people at the Capitol (not the rally itself) charged the Capitol, and Trump was not in any way responsible for the actions of other people.
That doesn't disqualify him, just as your irrational softie for Grifty doesn't qualify you, Ray.
Answer the question.
Stop wasting my time.
I'm only gonna tell you this once. You don't want to go there, you slack-jawed cuckold

There's "Proof", and there's "opinion". "Opinion" - like McConnel's - is obviously subjective, and it has value to the extent that it informs or stimulates thought.
But it doesn't PROVE anything
Your asssertion, regardless how oft rebleated, is not PROOF
Unless you can prove the crap you dribble, there's no reason to pay it any mind.

Did you give that even a moment's thought?

Comedy gold, child.
Now, Fluffy: go staple your leaking pissflaps shut.'
I'm only gonna tell you this once. You don't want to go there, you slack-jawed cuckold

There's "Proof", and there's "opinion". "Opinion" - like McConnel's - is obviously subjective, and it has value to the extent that it informs or stimulates thought.
But it doesn't PROVE anything
Your asssertion, regardless how oft rebleated, is not PROOF
Unless you can prove the crap you dribble, there's no reason to pay it any mind.

Did you give that even a moment's thought?

Comedy gold, child.
Now, Fluffy: go staple your leaking pissflaps shut.'
Answer it, 17 ply dead end loser.
Answer it, 17 ply dead end loser.
Its clear you are only here to waste people's time, and as such, you shall waste no more of mine.
I hope you appreciate the fact you were out-argued by your own words.


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