Jan 6th Commission About To Issue Invitations To Get Down!

Damn, kid. You’re dull.

Im not playing any games. Im just calling bullshit on you.

Once again, for your retarded brain:

You, as the proponent of an assertion, have the burden of proof.

Of course, you’re free to just make assertions without offering any support in facts or logic. Nobody expects better from a dimwit such as you. But, when you wish to someday be taken seriously, the rule isn’t subject to your whim: The proponent carries the burden.
Im not playing any games. Im just calling bullshit on you.

If you're done, shut the fuk up.

But we both know you aren't.

now explain to me who will judge what I provide you.
Are these the "facts" to which you are now referring?
The facts I stated are that they were calling for trumps impeachment early in his presidency, and they did just that, which shows that they had impeachment on their minds the whole time.
Im not playing any games. Im just calling bullshit on you.

If you're done, shut the fuk up.
I don’t take directions from scumbag retards like you. 🤣
But we both know you aren't.
Never said I was. I enjoy calling bullshit on frauds like you.
now explain to me who will judge what I provide you.
All who read it. But that doesn’t matter when, as here, you don’t support your claims in any fashion whatsofuckingever.

Man. You’re a simple little retard.
Let’s walk the Horse’s Ass back a ways.

Horse’sAss there claimed that it was “indisputable” that President Trump incited the criminal portion of the events of 1/6. But, I say it is very disputable. In fact, it is most reasonably denied as false and baseless.

But since the cowardly Horse’sAss elects to evade his obligation — as the proponent of that idiotic claim — to support it with facts and logic, I called bullshit on him.

At no time since (or before) has Horse’sAss stepped up to even try to support his imbecile assertion. Instead, he quibbles, he runs, he ducks, he bobs, he weaves and he evades.
The facts I stated are that they were calling for trumps impeachment early in his presidency, and they did just that, which shows that they had impeachment on their minds the whole time.
At the time US Intelligence services had concluded that he was a problem.
I don’t take directions from scumbag retards like you. 🤣

Never said I was. I enjoy calling bullshit on frauds like you.

All who read it. But that doesn’t matter when, as here, you don’t support your claims in any fashion whatsofuckingever.

Man. You’re a simple little retard.


I have no intention of throwing pearls before dim pigs. There has to be something in it for me.

In this instance, you codifying the rules by which we will BOTH proceed.
I have no intention of throwing pearls before dim pigs. There has to be something in it for me.

In this instance, you codifying the rules by which we will BOTH proceed.
Ass sucker. The rules pre-existed us.

You’re a coward. I fully get it. Actually supporting what you say is way too hard and scary for a pussy like you.

Run away. But feel free to come back and try to be an adult if your little balls ever drop. 👍
Ass sucker. The rules pre-existed us.

You’re a coward. I fully get it. Actually supporting what you say is way too hard and scary for a pussy like you.

Run away. But feel free to come back and try to be an adult if your little balls ever drop. 👍
The rules pre-existed us.

You’re a coward

You haven't set much of an example.

Now would be a good time.

What or whose standard must I meet?

What are the arbiter's qualifications to determine facts?
The rules pre-existed us.

You’re a coward

You haven't set much of an example.

Now would be a good time.

What or whose standard must I meet?

What are the arbiter's qualifications to determine facts?
You’re still being a very slow student.

The rules already exist and I’ve repeated them for you several times. If you make the assertion, you bear the burden of proof.

Post your alleged facts. Post your logic. Then, you don’t need to fret who the judge is. It’s everybody and nobody. It’s just the start of the discussion. For example, I might dispute your alleged facts. Or I might question your purported “logic.” Or, both. That’s the nature of the give and take of a discussion or argument

You aren’t required to sack up. Lots of people here make silly pronouncements and decline to even try to substantiate what they say. Gutless useless shitstains like you. 👍
At the time US Intelligence services had concluded that he was a problem.
Also, please link to that. I want to see where intelligence services deemed a problem before and within 4 months of his presidency.

And, even if they thought so, that's not any reason for dems to start talking impeachment.

Face it, your dem leaders had intentions of impeachment from the get go.
You’re still being a very slow student.

The rules already exist and I’ve repeated them for you several times. If you make the assertion, you bear the burden of proof.

Post your alleged facts. Post your logic. Then, you don’t need to fret who the judge is. It’s everybody and nobody. It’s just the start of the discussion. For example, I might dispute your alleged facts. Or I might question your purported “logic.” Or, both. That’s the nature of the give and take of a discussion or argument

You aren’t required to sack up. Lots of people here make silly pronouncements and decline to even try to substantiate what they say. Gutless useless shitstains like you. 👍
Post your alleged facts. Post your logic. Then, you don’t need to fret who the judge is. It’s everybody and nobody. It’s just the start of the discussion

Who are you to presume to lecture me on Rhetoric?

I have no obligation to explain anything to braying jackasses who have chosen willful ignorance.

None of your peers watched the hearings.

Did you?
Also, please link to that. I want to see where intelligence services deemed a problem before and within 4 months of his presidency.

And, even if they thought so, that's not any reason for dems to start talking impeachment.

Face it, your dem leaders had intentions of impeachment from the get go.
I'm sure you would...

So would I.

But since you are relying exclusively on assertion, don't ask for anything more in return.
Post your alleged facts. Post your logic. Then, you don’t need to fret who the judge is. It’s everybody and nobody. It’s just the start of the discussion

Who are you to presume to lecture me on Rhetoric?
You asked, you sub moron douche bag. 🤣😂
I have no obligation to explain anything to braying jackasses who have chosen willful ignorance.
As I noted. You retain the right to be a. Complete cowardly kissy and quite laughable. Good news. It’s working!
None of your peers watched the hearings.
Irrelevant. (Did you not realize that people can read?)

Also, did you know that your transparent effort to deflect doesn’t work?

You’re just a pussy. No big deal. It isn’t possible to take you seriously.
You asked, you sub moron douche bag. 🤣😂

As I noted. You retain the right to be a. Complete cowardly kissy and quite laughable. Good news. It’s working!


Irrelevant. (Did you not realize that people can read?)

Also, did you know that your transparent effort to deflect doesn’t work?

You’re just a pussy. No big deal. It isn’t possible to take you seriously.

You have failed to answer simple questions...

So what's the source of all of your cred

When you're done posing and bluffing, and are ready to engage, let me know.

But I don't play the "prove it to me" game with people who couldn't bother to inform themselves of the facts.


I disagree

Irrelevant. (Did you not realize that people can read?)

Where did you read it?

Also, did you know that your transparent effort to deflect doesn’t work?

If you were a lawyer, you must have sucked at it....
Also, please link to that. I want to see where intelligence services deemed a problem before and within 4 months of his presidency.

And, even if they thought so, that's not any reason for dems to start talking impeachment.

Face it, your dem leaders had intentions of impeachment from the get go.
You have yet to offer proof insupport of a single assertion.

And you're demanding proof of what you never bothered to learn.

Go review the events then come back.

You have failed to answer simple questions...

So what's the source of all of your cred

When you're done posing and bluffing, and are ready to engage, let me know.

But I don't play the "prove it to me" game with people who couldn't bother to inform themselves of the facts.


I disagree

Irrelevant. (Did you not realize that people can read?)

Where did you read it?

Also, did you know that your transparent effort to deflect doesn’t work?

If you were a lawyer, you must have sucked at it....
So after all your huffing puffing and posturing and evasions the bottom line remains the same. You still can’t find your balls. Check.
So after all your huffing puffing and posturing and evasions the bottom line remains the same. You still can’t find your balls. Check.
No, it's still you making demands while declining to answer simple questions.

Here's a simple test..

Did the Oath Keepers engage in a seditious conspiracy?

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