Jan 6th Commission About To Issue Invitations To Get Down!

Again. It doesn't have to be charged. Regardless as long as it's understood that members of the Trump party committed sedition against the US I am fine with your semantics.

Traitors all of them. (The convicted, not all Trump supporters)
Can you Link to the positions they held in Trump’s administration?
Again. It doesn't have to be charged. Regardless as long as it's understood that members of the Trump party committed sedition against the US I am fine with your semantics.

Traitors all of them. (The convicted, not all Trump supporters)
sure it does. go play a con game with someone else,
DOJ has already been investigating this for some time. The Special counsel just sent out a new raft of subpoenas for testimony before the grand jury investigating 1/6. I’m sure that any information and testimony given by the committee will be welcomed and helpful.

OK, so, if the committee gives the doj any findings that it procured during their hearings, is that acceptable? Again, explain how if the J6 committee turns over its findings to the doj for a criminal investigation, how that's any different than thr J6 committee doing a criminal investigation themselves, and how do you get around that it would be them doing a an investigation of their political rival.

By the way, dean obiedallah is a hard core leftist progressive radio host, and Danny cevallos is a frequent guest if his, so, him saying those things is not coming from any right wing point of view.
DOJ has already been investigating this for some time. The Special counsel just sent out a new raft of subpoenas for testimony before the grand jury investigating 1/6. I’m sure that any information and testimony given by the committee will be welcomed and helpful.

Also, if the doj is already investigating Trump for J6, what is the point of the committees referral to the doj for them to....investigate Trump for J6?
OK, so, if the committee gives the doj any findings that it procured during their hearings, is that acceptable? Again, explain how if the J6 committee turns over its findings to the doj for a criminal investigation, how that's any different than thr J6 committee doing a criminal investigation themselves, and how do you get around that it would be them doing a an investigation of their political rival.

By the way, dean obiedallah is a hard core leftist progressive radio host, and Danny cevallos is a frequent guest if his, so, him saying those things is not coming from any right wing point of view.
Why wouldn’t it be acceptable?
Testimony was given under oath. Information uncovered can be used by DOJ in any way they deem necessary to further their investigation or make a case.
It was given to the special prosecutor specifically to take it out of the hands of politicians or their appointees.

Did you have similar objections when this was done?

Rare move by Congress could start another Clinton investigation​

Also, if the doj is already investigating Trump for J6, what is the point of the committees referral to the doj for them to....investigate Trump for J6?
They’re referrals of either specific testimony, documents, information uncovered or all of it.

Why should the DOJ have to start over if the investigating of some aspects was already done?
yep, they are truly spineless. demofks ain't afraid of any GOPer accept they are terrified of trump and I fking love it.
You mean "except" not "accept"

But anyhow, I agree they are scared of Trump, just as they are afraid of truth in general, esp the truth HE tells about how hideous our system is.

Everyone with half a brain and a few with less than that can see that the election was stolen or at least that it LOOKS like that could be the case.

But it's like.. "Shut up, you stupid election deniers! Just shut the hell up! No corruption to see here, move right along... CNN never lies! Stephanolooopis is never dishonest! For reals!"

yeh, right. We don't mind having our once great country stolen out from under us by a bunch of insane criminals. Why would we care about such a silly thing? Why wouldn't we just ask all elite DC libtards to bend over so we can kiss their royal asses because... because they are just SO good to us Americans-------

(Why do I have the urge to barf?)
Yup. Democrats have for decades questioned elections and called them illegitimate and notta. Trump questions elections and calls them illegitimate and they form a House committee to investigate, find all the times that Trump questioned the election results, and refer him for criminal prosecution.
Even worse, they seem to expect all or at least most Americans to go along w/ that bs..

they really expected that. Then Cheney got trounced and.. well, we don't know but they probably just lied to themselves all over again, saying "Well, that was just an anomaly..."

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