Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

As the good poster Rambunctious stated--
  • the staff was still wrestling with the impacts of Covid (it was, after all, 2020, early 2021. Covid was still a thing. Trust me.)
  • And the Ellipse was two miles away.
  • And without the required ....indeed, intentionally forbidden to even be requested..... permit to march, why would the Capitol legislators, their leadership, their staffs, and the police, well why would they think sh*t was gonna happen? It was merely a speech by the lame-duck defeated President? And it was two miles away.
  • And why would that lame-duck, knowing he was going to aim an agitated mob at that Capitol, well, why didn't he have one of his minions give the Capitol leadership, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell and the Sergeants at Arms.....why didn't he give them a heads up he was ordering up a march on them?
So, in my opinion, if it was not incompetence and uncaring for government employees.......then it had to be mendacity.

I hope I was clear on that.


OK, amigo, you allege it.
You prove it.
It is the responsible adult thing to do.
I am mildly confident you understand the duties embedded in adult discourse.
Show your proof.
Or go.
the staff was still wrestling with the impacts of Covid (it was, after all, 2020, early 2021. Covid was still a thing. Trust me.)
No they weren't, Pelosi was responsible, she was in charge of security and she was warned. Prove otherwise
Actually, it doesn't include Trump. It does however include the FBI and government agents who instigated much of the freakish.
Poor blobbers....they were forced assault police officers, climb up what, 90 steps to the building itself, forcibly enter and vandalize the building.

They just can’t help themselves.
The 1/6 insurrectionists are 100% to blame for their actions; that includes the blob.
Actually, it doesn't include Trump. It does however include the FBI and government agents who instigated much of the freakish.
Poor blobbers....they were forced assault police officers, climb up what, 90 steps to the building itself, forcibly enter and vandalize the building.

They just can’t help themselves.
1/6- propaganda for the gullible.
Actually, it doesn't include Trump. It does however include the FBI and government agents who instigated much of the freakish.

1/6- propaganda for the gullible.

Poor Blob supporters...1300 up, 1297 convicted. Many rotting in jail.

Is the blob visiting them?

Nope. But keep on thinking...He really cares about us...
Poor Blob supporters...1300 up, 1297 convicted. Many rotting in jail.

Is the blob visiting them?

Nope. But keep on thinking...He really cares about us...
Poor stupid democrats, Fooled Again. January 6th propaganda for the gullible.
Ya but no-one was charged or convicted of that, so your "point" is moot.
It's just more of "The Narrative" dead horse you keep beating to oblivion.

Again, some were charged with seditious conspiracy, which is the planning or incitement of insurrection.
Poor Blob supporters...1300 up, 1297 convicted. Many rotting in jail.

Is the blob visiting them?

Nope. But keep on thinking...He really cares about us...

Say it louder, with your full throat, how the law to you is just a means to get at your enemies, and you're fine seeing people jailed unjustly because you don't like their politics.

I mean heck you told me someone would do the world a favor if I were dead. Cause you don't like my opinions on vaccines.

(Of course in true Leftist fashion you probably have me on ignore bc you don't want to be reminded just how small you are. You could just apologize, but Leftists NEVER do that. NEVER)
So which of those convicted felons are FBI, BLM or Antifa?


Every day I end up laughing at some time or place how "liberals" went from "Speak truth to power" and "Fight the man!" to complete bootlickers of authority. You all love you some high-up cops with nothing to lose, don't you?

What a time to be alive
Every day I end up laughing at some time or place how "liberals" went from "Speak truth to power" and "Fight the man!" to complete bootlickers of authority. You all love you some high-up cops with nothing to lose, don't you?

What a time to be alive


I laugh at you not answering my question.
So which of those convicted felons are FBI, BLM or Antifa?

Why would the government convict their own, cuck?

So you're saying that Pelosi wasn't responsible for security at the Capitol cuck?

I'm saying none of you rightards have proved she was. Especially given there are two chambers in Congress. Even worse for you is the Capitol Police Board is responsible for security of the Capitol. Case in point, there's a law authorizing the CPB to call for DCNG assistance; but there's no law authorizing the Speaker of the House to do the same.
I'm saying none of you rightards have proved she was. Especially given there are two chambers in Congress. Even worse for you is the Capitol Police Board is responsible for security of the Capitol. Case in point, there's a law authorizing the CPB to call for DCNG assistance; but there's no law authorizing the Speaker of the House to do the same.
I'm saying propaganda for the gullible. That would be you cuck.

Funny watching idiots insist BLM and Antifa are "the government."

Oh, and even law enforcement gets convicted, you flaming imbecile. Don't believe me? Just ask Derek Chauvin.

Propaganda for the gullible cuck. That's you!


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