January 6, 2021

How about some historic perspective? The Feds apparently assume no responsibility for the shooting death of an unarmed protester last Jan 6 and the "Justice" Dept and the media are fine with that concept. It wasn't that long ago that we had a domestic terrorist gang blowing up recruitment centers and government buildings and corporate headquarters. Bill Ayers was guilty of felony murder in the deaths of fellow gang members who were blown up by a bomb intended for a Ft. Dix dance as well as hundreds of terrorist acts but wouldn't you know, a friendly judge found the FBI guilty of "illegal surveillance" and Ayers went free. Whether or not the FBI engaged in illegal acts is still debatable but the fact remains that Ayers did what he did and still ended up as Obama's political adviser and a college professor. What's the moral of the story? Left wing terrorists get a free ride but mom and pop right wing demonstrators get labeled as terrorists and are held without bail.

So no "left wingers" are in prison? Is that your claim?
Why should congress investigate an election? The states certified their results and without any credible evidence of wrongdoing congress is duty bound to certify the results. Congress really has no power to do anything else. Having said that you should know that I know that you know that Biden won fair and square. You're just in on the con like the rest of these bozos.
Because 40% of the voters wanted it.
You are certainly not comparable to the Jews in the Holocaust.
Depends on which year we speak of.

How many years before the holocaust were jews demonized.

Decades, the jews were demonized, that is the comparison. That is what the democrats are doing that is the same as the nazis. Demonizing a group of people and now sending antifa and blm into the streets to terrorize us.
LefTard Logic:

Insurrectionists -


Not Insurrectionists-


Every time you loons use the word “insurrection“ you lose credibility. NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention can take you seriously.
Sure, as Trumptards make up their own definitions.
They wanted to keep Trump president. Just because no one seemed quite sure how that was going to happen does not mean anyone had any doubt why they were there.
They were there to bring lunch, 'no doubt'.
Depends on which year we speak of.

How many years before the holocaust were jews demonized.

Decades, the jews were demonized, that is the comparison. That is what the democrats are doing that is the same as the nazis. Demonizing a group of people and now sending antifa and blm into the streets to terrorize us.
You guys, frankly, act like you accuse the left of being: victims in search of persecution. In no way have you been treated even remotely like the Jews. And worse, it is you passing or proposing legislation that curtails the freedoms of others such banning free speech (teachers can’t talk about racism), banning the Democrat party, a Muslim database, banning books, etc. Your Trumpist “brownshirts” are threatening schoolboard members, election workers and their families Simply for doing their jobs.
The number of protestors charged which insurrection:.....zero.....none.....zilch.

Where is the insurrection?????

such as banning free speech (teachers can’t talk about racism),
Teacher's free speech Trumps parents rights?

Classrooms are now political platforms for the democrats? And that political propaganda taught to children is what you dictate must be taught.

And you say I can not compare and show similarities between democrats and nazis??

Thank you for a great example of fascism as practiced by the Democrat teachers and the government who sent in the police, fbi, and homeland security to attack the parents who dared to stand up to the revisionist political Democrat teachers.
It was well planned and executed...That's why you moonbats and your agitprop media will get to have your phony pearl clutching festival tomorrow.
It was just like your blob's administration...complete failure followed by prison sentences and indictments.
The number of protestors charged which insurrection:.....zero.....none.....zilch.

Where is the insurrection?????

Charges such as insurrection or seditious conspiracy will be in order for those who organized the attack. For the cannon fodder they sent to do their dirty work it is sufficient to prosecute them for the crimes they filmed themselves committing.
The number of protestors charged which insurrection:.....zero.....none.....zilch.

Where is the insurrection?????

Clearly an event is only defined by the charges placed. After all, Al Capone was only ever charged with tax evasion.
Charges such as insurrection or seditious conspiracy will be in order for those who organized the attack. For the cannon fodder they sent to do their dirty work it is sufficient to prosecute them for the crimes they filmed themselves committing.

Sadly this bullshit will be used by the democrats until the mid-term elections in the hopes of convincing a few ignorant rubes to vote democrat. Fear is all the democrats have to sell.

Clearly an event is only defined by the charges placed. After all, Al Capone was only ever charged with tax evasion.

One guy who used money and violence to keep corrupt Chicago politicians on his side and prevent justice is the same as a few hundred protestors facing the full force of the US government for having protested??? You are a joke.

Are you saying that the federal government can't prove the charge of insurrection against the 1/6 protestors because like Capone they are being protected by corrupt Democrat politicians - as was the case for Capone in Chicago????


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