January 6, 2021

The number of protestors charged which insurrection:.....zero.....none.....zilch.

Where is the insurrection?????

There have been over 700 people charged, some received very light sentences, there are more than 300 people they are still looking for.

Light sentences, I wonder why?
Because the snowflake traitors are ratting each other out.

Sedition, conspiracy charges will be revealed.

It's like Trumptards never even watched one police show.
There have been over 700 people charged, some received very light sentences, there are more than 300 people they are still looking for.

Light sentences, I wonder why?
Because the snowflake traitors are ratting each other out.

Sedition, conspiracy charges will be revealed.

It's like Trumptards never even watched one police show.

No one was convicted of insurrection - there was no insurrection.

You are certainly not comparable to the Jews in the Holocaust.
This girl is.

Charges such as insurrection or seditious conspiracy will be in order for those who organized the attack. For the cannon fodder they sent to do their dirty work it is sufficient to prosecute them for the crimes they filmed themselves committing.
And let's remember..two pipe bombs were planted as at least a diversion.

There was a clear conspiracy there
The democrats will repeat their call to fight, the democrats will repeat the lies over and over and over. The same as the jews were called demons in Germany. Over and over the Germans called the jews evil and those destroying Germany.

Are democrats this stupid, that evil? They certainly are no different than the NAZI's when it comes to hate and propaganda.

I think once the ball starts rolling, at the least the NAZIs, the Democrats lose control

LibTards are a small percentage of Democrats.
These people disrespected our nation more than an army of flag burners and national anthem kneelers could manage in a lifetime.
If Biden was winning at 3:00AM the ballots that put him over the top would never have been delivered by truck and dumped into the ballot machines.
That means that people who voted for Biden would have voted for no reason
Can you wait until the investigation is done?
Of course not, Trumptards want the investigation shut down.

So far protestors have largely been charged and convicted of things like trespassing. Why haven't any of those protestors been charged and convicted of insurrection????

Because there was no insurrection.

You argue that all of the protestors are guilty of insurrection - you've repeated this again and again - and despite numerous completed court cases not one protestor has been charged or convicted of insurrection.

You are just too funny.

So far protestors have largely been charged and convicted of things like trespassing. Why haven't any of those protestors been charged and convicted of insurrection????

Because there was no insurrection.

You argue that all of the protestors are guilty of insurrection
No, I didn't liar.
- you've repeated this again and again - and despite numerous completed court cases not one protestor has been charged or convicted of insurrection.
Holy shit what a moron.

The act of insurrection you dipshit,
You are just too funny.

Holy shit what a moron.

The act of insurrection you dipshit
No, I didn't liar.

Holy shit what a moron.

The act of insurrection you dipshit,

Holy shit what a moron.

The act of insurrection you dipshit

So you don't believe the protestors are guilty of insurrection? Seems like you may be coming to your senses. Good for you.

As the Congressional Select Committee winds its way to its pre-ordained conclusion that what happened at the Capitol last year was an attempt by former President Trump, every elected Republican, anyone who has ever worn a red hat (MAGA-emblazoned or not), and everyone who has ever stayed at a hotel to overthrow the government, it should be noted -- quite clearly and succinctly -- that seven hours in January was not Seven Days in May.

Despite what the endless, tedious and inaccurate anniversary media coverage -- all delivered with a joyously smirking “kid in a candy store” tenor -- has been claiming, the January 6 riot had all (maybe really only some) of the hallmarks of, well, a riot and none of the indicators of an actual “insurrection,” let alone an attempted coup d’état.

A coup is an extremely tricky proposition, as Burt Lancaster’s character in the 1964 film Seven Days in May, discovered much to his chagrin. The film (and the book) notes the level of detailed planning necessary, the prior co-option of various levers of power that needs to occur, the cruciality for speed of implementation, and -- just as importantly -- the requirement of a post-coup strategy. It cannot in any way, shape, or form be said that the event of January 6 even remotely involved any of these elements, a fact proven, ironically, by the very information being released or leaked or whatever by the Select Committee itself.

In a proper insurrection or coup, one of the key elements is control of the media. If this were a legitimate attempt to overthrow the government, the planners, in theory, would have made sure that only evil Fox News was left on the air, that it had changed its logo to incorporate buffalo horns, and that all other media -- including social -- was broadcasting or retweeting or posting reruns of “Welcome Back, Kotter.” The fact that Fox News personnel were real-time texting government officials imploring them to quell the Capitol situation immediately is pretty much the exact opposite of that.

Detailed prior planning is also a condition of a coup attempt. In theory, Trump would have made absolutely sure troops were in place to help the mob -- he didn’t (there does seem to be some confusion as to exactly what happened with the National Guard but, most assuredly, if Trump had immediately sent in the Guard to end the disorder it would have been -- and would still be -- portrayed as a proof of evil intent, heads I win, tails you lose as it were).


Also, if this had been a real coup attempt, the “bombshell” January 5 text Rep. Jim Jordan sent to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows outlining potential legal arguments regarding the seating of questionable electors would not only have been months before and may also have included what to “do” with those electors afterwards.

Internal security is also crucial. In Seven Days in May, the plotters coordinate using a Preakness Stakes-related code -- if Trump (or anyone in his circle, real or imagined) sent a tweet stating that “The Blue Monkey Walks Alone at Noon” to trigger events there may be actual cause for concern. But, again, that did not happen.

You are going to paint a coup into a small circle from a movie and if it didn't happen in the movies it can't be a coup...

Sorry but that is laughable idiotic...

Did the Trump &/or Co try to stop a vote of his political rival becoming President by using violence or intimidation?

Let's see where the evidence brings us? Let us be clear, a half arsed incompetent attempt is still attempt... Attempted intimidation is a crime...
Let's all remember what Republican "leaders" said after the insurrection:

LefTard Logic:

Insurrectionists -


Not Insurrectionists-


Every time you loons use the word “insurrection“ you lose credibility. NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention can take you seriously.
What intent. Good Lord are you stupid.

Did you see any of those protesters armed?? No you did not. Insurrection and a coup calls for fire arms. The only armed people were the Capital Police.

Most of those arrested have been charged with trespassing. Any that actually broke the law will end up in court.

Trespassing is a long way from insurrection and a coup attempt.

Could you be any more stupid?? I think not.
I wonder if the Nazi Pelousy Clown Show Commission will find out why Trump offered to send the National Guard to surround the Capital days before 1/6 if he was planning to send his goons down there to take over the country with zip ties and a toy gallows.
was not 7 Days in May (1964 movie starring Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas) as lying left wingers have been trying to peddle.
Pretending that the Trump goon attack on the Congress to sabotage a democratic election was a fiction - that it was perpetrated by Black Lives Matter - or antifa - or FBI agents - or was just a typical touristy day at the Capitol - long ago became Ground Hog Day on the Hindenburg for diehard weird worshipers of one dude.

Now, for them, as the disgusting details of the Trump goons' assault upon democracy are being exposed, it has become a case of sprinting past the graveyard. Run away whilst hurling vituperations at the seekers of truth, and just

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Nevertheless, the meticulous autopsy persists -as does the Loser's increasingly deranged 'Big Lie,' i.e.,

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"I won in a 'LANDSLIDE!'"

The Loser lost because seven million more Americans voted against him than for him. He still flaunts his impotence in accepting the will of the People but, in the real world, his demanded recounts, audits, and dozens of court challenges have only confirmed the certitude of the certified election.

His lickspittles exhausted legal redresses long ago, and can only spew invectives at the ongoing pursuit of truth.

The repugnant acts of Trump goons on January 6, 2021 are now a disgusting chapter in the historical record of the nation.

A bit of what went down:

On the morning of Jan. 6, Caroline Edwards, a 31-year-old United States Capitol Police officer, was stationed by some stairs on the Capitol grounds when the energy of the crowd in front of her seemed to take on a different shape...
A man in front of her whipped off his jacket as if he were getting ready for something, flipped his red MAGA hat backward — and then the rioters were pushing the bike racks forward as the officers pushed back, trying to hold their balance. A sergeant standing closer to the Capitol looked over just in time to see a bike rack heaved up and onto Edwards...
She crumpled to the ground, head hitting concrete, the first officer down in what would prove to be a bloody, bruising battle, the worst assault on the Capitol since 1814... The crowd howled and roared, rushing past the barricade as that sergeant started screaming into the radio orders to lock all Capitol doors...
Once she got back on her feet, she stood, dazed and leaning on a railing for support, her hair loose and disheveled, as rioters flung themselves past the barriers, her colleagues punching back the few they could...
Inside, near the U.S. Capitol, Devan Gowdy... heard that same call for help — frantic and high-pitched — and then his unit was sprinting through the building... Gowdy, blinking, took in a scene that seemed to have been spliced in from some other, unfamiliar world: A crowd of thousands raged before him. ... people started throwing cans, paintballs, bolts, bottles fizzing with hydrogen peroxide. One rioter he saw was wielding a hatchet with the American flag wrapped around the blade...
One of Gowdy’s sergeants...who was close by, unable to move from his position lest the crowd burst through, heard the taunts and was chilled to the bone. Gowdy looked at him beseechingly, but what could he do? Gonell saw a rioter pull hard at the shield in Gowdy’s hand, the two of them rocking back and forth. Gonell thought his officer was hit hard in the head with his own shield; Gowdy only knows that a flagpole clattered to his feet just after he felt a blow. Another officer pulled him back to safety inside the building...
A rioter smashed his hand with a baton. Gonell slipped on a pile of shields wet with toxic spray and feared that the rioters, grabbing his leg, his shield, his arm, would pull him apart before he was somehow able to right himself....
Edwards... spent more than an hour fighting off rioters or helping other officers on the lower west terrace of the Capitol. She was positioned near a friend from her shift, Brian Sicknick, when they were hit with chemical spray directly in their faces. Edwards’s hands flew to her eyes as she bowed down in pain and stumbled. Sicknick retreated to wash out his eyes, then returned to the fight. Another officer escorted Edwards, her lungs searing from toxic spray, away from the scene to get medical treatment...
Dominick Tricoche, was off duty but drove to the Capitol after a fellow officer texted the unit’s group chat saying something serious was underway at the Capitol. Fighting, plunging into the crowd to try to help another officer who had been swarmed, he wept chemically induced tears, as if his body’s physical reaction matched the grief and terror he felt in a crowd he was certain wanted to kill him. His eyes felt as if they were merely receptacles for pain; even the air seemed to be on the attack. “Traitor! Traitor!” the rioters chanted, as someone flung a bike rack at him and he fell down a flight of stone stairs. The stone, slick and slippery with blood and tear gas, was punishing: An officer on the west front, a large man with a beard, fell hard on the stairs and was out cold for three minutes. A friend threw himself over that man’s body to protect his gun, his own hand breaking amid the trampling horde....etc. etc., etc.

Republicans Who Voted Against Honoring the Police who valiantly defended democracy on January 6:​

Louie Gohmert, Michael Cloud and Lance Gooden of Texas
Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andrew Clyde of Georgia,
Matt Gaetz and Greg Steube of Florida
Andy Biggs of Arizona
Thomas Massie of Kentucky
Andy Harris of Maryland
Bob Good of Virginia and John Rose of Tennessee.
https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/01/seven_hours_in_january_was_not m_seven_days_in_may.html

was not 7 Days in May (1964 movie starring Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas) as lying left wingers have been trying to peddle.
The Trump goons continue to be exposed, apprehended, prosecuted, convicted or confess. Patriotic Americans are helping track the goons down.

April 6, 2022
Aided by citizen sleuths who keep identifying Jan. 6 rioters, the Justice Department is finding that it has more cases than lawyers to prosecute them.
Fifteen months after a mob stormed the Capitol in support of Trump's efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, more than 775 defendants have been arrested. More than 225 have pleaded guilty so far, and two have been convicted at trial: one by a jury and one by a judge. More than 50 have been sentenced to prison.

That leaves more than 500 active cases that still need to be resolved, either by plea deal or trial.
The Justice Department is asking Congress for additional funds to prosecute those cases — a list that keeps growing.
And even as the Justice Department closes in on the 800 arrest mark, there's still an incredibly long road ahead. Multiple online sleuths in a network of “Sedition Hunters” working to find Jan. 6 participants have told NBC News that they've successfully identified to the FBI hundreds of additional Jan. 6 rioters — including dozens who are pictured on the FBI's Capitol Violence website.
“There are hundreds still to go,” said one online sleuth closely involved in the investigation, speaking anonymously to avoid retaliation from supporters of the rioters...

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