January 6, 2021

The Trump goons continue to be exposed, apprehended, prosecuted, convicted or confess. Patriotic Americans are helping track the goons down.

April 6, 2022
Aided by citizen sleuths who keep identifying Jan. 6 rioters, the Justice Department is finding that it has more cases than lawyers to prosecute them.
Fifteen months after a mob stormed the Capitol in support of Trump's efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, more than 775 defendants have been arrested. More than 225 have pleaded guilty so far, and two have been convicted at trial: one by a jury and one by a judge. More than 50 have been sentenced to prison.
That leaves more than 500 active cases that still need to be resolved, either by plea deal or trial.
The Justice Department is asking Congress for additional funds to prosecute those cases — a list that keeps growing.
And even as the Justice Department closes in on the 800 arrest mark, there's still an incredibly long road ahead. Multiple online sleuths in a network of “Sedition Hunters” working to find Jan. 6 participants have told NBC News that they've successfully identified to the FBI hundreds of additional Jan. 6 rioters — including dozens who are pictured on the FBI's Capitol Violence website.
“There are hundreds still to go,” said one online sleuth closely involved in the investigation, speaking anonymously to avoid retaliation from supporters of the rioters...
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If shouldn't chortle over hundreds of Trump goons selfie-incrimination. Dumb as well as criminal is no way to go through life.
Not many things to laugh about regarding that day, but that's definitely one of them.

They must have been thinking they'd be honored forever as the heroes who saved the country from the Evil Hitler Commies™.

Political prisoners of fascists, you mean.
The Trump goons are still being convicted and confessing.

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Not many things to laugh about regarding that day, but that's definitely one of them.

They must have been thinking they'd be honored forever as the heroes who saved the country from the Evil Hitler Commies™.

I hadn't considered "thinking" as one of the Trump goons' activities that day.
As the Congressional Select Committee winds its way to its pre-ordained conclusion that what happened at the Capitol last year was an attempt by former President Trump, every elected Republican, anyone who has ever worn a red hat (MAGA-emblazoned or not), and everyone who has ever stayed at a hotel to overthrow the government, it should be noted -- quite clearly and succinctly -- that seven hours in January was not Seven Days in May...
Fortunately, the American system of jurisprudence demands credible evidence, and self-incrimination was abundant when Trump goons attempted to violently prevent Congress from acknowledging a democratic election that was certified by all fifty states, ending the nation's proud tradition since its inception of peaceful transfers of power.

The Trump goons are still being brought to justice.

Not all Trump goons have been apprehended and convicted.

At least one fled to a welcoming authoritarian regime to his liking:

Fortunately, the American system of jurisprudence demands credible evidence, and self-incrimination was abundant when Trump goons attempted to violently prevent Congress from acknowledging a democratic election that was certified by all fifty states, ending the nation's proud tradition since its inception of peaceful transfers of power.

The Trump goons are still being brought to justice.

Not all Trump goons have been apprehended and convicted.

At least one fled to a welcoming authoritarian regime to his liking:

Add all the shit you want. What you have is a bunch of jokers saying our system of government was in danger of losing to unarmed mob.
Add all the shit you want. What you have is a bunch of jokers saying our system of government was in danger of losing to unarmed mob.
Why would any decent American make excuses for an armed mob of goons violently assaulting outnumbered police valiantly protecting public servants attempting to perform their constitutional duties?

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LefTard Logic:

Trump Goons-


Social Justice Warriors-


Every time you loons talk on this matter you lose credibility. NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention can take you filthy fucks seriously.

Desperate attempt at diversion noted, but the topic is the trump goons' violent assault on the Capitol and related subversive schemes to sabotage America's democratic process.

If you can't handle the truth, contriving such diversions only confirms your impotence in defending the goons.


"Oh, yeah!
Well, Matty Gaetz says them
pissy Trumies wuz really atifa!"
Desperate attempt at diversion noted, but the topic is the trump goons' violent assault on the Capitol and related subversive schemes to sabotage America's democratic process.

If you can't handle the truth, contriving such diversions only confirms your impotence in defending the goons.

View attachment 654907
"Oh, yeah!
Well, Matty Gaetz says them
pissy Trumies wuz really atifa!"
Ignorant, dramatic pussies might buy your retarded bullshit but everyone sane and paying attention knows Jan 6 was nothing more than a “mostly peaceful protest”, a demonstration put on by legit core Americans…they also know that a negro cop murdered an innocent unarmed white woman for trespassing.
Ignorant, dramatic pussies might buy your retarded bullshit but everyone sane and paying attention knows Jan 6 was nothing more than a “mostly peaceful protest”, a demonstration put on by legit core Americans…

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The truth is that over 100 outnumbered police defending democracy against Trump goons were injured, and hundreds of Trump goons have been identified, apprehended, and prosecuted. They are still being convicted and confessing as a consequence of the undeniable evidence. Other efforts to overthrow the democratic election are also being exposed.

At least 861 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far.

This searchable table shows them all.​

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Why would any decent American make excuses for an armed mob of goons violently assaulting outnumbered police valiantly protecting public servants attempting to perform their constitutional duties?

They were not armed. Stop lying. Our government was never in any danger, either were the politicians. A false flag to distract from fraud.

The duties of the police are not defined in the Constitution. Please show us where they are.

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