January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.

Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.

Only to those who want to see this country and its Constitution dismantled...all in reverence to a dictator.
I promise you, in 10 years, people will look back on that day in horror (as most already do).
Only the zealots will celebrate that day.
I agree, remember the man that influenced her to attack the capital and try to force her way into where the Congress was meeting to fullfil their constitutional duty.

Remember how she broke through the final law enforcement barricade to get though to the House chamber, carrying a backpack. You know, like the one the Boston Bombers used at the marathon. Remember she presented a clear and present danger to law enforcement, members of Congress, civilians and staff.

Never forget that he actions were her own, but she was influenced by someone that should never get close to the Oval Office again.

Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.

Jan 6th...Loser Insurrectionist Day!
Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.

Your Horst Wessel. We remember him too....and what veneration of him led to.
I agree, remember the man that influenced her to attack the capital and try to force her way into where the Congress was meeting to fullfil their constitutional duty.

Remember how she broke through the final law enforcement barricade to get though to the House chamber, carrying a backpack. You know, like the one the Boston Bombers used at the marathon. Remember she presented a clear and present danger to law enforcement, members of Congress, civilians and staff.

Never forget that he actions were her own, but she was influenced by someone that should never get close to the Oval Office again.


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Ashli bet her life on the mutually agreed restrictions on the use of guns. She knew that the police officer wouldn't shoot her!

He didn't have to shoot her but he knew that his country had already granted him the right. I suspect that he would have considered it a pleasure. The perfect situation had been created by a white woman involved in criminal activity.

Let this one go. There will be plenty of fresh incidents coming, on account of the bad feelings generated over this one.
It will be interesting when they try to prove the shooting was justified in a civil court.

Which given:
  • The violence that day,
  • Reports over the radio of the violence,
  • The fact that she broke through the last law enforcement barricade prior to gaining access to the house chamber,
  • The fact she was carrying a backpack that could easily have contained an explosive device (check pictures on the Boston Backpack Bombings)
  • Given the extensive video documenting her actions
  • Given that Lt. Byrd's actions were reviewed by BOTH the Capital Police and the Department of Justice and the action justified based on her presenting a clear and present danger of death or bodily injury to members of Congress, Law Enforcement, civilians, and Congressional Staff.

They won't have to try very hard.

Which given:
  • The violence that day,
  • Reports over the radio of the violence,
  • The fact that she broke through the last law enforcement barricade prior to gaining access to the house chamber,
  • The fact she was carrying a backpack that could easily have contained an explosive device (check pictures on the Boston Backpack Bombings)
  • Given the extensive video documenting her actions
  • Given that Lt. Byrd's actions were reviewed by BOTH the Capital Police and the Department of Justice and the action justified based on her presenting a clear and present danger of death or bodily injury to members of Congress, Law Enforcement, civilians, and Congressional Staff.

They won't have to try very hard.


Was it a fucking nuke and F15 in the backpack, you disingenuous cult member?

How was she going to take over the Pentagon, Centcom, Socom, all the military bases, and all the government office.

Explain specifically how those people were taking command and control of the government.

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