January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

Was it a fucking nuke and F15 in the backpack, you disingenuous cult member?

How was she going to take over the Pentagon, Centcom, Socom, all the military bases, and all the government office.

Explain specifically how those people were taking command and control of the government.

I don't know maybe we should play along with the "shot to kill backpack threat". Almost all the illegals crossing the border have backpacks...


Which given:
  • The violence that day,
  • Reports over the radio of the violence,
  • The fact that she broke through the last law enforcement barricade prior to gaining access to the house chamber,
  • The fact she was carrying a backpack that could easily have contained an explosive device (check pictures on the Boston Backpack Bombings)
  • Given the extensive video documenting her actions
  • Given that Lt. Byrd's actions were reviewed by BOTH the Capital Police and the Department of Justice and the action justified based on her presenting a clear and present danger of death or bodily injury to members of Congress, Law Enforcement, civilians, and Congressional Staff.

They won't have to try very hard.

They never even interviewed Byrd. Fact. They put him up in luxury at a military base in quarters reserved for generals.

According to officials in the Washington, D.C. police department, Byrd was never interviewed by investigators. Byrd never gave a statement about what he had done. It all comes from a shocking new piece in RealClear Investigations that reveals Byrd did not even invoke his Fifth Amendment right to silence. The FBI And D.C. Police just didn't talk to him. Apparently, they didn't want to. They didn't want the details.

That should go over big in court.
How many of you even knew shit like this was going on?

Using American Citizens to Rat-Out Patriotic American Citizens? Who are guilty only of being Patriots??

People, you need to understand what incredible scum dimocraps are. The soon, the better.

These are not ''misguided' people, they are not 'misled' people, nor are they 'led astray' people.

They are scum. Each and Every One of Them.

Using patriotic Americans to locate Traitors and Insurrectionists. Get over it.
What does…STOP or I’ll shoot tell you?
The agreement had been made to have no kiling with guns. Ashli was very aware of that!

The present situation is: Neither side can talk about the agreement. Do you understand the reason why? It's very simple really, once you people allow yourselves to think and anaylse the situation.

Ashli was betting her life on the agreement holding.

The cop fully understood that no deatils on the agreement could be brought up to haunt him. He's a cop and America had granted him the right to kill whenever he damn well pleased! There was no risk involved.
Go fuck yourself traitor. Can't wait for trump and his hand picked DOJ to come after you traitors.
Just because you and your side commit crimes, doesn't mean that me and my fellow poster ever committed any crimes.
The DOJ has no reason to come after us.

It's you clowns and your threats of Civil War......yeah you do that......is what will bring you down.
Go find it yourself.

I know where to find it, you know where to find it. But if you have actually lived under a rock for the last 3 years, have one of your buddies find you a link. I'm not here for your sealioning.


They expect us to do research for them. To much time in basement eating graham crackers and drinking hot chocolate.
  • Circle two - lust.
  • Circle three - gluttony.
  • Circle four - greed.
  • Circle five - wrath.
  • Circle six - heresy.
  • Circle seven - violence.
  • Circle eight - fraud.
  • Circle nine - treachery.
And you believe that God created nine special "circles" of eternal torture for the souls of those he created?

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