January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

Nope. too late. And thanks to the Democrat party cheating machine, guaranteed loser. Trump beat you cockroaches before.
Not in 2020.
Or in 2022 when Trump backed candidates got trounced.
Trump is pretty much the political kiss of death.
Just a big LOSER leading a party of losers.
Not in 2020.
Or in 2022 when Trump backed candidates got trounced.
Trump is pretty much the political kiss of death.
Just a big LOSER leading a party of losers.
So you think America would be best off witjh 100 fucking percent Demoturd rule?
That's an emotional response with no substance.

How am I a coward, exactly? Try and make your argument with something real.
You are a coward because you are running apologetics for the murder of the young lady Babbitt. In the name of politics you justify a useless killing. That is cowardice. Is that enough substance for you?
Ah, there it is.....the MAGA we are all so disappointed by.
The WWG1WGA-cohort.

Can Trump's Squeaky Frommes be MAGA-Q's without the f-bomb?
Without using women's vaginas as a curse word?
ls it a misogyny-thingy with those type of people?

I dunno.
Just askin'.
Dunno can you answer a question without dipping into an unintelligent rambling of poor prose? You definitely try to hide your ignorance with flowery language, it probably only works with your demo fascist crowd. You know the one that you slobber all over daily. Do you think your nonsensical blather helps anyone? Just asking
One of the worst arguments ever.

"You don't your own country as it is, don't try and improve it, just leave"
Does that make you feel better about yourself? Thinking that you are making the country better by being an idiot? Really if you hate it here why do you live here? That seems rather stupid to me.
You are a coward because you are running apologetics for the murder of the young lady Babbitt. In the name of politics you justify a useless killing. That is cowardice. Is that enough substance for you?

I'm sure I've never even commented on Babbitt before now... so.... what are you talking about?
Does that make you feel better about yourself? Thinking that you are making the country better by being an idiot? Really if you hate it here why do you live here? That seems rather stupid to me.

Do you know what my position is on politics in the US? I doubt you do.

I bet you just thing there are Republicans and there are Democrats and that's it.
You shouldn't get too excited about one dead insurrectionist.
There are (hopefully) going to be plenty more of you in February when The Supreme Court of The United States upholds Colorado's right to drop Trump, the architect of the insurrection, from the ballot.
As soon as that happens other states will follow suit effectively denying Trump any realistic path to the presidency.
It will finally be over.
Trump's threat will be neutralized.

At that point I imagine Trump's butt-hurt MAGAt cultists will hit the streets with their piddly little home arsenals and begin this "civil war" (aka domestic terrorism) that they've been bleating non stop about ever since Trump lost in 2020.
The government will be ready for them though.
DHS and FBI have been monitoring this far right extremism for some time; ever since far right white supremacist terrorism was listed as the #1 domestic threat facing The U.S. years ago.
When it happens law enforcement and National Guard troops will be shioting back.
The streets will run with the blood of the quickly put down insurgents.
When it's over we can just bulldoze the bodies into mass graves, fill the dirt back in, forget about them, and move forward toward making America great again without all that MAGAt vermin polluting the gene pool.
At that point nobody is even going to remember who Ashli Babbit even was.
I think after Trump wins in November the bloodbath will come as the burners and looters hit the streets. Open Season. Hope you had a good Patriots Day!fa
Won't work. I'm fabulous
Fabulously ignorant

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