January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

Again you prove your stupidity. They did not go to hang Mike Pence and Trump said nothing about that. Do you just spout out misinformation and disinformation to prove your stupidity constantly? I'm about done here I've proved my point. That was sure easy Shitlib
Here is the picture of the toy Gallows they built to scare people like you LOL.
View attachment 903603

ChoadBreath, why were some chanting, "hang Mike Pence?"
Gotta be under 10 to pretend that’s an actual “threat”. We know, one of the 85 word changes offered by lib loons

Too scared to answer, huh, con?

Here's another one you won't answer... why were these people threatening to drag members of Congress out of the Capitol and cut their heads off because of Mike Pence?

Too scared to answer, huh, con?

Here's another one you won't answer... why were these people threatening to drag members of Congress out of the Capitol and cut their heads off because of Mike Pence?

Ok not 10 years old then but rather 8.5.
"They were protesting...."

Well, there is a yin to the yang....and each of us may look at life from different perspectives.
All of that means........it is a gob of bullmerde' to proclaim it was just "a protest".

It was violent attack on my elected Representatives, and yours too.....and upon the Constitutionally mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power. Not to mention the vandalism, the expressed threats to kill our government officials, and the ickyness of poopin' & pee'in in the sacrosanct 'People's House'. They were jackasses, plain and simple. If they've been arrested, tried and convicted.....then they are jackass criminals. Hopefully that criminal record will be a ball&chain on their prospects going forward.

Fringie MAGAloons wish to push the narrative that 'the police invited all of 'em in'.....'the police gave 'em all tours'......'no police were hurt'.....yadda, yadda, yadda.

They are engaging in fringie-speak as Gaslighting Jackassery.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on it all.


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