January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

Deny what? That you piles of dogshit stole the election?


That shit never gets old!
Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.

I would shoot everyone of you fuckers in the head for your insurrection against the United States of America.

And a postscript for that J6Jackass we see in the pic above with the ball bat.
He's still in jail. Without a trial yet. He keeps delaying it. He has shown no remorse. So he sits.
Good for America on that.



"Charged with a marathon of violence against police at the U.S. Capitol three years ago, the 28-year-old New Yorker placed the call on a computer tablet in his jail cell....

Lang, known in court papers as Edward Jacob Lang, speaks in long streams, proclaiming his innocence in spite of a mountain of video recordings that allegedly show every punch and kick he delivered, every swing of his baseball bat.

“I don’t regret anything about that day, or going to the Capitol," Lang told the USA Today Network in an hour-long call last month. "

Lang is accused of battling police for more than two hours near a Capitol entrance where some of the most intense and extended violence took place that day. According to a detailed account by prosecutors in court papers, he repeatedly punched and kicked officers who were trying to keep the mob out of the Capitol, before finally beating some with a baseball bat. He allegedly stopped only after he was shot in the foot with a rubber bullet.

Carl Nichols, the federal judge hearing Lang's case in Washington, explained at length why he refused to release Lang on bail at a court appearance in September 2021, nine months after Lang's arrest.

Nichols cited the two-hour duration of Lang's alleged combat with police; his lack of remorse as he bragged about his activities on social media; and the strength of the evidence against him in video recordings and his social media posts.

But the judge also gave another reason to keep Lang in jail: alarming comments that he allegedly made on social media after the riot about "getting a f---ing arsenal together" for Biden's inauguration and waging war against the government.

"I think these messages — which, again, happened after January 6th — they were not in the heat of the moment, and they reflect at least a risk that in the future Mr. Lang would, as the government put it, be at risk of committing or advocating violence in favor of his political beliefs," Nichols said, according to a transcript of the hearing.

Lang ... claimed he was defending the nation against tyranny, and dismissed the authority of the police officers guarding the Capitol, about 140 of whom reportedly were injured in the mayhem on Jan. 6.

“I wouldn’t even consider them police," he said. "I would consider them oath breakers that were defending a communist coup d’etat happening inside the Capitol building: the installment of Joe Biden in a stolen election as a puppet regime leader, a communist bought and paid for by China.”


So that is the character of the jackass that earnest poster Blisterfinger proclaims was ONLY protesting.
Color me skeptical.

Looked like a murder to me. No warning given, justifiable Force threshold not met, just a stick your head through the window and I'm going to shoot you action. If officer bird wasn't such a coward he would have went and stood in front of Ashley Babbitt and pointed the gun at her there. Not shoot her from a secret place on the side. It was almost as if he was sent down there to do that. Common sense points to a murder. I watched it.

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Benedict Babbitt was warned, ChoadBreath...

"A number of police and secret service were saying, 'get back', 'get down', 'get out of the way,' she didn't heed the call and as we kind of raced up to grab people and pull 'em back, they shot her in the neck." ~ Thomas Baranyi, 1.6.21
I would shoot everyone of you fuckers in the head for your insurrection against the United States of America.
There was no insurrection by peaceful Trump supporters. It was unbridled patriotism. The only insurrection committed was by Biden and his puppeteers who overthrew Trump's win in November and finalizing it on January 6.
No other cop there had a clear shot at Ashes when she tried to breach that barricade.
There were 6 of them within 30 feet and no one other than the murderer was seeking a “clear shot” That proves premeditation
There was no insurrection by peaceful Trump supporters. It was unbridled patriotism. The only insurrection committed was by Biden and his puppeteers who overthrew Trump's win in November and finalizing it on January 6.
If there was no insurrection, why did 5 people die? If there was no insurrection, why were Capitol Police beaten with flagpoles. If there was no insurrection, why was feces smeared on the walls of Congress. If there was no insurrection, why were they chanting, "Hang Mike Pence!"

You are full of shit!
There was no insurrection by peaceful Trump supporters. It was unbridled patriotism. The only insurrection committed was by Biden and his puppeteers who overthrew Trump's win in November and finalizing it on January 6.


You're deranged to think this was peaceful...

If there was no insurrection, why did 5 people die? If there was no insurrection, why were Capitol Police beaten with flagpoles. If there was no insurrection, why was feces smeared on the walls of Congress. If there was no insurrection, why were they chanting, "Hang Mike Pence!"

You are full of shit!
You don't have to have an insurrection for people to die. The cops were unhinged and beat peaceful Trump supporters. One negress cop beat innocent Rosanne Boyland to death with her club. The cops were the aggressors and started the violence.
Benedict Babbitt was warned, ChoadBreath...

"A number of police and secret service were saying, 'get back', 'get down', 'get out of the way,' she didn't heed the call and as we kind of raced up to grab people and pull 'em back, they shot her in the neck." ~ Thomas Baranyi, 1.6.21

They watched him murder her. Your video doesn't work c u c k. No warning, try again, a little harder next time k
There were 6 of them within 30 feet and no one other than the murderer was seeking a “clear shot” That proves premeditation

There was only one cop there with a clear shot when she tried climbing through that window frame. Any others would have risked hitting someone else.

You think other cops with drawn firearms wouldn't have used them had anyone else there attempted to breach a barricade into that area?
You don't have to have an insurrection for people to die. The cops were unhinged and beat peaceful Trump supporters. One negress cop beat innocent Rosanne Boyland to death with her club. The cops were the aggressors and started the violence.
Dude, we all saw the videos of that day and you are full of shit!
They watched him murder her. Your video doesn't work c u c k. No warning, try again, a little harder next time k

It works for me, ChoadBreath. A pity you're too stupid to navigate a link. Doesn't alter the fact she was warned to get back.
There was only one cop there with a clear shot when she tried climbing through that window frame. Any others would have risked hitting someone else.

You think other cops with drawn firearms wouldn't have used them had anyone else there attempted to breach a barricade into that area?
It appeared to be murder. I watched it.

Well, there is a yin to the yang....and each of us may look at life from different perspectives.
All of that means........it is a gob of bullmerde' to proclaim it was just "a protest".

It was violent attack on my elected Representatives, and yours too.....and upon the Constitutionally mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power. Not to mention the vandalism, the expressed threats to kill our government officials, and the ickyness of poopin' & pee'in in the sacrosanct 'People's House'. They were jackasses, plain and simple. If they've been arrested, tried and convicted.....then they are jackass criminals. Hopefully that criminal record will be a ball&chain on their prospects going forward.

Fringie MAGAloons wish to push the narrative that 'the police invited all of 'em in'.....'the police gave 'em all tours'......'no police were hurt'.....yadda, yadda, yadda.

They are engaging in fringie-speak as Gaslighting Jackassery.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on it all.

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"It was unbridled patriotism."

To which Samuel Johnson as far back as 1775 noted: " ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.’

And an illustration of MAGA Man's idea of 'unbridled patriotism usefully employed to assault a uniformed police officer with toxic chemicals.

In MAGAMan's patriotic worldview Blue Lives Matter....not very much.

Well, there is a yin to the yang....and each of us may look at life from different perspectives.
All of that means........it is a gob of bullmerde' to proclaim it was just "a protest".

It was violent attack on my elected Representatives, and yours too.....and upon the Constitutionally mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power. Not to mention the vandalism, the expressed threats to kill our government officials, and the ickyness of poopin' & pee'in in the sacrosanct 'People's House'. They were jackasses, plain and simple. If they've been arrested, tried and convicted.....then they are jackass criminals. Hopefully that criminal record will be a ball&chain on their prospects going forward.

Fringie MAGAloons wish to push the narrative that 'the police invited all of 'em in'.....'the police gave 'em all tours'......'no police were hurt'.....yadda, yadda, yadda.

They are engaging in fringie-speak as Gaslighting Jackassery.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on it all.

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Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on it all.
Pretty ignorant too.

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