January 6th attacker who attacked police and later enlisted in Air Force is arrested

It was a FAILED insurrection.
A four hours demonstration against a stolen election was not an insurrection. Not by a long shot.

If it had been a real insurrection from the Right we would have a new government and a restored Consitution now.

The insurrection was the six months of looting, destruction, murdering and burning by the Negroes and Communists in over 200 American cities.
A four hours demonstration against a stolen election was not an insurrection. Not by a long shot.

If it had been a real insurrection from the Right we would have a new government and a restored Consitution now.

The insurrection was the six months of looting, destruction, murdering and burning by the Negroes and Communists in over 200 American cities.
You get kicked off the dining room table already for a racist rant on Thanksgiving?
Remarkable that rightwing terrorists who commit acts of domestic terrorism believe that after committing their acts of terror can somehow return to normal life as if nothing happened.
Hopefully their actions will follow with them the rest of their lives and they are permanently removed from civilized society.
It was a FAILED insurrection.
More like failed persecution, as not one single person was charged with insurrection or similar charges. Yet you idiots keep making claims that have never even remotely matched the reality in the courts. You folks might want to seek medical attention, as your fantasies are starting to effect your basic cognition and ability to communicate truthfully with others.
Nice fantasy. Noting you have no proof of your tale.
Because the LIAR IN CHIEF is playing the delay game with House select committee. That is how he survived all these years without criminal charges. He stonewalls, delays, and threatens. If he had nothing to he would not be running from the truth. trump is a Slug.
Let's see....January 6...there was a protest. You should expect Americans to protest when an election is stolen.

Are you really this stupid? If you believe those who watched live TV and are not Trumpanzees reads your post and is convinced the election was stolen?
Because the LIAR IN CHIEF is playing the delay game with House select committee. That is how he survived all these years without criminal charges. He stonewalls, delays, and threatens. If he had nothing to he would not be running from the truth. trump is a Slug.
Hahahahaha! The FBI investigated for 8+ months and found no plot and no connection to Trump.

Next lie.
A four hours demonstration against a stolen election was not an insurrection. Not by a long shot.

If it had been a real insurrection from the Right we would have a new government and a restored Consitution now.

The insurrection was the six months of looting, destruction, murdering and burning by the Negroes and Communists in over 200 American cities.
18 u.s. code § 2383 - rebellion or insurrection
"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

"The right to protest is one of the oldest and most-respected rights in the American democratic system. The right of citizens to peacefully protest is protected by the First Amendment. But there are limits to even the most important rights.

"Protests that turn violent are called "riots." First Amendment rights aside, there are laws against rioting and inciting others to riot. The following article looks at federal (and state) prohibitions against rioting and inciting to riot.

Rioting, Inciting to Riot, and Related Offenses​

"The right to protest is one of the oldest and most-respected rights in the American democratic system. The right of citizens to peacefully protest is protected by the First Amendment. But there are limits to even the most important rights.

"Protests that turn violent are called "riots." First Amendment rights aside, there are laws against rioting and inciting others to riot. The following article looks at federal (and state) prohibitions against rioting and inciting to riot.'"

The example written by Flash is ludicrous, of course this post isn't an original excuse for an effort of a peaceful protest which becomes a riot is NOT AN EFFort to violate the Constitution, the US Code and effort to overturn an election.​

Flash echoes propaganda and BIG LIES all of the time.​

Hahahahaha! The FBI investigated for 8+ months and found no plot and no connection to Trump.

Next lie.
Do you really think the FBI was able to access all the material that the House committee is going after? Of course not...trump is hiding anything that implicates him. Face it...trump planned a coup attempt. It failed, so he turned 180 degrees and threw the members of his mob under the bus. It's the trump MO.
Unless you've been burning and kooting in the summer of 2020.
You too are a damn liar. There was reason to protest the murders of black men by police officers; looting and burning have occurred in past decades based on similar events However, the riots in 2020 came with video to incite these protests, protests of diverse members of American Citizens who believe in equal justice and are the majority who do not loot, vandalize or attack the police.

Only damn liars are using hateful pejoratives such as communists; they are supporters of Trump, who are too dumb to comprehend that communism is a theory not a practice of any nation. All nations which use the theory are despots who loot the nations treasury and never have a Bill of Rights, a Separation of Powers and (until 2021) a peaceful transfer the power.
You too are a damn liar. There was reason to protest the murders of black men by police officers; looting and burning have occurred in past decades based on similar events However, the riots in 2020 came with video to incite these protests, protests of diverse members of American Citizens who believe in equal justice and are the majority who do not loot, vandalize or attack the police.

Only damn liars are using hateful pejoratives such as communists; they are supporters of Trump, who are too dumb to comprehend that communism is a theory not a practice of any nation. All nations which use the theory are despots who loot the nations treasury and never have a Bill of Rights, a Separation of Powers and (until 2021) a peaceful transfer the power.
Too much jibberish to wade thru but it sounds like you're defending the leftist insurrection of the summer of 2020.

I'm not defending this kid.. Why do you defend the $2 billion I'm damages of the left
Do you really think the FBI was able to access all the material that the House committee is going after? Of course not...trump is hiding anything that implicates him. Face it...trump planned a coup attempt. It failed, so he turned 180 degrees and threw the members of his mob under the bus. It's the trump MO.
Yawn. Sure. Cheney and Schitt can access more things and have more investigative power than the FBI. Keep telling yourself that. Face it. America is laughing at you and this “committee”.
Too much jibberish to wade thru but it sounds like you're defending the leftist insurrection of the summer of 2020.

I'm not defending this kid.. Why do you defend the $2 billion I'm damages of the left
S#1: My "gibberish" is too abstract for you to comprehend.

P#2: "I'm not defending this kid"; who is this kid?

"Why do you defend the $2 billion I'm damages of the left"

I'm retired law enforcement and I don't defend the damages during riots. Looting is a crime, arson is a crime and there is no evidence to believe the left committed these crimes.

Do you have evidence to prove those who loot and vandalize are politically motivated? Is it not possible that Trump's supporters hired agent provocateurs to motivate criminals, or use agent provocateurs to start the violence knowingly that people like you would be fooled.
Too much jibberish to wade thru but it sounds like you're defending the leftist insurrection of the summer of 2020.

I'm not defending this kid.. Why do you defend the $2 billion I'm damages of the left
The difference is the protests where idiots began destroying property is far different than an attempt to stop a Constitutional process, which resulted in an attack on the United States Capitol. That attack on the Capitol included the threats to kill elected officials and the public beating of police. That took place for hours while the Liar in Chief sat and watched it on TV....ecstatically enjoying the carnage.

Now he is running from the truth and trying desperately to conceal the facts. He and his criminal family should be prosecuted for their participation in the insurrection. Once the facts and truth come out, they will be.
Too much jibberish to wade thru but it sounds like you're defending the leftist insurrection of the summer of 2020.

I'm not defending this kid.. Why do you defend the $2 billion I'm damages of the left
We know. There is only so much you can comprehend.
Yawn. Sure. Cheney and Schitt can access more things and have more investigative power than the FBI. Keep telling yourself that. Face it. America is laughing at you and this “committee”.
You clowns are the biggest traitors in America. Everyone is laughing at you.

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