January 6th Committee Urges Trump Prosecution With Four Criminal Referrals.

Its your link. You make the point in your own words.

What's that? You can't? Weird!
What SPECIFICALLY was "falsely claimed?"
Credible links please.

Just spouting random idiocy doesn't make your argument factual.
Trump ordered people to go into the capitol. Only one I know who did that, on video, is Ray Epps.
You oppose making making America great again? I see Biden does, also.

Any Nation or Nation's who engage in active voter suppression is not great.

Any Nation or Nation's who burn books is not great

Any Nation that attacks a person or peron's based on their sexual identity is NOT great.

Any Nation that forces a Woman to carry to birth she cannot afford or want is NOT great

Any Nation that uses religion as a weapon is NOT great.

Any person or person's who engage in Violent Insurrection to overthrow a Democatically Elected President are guilty of Treason and Sedition.

Any person who stands a podium stands and defends Russia over 15-Intelligence is NOT fit for public office.

Any person who attacks Gold Star Families is NOT fit for public office.

Any person who American Military Personnel who were Killed In Action serving their Country in time of War is NOT fit for public office

Fuck you version of MY country being Great. I fought for and I bled for and I damn near died for my country, the Traitor was and is 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward.

I love my country. I believe in American Demoracy, you believe in subverting American Democracy to install a dictator.

This Country was Great long before that lying Orange Fuck Faced Traitor came along.

You believe his lies, I do not.

Who the fuck are you to decide what I believe. Fuck you and FUCK YOUR MOTHER FUCKING TRAITOR!!!
One of about ten other possibilities. Ultimately, congress would have to decide.

She mentions this aspect:

Under the provisions of the 14th Amendment, Congress is authorized to pass laws to enforce its provisions. And in February 2021, one Democratic Congressman proposed House Bill 1405, providing for a “cause of action to remove and bar from holding office certain individuals who engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States.”

HB 1405 hasn't been passed. So, an enforcement provison of the 14th hasn't been passed yet.

That bill has nothing to do with anything. It's never even been considered, no less voted on. Nor is it needed if Trump is convicted on the insurrection charge.
Trump ordered people to go into the capitol. Only one I know who did that, on video, is Ray Epps.
And yet to a man they said he told them to do it. That he wanted the to do it.

It's almost as if you got fooled by trump's doublespeak, but they didn't. Or you're pretending. That would make you less stupid for sure.
And yet to a man they said he told them to do it. That he wanted the to do it.

It's almost as if you got fooled by trump's doublespeak, but they didn't. Or you're pretending. That would make you less stupid for sure.

As I recall the Traitor told his Insurrectinists followers to "March Up Pennsylvania Avenue" and "Fight Like Hell". In published reports he told his MAGA MAGGOT followers to "Show Up, It will be wild".

Video shows that thousands of Insurrectlionists Traitors marched on the U.S. Capitol Video shows these fuck head fool walking the halls of the Capitol Building. People were hunting for Nancy Pelosi to hang her.

As usual D.D. is being his lying self. He knows the truth, but he refuses to accept it.
As I recall the Traitor told his Insurrectinists followers to "March Up Pennsylvania Avenue" and "Fight Like Hell". In published reports he told his MAGA MAGGOT followers to "Show Up, It will be wild".

Video shows that thousands of Insurrectlionists Traitors marched on the U.S. Capitol Video shows these fuck head fool walking the halls of the Capitol Building. People were hunting for Nancy Pelosi to hang her.

As usual D.D. is being his lying self. He knows the truth, but he refuses to accept it.
"You have to show strength. You will never take your country back with weakness. "

Strength = violence

Take your country back = overthrow the elected government
I have been following Klan Queen Kari's case closely.

Just like Trump's freakish attorneys Lake's team basically wasted the court's time for two days with rabid speculation, unhinged conspiracy theories, anecdotal "testimony" from lunatics with zero credibility, and absolutely NO actual, meaningful proof/evidence of election fraud at all.

No doubt the judge will come back with a ruling against Club Lake.

So then, of course, Lake will appeal to the AZ Supreme Court.
Where she will lose again.

Then she will vow to appeal again to the SCOTUS.
And they will simply refuse to hear the stupid case.

The end.
Your hopes and dreams, but not necessarily the results if the evidence is vetted and given a fair shake. We'll see how well the leftist biased influence on the judicial continues to hold.
As I recall the Traitor told his Insurrectinists followers to "March Up Pennsylvania Avenue" and "Fight Like Hell". In published reports he told his MAGA MAGGOT followers to "Show Up, It will be wild".

Video shows that thousands of Insurrectlionists Traitors marched on the U.S. Capitol Video shows these fuck head fool walking the halls of the Capitol Building. People were hunting for Nancy Pelosi to hang her.

As usual D.D. is being his lying self. He knows the truth, but he refuses to accept it.
Keep clinging clinger....
"You have to show strength. You will never take your country back with weakness. "

Strength = violence

Take your country back = overthrow the elected government

The Traitor Wanted 10,000 Troops "To Protect Him" On March To Capitol.

Former President Donald Trump did raise the possibility of calling out 10,000 National Guard troops on Jan. 6, 2021, but it wasn’t to quell violence by his supporters; it was to protect him on a planned march to the U.S. Capitol that day, the House select committee revealed in its Capitol riot report released Thursday.

Trump has frequently insisted he called for 10,000 troops (sometimes it’s inflated as 20,000) to keep the peace on Jan. 6, 2021, as part of his defense against accusations that he incited the attack on the Capitol as Congress met to certify the 2020 Electoral College count on the presidential election.

Christopher Miller, then the acting secretary of defense, testified under oath to the Jan. 6 committee that there was no such order for troops from Trump, according to the report.

Thank God that former SecDef Esper and General Mike Milley would have prevented this. The United States is NOT a Banana Republic. Our Troops take to the Constitution of the United States of America NOT a single man.
Trump ordered people to go into the capitol. Only one I know who did that, on video, is Ray Epps.
You have video of Epps "ordering" people into The Capitol?
Because you forgot to include it.

And Trump certainly issued the order.
Sure....you can hem and haw about "how" that order was issued.
Parse the wording and semantics all you want.
His order was crystal clear to his followers who stormed The Capitol.
Just ask them.
Oh yeah, that's already been done.
By the January 6th Committe.
We've already heard their sworn statements confirming that they believed they were acting on Trump's orders.
The Traitor Wanted 10,000 Troops "To Protect Him" On March To Capitol.

Former President Donald Trump did raise the possibility of calling out 10,000 National Guard troops on Jan. 6, 2021, but it wasn’t to quell violence by his supporters; it was to protect him on a planned march to the U.S. Capitol that day, the House select committee revealed in its Capitol riot report released Thursday.

Trump has frequently insisted he called for 10,000 troops (sometimes it’s inflated as 20,000) to keep the peace on Jan. 6, 2021, as part of his defense against accusations that he incited the attack on the Capitol as Congress met to certify the 2020 Electoral College count on the presidential election.

Christopher Miller, then the acting secretary of defense, testified under oath to the Jan. 6 committee that there was no such order for troops from Trump, according to the report.

Thank God that former SecDef Esper and General Mike Milley would have prevented this. The United States is NOT a Banana Republic. Our Troops take to the Constitution of the United States of America NOT a single man.
You just better hope that the planned coup that was alledgedly started on Obama's watch, and then continued in evidence of right on up to 2020 election doesn't falter, because if Trump gets another run at it your party is finished.

Justice will be truly served after day one of Trump taking office in 2024. Come January 3rd 2023, it hopefully will begin to be served. I hope it's relentless in the justice that will be sought after by Trump. Relentless..
You just better hope that the planned coup that was alledgedly started on Obama's watch, and then continued in evidence of right on up to 2020 election doesn't falter, because if Trump gets another run at it your party is finished.

Justice will be truly served after day one of Trump taking office in 2024. Come January 3rd 2023, it hopefully will begin to be served. I hope it's relentless in the justice that will be sought after by Trump. Relentless..

This is the fucking stupidest post of the year.

And that's saying something.

Keep clinging, loser

Any Nation or Nation's who engage in active voter suppression is not great.

Any Nation or Nation's who burn books is not great

Any Nation that attacks a person or peron's based on their sexual identity is NOT great.

Any Nation that forces a Woman to carry to birth she cannot afford or want is NOT great

Any Nation that uses religion as a weapon is NOT great.

Any person or person's who engage in Violent Insurrection to overthrow a Democatically Elected President are guilty of Treason and Sedition.

Any person who stands a podium stands and defends Russia over 15-Intelligence is NOT fit for public office.

Any person who attacks Gold Star Families is NOT fit for public office.

Any person who American Military Personnel who were Killed In Action serving their Country in time of War is NOT fit for public office

Fuck you version of MY country being Great. I fought for and I bled for and I damn near died for my country, the Traitor was and is 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward.

I love my country. I believe in American Demoracy, you believe in subverting American Democracy to install a dictator.

This Country was Great long before that lying Orange Fuck Faced Traitor came along.

You believe his lies, I do not.

Who the fuck are you to decide what I believe. Fuck you and FUCK YOUR MOTHER FUCKING TRAITOR!!!
You exemplify what America haters are all about.

Thank you for you public perspective regarding your countrymen, many who you claim you served with.
That bill has nothing to do with anything. It's never even been considered, no less voted on. Nor is it needed if Trump is convicted on the insurrection charge.
So your point is moot.

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