January 6th Was Just Practice

The election was not stolen. So let's start with that fact.
hey, i'm not arguing that IM, that would be just ONE component of what many consider a fascist governance


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We shall see; but I doubt "the next coup has already begun". What would be a more interesting scenario is this. Take a state like Tennessee or Georgia for example. A state with one major dominant city that is primarily blue. A close election takes place where the Democrats win, allegations of voter fraud fly fast and furious and when it comes time to swear in the next governor...you have a 1/6 style insurrection except mutt and jeff bring their guns this time. Does Biden send in federal troops/nationalize the guard if the state national guard doesn't do anything to stop it because their sympathies lay with the outgoing hick governor?

If he does....that is essentially federal troops occupying a State Capitol.

What happens then.
You might want to take notice of the legislation introduced in at least 44 states before you say the next coup has not already began. That's what makes your scenario possible. And if the federal troops are occupying a state capital because of your scenario, they are doing their job. The states only get so much power and subverting the constitution is not one of them. The federal government is the supreme authority of this land. Those who worship at the altar of states rights best start understanding this reality.

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