January inflation numbers

How is GETTING GOVERNMENT OUT OF LIVES, waiting for government to "fix it".

Have you always been stupid, or are you now just lying because you are a fascist and that's what fascists do?
This is about personal responsibility. Stop blaming the govenrment for the fact that you (not specifically you) couldn't make it in life.

I live under the same govenrment as you yet somehow I managed to thrive over the last few years.

If I did fail, then I would own it and not whine about how it's the government's fault.
So why are Repubs have in this thread waiting for the govenrment to fix their issues?
We're not waiting for the government to do anything. We're working toward government just getting out of the way!
All failed economic systems.
so one not better than any other. our's is doing just fine if demofks would get the fk out of the way and stop inflicting conflict where it doesn't belong and confusion to those being held down by them.
Nope. Horse shit
it's apparent you have zero skills in searching your own and other's posts. stay stupid, I'm not doing your work for you. You wish to discuss jobs then go to the thread with the jobs discussion, this is inflation numbers. You're just a horse who can't drink the water your guided to.
What "death throes" would that be?
Please be specific.
People like you whining about the cost of things.
Evidence showing that we are entering the place where average wages cannot keep up with prices or average standard of living.
The capitalistic model depends upon continual, eternal "growth."
The economy HAS to be "growing," which means more, more, MORE!
If it isn't then we freak and say it is "stagnant."
And people like you blame it on Democrats.

But that's not it.
Nature teaches us that growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.
It isn't natural.
This is about personal responsibility. Stop blaming the govenrment for the fact that you (not specifically you) couldn't make it in life.

I live under the same govenrment as you yet somehow I managed to thrive over the last few years.

If I did fail, then I would own it and not whine about how it's the government's fault.

Silly child. I could buy you outright 20 times over if I wanted to. Compared to me you are an abject failure. YOU rely on government power to get money.

You are a leech. No more, no less.
COVID job losses had been fully recovered by Aug 22
Kindly show us where our number of workers has returned to the level in 2019.

Silly child. I could buy you outright 20 times over if I wanted to. Compared to me you are an abject failure. YOU rely on government power to get money.

You are a leech. No more, no less.
What a dumb comment.

Go pretend to know someone else.

Good grief.

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