January inflation numbers

What a dumb comment.

Go pretend to know someone else.

Good grief.

Pretend? I never pretend. I grew up long ago. Long before you were born. I know you because you are just like every other pretender here. Let me guess, you are yet another one percenter sock.

Am I right?

You are so successful, show us how much cash you have on hand right now. Make a label that is addressed to me.

Sad that wages are in decline when inflation is added into the equation.
The government created the problem
Increasing wages...until this January report....were contributing to inflation. They are part of the mix. Many job openings chasing fewer job fillers. The supply/demand-thingy.

Importantly, the fed has been raising interest rates so to cool off inflation by making investments in plant, people, and inventory more expensive....thus slowing down the building, the hiring, the accumulating.

Inflation hurts. Everybody knows that. Including the government. But there are many many reasons for the rise in inflation that we've experienced in the last couple of years.

There was the huge cash infusion in 2020 to slow the collapse of the Covid-devastated economy; and to give a safety net to citizens and their businesses. That infusion put a flush of cash into lots of people's hands....and they spent it on a shrinking supply of goods. Shrinking because plants had to close to mitigate the spread of Covid, shipping firms had to scale back to mitigate the spread of Covid.

Hence......more cash chasing fewer goods. Get the picture?

And then there's the other stuff:

  • Putin's war......and oil prices.
  • Putin's war ..... and grain prices (grain to feed chickens, swine, beef)...and increased grain costs interpreted to higher costs to raise those animals, to lay those eggs, to ship that milk. Duh!
  • Do we need to talk about millions and gabillions of layers and broilers killed due to bird flu? Which circles us right back to more cash chasing fewer wings and omlets. Duh!

And hey, as long as we are at it: Didja hear about Hurrican Ian? And what it did to Florida's citrus crop?
To its' tomato crop?
And to the current supply and price issues with each now?
Wash & repeat with California's flooding in the Salad Bowl of America....the San Joaquin valley?

To follow poster Meister's line of 'government caused the inflation' --- In a narrow sense, OK

But government also helped create the economy that benefitted millions of Americans before the current spit of inflation. And it will be government that helps us mitigate today's inflation. It ain't gonna be the consumer voluntarily cutting back out of goodwill. They will cut back when the price becomes too dear. Duh!

Remember always: We have inflation now because.....because people have money.
And they are willing to spend it on fewer goods despite the pressure they themselves are putting on the supply/demand dynamic.

In short, patience Grasshopper. Patience. It was years abuilding.....it'll take a bit of time to squeeze it down.

People like you whining about the cost of things.
Evidence showing that we are entering the place where average wages cannot keep up with prices or average standard of living.
The capitalistic model depends upon continual, eternal "growth."
The economy HAS to be "growing," which means more, more, MORE!
If it isn't then we freak and say it is "stagnant."
And people like you blame it on Democrats.

But that's not it.
Nature teaches us that growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.
It isn't natural.
That's very convincing, Comrade.
So 2 questions:
When will Capitalism, in fact, "die".
What will replace it?
What do you mean, it's still dropping? Quid Pro told us it was zero and a bunch of idiots insisted he was right. Where have you been, or are we now in deflation?

Lets explain the concept of up and down

If Inflation was 6.8 percent last month and is 6.9 percent this month, the rate of inflation is UP

If inflation was 6.8 percent last month and is 6.7 percent this month, the rate of inflation is DOWN

If inflation was 6.8 percent last month and is 6.8 percent this month change is ZERO
It's the Fed's job to bring down inflation, not Biden.

Then again, it's the Fed's fault for causing inflation to begin with, along with the massive overspending by Obama and Trump.
Actually, it shouldn't be the feds job. If Biden and democrat policies hadn't increased inflation, the fed wouldn't have to bring inflation down. They are going about it all wrong. They should be reversing the democrat's root cause policies which led to the inflation so that we didn't have to raise interest rates to bring inflation down. Higher interest rates are hurting a lot of people, totally unnecessary.
In related dumb ass Dem news, Dems are using their food stamps to purchase cases of water...they dump out the water and turn in the bottles for the 10 cent return fee to purchase drugs.
Shutup Winco this story is in the national news today with video of them doing it. So much for your fake news, go away shamed and exposed.
So what are you complaining about?

What do Dems have to say about their stupid policies screwing over the poor and working class? Food is ridiculously expensive now.
In related dumb ass Dem news, Dems are using their food stamps to purchase cases of water...they dump out the water and turn in the bottles for the 10 cent return fee to purchase drugs.
They're buying drugs with $.10 bottle deposits?

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