Japan F-15 scrambled after China plane approaches disputed islets


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
It seems like China is not getting it that Japan is dead serious about protecting its territory.


Japan scrambled F-15 fighter aircraft after a Chinese Government plane was spotted on course for a group of disputed islets, officials said Monday.

A Y-12 turboprop from China headed south over the East China Sea early Sunday, prompting the Japanese aircraft to take off from Okinawa, the Defence Ministry said.

It turned back toward China 100 kilometres before entering Japanese airspace, the ministry said. An official declined to say how many Japanese jets were scrambled.

The Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands are also claimed by China and Taiwan, where they are called Diaoyu and Tiaoyutai, respectively.

In November, China declared an air defence identification zone covering a wide area including the Senkakus, technically requiring other countries to notify Beijing before flying into the zone.

Japan F-15 scrambled after China plane approaches disputed islets | Business Line
What if the islands belong to China and Japan is the invading force?
Perhaps it would be better to leave them to it and not interfere.
It seems like China is not getting it that Japan is dead serious about protecting its territory.


Japan scrambled F-15 fighter aircraft after a Chinese Government plane was spotted on course for a group of disputed islets, officials said Monday.

A Y-12 turboprop from China headed south over the East China Sea early Sunday, prompting the Japanese aircraft to take off from Okinawa, the Defence Ministry said.

It turned back toward China 100 kilometres before entering Japanese airspace, the ministry said. An official declined to say how many Japanese jets were scrambled.

The Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands are also claimed by China and Taiwan, where they are called Diaoyu and Tiaoyutai, respectively.

In November, China declared an air defence identification zone covering a wide area including the Senkakus, technically requiring other countries to notify Beijing before flying into the zone.

Japan F-15 scrambled after China plane approaches disputed islets | Business Line

Ya that's smart. Provoke China. China could defeat Japan's 'military' in under a day.
It seems like China is not getting it that Japan is dead serious about protecting its territory.


Japan scrambled F-15 fighter aircraft after a Chinese Government plane was spotted on course for a group of disputed islets, officials said Monday.

A Y-12 turboprop from China headed south over the East China Sea early Sunday, prompting the Japanese aircraft to take off from Okinawa, the Defence Ministry said.

It turned back toward China 100 kilometres before entering Japanese airspace, the ministry said. An official declined to say how many Japanese jets were scrambled.

The Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands are also claimed by China and Taiwan, where they are called Diaoyu and Tiaoyutai, respectively.

In November, China declared an air defence identification zone covering a wide area including the Senkakus, technically requiring other countries to notify Beijing before flying into the zone.

Japan F-15 scrambled after China plane approaches disputed islets | Business Line

Ya that's smart. Provoke China. China could defeat Japan's 'military' in under a day.

Wrong, you ignorant dope.
It seems like China is not getting it that Japan is dead serious about protecting its territory.


Japan scrambled F-15 fighter aircraft after a Chinese Government plane was spotted on course for a group of disputed islets, officials said Monday.

A Y-12 turboprop from China headed south over the East China Sea early Sunday, prompting the Japanese aircraft to take off from Okinawa, the Defence Ministry said.

It turned back toward China 100 kilometres before entering Japanese airspace, the ministry said. An official declined to say how many Japanese jets were scrambled.

The Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands are also claimed by China and Taiwan, where they are called Diaoyu and Tiaoyutai, respectively.

In November, China declared an air defence identification zone covering a wide area including the Senkakus, technically requiring other countries to notify Beijing before flying into the zone.

Japan F-15 scrambled after China plane approaches disputed islets | Business Line

Ya that's smart. Provoke China. China could defeat Japan's 'military' in under a day.

Defending your territory against aggression is not provocation. It is called resolve.
It seems like China is not getting it that Japan is dead serious about protecting its territory.


Japan scrambled F-15 fighter aircraft after a Chinese Government plane was spotted on course for a group of disputed islets, officials said Monday.

A Y-12 turboprop from China headed south over the East China Sea early Sunday, prompting the Japanese aircraft to take off from Okinawa, the Defence Ministry said.

It turned back toward China 100 kilometres before entering Japanese airspace, the ministry said. An official declined to say how many Japanese jets were scrambled.

The Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands are also claimed by China and Taiwan, where they are called Diaoyu and Tiaoyutai, respectively.

In November, China declared an air defence identification zone covering a wide area including the Senkakus, technically requiring other countries to notify Beijing before flying into the zone.

Japan F-15 scrambled after China plane approaches disputed islets | Business Line

The situation with China over Taiwan is escalating. The people of Taiwan stormed the gov offices over a recent attempt by China to plot against them. They are in great fear of an invasion by Taiwan. A few days ago the headlines read - What would America do if Taiwan was invaded? How much more serious can this be?


clip from news link - from the other day ...

So what happens if China, having noted our reluctance to stand up to Assad and complete unwillingness to challenge Moscow militarily, decides to test us by taking Taiwan?

On one level, going to war with a major world power of 1.35 billion people in order to defend an island on the other side of the planet sounds crazy — a quintessential act of imperial overreach. That's certainly my initial reaction, since I'd prefer to see the U.S. playing a more modest role in world affairs more generally. What better way to downscale our global commitments than to back away from this East Asian relic of Cold War brinksmanship?

But before we make that move, we need to be clear about the stakes — and the likely consequences. The United States has made a lot of blunders — and done a fair amount of ......read more on link

I am noticing a trend, Vikrant. The news media continues to deny there is any likelihood that China will invade Taiwan. I see no scenario in which she doesn't. Why is the mainstream media silent on this story?
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So what would happen if China invaded Taiwan? The USA will respond and then Russians / Chinese will counter with the mother of all attacks. We'll have open war in our own homeland. That is what the news is too busy to tell you while they spend 24 / 7 style coverage on a plane they have not found other than a faint "ping"...

The lengths our media goes to - to not report the real news is quite astonishing.
It seems like China is not getting it that Japan is dead serious about protecting its territory.


Japan scrambled F-15 fighter aircraft after a Chinese Government plane was spotted on course for a group of disputed islets, officials said Monday.

A Y-12 turboprop from China headed south over the East China Sea early Sunday, prompting the Japanese aircraft to take off from Okinawa, the Defence Ministry said.

It turned back toward China 100 kilometres before entering Japanese airspace, the ministry said. An official declined to say how many Japanese jets were scrambled.

The Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands are also claimed by China and Taiwan, where they are called Diaoyu and Tiaoyutai, respectively.

In November, China declared an air defence identification zone covering a wide area including the Senkakus, technically requiring other countries to notify Beijing before flying into the zone.

Japan F-15 scrambled after China plane approaches disputed islets | Business Line

Ya that's smart. Provoke China. China could defeat Japan's 'military' in under a day.

They probably felt that way about Vietnam too.

So what would happen if China invaded Taiwan? The USA will respond and then Russians / Chinese will counter with the mother of all attacks. We'll have open war in our own homeland. That is what the news is too busy to tell you while they spend 24 / 7 style coverage on a plane they have not found other than a faint "ping"...

The lengths our media goes to - to not report the real news is quite astonishing.

Even without US help, Taiwan would be a tough nut to crack. It's military is state of the art, and China would have to invade via the sea, always a tough thing to do.

Add in it would destroy China's economy.
Taiwan has been a thorn in the side of China for a long time. I don't believe they are going to leave this as it is. Neither do the Taiwan people which is why they are demanding their leader do something. China has become quite wealthy. If you were to go to the average home and empty it of everything made in China it would be near empty. Multiply that by 300 million households and that doesn't even scatch the surface of how much money they've made. China is exporting. America is importing - not exporting. We are on a very steep decline here. They know it too.

The defeat of America works for Russia because once America falls they can move forward with their plans in the Middle East and elsewhere. They cannot do that until we are out of the way.
So what happens if China, having noted our reluctance to stand up to Assad and complete unwillingness to challenge Moscow militarily, decides to test us by taking Taiwan?

They would fail at this point. China as been "on the verge of invading Taiwan" since 1949.
Taiwan has been a thorn in the side of China for a long time. I don't believe they are going to leave this as it is. Neither do the Taiwan people which is why they are demanding their leader do something. China has become quite wealthy. If you were to go to the average home and empty it of everything made in China it would be near empty. Multiply that by 300 million households and that doesn't even scatch the surface of how much money they've made. China is exporting. America is importing - not exporting. We are on a very steep decline here. They know it too.

The defeat of America works for Russia because once America falls they can move forward with their plans in the Middle East and elsewhere. They cannot do that until we are out of the way.

Because of Taiwan.

Taiwan's economy is on overdrive. And they are the biggest investors in Mainland China.

The only time there's any tension is when some nationalist from Taiwan or China starts making noise.

Otherwise? BAU and everyone is happy.

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