Japan marks 76th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings

You’re babbling nonsense
One of us is, but can't see it. :)
the topic is japan
Yes, and acts of horrendous terrorism.

Your argument is that alleged *lesser* acts of terror which allegedly prevent greater acts of terror are admirable.

Thus you applaud bin Laden's restraint on 9/11.
if you cant discuss that stop wasting my time
If you can't see how ridiculous your thinking is, then stop wasting my time.

Or not.

Here is a little known fact after the second atomic bomb was dropped and Emperor Hirohito finally agreed to surrender some in Japans military launched a coup attempt and tried to overthrow him and destroy the recording he made announcing Japans surrender. If some would try that even after the use of two atomic bombs the odds of them surrending to avoid an invasion of Japan it's self which would have happened without the use of the atomic bombs were slim and none.
The Japanese wanted peace, and had only one condition which was met after hundreds of thousands were incinerated.

What would Jesus think?

I know what Ike & Einstein thought, and I bet Jesus would agree with them.
Logic is weird, right?

Not sure what you're saying here, but the US has been terrorizing the world for decades, and did you know that we committed genocide to take parts of the country from the indigenous? True story.

Are you?
The indigenous American tribes completely exterminated every tribe that preceded them. European settlers broke that cycle and in an era of survival.
You’re either Chinese or ultra brainwashed.
The atomic bombs probably saved lives, including japanese
It was no more than a test. The Japanese were defeated and the US knew they were. After the bombings it was learned that the Japanese Diet was in session and working on the wording of the surrender. The US did not know how the bomb would affect a populated area and they also wanted to know the best type of bomb and elevation to achieve ultimate devastation. The bombs that were dropped on the two cities were totally different configurations and detonated at different elevations. It was a convenient chance see these results under real circumstances. The death and devastation that resulted probably saved untold millions of human lives after seeing what two firecracker-sized bombs by todays nuclear standards, no sane person is willing to risk mutually assured destruction to use it again. And covid doesn't destroy property.
It was no more than a test. The Japanese were defeated and the US knew they were. After the bombings it was learned that the Japanese Diet was in session and working on the wording of the surrender. The US did not know how the bomb would affect a populated area and they also wanted to know the best type of bomb and elevation to achieve ultimate devastation. The bombs that were dropped on the two cities were totally different configurations and detonated at different elevations. It was a convenient chance see these results under real circumstances. The death and devastation that resulted probably saved untold millions of human lives after seeing what two firecracker-sized bombs by todays nuclear standards, no sane person is willing to risk mutually assured destruction to use it again. And covid doesn't destroy property.
Some very astute comments minus the war crime apologia.
The Japanese wanted peace, and had only one condition which was met after hundreds of thousands were incinerated.

What would Jesus think?

I know what Ike & Einstein thought, and I bet Jesus would agree with them.
Repeating the same thing over and over doesn’t make it true. But you feel free to keep saying it as many times as you like this is the kind of stuff I don’t continue to waste time on.
Repeating the same thing over and over doesn’t make it true.
Correct; it's the fact that it's true that makes it true.
But you feel free to keep saying it as many times as you like this is the kind of stuff I don’t continue to waste time on.
The willfully ignorant must maintain their narrowly defined echo chambers, so please carry on. :)

In the meantime, I'll consider your trolling/derailing ad hominem a concession.
They wanted peace BEFORE the bombs, and their single condition was met AFTER.

No bombs, & it would have been as well.

Oh bullshit!!!

At best, Japanese officials were conflicted on whether to end the war, or continue fighting.
You NOR any one else can make any such conclusions that you have!
The war would have most likely continued for at least some time going forward, the Japanese were even preparing to counter what would have been a Soviet invasion of the north, as well of course as preparing to battle to hold the south against the Americans.

This has been argued endlessly for decades, and we just do not know exactly how long the war would have continued had the bombs not been dropped.

Once they were dropped, the Japanese didn't just cease their war efforts, they surrendered unconditionally not even trying to stop us from ruling them as we rebuilt their country and economy.

Stop with your ridiculous conclusions.
Does Japan observe the rape of Nanjing too? Japan isn't the poor witto victim they make them selves out to be. For instance, how America instead stopped sending oil to Japan and boycotted Japan over their atrocities in Indochina. China especially. Given the zeitgeist of 1940, given all that...Hiroshima & Nagasaki is pay back.
It was a low key event today as the U.S and Japan have become close allies and will need to lean on each other to deal with the biggest threat in the Pacific. There is also the Olympics and covid in full effect.

There will be a debate about which was worse, the nuclear bombs or the Wuhan Virus, if in fact, this virus was man made. Many more have died due to the Covid with even more sick.

My grandfather told me that the nuke was necessary as it saved many Western lives and the Japanese were never going to surrender.

Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga attended a memorial commemorating the 76th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Excuse me for raining on your parade, the current virus WAS NOT man made because no evidence has been found to that effect. Hating China won't change that so settle down and get some facts.
America's oil embargo of Japan drove them to attack us. And that embargo was based on the Japanese inhumane war in China. The so called " 大東亜共栄圏' , or The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. So, lets talk about Japan's "innocence" here.
Excuse me for raining on your parade, the current virus WAS NOT man made because no evidence has been found to that effect. Hating China won't change that so settle down and get some facts.

I will make no firm assertion one way or the other (unlike yourself). I will await the official report from global intelligence agencies. Also, once China opens up their doors to full exploration.

Until then, any weakness shown by the West will be rightfully punished. I say rightfully because no one can claim ignorance or surprise.
It’s my brothers birthday . Our father was in the Philippines and would have been part of ground forces for invasion of Japan.
Oh bullshit!!!
At best, Japanese officials were conflicted on whether to end the war, or continue fighting.
You NOR any one else can make any such conclusions that you have!
The war would have most likely continued for at least some time going forward, the Japanese were even preparing to counter what would have been a Soviet invasion of the north, as well of course as preparing to battle to hold the south against the Americans.
Nope - they wanted to surrender with one condition which was met AFTER our unspeakable acts of terror.
This has been argued endlessly for decades,
and we just do not know exactly how long the war would have continued had the bombs not been dropped.
Irrelevant; incinerating people is wrong.

But Japan was prepared to surrender with one condition.
Once they were dropped,
Horrendous terrorist war crimes.
the Japanese didn't just cease their war efforts, they surrendered unconditionally
Formally, but their one condition was granted.
not even trying to stop us from ruling them as we rebuilt their country and economy.
Ruling them?
Stop with your ridiculous conclusions.
You first. :)

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