Japan marks 76th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings

But regardless of the words, the acts themselves are regarded by many as the most unspeakable, depraved and despicable in human history.
Those people are wrong

we were saving lives by ending the war without an invasion of mainland Japan
Those people are wrong
I can't say I agree, as I believe incinerating people is wrong.

People like Hitler, bin Laden and Pol Pot would probably think things like this are groovy however.
we were saving lives by ending the war without an invasion of mainland Japan
Nope; Japan was desperate to surrender with just one condition which was met after the twin war crimes.
The Japanese were pure evil during WW ll
They are lucky that we only had two atomic bombs to drop on them. ... :cool:
When you declare war, it is like pushing a button and everything changes. Death is legalized. People around the world can be brutal. Asians are no exception as we have seen with Japan, Korea, Viet Nam and any assistance from other nations like China. When we look at Germany, once we invaded the Euro continent from Normandy, the war only lasted about another year. Japan was different. Many islands and strongholds with thousands of miles of ocean to traverse.
It forced Hirohito to surrender
No - this was going to happen anyway.

Mac, you're a good guy.

But we're simply never going to agree on this issue; neither the underlying facts nor the morality (or lack thereof) entailed.

Perhaps we would do well to agree to disagree?



Nope - they wanted to surrender with one condition which was met AFTER our unspeakable acts of terror.


Irrelevant; incinerating people is wrong.

But Japan was prepared to surrender with one condition.

Horrendous terrorist war crimes.

Formally, but their one condition was granted.

Ruling them?

You first. :)

Waste of my time to argue with you. No one can make the concrete conclusions that you have, there are many varying opinions on this.
One things for sure, dropping the bombs ended any further Japanese war efforts. We've had decades of peace since then.
You are free to believe dropping the bombs were a "horrendous terrorist war crime". I don't share your opinions, and am glad we used our ability to end the war right then and there.

As for "ruling them", read up on Douglas MacArthur's post-war running of Japan. Douglas MacArthur, America’s Emperor of Japan
Incinerating civilians: Opposed by some (Ike/Einstein/Jesus), supported by others.
Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. 20 But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh
Waste of my time to argue with you.
No one can make the concrete conclusions that you have, there are many varying opinions on this.
False; true & there's the truth.
One things for sure, dropping the bombs ended any further Japanese war efforts.
False & apologia for horrendous terrorism.
We've had decades of peace since then.
Tracicomically false/irrelevant.
You are free to believe dropping the bombs were a "horrendous terrorist war crime".
Millions worldwide believe this, yes.
I don't share your opinions, and am glad we used our ability to end the war right then and there.
Obviously; some support horrendous terrorism - I don't.
As for "ruling them", read up on Douglas MacArthur's post-war running of Japan. Douglas MacArthur, America’s Emperor of Japan
Irrelevant reference to highly subjective propaganda.
Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. 20 But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh
So you're saying Truman was the Second Coming?

News to me - I thought he was a monstrous war criminal who should have been hung at Nuremberg.
So you're saying Truman was the Second Coming?
No. Am I dealing with an idiot?

I'm saying God is willing to destroy evil people.

God Gave all living creatures the right to self defense.

Japan and Germany were pure evil.

Good; he was a monstrous terrorist, and as un-Jesus-like as any man could be.
Am I dealing with an idiot?
Are you looking in a mirror? :)
I'm saying God is willing to destroy evil people.
So you're saying Truman is God?

Maybe the OT God, but not the NT one - that's my Boy Jesus's book. :)

But no - Truman was neither God nor Jesus - just another Hitler wannabe; as godless as they come.
God Gave all living creatures the right to self defense.
That includes incinerating innocent people? Jesus would NOT approve.
Japan and Germany were pure evil.
Pure nonsense.
Can you show me where the OT or NT say that...?

False; true & there's the truth.

False & apologia for horrendous terrorism.

Tracicomically false/irrelevant.

Millions worldwide believe this, yes.

Obviously; some support horrendous terrorism - I don't.

Irrelevant reference to highly subjective propaganda.

Let me guess, you're a Milennial, or a Gen Z'er?
Ask the dead of the USS Arizona about that
I don't see or talk to dead people, but I'm guessing Jesus might not approve of Pearl Harbor either.

But what Truman did was a special kind of depraved and godless evil for which he should have been hung at Nuremberg, and for which he may well burn in Hell.

But the winners never hang, no matter how depraved, and there are all those heavenly loopholes - maybe Truman plays golf with Hitler up behind the Pearly Gates! :eek:
MinTrut is just Trolling.
Everyone should just ignore him/her and quit responding to "Its" idiotic posts. .... :cool:

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